No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

Tucker told you want to believe and you repeat it because you’re nothing more than meat puppet.

There’s no guided tour by nine officers.

That’s why you refuse to show the video. Because it’ll make you loo like a delusional pathetic little loser.
The video has been posted on the board numerous times, Simp.
Hey Dim dick sucker, he pled guilty due to being held in horrific conditions, and being railroaded by a corrupt DOJ with an unlimited budget. Bankruptcy and abuse will make people plead to things. Now get your ass out there and play in that traffic.

Well that's not true. Had he not pled guilty, he would have had a trial. If he were innocent, he could have beaten the charges.
You're an ass. And ignorant to boot. When evidence was not turned over, that’s illegal. Period. But keep crying.....

If it's illegal, then he can get his case dismissed. When's that gonna happen...?
Here's all that patriots need to know.

(1) We're entering dangerous times. We're playing by Big Boys' Rules now. The Enemy has no scruples and will do whatever they can to destroy us. Things you took for granted about fairness, due process, the objectivity of the press ... all gone.

(2) 6 January was huge victory for the Left, first of all in letting them discredit us. Yes, it was a violent riot (in Tucker Carlson's words), like dozens that had occurred months before, not an "insurrection" (an organized attempt to seize state power).

But arguing about the definition of "insurrection", or pointing to possible provocateurs ... won't mean anything to Joe and Jane average watching TV images of our side fighting with policemen This is a gift that will keep on giving.

And ... hundreds of our people in prison, millions of dollars drained out of the patriot movement and into the pockets of lawyers, tens of thousands of hours of our time diverted into defending the Jan 6 prisoners. It was a huge defeat for us. Don't kid yourself.

(3) It shouldn't have happened. Whatever about 6 January, of course the enemy will try to provoke violence at our demonstrations. Of course they'll use infiltrators and provocateurs whenever they can. Of course they will. So we have to be prepared for that.

We need an organization of men trained and prepared and equipped to marshall our demos, to be stewards. Organized, with a command structure, with intel and medical and comms sections. It's not rocket science. They would defend our gatherings from outside attackers, and deal with 'inside' crazies and provocateurs. The former Oathkeepers in Yavapai have made a good start: ... we need hundreds of local groups like theirs, eventually pulled together into a national organization.

(4) The imprisoned patriots are our own. We must support them. The good people at the Patriot Mail Project (Google it, I'm not allowed to post a link) have organized this. You can get the names and addresses in prison of all our people. A few dollars' worth of stamps, fifteen minutes a day .until the stamps run out ... and you'll light up the day of patriots who could use some cheering up.

And the enemy is MAGAts.
Nope you dope. You said you thought this traitor pled guilty and listed bogus conspiracy shit reasons why…
False; you bag of shit lying twat.
and you know nothing about them.
I haven’t claimed to “know.” I have engaged in some analysis. A skill set far beyond our means.
I know he’s on video tape.
So what?
I know he pled guilty
Yea. We know he pleaded guilty.
and what he pled to.
We all know what he pled to.
You know he is guilty of it too,
No. I sure don’t. Neither do you.
but are moronic about it.

You’re a bombastic twat. But you remain wrong. About most things.
What you failed to grasp is that by pleading guilty, one hopes for a measure of credit in the form of a lesser sentence. By going to trial and losing, the fear is that the sentence which gets imposed is likely to be significantly worse.
Yes, but if you are truly innocent, you likely would not be convicted in a trial, of anything....

Though I could see how the cost of paying a lawyer through ones trial could come in to play, but again not if you truly are matter the cost, it is better than serving time behind bars.

I think his sentence is harsher than I would have thought it would have been, but he pissed the judge off by lying in a 60 minutes interview.... about being invited in by cops or something of the sort??
Yes, but if you are truly innocent, you likely would not be convicted in a trial, of anything....
That’s a very naive fantasy.
Though I could see how the cost of paying a lawyer through ones trial could come in to play, but again not if you truly are matter the cost, it is better than serving time behind bars.
Lots of people say the same thing. And I used to. And for the most part it’s true. But … when the iron is glowing in the fire, and hard reality smacks us in the face …

I think his sentence is harsher than I would have thought it would have been, but he pissed the judge off by lying in a 60 minutes interview.... about being invited in by cops or something of the sort??
There have long since been shown several videos of outside officers letting some of the protestors entrance onto the Capitol grounds. You wanna quibble about the choice of word there? Yeah. I’d say it was very much like an invitation.

And guess what? The newly released videos prove that what he said to the judge was true. Too bad the prosecutors didn’t share the videos with the defense attorney.
Aww; you caught a typo. I’m happy for you. :itsok:

In any event, the point which a tiny brain like yours can’t handle is well know. To most thinking people.

People can and do plead guilty despite not being guilty.

Send up a flare if you ever get past the 1930’s.
I’m this case, he’s clearly guilty of what he pled guilty for.
And the Capitol Police explained it. They were deescalating a situation in which they were sorely outnumbered by a violent mob. The shaman idiot isn't the only person who didn't get arrested that day, only to be arrested later. He has 1000+ people as company, in that regard.

There was one guy, being escorted around by like 4 guards. Hardly out numbered.
Yes, but if you are truly innocent, you likely would not be convicted in a trial, of anything....

Though I could see how the cost of paying a lawyer through ones trial could come in to play, but again not if you truly are matter the cost, it is better than serving time behind bars.

I think his sentence is harsher than I would have thought it would have been, but he pissed the judge off by lying in a 60 minutes interview.... about being invited in by cops or something of the sort??

You have it backwards.
Since people often can not both pay a lawyer and bail, they end up spending much more time in jail if they plead innocent than if they plead guilty.

I protested in DC back in the Vietnam era, and clearly the cops were very cozy with these protestors.
It as nothing at all like it used to be when we protested Vietnam.
They were ready and eager to shoot us back then.
It is clear the cops were sympathetic to the MAGA crowd.

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