No charges filed in Palin brawl

Seriously...don't you people have any clue how ridiculous you are when you do this? All the problems we have with the country right now and you're worried about Sarah Palin? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
We are not allowed to discuss Palin until we have world peace?
Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch

Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in a brawl that involved several members of the Palin family, Anchorage police said Thursday.

The news comes as Anchorage police released reports Thursday morning outlining witness statements in the fight.

Eyewitness to Palin brawl tells of being fired from job after national TV interview
  • application-pdf.png
    Palin brawl police reports
Police were called to South Anchorage regarding a brawl involving about 20 people that had broken out at Korey Klingenmeyer's house on the evening of Sept. 6. The event was a birthday party for brothers Marc and Matthew McKenna and Klingenmeyer’s son. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, Todd, and some of their children were there.

Five police officers wrote up police reports on the scene. More than 15 witnesses were interviewed, and the statements offer conflicting information regarding what happened.

Overall, the accounts in the police report seemed to confirm, in broad terms, initial witness reports that surfaced before the police report's release.

Sarah Palin Waited in the Limo While Her Family Got in a Drunken Brawl
The police report from that drunken Palin family brawl last month is finally out, and Bristol is reportedly claiming a neighbor called her insulting names, then knocked her down and dragged her around a lawn.

Hot Alaska Gossip: Sarah Palin's Whole Family Was in a Nasty Brawl
America's favorite Irrelevant Grizzly Mom reportedly screamed "Don't you know who I…Read on

According to the Smoking Gun, the party at a neighbor's house turned violent when Bristol confronted a woman who had insulted her sister, Willow. Reports TMZ:

Bristol told police the homeowner, Korey Klingenmeyer, shoved her to the ground, dragged her around, and started calling her a slut and a c**t.

Korey and several other witnesses at the party saw it differently ... telling cops Bristol punched him in the face — he says he let her hit him 5-6 times before grabbing her fist and pushing back ... sending her reeling to the ground.

That scrap then sparked the all-out brawl — witnesses say Track and 3-4 other people came running to defend Bristol ... and all hell broke loose ... with the Palins, including dad Todd, taking on all comers.

Willow says several people at the party we're chanting, "F**k the Palins!"

6 must-reads from Palin family police report -
Washington (CNN) -- Nobody is being charged in a drunken brawl that involved a white limousine full of members of Sarah Palin's family, police in Alaska said Thursday.

But it sure sounds like things got out of hand, with the host of the September house party where it all happened saying the Palins got into a fight they "ended up losing."

The Anchorage Police Department released a report that includes more than two pages of details about the brawl, which happened after the former GOP vice presidential nominee's family and friends showed up at another friend's party. It details accusations that Bristol Palin punched the host in the face repeatedly, that Track Palin tried to start a fight with his father and more.

Here are some of the details -- wildly different, depending on who's offering the information -- that Officer John Daily submitted in his official report:

More at the links.

Not surprising when you invite trailer trash.

And, sorry, but just there's no way can anyone deny that this happened, so don't even try.


Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch

Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in a brawl that involved several members of the Palin family, Anchorage police said Thursday.

The news comes as Anchorage police released reports Thursday morning outlining witness statements in the fight.

Eyewitness to Palin brawl tells of being fired from job after national TV interview
Police were called to South Anchorage regarding a brawl involving about 20 people that had broken out at Korey Klingenmeyer's house on the evening of Sept. 6. The event was a birthday party for brothers Marc and Matthew McKenna and Klingenmeyer’s son. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, Todd, and some of their children were there.

Five police officers wrote up police reports on the scene. More than 15 witnesses were interviewed, and the statements offer conflicting information regarding what happened.

Overall, the accounts in the police report seemed to confirm, in broad terms, initial witness reports that surfaced before the police report's release.
The Palins aren't trailer trash since none of them have lived in one.

Sarah Palin Waited in the Limo While Her Family Got in a Drunken Brawl
The police report from that drunken Palin family brawl last month is finally out, and Bristol is reportedly claiming a neighbor called her insulting names, then knocked her down and dragged her around a lawn.

Hot Alaska Gossip: Sarah Palin's Whole Family Was in a Nasty Brawl
America's favorite Irrelevant Grizzly Mom reportedly screamed "Don't you know who I…Read on

According to the Smoking Gun, the party at a neighbor's house turned violent when Bristol confronted a woman who had insulted her sister, Willow. Reports TMZ:

Bristol told police the homeowner, Korey Klingenmeyer, shoved her to the ground, dragged her around, and started calling her a slut and a c**t.

Korey and several other witnesses at the party saw it differently ... telling cops Bristol punched him in the face — he says he let her hit him 5-6 times before grabbing her fist and pushing back ... sending her reeling to the ground.

That scrap then sparked the all-out brawl — witnesses say Track and 3-4 other people came running to defend Bristol ... and all hell broke loose ... with the Palins, including dad Todd, taking on all comers.

Willow says several people at the party we're chanting, "F**k the Palins!"

6 must-reads from Palin family police report -
Washington (CNN) -- Nobody is being charged in a drunken brawl that involved a white limousine full of members of Sarah Palin's family, police in Alaska said Thursday.

But it sure sounds like things got out of hand, with the host of the September house party where it all happened saying the Palins got into a fight they "ended up losing."

The Anchorage Police Department released a report that includes more than two pages of details about the brawl, which happened after the former GOP vice presidential nominee's family and friends showed up at another friend's party. It details accusations that Bristol Palin punched the host in the face repeatedly, that Track Palin tried to start a fight with his father and more.

Here are some of the details -- wildly different, depending on who's offering the information -- that Officer John Daily submitted in his official report:

More at the links.

Not surprising when you invite trailer trash.

And, sorry, but just there's no way can anyone deny that this happened, so don't even try.

The Palins can't be called trailer
trash since none of them have ever lived in one.

But they are white trash

In your other thread somebody said this coulda happened on the White House lawn if only...or the whole soused Palin tribe rolling around the Rose Garden feudin' and afightin'? Forgive me, I almost get the giggles picturing that. But Mother Mayhem just sat in the limo like Jed Clampett acting as corner for her drunken brood? No leadership there. I guess she is all hat no cattle after all.



Yeah, I said that and really, there's no reason to believe they would suddenly behave with dignity and integrity if McCain had been elected.

Not long ago, I posted her drunken rant aimed at Senator Elizabeth Warren. She rambled incoherently, made no sense and never made a point. When she gets going, its kinda weird to watch. She tries so hard but always blows it. Like her zinger about "1400 Pennsylvania Avenue" - she looked so pleased with herself but it fell flat because, typically, she doesn't even know the address of the White House.

We all know she dumb (who needs to write the word "taxes" on their palm in order to remember it?) but she's also just a common lush.

Once drunken trailer trash, always drunken trailer trash.

Sadly, this most recent brawl probably means she won't run for office. Not that I think she would. That would be too much like work and she's right where she belongs - making drunken, incoherent, soundbite rants.

She's definitely the clown du jour of American politics. Used to be you'd get a politician ever generation or so that late night comedians could count on for monologue fodder. (Remember Dan Quayle?) Lately though they seem to be all around us, Michele Bachmann gives Palin close competition for the dunce cap crown. Just by sheer number of goofy gaffes tho I'd have to give Sarah the late night Comedy Queen Crown.

And I think you're right, not much chance of her running for anything again. It would cut into her lucrative career as wingnut mouthpiece for hire for one thing. Hell she couldn't even make it thru her governor gig, she had to trash her duty to Alaska forthwith and get out on the bash and dash for cash circuit. We can only hope tho, I know a lot of people who would pay good money to get a Palin/Bachmann or Palin/Anybody campaign off the ground.
Remember Joe Biden?

Joe Biden? Just kind of an average middle class kid with "natural leadership abilities", elected class president in high school, led a previously losing football team to an undefeated season, participated in civil rights "sit-ins", 6th youngest Senator ever elected, re-elected six times, apparently never "quit" anything in his life, who's presence on the ticket helped Barack Obama become the 44th POTUS. That Joe Biden? How could we forget, he is the 47th VPOTUS after all.

5 Deferments from Vietnam too
Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch

Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in a brawl that involved several members of the Palin family, Anchorage police said Thursday.

The news comes as Anchorage police released reports Thursday morning outlining witness statements in the fight.

Eyewitness to Palin brawl tells of being fired from job after national TV interview
Police were called to South Anchorage regarding a brawl involving about 20 people that had broken out at Korey Klingenmeyer's house on the evening of Sept. 6. The event was a birthday party for brothers Marc and Matthew McKenna and Klingenmeyer’s son. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, Todd, and some of their children were there.

Five police officers wrote up police reports on the scene. More than 15 witnesses were interviewed, and the statements offer conflicting information regarding what happened.

Overall, the accounts in the police report seemed to confirm, in broad terms, initial witness reports that surfaced before the police report's release.

Sarah Palin Waited in the Limo While Her Family Got in a Drunken Brawl
The police report from that drunken Palin family brawl last month is finally out, and Bristol is reportedly claiming a neighbor called her insulting names, then knocked her down and dragged her around a lawn.

Hot Alaska Gossip: Sarah Palin's Whole Family Was in a Nasty Brawl
America's favorite Irrelevant Grizzly Mom reportedly screamed "Don't you know who I…Read on

According to the Smoking Gun, the party at a neighbor's house turned violent when Bristol confronted a woman who had insulted her sister, Willow. Reports TMZ:

Bristol told police the homeowner, Korey Klingenmeyer, shoved her to the ground, dragged her around, and started calling her a slut and a c**t.

Korey and several other witnesses at the party saw it differently ... telling cops Bristol punched him in the face — he says he let her hit him 5-6 times before grabbing her fist and pushing back ... sending her reeling to the ground.

That scrap then sparked the all-out brawl — witnesses say Track and 3-4 other people came running to defend Bristol ... and all hell broke loose ... with the Palins, including dad Todd, taking on all comers.

Willow says several people at the party we're chanting, "F**k the Palins!"

6 must-reads from Palin family police report -
Washington (CNN) -- Nobody is being charged in a drunken brawl that involved a white limousine full of members of Sarah Palin's family, police in Alaska said Thursday.

But it sure sounds like things got out of hand, with the host of the September house party where it all happened saying the Palins got into a fight they "ended up losing."

The Anchorage Police Department released a report that includes more than two pages of details about the brawl, which happened after the former GOP vice presidential nominee's family and friends showed up at another friend's party. It details accusations that Bristol Palin punched the host in the face repeatedly, that Track Palin tried to start a fight with his father and more.

Here are some of the details -- wildly different, depending on who's offering the information -- that Officer John Daily submitted in his official report:

More at the links.

Not surprising when you invite trailer trash.

And, sorry, but just there's no way can anyone deny that this happened, so don't even try.


Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch

Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in a brawl that involved several members of the Palin family, Anchorage police said Thursday.

The news comes as Anchorage police released reports Thursday morning outlining witness statements in the fight.

Eyewitness to Palin brawl tells of being fired from job after national TV interview
Police were called to South Anchorage regarding a brawl involving about 20 people that had broken out at Korey Klingenmeyer's house on the evening of Sept. 6. The event was a birthday party for brothers Marc and Matthew McKenna and Klingenmeyer’s son. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, Todd, and some of their children were there.

Five police officers wrote up police reports on the scene. More than 15 witnesses were interviewed, and the statements offer conflicting information regarding what happened.

Overall, the accounts in the police report seemed to confirm, in broad terms, initial witness reports that surfaced before the police report's release.
The Palins aren't trailer trash since none of them have lived in one.

Sarah Palin Waited in the Limo While Her Family Got in a Drunken Brawl
The police report from that drunken Palin family brawl last month is finally out, and Bristol is reportedly claiming a neighbor called her insulting names, then knocked her down and dragged her around a lawn.

Hot Alaska Gossip: Sarah Palin's Whole Family Was in a Nasty Brawl
America's favorite Irrelevant Grizzly Mom reportedly screamed "Don't you know who I…Read on

According to the Smoking Gun, the party at a neighbor's house turned violent when Bristol confronted a woman who had insulted her sister, Willow. Reports TMZ:

Bristol told police the homeowner, Korey Klingenmeyer, shoved her to the ground, dragged her around, and started calling her a slut and a c**t.

Korey and several other witnesses at the party saw it differently ... telling cops Bristol punched him in the face — he says he let her hit him 5-6 times before grabbing her fist and pushing back ... sending her reeling to the ground.

That scrap then sparked the all-out brawl — witnesses say Track and 3-4 other people came running to defend Bristol ... and all hell broke loose ... with the Palins, including dad Todd, taking on all comers.

Willow says several people at the party we're chanting, "F**k the Palins!"

6 must-reads from Palin family police report -
Washington (CNN) -- Nobody is being charged in a drunken brawl that involved a white limousine full of members of Sarah Palin's family, police in Alaska said Thursday.

But it sure sounds like things got out of hand, with the host of the September house party where it all happened saying the Palins got into a fight they "ended up losing."

The Anchorage Police Department released a report that includes more than two pages of details about the brawl, which happened after the former GOP vice presidential nominee's family and friends showed up at another friend's party. It details accusations that Bristol Palin punched the host in the face repeatedly, that Track Palin tried to start a fight with his father and more.

Here are some of the details -- wildly different, depending on who's offering the information -- that Officer John Daily submitted in his official report:

More at the links.

Not surprising when you invite trailer trash.

And, sorry, but just there's no way can anyone deny that this happened, so don't even try.

The Palins can't be called trailer
trash since none of them have ever lived in one.

But they are white trash
Only in your deranged liberal diseased mind.
According to Luddly everyone's a racist but calling a white person 'cracker' is awesome.

Fuck you Luddly . :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've never said calling anyone a name is "awesome". That's an outright lie.

BUT, I calls 'em as I sees 'em.

Face facts - Palins are trashy crackers and Piss Bucket's description above is largely accurate.
Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch

Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in a brawl that involved several members of the Palin family, Anchorage police said Thursday.

The news comes as Anchorage police released reports Thursday morning outlining witness statements in the fight.

Eyewitness to Palin brawl tells of being fired from job after national TV interview
Police were called to South Anchorage regarding a brawl involving about 20 people that had broken out at Korey Klingenmeyer's house on the evening of Sept. 6. The event was a birthday party for brothers Marc and Matthew McKenna and Klingenmeyer’s son. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, Todd, and some of their children were there.

Five police officers wrote up police reports on the scene. More than 15 witnesses were interviewed, and the statements offer conflicting information regarding what happened.

Overall, the accounts in the police report seemed to confirm, in broad terms, initial witness reports that surfaced before the police report's release.

Sarah Palin Waited in the Limo While Her Family Got in a Drunken Brawl
The police report from that drunken Palin family brawl last month is finally out, and Bristol is reportedly claiming a neighbor called her insulting names, then knocked her down and dragged her around a lawn.

Hot Alaska Gossip: Sarah Palin's Whole Family Was in a Nasty Brawl
America's favorite Irrelevant Grizzly Mom reportedly screamed "Don't you know who I…Read on

According to the Smoking Gun, the party at a neighbor's house turned violent when Bristol confronted a woman who had insulted her sister, Willow. Reports TMZ:

Bristol told police the homeowner, Korey Klingenmeyer, shoved her to the ground, dragged her around, and started calling her a slut and a c**t.

Korey and several other witnesses at the party saw it differently ... telling cops Bristol punched him in the face — he says he let her hit him 5-6 times before grabbing her fist and pushing back ... sending her reeling to the ground.

That scrap then sparked the all-out brawl — witnesses say Track and 3-4 other people came running to defend Bristol ... and all hell broke loose ... with the Palins, including dad Todd, taking on all comers.

Willow says several people at the party we're chanting, "F**k the Palins!"

6 must-reads from Palin family police report -
Washington (CNN) -- Nobody is being charged in a drunken brawl that involved a white limousine full of members of Sarah Palin's family, police in Alaska said Thursday.

But it sure sounds like things got out of hand, with the host of the September house party where it all happened saying the Palins got into a fight they "ended up losing."

The Anchorage Police Department released a report that includes more than two pages of details about the brawl, which happened after the former GOP vice presidential nominee's family and friends showed up at another friend's party. It details accusations that Bristol Palin punched the host in the face repeatedly, that Track Palin tried to start a fight with his father and more.

Here are some of the details -- wildly different, depending on who's offering the information -- that Officer John Daily submitted in his official report:

More at the links.

Not surprising when you invite trailer trash.

And, sorry, but just there's no way can anyone deny that this happened, so don't even try.


Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch

Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in a brawl that involved several members of the Palin family, Anchorage police said Thursday.

The news comes as Anchorage police released reports Thursday morning outlining witness statements in the fight.

Eyewitness to Palin brawl tells of being fired from job after national TV interview
Police were called to South Anchorage regarding a brawl involving about 20 people that had broken out at Korey Klingenmeyer's house on the evening of Sept. 6. The event was a birthday party for brothers Marc and Matthew McKenna and Klingenmeyer’s son. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, Todd, and some of their children were there.

Five police officers wrote up police reports on the scene. More than 15 witnesses were interviewed, and the statements offer conflicting information regarding what happened.

Overall, the accounts in the police report seemed to confirm, in broad terms, initial witness reports that surfaced before the police report's release.
The Palins aren't trailer trash since none of them have lived in one.

Sarah Palin Waited in the Limo While Her Family Got in a Drunken Brawl
The police report from that drunken Palin family brawl last month is finally out, and Bristol is reportedly claiming a neighbor called her insulting names, then knocked her down and dragged her around a lawn.

Hot Alaska Gossip: Sarah Palin's Whole Family Was in a Nasty Brawl
America's favorite Irrelevant Grizzly Mom reportedly screamed "Don't you know who I…Read on

According to the Smoking Gun, the party at a neighbor's house turned violent when Bristol confronted a woman who had insulted her sister, Willow. Reports TMZ:

Bristol told police the homeowner, Korey Klingenmeyer, shoved her to the ground, dragged her around, and started calling her a slut and a c**t.

Korey and several other witnesses at the party saw it differently ... telling cops Bristol punched him in the face — he says he let her hit him 5-6 times before grabbing her fist and pushing back ... sending her reeling to the ground.

That scrap then sparked the all-out brawl — witnesses say Track and 3-4 other people came running to defend Bristol ... and all hell broke loose ... with the Palins, including dad Todd, taking on all comers.

Willow says several people at the party we're chanting, "F**k the Palins!"

6 must-reads from Palin family police report -
Washington (CNN) -- Nobody is being charged in a drunken brawl that involved a white limousine full of members of Sarah Palin's family, police in Alaska said Thursday.

But it sure sounds like things got out of hand, with the host of the September house party where it all happened saying the Palins got into a fight they "ended up losing."

The Anchorage Police Department released a report that includes more than two pages of details about the brawl, which happened after the former GOP vice presidential nominee's family and friends showed up at another friend's party. It details accusations that Bristol Palin punched the host in the face repeatedly, that Track Palin tried to start a fight with his father and more.

Here are some of the details -- wildly different, depending on who's offering the information -- that Officer John Daily submitted in his official report:

More at the links.

Not surprising when you invite trailer trash.

And, sorry, but just there's no way can anyone deny that this happened, so don't even try.

The Palins can't be called trailer
trash since none of them have ever lived in one.

But they are white trash
Only in your deranged liberal diseased mind.

I don't much like the term "white trash" but its certainly true of them - they ARE white and they ARE trash.

According to your own posts, so are you.
Last edited:
Can't get much lower than the first ghetto family we have in there now.
Agreed, especially those two nappy headed pickaninny kids of his who always dress ghetto and make gang signs when taking selfies.

Yeah and look at how they have bastard kids and scream they want women 'bent over on the lawn', take meth, get drunk, flip off people in crowds, can't get an education -

Oh wait, that's the Palins.

You can hate the president because he's black but attacking two little girls, who the president keeps out of the public eye, is really low and very typical of you ignorant, inbred, racist crackers.
Yeah and look at how they have bastard kids and scream they want women 'bent over on the lawn', take meth, get drunk, flip off people in crowds, can't get an education -

Oh wait, that's the Palins.

You can hate the president because he's black but attacking two little girls, who the president keeps out of the public eye, is really low and very typical of you ignorant, inbred, racist crackers.
^ that
Can't get much lower than the first ghetto family we have in there now.
Agreed, especially those two nappy headed pickaninny kids of his who always dress ghetto and make gang signs when taking selfies.

Yeah and look at how they have bastard kids and scream they want women 'bent over on the lawn', take meth, get drunk, flip off people in crowds, can't get an education -

Oh wait, that's the Palins.

You can hate the president because he's black but attacking two little girls, who the president keeps out of the public eye, is really low and very typical of you ignorant, inbred, racist crackers.
The Palins are doing quite well financially despite all those allegations you state........especially the meth part.
Can't get much lower than the first ghetto family we have in there now.
Agreed, especially those two nappy headed pickaninny kids of his who always dress ghetto and make gang signs when taking selfies.

Yeah and look at how they have bastard kids and scream they want women 'bent over on the lawn', take meth, get drunk, flip off people in crowds, can't get an education -

Oh wait, that's the Palins.

You can hate the president because he's black but attacking two little girls, who the president keeps out of the public eye, is really low and very typical of you ignorant, inbred, racist crackers.
He keeps the little nappy headed pickaninny's out of the public eye like he does with his original birth certificate and college transcripts.
Can't get much lower than the first ghetto family we have in there now.
Agreed, especially those two nappy headed pickaninny kids of his who always dress ghetto and make gang signs when taking selfies.

Yeah and look at how they have bastard kids and scream they want women 'bent over on the lawn', take meth, get drunk, flip off people in crowds, can't get an education -

Oh wait, that's the Palins.

You can hate the president because he's black but attacking two little girls, who the president keeps out of the public eye, is really low and very typical of you ignorant, inbred, racist crackers.
The Palins are doing quite well financially despite all those allegations you state........especially the meth part.


There's big money in lies and meth.
The whole incident (sans the patently ludicrous ‘embellishments’ from anti-Palin bloggers) if anything made me love and admire the Palins all the more.

Sarah and her family have such grit, in the old-fashioned sense of what America used to be. Such a stark contrast to the metrosexual wimpishness that has totally enveloped modern American society and its culture. I couldn’t help but lhe story uses Klingenmeyer’s account, with unnamed supporting witness testimony, throughout.

They started a fight and got their asses kicked.

Can't get much lower than the first ghetto family we have in there now.
Agreed, especially those two nappy headed pickaninny kids of his who always dress ghetto and make gang signs when taking selfies.

Yeah and look at how they have bastard kids and scream they want women 'bent over on the lawn', take meth, get drunk, flip off people in crowds, can't get an education -

Oh wait, that's the Palins.

You can hate the president because he's black but attacking two little girls, who the president keeps out of the public eye, is really low and very typical of you ignorant, inbred, racist crackers.
The Palins are doing quite well financially despite all those allegations you state........especially the meth part.

Do you mean they are doing financially well "from the meth part?"
I always get a laugh out of the knee jerk reaction by Liberals whenever Barry is having a "rough patch". They immediately circle the wagons and start posting either nonsense about Sarah Palin, nonsense about gender inequality or nonsense about THOSE are more important issues than jobs, the economy or terrorists killing Americans!
I always get a laugh out of the knee jerk reaction by Liberals whenever Barry is having a "rough patch". They immediately circle the wagons and start posting either nonsense about Sarah Palin, nonsense about gender inequality or nonsense about THOSE are more important issues than jobs, the economy or terrorists killing Americans!

Unemployment is down to 5.9%.

Your boy Romney thought he would be accomplishing something if he got it down to 5.9% by 2017. Obama did it by 2014.

But it is nice of the Palin Family to occasionally make a spectacle of themselves to remind us of what a bullet we dodged in 2008.
I always get a laugh out of the knee jerk reaction by Liberals whenever Barry is having a "rough patch". They immediately circle the wagons and start posting either nonsense about Sarah Palin, nonsense about gender inequality or nonsense about THOSE are more important issues than jobs, the economy or terrorists killing Americans!

Unemployment is down to 5.9%.

Your boy Romney thought he would be accomplishing something if he got it down to 5.9% by 2017. Obama did it by 2014.

But it is nice of the Palin Family to occasionally make a spectacle of themselves to remind us of what a bullet we dodged in 2008.

Funny how unemployment numbers always look so "rosy" right before elections and then "correct" the other way right after. Just how the unemployment numbers magically went down to just under 8% right before the 2012 elections. I take any economic numbers put out right before an election with a HUGE grain of salt.

Funny how unemployment numbers always look so "rosy" right before elections and then "correct" the other way right after. Just how the unemployment numbers magically went down to just under 8% right before the 2012 elections. I take any economic numbers put out right before an election with a HUGE grain of salt.

And especially when there's a Negro in the White House.
I always get a laugh out of the knee jerk reaction by Liberals whenever Barry is having a "rough patch". They immediately circle the wagons and start posting either nonsense about Sarah Palin, nonsense about gender inequality or nonsense about THOSE are more important issues than jobs, the economy or terrorists killing Americans!

Unemployment is down to 5.9%.

Your boy Romney thought he would be accomplishing something if he got it down to 5.9% by 2017. Obama did it by 2014.

But it is nice of the Palin Family to occasionally make a spectacle of themselves to remind us of what a bullet we dodged in 2008.

Funny how unemployment numbers always look so "rosy" right before elections and then "correct" the other way right after. Just how the unemployment numbers magically went down to just under 8% right before the 2012 elections. I take any economic numbers put out right before an election with a HUGE grain of salt.
What happened to those numbers after the election? They dropped even lower. First below 7% and then below 6%

Damned Obama

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