No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

You have it backwards.
Since people often can not both pay a lawyer and bail, they end up spending much more time in jail if they plead innocent than if they plead guilty.

I protested in DC back in the Vietnam era, and clearly the cops were very cozy with these protestors.
It as nothing at all like it used to be when we protested Vietnam.
They were ready and eager to shoot us back then.
It is clear the cops were sympathetic to the MAGA crowd.

BuffaloHead didn't have to worry about paying for bail. It was denied by the judge.
I watched it again, and still saw no buffalo headdress.
There is a door with a window on each side that are being used for entry.
Which of the 3 should I be looking at?
1:04 to 1:10. He walks in through the doorway.

Seriously, he’s hard to miss.
For fuck's sake, there's over 1000 of Trump's thugs vs. a hundred or so cops.

Most of the guards were very polite. Opening and holding the doors open for all those violent rioters. Did you see how they weren't even thanked for it?
What a bunch of thugs. The cop should've yelled "YOU'RE WELCOME."
Most of the guards were very polite. Opening and holding the doors open for all those violent rioters. Did you see how they weren't even thanked for it?
What a bunch of thugs. The cop should've yelled "YOU'RE WELCOME."

So? Being as vastly outnumbered as they were, what would you expect them to do?
Even had he been "escorted" around, he still committed the crime to which he pleaded guilty. So there's that.

Who's arguing that? He still got out of line when the guard/police stopped escorting him. He was a moron. Not as bad as the antifa and blm morons. But still a moron.
And I didn't see any video's of him beating on anyone. Did you?
Who's arguing that? He still got out of line when the guard/police stopped escorting him. He was a moron. Not as bad as the antifa and blm morons. But still a moron.
And I didn't see any video's of him beating on anyone. Did you?

No, didn't see him beating on anyone. Prolly why he wasn't charged with beating on anyone. So you're good with him behind bars, right?
And the enemy is MAGAts.
Well, yes. We're your enemy, and you're ours.

We have a set of ideas that we argue for.

Our people try to put these ideas forward on college campuses, to reach the new generation. The campuses are controlled by your side, and we want to try to counter the terrible ideas your side are teaching.

Hell, now you're even targetting little children, with your Drag Queen Story Hour.

But when we try to hold peaceful, public meetings on campus, your side turns up in large numbers and breaks up the meeting. Sometimes our speakers are physically attacked. This is now pretty routine on college campuses.

Your side expresses itself through violent riots, burning down courthouses and police stations.

Some of your supporters, fired up by your side's teaching that whites are the enemy, commit mass murder, like the man who plowed through a crowd in Kenosha. You may not have heard of that one, because your side control the mass media.

Others capture people they think are on our side, and torture them.
[ 2017 Chicago torture incident - Wikipedia ]
Don't worry, it's all Trump's fault. And when the media treat such attacks differently than they would attacks by whites on Blacks, that's justified too -- it's all explained for you here [The viral anti-Trump attack video from Chicago, explained]

Others just target us for murder as individuals. You've probably never heard of Aaron Danielson, but we won't forget that a supporter from your side shot him to death in cold blood, that AntiFa supporters laughed and cheered when they heard about, and that some of your professors wrote approvingly of it.

So, yeah, we're enemies. We'd be complete fools if we haven't learned that by now.
Well, yes. We're your enemy, and you're ours.

We have a set of ideas that we argue for.

Our people try to put these ideas forward on college campuses, to reach the new generation. The campuses are controlled by your side, and we want to try to counter the terrible ideas your side are teaching.

Hell, now you're even targetting little children, with your Drag Queen Story Hour.

But when we try to hold peaceful, public meetings on campus, your side turns up in large numbers and breaks up the meeting. Sometimes our speakers are physically attacked. This is now pretty routine on college campuses.

Your side expresses itself through violent riots, burning down courthouses and police stations.

Some of your supporters, fired up by your side's teaching that whites are the enemy, commit mass murder, like the man who plowed through a crowd in Kenosha. You may not have heard of that one, because your side control the mass media.

Others capture people they think are on our side, and torture them.
[ 2017 Chicago torture incident - Wikipedia ]
Don't worry, it's all Trump's fault. And when the media treat such attacks differently than they would attacks by whites on Blacks, that's justified too -- it's all explained for you here [The viral anti-Trump attack video from Chicago, explained]

Others just target us for murder as individuals. You've probably never heard of Aaron Danielson, but we won't forget that a supporter from your side shot him to death in cold blood, that AntiFa supporters laughed and cheered when they heard about, and that some of your professors wrote approvingly of it.

So, yeah, we're enemies. We'd be complete fools if we haven't learned that by now.


Uh, no, you misread my post. MAGAts are the enemy of America. They're the ones who tried to flip a presidential election to the losing candidate. How much one must hate the Constitution to pull stunts like that? Even Marjorie Taylor Greene is anti-Constitution as she want to divide the country in two.
I watched it again, and still saw no buffalo headdress.
There is a door with a window on each side that are being used for entry.
Which of the 3 should I be looking at?
The middle door.

First, cracked window on the right screen, popped out window on the left, rioters who broke in windows kicked out door in middle, to let the shaman and others in.

Uh, no, you misread my post. MAGAts are the enemy of America. They're the ones who tried to flip a presidential election to the losing candidate. How much one must hate the Constitution to pull stunts like that? Even Marjorie Taylor Greene is anti-Constitution as she want to divide the country in two.
Okay. We'll argue like adults. Prepare for another term-paper post. But we can't discuss serious problemns with sound-bites.

Here's the hard, nasty reality: very few people really support 'the Constitution', or the ideas that it embodies -- Free Speech, due process ... the whole idea of limited government -- when they think their core interests are challenged.

And I'm not talking about the well-known general ignorance about the American Constitution.
[ Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation | How Well Do Americans Know the Constitution? ]
[ Most Americans don't know what's in the Constitution: "A crisis of civic education" ]
[ Americans know literally nothing about the Constitution | CNN Politics ]

I mean the concepts in it. The ranks of my side don't believe in them, and the ranks of your side don't believe in them, when push comes to shove.

Take the issue of Free Speech. The Constitution actually prohibits the government from 'abridging the freedom of speech', but mobs can do the job just as well, or better.

And they are now, on college campuses, against my side. And when these kids move up and into government, we'll find them putting their intolerance into law, just as they've already abolished equal protection under the law with respect to racial privileges.

Now, I'd love to be able to say my side, all those Trump supporters, are of course principled supporters of equal protection, free speech, etc.

But of course it's not true, as a quick look at American history will show.

I personally experienced left wing meetings being disrupted by right wingers -- who were let off in court, when their lawyer just stood up and quoted one line from Barry Goldwater, 'Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice'.

Another friend of mine did time in prison for wearing a uniform during an anti-war guerilla theatre skit. He took his case to the Supreme Court and won. Another acquaintance -- a Black activist who was a thorn in the side of the police -- got thirty years for giving a marijuana cigarette to an undercover policeman. He too finally got justice in the courts, after serving four years.

Yet another friend was sitting in prison in Boston awaiting trial under the Smith Act, when the Supreme Court, in the Yates decision, allowed him to walk free.

All these events have two things in common: they happened a long time ago, when, roughly, my side was dominant. And it was the courts, acting against popular opinion, which carried out the wonderful ideals of the Constitution.

Google the 'Communist Control Act of 1954', co-authored by one of the most left wing men ever to sit in the Senate, Hubert Humphrey, and you'll get an idea of the popular mood of the time. (Imagine if Trump came out in support of something one-tenth as draconian as that bill today!)

It's the ruling elite who defend liberty, if anyone does. This is a conservative 'insight'. We're not naive optimists about the masses of people. People will struggle for their own interests, and in the long run, this is a good thing. It's dragged us forward from the dark ages.

But the average person is not an enthusiast for the liberty of his enemies, which is what the whole idea of liberty is really about. Everyone wants liberty for himself.

It's why the Constitution -- by which I mean the whole thing, including the Bill of Rights amendments -- puts so many restrictions on government, even on, maybe especially on, democratic government.

It's why my side likes to repeat the mantra, 'We live in a Republic, not a Democracy'.

As for threats to liberty in America. Yes, the future looks dark. We could well see a genuine anti-democratic quasi-fascist movement in America, under the right circumstances -- say, a big military humiliation abroad, followed by or concurrent with a deep depression. It's happened before. Maybe not even 'quasi'.

Right now genuine fascists are an isolated minority, shunned by conservatives for whatever reason. But there could be someone smart enough to avoid the scary word, but incorporating the essence of fascism: a pseudo-left social program, combined with the tactics and organizational methods of Lenin, blaming the usual suspects for the financial crisis, promising to make the trains run on time again? (And in America, there are multiple 'usual suspects', not just the poor Jews again.)

He might, under the right circumstances of social disintegration, get a lot of support. As Trotsky said, the wires of democracy cannot carry too high a social voltage.

Don't worry about Mr Trump. He can't even spell 'fascist'.

Is there a symmetrical threat from your side, a mass communist party aiming at one-party rule, the crushing of opposition, etc? This was a real threat in Europe for some years after WWII -- the Communists in Italy and France got close to 40% of the vote, but, with the Marshall Plan, couldn't make the breakthrough.

But I actually don't worry about that in America. I don't see your side having the social base for a serious mass communist party. Eight decades ago, yes. But not today.

What your side is doing is slowly destroying the country from within, teaching its young people that it's inherently evil, hollowing out the military and police. At the same time, you've joined with our neo-cons to keep trying to be the hegemonic world power, guaranteeing that we'll get involved in wars we can't win. (That used to be a speciality of my side, but we've learned something from that, or a lot of us have.)

So what's going to happen? Beats me. And beats everyone else, too. No one knows the future.
That’s a very naive fantasy.

Lots of people say the same thing. And I used to. And for the most part it’s true. But … when the iron is glowing in the fire, and hard reality smacks us in the face …

There have long since been shown several videos of outside officers letting some of the protestors entrance onto the Capitol grounds. You wanna quibble about the choice of word there? Yeah. I’d say it was very much like an invitation.

And guess what? The newly released videos prove that what he said to the judge was true. Too bad the prosecutors didn’t share the videos with the defense attorney.
The protesters had already broken through their barricades outside and were rushing the Capitol entrance, and all of their measures failed to stop the protesters from entering, so they did as trained to do when way outnumbered, they tried to de-escalate the situation by calmly letting them in.

And Chansley was not right....he LIED on 60 minutes, he KNEW he was right up from with those bashing windows and kicking doors out, to get in to the building.... He was NEVER escorted in, he broke in,

nor was he escorted around the capitol and in to Senate chambers, he was being followed around the capitol by cops, who asked him to leave, several times....

The video HAS NOT been released. We the people, have no access to review it.....

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