No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

Tell us again about his “spear”, Simp.









Sorry Simp. I showed one of hundreds of FLAG POLE DESIGNS with a pointy end.

The fact a pointy thing makes you shit your Depends doesn’t change the fact it is a FLAG POLE.
Sorry Simp. I showed one of hundreds of FLAG POLE DESIGNS with a pointy end.

The fact a pointy thing makes you shit your Depends doesn’t change the fact it is a FLAG POLE.


According to your idiocy, this isn't a rifle, it's a flag pole...


Fuck off TROLL, count them yourself.
NO~ONE suggested nine officers ALL AT ONCE gave him the TOUR he WAS given!
Now you're just trolling with SEMANTICS!
I told you to fuck off, now DO IT!!! :fu:
That’s what Fawnboi does………latches onto some bullshit and tries to drag you down his rabbit hole of dumbassery. It does this because it doesn’t have the intelligence to discuss issues.

Not one of these Dimtard morons can explain why 1….5…..9….or 100 cops should be showing this clown around the Capitol while thousands and thousands of VIOLENT INSURRECTIONISTS are destroying our Democracy and killing 5 of their fellow officers.
street riots would only become an insurrection if that went into government buildings and tried to take power. Otherwise, its just property damage.

Also, the most import concept to keep in mind is that we are a democracy. Focus on winning elections, and then you dont need to worry about all that crap.
Yes, I agree. "Taking power" means replacing the legislative, judicial, and executive personnel who don't agree with your politics. Neither the 2020 Leftist violent riots, nor the 2021 January 6 violent riot, were "insurrections", if by that we mean conscious attempts to seize and hold power.

We've never had an "insurrection" in the whole US. We had one in the Southern half, if you want to stretch the term a bit, and it's possible that one was contemplated against FDR by rightwing businessmen, hoping to use a popular military figure as the replacement for Roosevelt -- a bizarre idea, since he was actually, by then, anti-capitalist.
[ Business Plot - Wikipedia ].

Real insurrections are very difficult to pull off. Unless you can at least neutralize the military, assuming it's a real military, you'll lose.

Anyone wanting to make an insurrection, or who is just interested in the subject, needs to read at least two books: (1) Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution, to see how it's done. (Available for free from [ Marxists Internet Archive). [The takeaway from that book: a revolution is not a struggle WITH the army -- it's a struggle FOR the army.]

And (2) notes on Armed Insurection, written by a set of Comintern figures, collectively named "A. Neuberg", which can be found here:[ Armed Insurrection - A. Neuberg (1928). ] Or you can buy the actual book, but it's not worth it.

This book shows how it's not done. (For anyone interested in a deep understanding of the far Left, these two sites are indispensable. The first one is a collection of almost everything that has ever been written by any Marxist, provided it's out of copyright. (Marxist publishing companies protect their property just as jealously as capitalist publishing companies.) The second one is basically the best of the 'libertarian Left'. Real thinkers who don't despise ordinary working people, not self-centered cry-babies pursuing identity politics.)
That’s what Fawnboi does………latches onto some bullshit and tries to drag you down his rabbit hole of dumbassery. It does this because it doesn’t have the intelligence to discuss issues.

Not one of these Dimtard morons can explain why 1….5…..9….or 100 cops should be showing this clown around the Capitol while thousands and thousands of VIOLENT INSURRECTIONISTS are destroying our Democracy and killing 5 of their fellow officers.


Spits the forum piñata who literally insisted 9 cops gave BuffaloHead a "guided tour" of the Capitol.

It’s not clear at all. If he had pled to just trespass, you would have a much firmer argument. But as things stand, you don’t.
Nonsense. A mob breaking through the Capitol doors caused Congress to have to be evacuated.

Certainly anyone can see the direct connection between those two actions?
Sorry Simp. I showed one of hundreds of FLAG POLE DESIGNS with a pointy end.

The fact a pointy thing makes you shit your Depends doesn’t change the fact it is a FLAG POLE. depends on the use and the intent of the person using it.

A baseball bat in the hands of a baseball player on a field playing a game is considered a piece of sporting equipment. Hell, they even sell them as such in most stores.


That same baseball bat in the hands of someone who wants to do harm to another person becomes a club and a weapon, it is no longer a piece of sporting equipment.

Depends on the use of the object in question, as it can go either way. What the QAnon shaman was holding in his hands was an object that could be used as either. As long as he held it in a position to display the flag, it was a flagpole. The second he starts to use it in a threatening manner, it becomes a spear and a weapon.
The protesters had already broken through their barricades outside and were rushing the Capitol entrance, and all of their measures failed to stop the protesters from entering, so they did as trained to do when way outnumbered, they tried to de-escalate the situation by calmly letting them in.
And if you got let in by a cop, you aren’t committing trespass.
And Chansley was not right....he LIED on 60 minutes, he KNEW he was right up from with those bashing windows and kicking doors out, to get in to the building.... He was NEVER escorted in, he broke in,
I don’t recall him saying he was “let in.” But neither is there any evidence that HE broke in.
nor was he escorted around the capitol and in to Senate chambers, he was being followed around the capitol by cops, who asked him to leave, several times....
False. The videos establish that he was being escorted around inside the Capitol bldg.
The video HAS NOT been released. We the people, have no access to review it.....
I don’t know what video you’re talking about. But the videos of Shaman-boi not breaking into the bldg and of his being escorted around inside have been seen.

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