No Charges for Clinton

Too bad you guys didnt float the "FBI is in on it" story sooner now you just look desperate and reactionary.

its just another set of baggage to add to what she now has....

Yeah, the no charges baggage is a tough one to endure :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
it does not matter CC.....this whole thing does not look is just more taint on cant see that because you are a die hard democrat....those of us who dont have our heads up a parties ass can....

One does not to have an ass other than their own Harry, read the unveiled anger of those on this thread, the only lubricant they need to get their head up their own ass is the hate that boils their blood. It's so easy to boil the blood of the biddable, all one needs to do is label someone corrupt, and repeat the unproven allegation over and over and over and over. Those easily lead simply follow the echoes and echo them back.
i stand by what i said does not look good and many,and there are many out there who cant stand either one of these 2 and who may think this looks fishy because of that meeting between bill and lynch and may think this makes hillary look untrustworthy and may hold their nose and vote for trump figuring its only 4 years someone better may run next time.......

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.
Right. And it's just fine that Clinton secretly met with Lynch...

Lynch is Justice, the report today was the FBI - thus your comment is foolish and or ignorant.

But I thought this was the law.

18 US Code 793 Section F:
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through GROSS NEGLIGENCE permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—


18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Never ever pretend you think. You emote, thought is never part of your posts.

The FBI sent to the DOJ their conclusions with the opinion that no crime had been committed. Therefore, the ball is now in the hands of the DOJ who will apply the law; that is their call, not the call of the FBI as everyone who passed 12th grade civics understands.
Actually, Comey outlined several violations of the law by Clinton, but reconmended that no charges be brought anyway.
Yes, he outlined how she flagrantly disregarded protocol and put Top Secret information in insecure places. Although the FBI recovered an email from Hillary explaining to her aide that she didn't want any of her e--mails read by anyone! And the FBI then said she compromised national security without intending to do so. He used that premise, "intent" todetermine she wasn't guilty. The law doesn't say that.
I agree except he used the premise, "intent" to recommend not to prosecute. Not prosecuting does not necessarily equal not guilty although legally one is presumed innocent until convicted.

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe America is better than that...after this morning the mood is ugly, Cankles and her dumb downed supporters view it as a victory....I'm not so sure of that

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe America is better than that...after this morning the mood is ugly, Cankles and her dumb downed supporters view it as a victory....I'm not so sure of that

America was better than that. I live in the present and not, the past. I'm just grateful that most of my life has been lived in our best days. Equal application of the rule of law is over. Nixon is rolling over in his grave, wishing, "If only I'd been President in 2016!.......I would've had it made!"

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

Towards civil war.

Too many brainwashed Democraps and fairly recent immigrant U.S. citizen reprobates that have no true sense of our history and/or deep-seated allegiance to the U.S. and our ancestors whom shed blood in the name of liberty and/or freedom.
So when do the investigations into the Republicans in Congress begin for malfeasance in using governmental power and taxpayer money on endless politically driven witch hunts? If you use elected office to 'attempt' to injure a political opponent that certainly rises to high crimes and Republicans have turned this criminal endeavor into a way of life. It is obvious their voting base has no morals and will elect these people no matter what crimes they commit, but what about the rest of the electorate? Will the crime family that the Republican party has become be turned out in November by the American people?
When Trump Wins, The Left Will Be Violent At Levels Not Previosly Seen

This is true. Like I said, the fix is in. Hopefully a miracle will happen and Trump will be able to overcome the clinton machine. That includes the world wide socialist movement.

The left plan has been in the works for a while now and this is their plan.

These are the left wingers in charge now. Get ready.
So when do the investigations into the Republicans in Congress begin for malfeasance in using governmental power and taxpayer money on endless politically driven witch hunts? If you use elected office to 'attempt' to injure a political opponent that certainly rises to high crimes and Republicans have turned this criminal endeavor into a way of life. It is obvious their voting base has no morals and will elect these people no matter what crimes they commit, but what about the rest of the electorate? Will the crime family that the Republican party has become be turned out in November by the American people?

Wow, here posts a brainwashed Democrap now that puts party before country.
So when do the investigations into the Republicans in Congress begin for malfeasance in using governmental power and taxpayer money on endless politically driven witch hunts? If you use elected office to 'attempt' to injure a political opponent that certainly rises to high crimes and Republicans have turned this criminal endeavor into a way of life. It is obvious their voting base has no morals and will elect these people no matter what crimes they commit, but what about the rest of the electorate? Will the crime family that the Republican party has become be turned out in November by the American people?

Wow, here posts a brainwashed Democrap now that puts party before country.
That asshole is the useless waste of blood on this site. Scary how many people think like him too.
When Trump Wins, The Left Will Be Violent At Levels Not Previosly Seen
and if hillary wins,what level of violence will you and your fellow trumpers be at?.....hey just asking....

You have the freedom to ask all your little heart desires.............just like he (and others) have the freedom not to answer your stupid questions!
I mean did anyone actually believe that?

Get ready for the stupid meat puppets to laugh when the FBI director says there will be NO INDICTMENT.

Trust me, they are going to act as though they were right all along as if any of us actually believed there would be.

Just another sign of this world movement towards one world socialist new world order government marching on.
Your post is a fucking lie. The FBI director DID NOT say that there will be no indictments agaist Clinton.

Your post is a big fucking lie!

The FBI director said that they had evidence that Hillary committed over 100 crimes.

THe FBI said that she was lying all along about none of the e-mails being classified.
"ABC News detailed a final State Department investigation which concluded that past secretaries of state, including Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice's immediate staff, "handled classified material on unclassified email systems." ...
Awesome. So when did Colin or Condoleezza run for President?

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