No border wall, no more spending in Congress


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Even as U.S. President Joe Biden and top congressional leaders from both parties are set to meet on Jan. 17, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson said that the time is not right for a deal on immigration and border issues that could pave the way for approval of new aid for Ukraine.

Politico reported on Jan. 16 that Biden had called for a bipartisan meeting of top leaders to try and hammer out a deal on border issues, Ukraine aid, and other spending issues. The U.S. has been stuck in internal battles over spending for months, stretching as far back as the ousting of previous Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in October 2023.

Senate Republicans blocked the approval of $61.4 billion in aid for Ukraine in December, largely over concerns the bill did not contain border security measures.

"I don’t think now is the time for comprehensive immigration reform because we know how complicated that is,” Johnson said on the morning of Jan. 17.

"We have to secure our own border before we talk about doing anything else," he added, saying that he had already told Biden that he was not ready to make a deal earlier in the day on the phone.

"I’m going to tell the president what I’m telling all of you, what we’ve told the American people: border, border, border," Johnson said.

"What?", said Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer. "Well if that is the case, let's end government now! That's it!! No more country, no more democracy!!!"

Mitch McConnell responded.....................................or is should say he just staired at a wall for 2 hours before being taken home by a caregiver.

The country is scheduled to end March 30th.

Even as U.S. President Joe Biden and top congressional leaders from both parties are set to meet on Jan. 17, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson said that the time is not right for a deal on immigration and border issues that could pave the way for approval of new aid for Ukraine.

Politico reported on Jan. 16 that Biden had called for a bipartisan meeting of top leaders to try and hammer out a deal on border issues, Ukraine aid, and other spending issues. The U.S. has been stuck in internal battles over spending for months, stretching as far back as the ousting of previous Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in October 2023.

Senate Republicans blocked the approval of $61.4 billion in aid for Ukraine in December, largely over concerns the bill did not contain border security measures.

"I don’t think now is the time for comprehensive immigration reform because we know how complicated that is,” Johnson said on the morning of Jan. 17.

"We have to secure our own border before we talk about doing anything else," he added, saying that he had already told Biden that he was not ready to make a deal earlier in the day on the phone.

"I’m going to tell the president what I’m telling all of you, what we’ve told the American people: border, border, border," Johnson said.

"What?", said Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer. "Well if that is the case, let's end government now! That's it!! No more country, no more democracy!!!"

Mitch McConnell responded.....................................or is should say he just staired at a wall for 2 hours before being taken home by a caregiver.

The country is scheduled to end March 30th.
Then sit down in a bi-partisan manner with your colleagues and work on the underlying issues of immigration, which so far, Millhouse and his crew have failed to do over the last decade plus.
Stop the gimmicks (the Wall) and wasting money. Walls don't keep people out. Just go ask the Israelis.
Then sit down in a bi-partisan manner with your colleagues and work on the underlying issues of immigration, which so far, Millhouse and his crew have failed to do over the last decade plus.
Stop the gimmicks (the Wall) and wasting money. Walls don't keep people out. Just go ask the Israelis.
I keep hearing that, but never with any specifics.

What are the underlying issues, and how do you propose congress solve them before they secure the border?

Please be very specific about solutions, not just problems.


The Israelis have had great success with walls - where they've built them. Same for Arab nations that want to keep the Arabs of Palestine out. The October 7th attack happened where Israel had failed to build walls. Same mistake we are making.
Then sit down in a bi-partisan manner with your colleagues and work on the underlying issues of immigration, which so far, Millhouse and his crew have failed to do over the last decade plus.
Stop the gimmicks (the Wall) and wasting money. Walls don't keep people out. Just go ask the Israelis.
No wall, no more deals

Ok, next Left wing loon can speak.
Well past time for a new Congress in 2025 led by the Democrats. Keep up the fine job, do nothings.
Now, now, you know the duopoly party will continue in Washington.

They just need to find a way to throw some water on the fire they started and at the same time, continue business as usual.
Deprive any business of cheap labor and that will force wages to double to get any citizen to do that job. That needs to happen.
Well past time for a new Congress in 2025 led by the Democrats. Keep up the fine job, do nothings.
We must keep printing that fiat currency for that is a do everything congress to a Prog. You are irresponsible. The feed corn needs to be replenished and Progs use it faster than it can. DEI is making us a laughingstock in the world. As usual, Progs have abused their agendas. We are getting to top heavy with people not better than most in the middle of employment in management levels and in middle class tech and industrial employment. We see the results.
We must keep printing that fiat currency for that is a do everything congress to a Prog. You are irresponsible. The feed corn needs to be replenished and Progs use it faster than it can. DEI is making us a laughingstock in the world. As usual, Progs have abused their agendas. We are getting to top heavy with people not better than most in the middle of employment in management levels and in middle class tech and industrial employment. We see the results.
I think the MAGANUTS running the House should hold their breath until they get their way without having to compromise with the other side.
Now, now, you know the duopoly party will continue in Washington.

They just need to find a way to throw some water on the fire they started and at the same time, continue business as usual.

I'll take a rare win when I can get them.
I think the MAGANUTS running the House should hold their breath until they get their way without having to compromise with the other side.
Progs do not compromise. And giving money to Ukraine for some mirage concessions on the border is not that.
How the right aims to scuttle border talks

Senate negotiators are nearing agreement on a border security proposal as optimism rises about the chances of notching a deal as part of a national security supplemental that includes aid to Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific. Negotiators are trying to finalize a deal that is expected to include changes to the asylum and parole systems to stem the flow of migrants to the border.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said negotiators are “very close” and the Senate is “likely” to consider the supplemental next week. The floor schedule is up to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), but the statements do show McConnell’s optimism.

Senate Republicans, however, face a hard-right faction of the party and conservative media ecosystem that are trying to scuttle any deal before it’s even announced. A campaign by influential conservatives that includes misinformation, public pressure and behind-the-scenes lobbying aims to get House Republicans to oppose any deal the Senate reaches.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has sided with the hard-liners on the issue as he comes under increasing pressure to resist any Senate deal. Border security is an easier issue for Johnson to appease his detractors on as he’s likely to again defy the right by passing a short-term government funding bill with the support of Democrats to keep the government open past Friday.

The toadies are carrying Dear Leader's water again in contradiction to the nation's interests. Even as House Repubs are impeaching Homeland Security Sec. Mayorkas for not addressing the issues at the border while they stop him and Prez Biden from addressing the issues at the border.

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