No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

Go cry to Trump about the condiitions your QHero experienced in the can, assface.

Still angling for selfies of Q's ass, right?
Seek help. You’re embarrassing yourself, your family, and even your pet with your ass obsessed behavior you reject.
Hey Dim dick sucker, he pled guilty due to being held in horrific conditions, and being railroaded by a corrupt DOJ with an unlimited budget. Bankruptcy and abuse will make people plead to things. Now get your ass out there and play in that traffic.

Might wanna do a bit more research dude.................Chansley actually was able to get special food, and was transferred to a different prison because of his beliefs while in pre trial confinement. Yeah.............go ahead.............tell us about the horrific conditions he was held in.....................and provide links to back up your bullshit.

Here is something to back up my claims of Chansley being given accommodations due to his beliefs.....

After his arrest, one of the first of about 700 connected to the Jan. 6 attack, he was ordered held in pretrial detention as a possible flight risk, due to his prominence in the QAnon community and uncertain sources of financing. While detained, he briefly made headlines for an interview with “60 Minutes+” — earning a rebuke from Lamberth — and a successful fight to obtain organic food because of his religious belief.

“It did wonders for me,” Chansley said.

But Lamberth noted that his decision to move Chansley from the D.C. jail to a Virginia jail so he could get a special diet led to some criticism.

Because of his religious beliefs, he said that he required organic food, and that was granted, he was even transferred to another prison so that his dietary requirements could be met. Hell, he was even interviewed on television.
Here's all that patriots need to know.

(1) We're entering dangerous times. We're playing by Big Boys' Rules now. The Enemy has no scruples and will do whatever they can to destroy us. Things you took for granted about fairness, due process, the objectivity of the press ... all gone.

(2) 6 January was huge victory for the Left, first of all in letting them discredit us. Yes, it was a violent riot (in Tucker Carlson's words), like dozens that had occurred months before, not an "insurrection" (an organized attempt to seize state power).

But arguing about the definition of "insurrection", or pointing to possible provocateurs ... won't mean anything to Joe and Jane average watching TV images of our side fighting with policemen This is a gift that will keep on giving.

And ... hundreds of our people in prison, millions of dollars drained out of the patriot movement and into the pockets of lawyers, tens of thousands of hours of our time diverted into defending the Jan 6 prisoners. It was a huge defeat for us. Don't kid yourself.

(3) It shouldn't have happened. Whatever about 6 January, of course the enemy will try to provoke violence at our demonstrations. Of course they'll use infiltrators and provocateurs whenever they can. Of course they will. So we have to be prepared for that.

We need an organization of men trained and prepared and equipped to marshall our demos, to be stewards. Organized, with a command structure, with intel and medical and comms sections. It's not rocket science. They would defend our gatherings from outside attackers, and deal with 'inside' crazies and provocateurs. The former Oathkeepers in Yavapai have made a good start: ... we need hundreds of local groups like theirs, eventually pulled together into a national organization.

(4) The imprisoned patriots are our own. We must support them. The good people at the Patriot Mail Project (Google it, I'm not allowed to post a link) have organized this. You can get the names and addresses in prison of all our people. A few dollars' worth of stamps, fifteen minutes a day .until the stamps run out ... and you'll light up the day of patriots who could use some cheering up.
Here's all that patriots need to know.

(1) We're entering dangerous times. We're playing by Big Boys' Rules now. The Enemy has no scruples and will do whatever they can to destroy us. Things you took for granted about fairness, due process, the objectivity of the press ... all gone.

(2) 6 January was huge victory for the Left, first of all in letting them discredit us. Yes, it was a violent riot (in Tucker Carlson's words), like dozens that had occurred months before, not an "insurrection" (an organized attempt to seize state power).

But arguing about the definition of "insurrection", or pointing to possible provocateurs ... won't mean anything to Joe and Jane average watching TV images of our side fighting with policemen This is a gift that will keep on giving.

And ... hundreds of our people in prison, millions of dollars drained out of the patriot movement and into the pockets of lawyers, tens of thousands of hours of our time diverted into defending the Jan 6 prisoners. It was a huge defeat for us. Don't kid yourself.

(3) It shouldn't have happened. Whatever about 6 January, of course the enemy will try to provoke violence at our demonstrations. Of course they'll use infiltrators and provocateurs whenever they can. Of course they will. So we have to be prepared for that.

We need an organization of men trained and prepared and equipped to marshall our demos, to be stewards. Organized, with a command structure, with intel and medical and comms sections. It's not rocket science. They would defend our gatherings from outside attackers, and deal with 'inside' crazies and provocateurs. The former Oathkeepers in Yavapai have made a good start: ... we need hundreds of local groups like theirs, eventually pulled together into a national organization.

(4) The imprisoned patriots are our own. We must support them. The good people at the Patriot Mail Project (Google it, I'm not allowed to post a link) have organized this. You can get the names and addresses in prison of all our people. A few dollars' worth of stamps, fifteen minutes a day .until the stamps run out ... and you'll light up the day of patriots who could use some cheering up.

Wow................are you trying to start your own brownshirt group?
Hey jerkoff. Yeah, you shittycroc. We all know what he pled guilty to. And nobody asked you for the already known sentencing range. We all know what he was sentenced to, also. And we all know that pledsing to one count in satisfaction of multiple counts is commonplace.

I haven’t been “crowing” about anything, you dildo. That’s just another stupid claim by you.

If you can’t follow the conversation, you’re not required to prove your feeble intellect by trying to participate.
You are one stupid fucker. Your posts haven’t made any sense. Like WTF does this even mean?


Babel. I know he’s on video tape and he pled guilty. All you know is you’re a stupid fucker who believed conspiracy shit which is indicative of your IQ.
Here's all that patriots need to know.

(1) We're entering dangerous times. We're playing by Big Boys' Rules now. The Enemy has no scruples and will do whatever they can to destroy us. Things you took for granted about fairness, due process, the objectivity of the press ... all gone.

(2) 6 January was huge victory for the Left, first of all in letting them discredit us. Yes, it was a violent riot (in Tucker Carlson's words), like dozens that had occurred months before, not an "insurrection" (an organized attempt to seize state power).

But arguing about the definition of "insurrection", or pointing to possible provocateurs ... won't mean anything to Joe and Jane average watching TV images of our side fighting with policemen This is a gift that will keep on giving.

And ... hundreds of our people in prison, millions of dollars drained out of the patriot movement and into the pockets of lawyers, tens of thousands of hours of our time diverted into defending the Jan 6 prisoners. It was a huge defeat for us. Don't kid yourself.

(3) It shouldn't have happened. Whatever about 6 January, of course the enemy will try to provoke violence at our demonstrations. Of course they'll use infiltrators and provocateurs whenever they can. Of course they will. So we have to be prepared for that.

We need an organization of men trained and prepared and equipped to marshall our demos, to be stewards. Organized, with a command structure, with intel and medical and comms sections. It's not rocket science. They would defend our gatherings from outside attackers, and deal with 'inside' crazies and provocateurs. The former Oathkeepers in Yavapai have made a good start: ... we need hundreds of local groups like theirs, eventually pulled together into a national organization.

(4) The imprisoned patriots are our own. We must support them. The good people at the Patriot Mail Project (Google it, I'm not allowed to post a link) have organized this. You can get the names and addresses in prison of all our people. A few dollars' worth of stamps, fifteen minutes a day .until the stamps run out ... and you'll light up the day of patriots who could use some cheering up.
Right wing victimization lives on.
You are one stupid fucker. Your posts haven’t made any sense. Like WTF does this even mean?

View attachment 765506

Babel. I know he’s on video tape and he pled guilty. All you know is you’re a stupid fucker who believed conspiracy shit which is indicative of your IQ.
Aww; you caught a typo. I’m happy for you. :itsok:

In any event, the point which a tiny brain like yours can’t handle is well know. To most thinking people.

People can and do plead guilty despite not being guilty.

Send up a flare if you ever get past the 1930’s.
Aww; you caught a typo. I’m happy for you. :itsok:

In any event, the point which a tiny brain like yours can’t handle is well know. To most thinking people.

People can and do plead guilty despite not being guilty.

Send up a flare if you ever get past the 1930’s.
Here’s a question… do guilty people also plead guilty? Answer, yup. In droves. About 500 so far just on this one event. Your willing ignorance is noted.
Here’s a question… do guilty people also plead guilty?

Obviously. Is that you trying to make a pointless or is it just that you can’t help it?
Answer, yup.
As I said. Yes. It’s so obvious even a dick like you comprehends that much.
In droves.
Probably more than those who aren’t guilty.
About 500 so far just on this one event.
So your thesis seem to boil down to the contention that becuae guilty people can plead guilty, therefore every guilty plea comes from a guilty person. You retard.
Your willing ignorance is noted.Monty mine. That’s all you, Poo Poo.
Aww; you caught a typo. I’m happy for you. :itsok:

In any event, the point which a tiny brain like yours can’t handle is well know. To most thinking people.

People can and do plead guilty despite not being guilty.

Send up a flare if you ever get past the 1930’s.

Usually when they do that, it's because they worked out some kind of a plea bargain agreement and are pleading guilty to a much lesser charge.
Usually when they do that, it's because they worked out some kind of a plea bargain agreement and are pleading guilty to a much lesser charge.
Usually. But it is often because they are worried about the increased exposure of going to trial and getting convicted (which is a serious risk regardless of guilt or innocence).
Obviously. Is that you trying to make a pointless or is it just that you can’t help it?

As I said. Yes. It’s so obvious even a dick like you comprehends that much.

Probably more than those who aren’t guilty.

So your thesis seem to boil down to the contention that becuae guilty people can plead guilty, therefore every guilty plea comes from a guilty person. You retard.
Actually, it's people on the Left who have been most articulate in attacking the plea bargaining system. For instance, here, from the leftist New York Review of Books.

Why Innocent People Plead Guilty
Jed S. Rakoff
Our criminal justice system is almost exclusively a system of plea bargaining, negotiated behind closed doors and with no judicial oversight
[ Why Innocent People Plead Guilty | Jed S. Rakoff ]

(If it's behind a paywall and you want to read it, PM me.)
Wow................are you trying to start your own brownshirt group?
"Brownshirts"? Oh ... you mean people who go and break up other peoples' meetings, who attack speakers they don't like. No, we've already got one like that, it's called 'AntiFa' ... or just your average lefty college student.
[ Yale law students disrupt bipartisan free speech panel, trigger police escort ]
[ A Violent Attack on Free Speech at Middlebury ]
[Watch: Federal Judge Furious After Woke Mob Derails Stanford Speech, Wants Dean Fired for What She Did Next ]
If the QAnon shaman was being given a "guided tour" of the Capitol, I guess that OJ was simply being given a "guided tour" of Los Angeles by the LAPD then, right?
They sure weren’t worried about him doing any harm, and were in no hurry to end OJ’s tour, we’re they?

What a dumbass attempt at an anology.
Nah, given your history on this forum, if you won't say -- it's because you're full of shit.
Your laziness isn’t my concern.

Next time you feel the need to jump into the middle of a conversation I suggest you get up to speed so you don’t look like the idiot you are here.
Actually, it's people on the Left who have been most articulate in attacking the plea bargaining system. For instance, here, from the leftist New York Review of Books.

Why Innocent People Plead Guilty
Jed S. Rakoff
Our criminal justice system is almost exclusively a system of plea bargaining, negotiated behind closed doors and with no judicial oversight
[ Why Innocent People Plead Guilty | Jed S. Rakoff ]

(If it's behind a paywall and you want to read it, PM me.)
Apparently, most of our liberals here at USMB leave that liberal thinking behind when it comes to their analysis of anything by which they hope to finally get Trump.

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