No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

No, YOU can fuck off you lying shitstain. You’re a moron. Period. Pleading to trespassing. He committed no violent acts you pathetic snowflake. Evidence (the video you’re crying about) was intentionally withheld. Illegally. Your ignorance and stupidity aren’t surprising retard. Now watch the video and be sure to point out any violence committed by this man you fear so much.

You lyin' scum. He did not plead guilty to trespassing. He pled guilt to this...

18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)
(Obstruction of an Official Proceeding)

(c) Whoever corruptly—

(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.​
it doesn't change the fact that he still went into the capital and did what he did. But he was escorted around the capital by the guards. So both sides of this need to stop acting like kids. Especially you leftist who claim jan 6 was an insurrection. That's just retarded. And you know it.
And the Capitol Police explained it. They were deescalating a situation in which they were sorely outnumbered by a violent mob. The shaman idiot isn't the only person who didn't get arrested that day, only to be arrested later. He has 1000+ people as company, in that regard.
Simple question asshole. Was he violent on those videos or not? Noting your cowardice on that question. Evidence was intentionally withheld. You dodge that too. Coerced pleas aren’t enforceable.

No one is accusing him of being violent. Try a better strawman...
Simple question asshole. Was he violent on those videos or not? Noting your cowardice on that question. Evidence was intentionally withheld. You dodge that too. Coerced pleas aren’t enforceable.
Chansley wasn’t violent and he wasn’t charged with being violent.

He pled guilty to disrupting a congressional proceeding which is exactly what he did. The video proves it. He knows it. We all know it.

The video wasn’t withheld and it isn’t exculpatory.
Chansley wasn’t violent and he wasn’t charged with being violent.

He pled guilty to disrupting a congressional proceeding which is exactly what he did. The video proves it. He knows it. We all know it.

The video wasn’t withheld and it isn’t exculpatory.
I’ll believe his lawyer (who’s has stated repeatedly it was withheld) over your proven lies. It’s exculpatory simply because it was withheld. Illegally. No matter how much you whine.
I’ll believe his lawyer (who’s has stated repeatedly it was withheld) over your proven lies.
Believing a criminal defense lawyer with a spotty past. Okay. That’s a great idea. Tell me, where has he stated it repeatedly? In court?
It’s exculpatory simply because it was withheld. Illegally
That makes no sense. It also wasn’t withheld.
No matter how much you whine.
You’re the one whining.
Coercion, being kept in solitary, not allowed visitors, threatened, facing a bunch of proven liars with an unlimited budget to harass people, the list goes on you uneducated dumbfuck.
Hey ass in face, he pled guilty so he could be sent to federal prison?
Your original response referred to a phantom question.

Go back and look, short bus.

I would look for you in the short his but you probably fell out.
He plead guilty to the crime he was guilty and sentenced for.

Maybe. Maybe not npleasing guilty doesn’t always mean one actually did it. And you have no clue if he was actually guilty of anything, geckoturd.
No one charged him with anything he didnt do.
Sure they did.
He is lucky he didnt get a treason charge.
There was no treason, so luck had nothing to do with it.
Go ahead and list the phantom question. You wont.
Sorry. I don’t know what your blathering on about.

I would look for you in the short his but you probably fell out.

Maybe. Maybe not npleasing guilty doesn’t always mean one actually did it. And you have no clue if he was actually guilty of anything, geckoturd.

Sure they did.

There was no treason, so luck had nothing to do with it.

Sorry. I don’t know what your blathering on about.
He pled guilty to obstructing a congressional preceding. It results in up to 20 years of prison. He got 3.5 years. He was charged with 6 crimes but pled guilty to this one. The other 5 waved for this plea agreement.

So what the fuck are you crowing about?

He pled guilty to obstructing a congressional preceding. It results in up to 20 years of prison. He got 3.5 years. He was charged with 6 crimes but pled guilty to this one. The other 5 waved for this plea agreement.

So what the fuck are you crowing about?

Hey jerkoff. Yeah, you shittycroc. We all know what he pled guilty to. And nobody asked you for the already known sentencing range. We all know what he was sentenced to, also. And we all know that pledsing to one count in satisfaction of multiple counts is commonplace.

I haven’t been “crowing” about anything, you dildo. That’s just another stupid claim by you.

If you can’t follow the conversation, you’re not required to prove your feeble intellect by trying to participate.
Hey ass in face, he pled guilty so he could be sent to federal prison?
Hey Dim dick sucker, he pled guilty due to being held in horrific conditions, and being railroaded by a corrupt DOJ with an unlimited budget. Bankruptcy and abuse will make people plead to things. Now get your ass out there and play in that traffic.
Believing a criminal defense lawyer with a spotty past. Okay. That’s a great idea. Tell me, where has he stated it repeatedly? In court?

That makes no sense. It also wasn’t withheld.

You’re the one whining.
You’ve been crying and whining for days and getting your ass handed to you. It was withheld. Period. End of argument.
Looks to me like he could have just as easily been forced in being at the front of the crowd. A lot of people said they had no choice but to move with the direction of the crowd or risk being trampled should they fall or something. Either way your footage doesn't show Chansely as have smashed anything...try again.
Qtard Shaman was not forced to the front of the crowd.

Nice try.
Like I said further up the thread................the police gave Chansley a "guided tour" of the Capitol, just like the LAPD gave OJ Simpson a "guided tour" of Los Angeles after he killed Nicole Simpson.

And, it doesn't really matter what door he came in, because as soon as the first door was breached, they would have considered the whole place as being breached and looked for ways to lockdown the area. Unfortunately, there weren't enough Capitol police to shut down the building and guard it, so they settled for the next best thing which was escorting all the congress critters to a safe place where they could guard them and keep the rioters from getting to them.
Hey Dim dick sucker, he pled guilty due to being held in horrific conditions, and being railroaded by a corrupt DOJ with an unlimited budget. Bankruptcy and abuse will make people plead to things. Now get your ass out there and play in that traffic.
Go cry to Trump about the condiitions your QHero experienced in the can, assface.

Still angling for selfies of Q's ass, right?

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