No charges filed in Palin brawl

Then there's Obama's drunk driving uncle: And charges WERE filed against him.

Once again conservatives struggle with equivalencies.

But....but Obama has an uncle he never met who was arrested for drunk driving

Not the same as the offspring of Mama Grizzley getting in a drunken brawl Is it?
Who REALLY reads Palin's Facebood postings? It isn't me! Look at this string. The people that read Palin's postings are you liberals that are obsessed with "getting" her.

We aren't the ones showing up a CPAC and all these other groups paying good money to hear her say nothing of any importance. That's all on you guys.

You far left liberals were so obsessed with "getting" her after the failed Vice Presidential bid that you filed frivolous law suit after frivolous law suit until you forced Palin to quit as Governor. I remember that you were all SO excited when that happened because you thought you'd "gotten" Palin...but then she got the job at FOX...then she wrote her book and it became a best seller...then she went out on the stump for the Tea Party and became a political force...and you suddenly realized that you HADN'T gotten Palin...that in fact you'd made her millions!

And that drives you crazy...doesn't it!!

I think what drives me crazy is that there are so many piss-ignorant bible thumping morons in this country that have mistaken her for a smart person.

But, no one made her quit the job she had campaigned for and promised she would do for four years. She did that all on her own. Which to me is a real slap in the face to anyone who did vote for her that she wouldn't do the hard work she promised to do.
Actually, Joe...someone with even a dollop of honesty would admit that it was deliberate campaign by obsessed liberals with little concern over the people of Alaska that DID elect Sarah Palin to be their Governor that put Palin in a position where she either faced personal bankruptcy or quit the Governor's job. Those obsessed liberals brought one frivolous ethics law suit after another against Palin, all of which I believe were thrown out of court because they WERE so frivolous. You liberals did THAT and then accused Palin of being a "quitter"? That's amusing. You give someone a choice of bankrupting their family or quitting their job because of your frivolous law suits and then call them a "quitter"?

Sarah Palin took the lemons you poor sport liberals gave her (who sues like that after WINNING an election...I mean seriously...who is THAT petty?) and made a kick ass pitcher of lemonade! That drives you crazy...doesn't it, Joe?
On the one hand a woman who defends her family.

On the other hand a so-called "president" who dashes about the world groveling and apologizing to dictators.

A Vice President who can't string two words together without either making a total ass of himself or indulging in plagiarism.

Which one is naughty?
Actually, Joe...someone with even a dollop of honesty would admit that it was deliberate campaign by obsessed liberals with little concern over the people of Alaska that DID elect Sarah Palin to be their Governor that put Palin in a position where she either faced personal bankruptcy or quit the Governor's job. Those obsessed liberals brought one frivolous ethics law suit after another against Palin, all of which I believe were thrown out of court because they WERE so frivolous. You liberals did THAT and then accused Palin of being a "quitter"? That's amusing. You give someone a choice of bankrupting their family or quitting their job because of your frivolous law suits and then call them a "quitter"?

Sarah Palin took the lemons you poor sport liberals gave her (who sues like that after WINNING an election...I mean seriously...who is THAT petty?) and made a kick ass pitcher of lemonade! That drives you crazy...doesn't it, Joe?

First, most of those "complaints" were filed before McCain picked her, and if McCain's people had done their jobs vetting her, she'd have never gotten the nomination.

Second- she ALWAYS had the option of setting up a legal defense fund, just like the Clinton's did when the wingnuts dragged a c-note through a trailer park.

Third- And here's the big one. She committed to do a job. She didn't do the job.

Let's be honest what happened. Palin saw all this potential money to be made, and $125,000 a year as governor wasn't doing it for her. She cashed out, and frankly, I don't hold that against her.

What I do have a problem with is that someone this stupid and vacuous has any influence today. Fuck, we might as well be taking advice from Paris Hilton.
On the one hand a woman who defends her family.

On the other hand a so-called "president" who dashes about the world groveling and apologizing to dictators.

A Vice President who can't string two words together without either making a total ass of himself or indulging in plagiarism.

Which one is naughty?

Fishwife screeching is not 'defending her family'.

Face facts - she's an habitual quitter and loser. And, she had her trash family are drunks, drug addicts who got their asses whupped when they crashed a party.
Actually, Joe...someone with even a dollop of honesty would admit that it was deliberate campaign by obsessed liberals with little concern over the people of Alaska that DID elect Sarah Palin to be their Governor that put Palin in a position where she either faced personal bankruptcy or quit the Governor's job. Those obsessed liberals brought one frivolous ethics law suit after another against Palin, all of which I believe were thrown out of court because they WERE so frivolous. You liberals did THAT and then accused Palin of being a "quitter"? That's amusing. You give someone a choice of bankrupting their family or quitting their job because of your frivolous law suits and then call them a "quitter"?

Sarah Palin took the lemons you poor sport liberals gave her (who sues like that after WINNING an election...I mean seriously...who is THAT petty?) and made a kick ass pitcher of lemonade! That drives you crazy...doesn't it, Joe?

First, most of those "complaints" were filed before McCain picked her, and if McCain's people had done their jobs vetting her, she'd have never gotten the nomination.

Second- she ALWAYS had the option of setting up a legal defense fund, just like the Clinton's did when the wingnuts dragged a c-note through a trailer park.

Third- And here's the big one. She committed to do a job. She didn't do the job.

Let's be honest what happened. Palin saw all this potential money to be made, and $125,000 a year as governor wasn't doing it for her. She cashed out, and frankly, I don't hold that against her.

What I do have a problem with is that someone this stupid and vacuous has any influence today. Fuck, we might as well be taking advice from Paris Hilton.

You know as little about this topic as you do about most others, Joe! It's getting to be ridiculous how much time I have to spend schooling you on this stuff!

Palin was hit with one frivolous lawsuit after another AFTER the election...not before. She was also sued to stop her from setting up a legal defense fund because the goal of the lawsuits all along were never about proving Palin actually did something WRONG...oh, no...the goal of the lawsuits was to bankrupt Palin and her family.
And I'm amused by Joe's contention that it was a lack of vetting by John McCain that was the problem. The truth is...while they pontificate about a "war on women" by conservatives, liberals in both the main stream media and the Democratic Party did a hatchet job on Palin.

How can you question the "vetting" of a candidate with a straight face when you elected Barack Obama?
Actually, Joe...someone with even a dollop of honesty would admit that it was deliberate campaign by obsessed liberals with little concern over the people of Alaska that DID elect Sarah Palin to be their Governor that put Palin in a position where she either faced personal bankruptcy or quit the Governor's job. Those obsessed liberals brought one frivolous ethics law suit after another against Palin, all of which I believe were thrown out of court because they WERE so frivolous. You liberals did THAT and then accused Palin of being a "quitter"? That's amusing. You give someone a choice of bankrupting their family or quitting their job because of your frivolous law suits and then call them a "quitter"?

Sarah Palin took the lemons you poor sport liberals gave her (who sues like that after WINNING an election...I mean seriously...who is THAT petty?) and made a kick ass pitcher of lemonade! That drives you crazy...doesn't it, Joe?

First, most of those "complaints" were filed before McCain picked her, and if McCain's people had done their jobs vetting her, she'd have never gotten the nomination.

Second- she ALWAYS had the option of setting up a legal defense fund, just like the Clinton's did when the wingnuts dragged a c-note through a trailer park.

Third- And here's the big one. She committed to do a job. She didn't do the job.

Let's be honest what happened. Palin saw all this potential money to be made, and $125,000 a year as governor wasn't doing it for her. She cashed out, and frankly, I don't hold that against her.

What I do have a problem with is that someone this stupid and vacuous has any influence today. Fuck, we might as well be taking advice from Paris Hilton.

You know as little about this topic as you do about most others, Joe! It's getting to be ridiculous how much time I have to spend schooling you on this stuff!

Palin was hit with one frivolous lawsuit after another AFTER the election...not before. She was also sued to stop her from setting up a legal defense fund because the goal of the lawsuits all along were never about proving Palin actually did something WRONG...oh, no...the goal of the lawsuits was to bankrupt Palin and her family.

awwww Poor baby.

RWs are always the professional victims.

If she was not corrupt, dishonest and drunk, none of this would have happened.
Actually if she hadn't taken the Vice Presidential nomination none of this would have happened.

That it happened after she lost that race simply points out how vindictive and mean spirited the Left is towards anyone who dares to challenge their "vision" of what this country should be.

That six YEARS after that election ended you STILL want to destroy Palin underscores just what kind of a person you are, Luddley!
As for calling Palin a "victim"? You've tried so hard to make her one, Luddley and she's outsmarted you at every turn! Sarah Palin is the "anti-victim" and that's why you hate her so much!
Can't get much lower than the first ghetto family we have in there now.
Agreed, especially those two nappy headed pickaninny kids of his who always dress ghetto and make gang signs when taking selfies.

Yeah and look at how they have bastard kids and scream they want women 'bent over on the lawn', take meth, get drunk, flip off people in crowds, can't get an education -

Oh wait, that's the Palins.

You can hate the president because he's black but attacking two little girls, who the president keeps out of the public eye, is really low and very typical of you ignorant, inbred, racist crackers.
He keeps the little nappy headed pickaninny's out of the public eye like he does with his original birth certificate and college transcripts.

We must remember to thank Gummo and our moderators for allowing racist terms like "White Trash" which has given us ALL the freedom to use as nasty, derogatory terms as we choose to use in retaliation. Like when you lefties went after Bush you forgot that What Goes Around Comes Around. You brought it on yourselves so suck it up.
Actually if she hadn't taken the Vice Presidential nomination none of this would have happened.

That it happened after she lost that race simply points out how vindictive and mean spirited the Left is towards anyone who dares to challenge their "vision" of what this country should be.

That six YEARS after that election ended you STILL want to destroy Palin underscores just what kind of a person you are, Luddley!
Mean old left kept playing clips from some of her interviews
The only profit from this thread is to the makers of "Depends" - suppliers of fine garments to lefties pissing themselves over the prospect of a Palin presidency.

They'll wear the garments proudly, those liberals, but then denigrate their benefactors for profiting from their pain.....errrrrr.....dampness.
You know as little about this topic as you do about most others, Joe! It's getting to be ridiculous how much time I have to spend schooling you on this stuff!

Palin was hit with one frivolous lawsuit after another AFTER the election...not before. She was also sued to stop her from setting up a legal defense fund because the goal of the lawsuits all along were never about proving Palin actually did something WRONG...oh, no...the goal of the lawsuits was to bankrupt Palin and her family.

Actually, most of the problems she had she had before she even got the nomination.

Such as firing the director of State Security because he wouldn't fire her brother in law for slapping around her sister.

Alaska Pride Consolidated List Of Ethics Complaints Filed Against Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Since August 2008

The broad was as slimy as they get, really. She saw being governor and the VP nominee as one big old shopping spree.
And I'm amused by Joe's contention that it was a lack of vetting by John McCain that was the problem. The truth is...while they pontificate about a "war on women" by conservatives, liberals in both the main stream media and the Democratic Party did a hatchet job on Palin.

How can you question the "vetting" of a candidate with a straight face when you elected Barack Obama?

We have a vetting. It's called a nomination process.

It's just most of us don't go into hysterics because he had coffee with some dirty old hippies.

Point was, if McCain's people had done their jobs, they'd have found out she was in the middle of a very nasty fight with the State Police trying to get her brother in law fired from his job. They'd have also found she's as dumb as a box of rocks.
Actually if she hadn't taken the Vice Presidential nomination none of this would have happened.

That it happened after she lost that race simply points out how vindictive and mean spirited the Left is towards anyone who dares to challenge their "vision" of what this country should be.

That six YEARS after that election ended you STILL want to destroy Palin underscores just what kind of a person you are, Luddley!

Yes, getting nominated as Veep made her a national figure. Which means stuff she does gets scrutinized.

You wingnuts were perfectly happy to keep kicking poor John Edwards after he was down.

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