No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

Here's the Capitol Police ESCORTING the "insurrectionists" out of the Senate...

wow, we dodged a bullet and came this close to losing our democracy..... :rolleyes:

Thanks for showing why police couldn't get them out earlier when there were too few cops on the scene.
It’s a yes/no question and you keep avoiding it. I think you’re avoiding answering because you know that you’re wrong. That’s why you ran away from this last time as well. You’ve been here long enough - you should know that this makes your position look extremely weak.
Already answered.
Chansley was perfectly aware that Congress was in session to certify the electoral votes. He occupied the dais in the Senate Chambers.
Irrelevant. The room was already empty. And the proceedings were done primarily in the House side.
The rioters broke into the Capitol by smashing windows mere feet from him. He knew he wasn’t allowed in.
Maybe. Maybe not. If he had been permitted into the Capitol grounds, then walking through the open door probably did indicate a lack of permission. But that’s merely trespass.
Because it demonstrates intent. He intended to go into the Capitol when he wasn’t allowed in.
I presume anyone walking through an open door has the intent to walk through the open door. But that’s a different intent.
There is no Brady violations. For starters, Chansley took a plea deal. It didn’t go to trial.
You are wrong. There absolutely was a discovery violation; and in this case it is a failure to turnover Constitutionally required Brady material.
Let’s hear it.
What is it you wish to hear (again)?
Not at all. Retracting guilty pleas well after the indictment is prejudicial to the prosecution.
Too bad. So sad. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. If the government wishes to insulate itself from that problem, they should have turned over the videos as demanded by counsel and as otherwise required anyway by the Brady rule.
No, you didn’t. You’re full of shit and you are doing a great job of losing this argument.

No wonder you’ve been running away from this.
Yeah. I did. And now you’re hyperventilating over your own inability to follow along. Plus, you’re getting your ass kicked. You’re just far too dumb to grasp that fact. depends on the use and the intent of the person using it.

A baseball bat in the hands of a baseball player on a field playing a game is considered a piece of sporting equipment. Hell, they even sell them as such in most stores.


That same baseball bat in the hands of someone who wants to do harm to another person becomes a club and a weapon, it is no longer a piece of sporting equipment.

Depends on the use of the object in question, as it can go either way. What the QAnon shaman was holding in his hands was an object that could be used as either. As long as he held it in a position to display the flag, it was a flagpole. The second he starts to use it in a threatening manner, it becomes a spear and a weapon.
I guess since he only used his flag pole as a flag pole, it’s a flag pole.
I guess since he only used his flag pole as a flag pole, it’s a flag pole.
Bubba Clinton used Monica’s vagina as a humidor. That didn’t make Monica or her vagina an actual Humidor.
See what? You lied and got caught. There was no video of 9 cops, all at once, giving BuffaloHead a "guided tour." What there was, was BuffaloHead walking with 2 cops, down a corridor where 9 other cops were just standing around as BuffaloHead approached them and walked past them...

"We counted at least 9 officers who were within touching distance of unarmed Jacob Chansley. Not one of them even tried to slow him down." ~ Tucker Carlson

So now, police just standing around is "giving a 'guided tour'," is it, Dumbfuck?



Buttercup still running around down his rabbit hole of dumbassery.
Irrelevant. The room was already empty. And the proceedings were done primarily in the House side.

Maybe. Maybe not. If he had been permitted into the Capitol grounds, then walking through the open door probably did indicate a lack of permission. But that’s merely trespass.

I presume anyone walking through an open door has the intent to walk through the open door. But that’s a different intent.

You are wrong. There absolutely was a discovery violation; and in this case it is a failure to turnover Constitutionally required Brady material.

What is it you wish to hear (again)?

Too bad. So sad. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. If the government wishes to insulate itself from that problem, they should have turned over the videos as demanded by counsel and as otherwise required anyway by the Brady rule.

The room was empty because BuffaloHead and others illegally broke into the Capitol. What kind of defense are you trying to establish??
Thanks for showing why police couldn't get them out earlier when there were too few cops on the scene.
Nice spin there. :rolleyes:
Why weren't the "insurrectionists" hand cuffed and hauled away?
Why did the "insurrectionists" thank and praise the Police on their way out?
Why was this footage not released to the public and we're only seeing it now?

Spin away, Spawn. DANCE!!!!
Yeah. I did. And now you’re hyperventilating over your own inability to follow along. Plus, you’re getting your ass kicked. You’re just far too dumb to grasp that fact.
No, you didn’t. You’re lying.

Was the official proceeding obstructed or impeded? Yes or no.

Just one word needed to answer and you’re too much of a scared little bitch to answer. Just watch. Look at how easy it is to predict you spineless cowards. You’re going to prove me right once again. Go on. Let’s see it. Don’t run off, prove me right again.

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