No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building


It doesn't matter, ya flamin' fruitcake. Unless you can't tell the difference between this door....


... from this door ...


And if you STILL can't tell the difference, there's always this video which shows the first image above at 0:51 and the second image at 1:02 -- the same door, you fuckin' lunatic. :cuckoo:

Yeah, it does. People came in through MULTIPLE doors. Only one of which was violent.
Real question in this thread is why are MAGAts choosing to be stupid? I mean, it can’t be real, right? No one can be that ignorant. At least I don’t think.
I’m embarrassed. I was wrong. I just found video that does not show Chansley breaking in to the capital nor doing anything illegal. I dare you lefties to find a crime he committed in here.

Maybe you can send a care package to him in the slammer to ease his hurt. In return ask him for a selfie of his ass.

If he stayed the fuck home instead of listening to that orange combover baboon & going on a rampage like a wild animal he wouldn't be in prison.
What rampage you flaming homo? He was given a guided tour and let into every place he went. Now go play in traffic.
Coercion, being kept in solitary, not allowed visitors, threatened, facing a bunch of proven liars with an unlimited budget to harass people, the list goes on you uneducated dumbfuck.
Fuck off. You really believe that shit or are you trolling? Dude was dead to rights guilty and pled to avoid serious time. Why do you love criminals?
Which is why he plead guilty.....

it doesn't change the fact that he still went into the capital and did what he did. But he was escorted around the capital by the guards. So both sides of this need to stop acting like kids. Especially you leftist who claim jan 6 was an insurrection. That's just retarded. And you know it.
Fuck off. You really believe that shit or are you trolling? Dude was dead to rights guilty and pled to avoid serious time. Why do you love criminals?
No, YOU can fuck off you lying shitstain. You’re a moron. Period. Pleading to trespassing. He committed no violent acts you pathetic snowflake. Evidence (the video you’re crying about) was intentionally withheld. Illegally. Your ignorance and stupidity aren’t surprising retard. Now watch the video and be sure to point out any violence committed by this man you fear so much.
it doesn't change the fact that he still went into the capital and did what he did.
Exactly, he did what he did

But he was escorted around the capital by the guards.

After he followed an angry mob who busted through windows in order to gain entry.

So both sides of this need to stop acting like kids.
Now there's some irony.

Especially you leftist who claim jan 6 was an insurrection.
I'm a leftist?

That's just retarded. And you know it.
There's a lot of retardation going on, but you're confused as to where it's coming from.
No, YOU can fuck off you lying shitstain. You’re a moron. Period. Pleading to trespassing. He committed no violent acts you pathetic snowflake. Evidence (the video you’re crying about) was intentionally withheld. Illegally. Your ignorance and stupidity aren’t surprising retard. Now watch the video and be sure to point out any violence committed by this man you fear so much.
Here is a simple question even you can answer with an easy google…. What did Chansley plead guilty to?

Hint: wasn’t violence. I’ll even link it for you.

Here is a simple question even you can answer with an easy google…. What did Chansley plead guilty to?

Hint: wasn’t violence. I’ll even link it for you.

Simple question asshole. Was he violent on those videos or not? Noting your cowardice on that question. Evidence was intentionally withheld. You dodge that too. Coerced pleas aren’t enforceable.
Real question in this thread is why are MAGAts choosing to be stupid? I mean, it can’t be real, right? No one can be that ignorant. At least I don’t think.

It's very real. Conservatitus is a mental deficiency.
it doesn't change the fact that he still went into the capital and did what he did. But he was escorted around the capital by the guards. So both sides of this need to stop acting like kids. Especially you leftist who claim jan 6 was an insurrection. That's just retarded. And you know it.

Even had he been "escorted" around, he still committed the crime to which he pleaded guilty. So there's that.

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