No Charges for Clinton

When Trump Wins, The Left Will Be Violent At Levels Not Previosly Seen
and if hillary wins,what level of violence will you and your fellow trumpers be at?.....hey just asking....

You have the freedom to ask all your little heart desires.............just like he (and others) have the freedom not to answer your stupid questions!
are you pollocks spokeshole now?....what happened to Bruce?.....
Your post is a fucking lie. The FBI director DID NOT say that there will be no indictments agaist Clinton.

Your post is a big fucking lie!

The FBI director said that they had evidence that Hillary committed over 100 crimes.

THe FBI said that she was lying all along about none of the e-mails being classified.
Seemed pretty clear to me no charges would be filed even though he chastised her for being careless with classified material.
When Trump Wins, The Left Will Be Violent At Levels Not Previosly Seen
and if hillary wins,what level of violence will you and your fellow trumpers be at?.....hey just asking....

You have the freedom to ask all your little heart desires.............just like he (and others) have the freedom not to answer your stupid questions!
are you pollocks spokeshole now?....what happened to Bruce?.....

You used to have a spine.
So when do the investigations into the Republicans in Congress begin for malfeasance in using governmental power and taxpayer money on endless politically driven witch hunts? If you use elected office to 'attempt' to injure a political opponent that certainly rises to high crimes and Republicans have turned this criminal endeavor into a way of life. It is obvious their voting base has no morals and will elect these people no matter what crimes they commit, but what about the rest of the electorate? Will the crime family that the Republican party has become be turned out in November by the American people?

Wow, here posts a brainwashed Democrap now that puts party before country.

Can't answer eh. Of course not, your political party is your all mighty god. You bow before it in all things.

I on the other hand accept whatever the Congressional 'investigation' into Ben Gassy and the FBI investigation into 'email excrement'. Both of which found nothing charge worthy. I know you like to believe you know more than the FBI but you don't. And we've watched the Republicans use power in Congress to conduct witch hunt after witch hunt and come up empty because there was nothing there to begin with. So how's about you and your fellow cons pitch in $100 each and pay back the taxpayers the $40 million or so that your party has wasted on political witch-huntery. Yes? No because you have no moral compass, you are only interested in the Republicans 'winning', doesn't matter how criminal they are in doing it.
With the false ‘scandals’ of ‘Benghazi’ and ‘emails’ gone, republicans will have no other choice but to run on the issues and their agenda…

…something they’ve been desperately trying not to do.
...I on the other hand accept whatever the Congressional 'investigation' into Ben Gassy and the FBI investigation into 'email excrement'. Both of which found nothing charge worthy. I know you like to believe you know more than the FBI but you don't. And we've watched the Republicans use power in Congress to conduct witch hunt after witch hunt and come up empty because there was nothing there to begin with. So how's about you and your fellow cons pitch in $100 each and pay back the taxpayers the $40 million or so that your party has wasted on political witch-huntery. Yes? No because you have no moral compass, you are only interested in the Republicans 'winning', doesn't matter how criminal they are in doing it.
So you agree those who claim "Bush lied" are fucking morons?
After spending 10 minutes describing in painstaking detail every crime Hillary Clinton committed Comeyconfirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she violated numerous statutes and put national security at risk in the process. He didn't say it directly but his report made it clear that Clinton lied repeatedly in an attempt to cover up her crimes.

Yet, she won't be indicted. Others have been convicted of crimes for doing far less, but not Clinton. She will escape prosecution after breaking about 5 different federal laws. And she'll probably be president at the end of it all.

This is an outrage. We were told, in so many words, that the law does not apply to Hillary Clinton like it applies to us. And if it doesn't apply to her, then it doesn't really exist. We live under the rule of the elite, not law. The law is dead.

Be thankful Bush and Cheney weren't prosecuted as war criminals and call it a day bub. Partisanshit and justice cannot coexist.
You'd have to include Hillary in that, too, because she helped lead the charge into Iraq.
When Trump Wins, The Left Will Be Violent At Levels Not Previosly Seen
and if hillary wins,what level of violence will you and your fellow trumpers be at?.....hey just asking....

You have the freedom to ask all your little heart desires.............just like he (and others) have the freedom not to answer your stupid questions!
are you pollocks spokeshole now?....what happened to Bruce?.....

You used to have a spine.
you mean if i agree with you i do?....
With the false ‘scandals’ of ‘Benghazi’ and ‘emails’ gone, republicans will have no other choice but to run on the issues and their agenda…

…something they’ve been desperately trying not to do.
While I would agree that the Republicans overplayed Benghazi, I think the full story of Benghazi is classified and won't be revealed for several years.
So when do the investigations into the Republicans in Congress begin for malfeasance in using governmental power and taxpayer money on endless politically driven witch hunts? If you use elected office to 'attempt' to injure a political opponent that certainly rises to high crimes and Republicans have turned this criminal endeavor into a way of life. It is obvious their voting base has no morals and will elect these people no matter what crimes they commit, but what about the rest of the electorate? Will the crime family that the Republican party has become be turned out in November by the American people?

Wow, here posts a brainwashed Democrap now that puts party before country.

Can't answer eh. Of course not, your political party is your all mighty god. You bow before it in all things.

I on the other hand accept whatever the Congressional 'investigation' into Ben Gassy and the FBI investigation into 'email excrement'. Both of which found nothing charge worthy. I know you like to believe you know more than the FBI but you don't. And we've watched the Republicans use power in Congress to conduct witch hunt after witch hunt and come up empty because there was nothing there to begin with. So how's about you and your fellow cons pitch in $100 each and pay back the taxpayers the $40 million or so that your party has wasted on political witch-huntery. Yes? No because you have no moral compass, you are only interested in the Republicans 'winning', doesn't matter how criminal they are in doing it.

I re-registered as an independent over two years ago. I don't have any grandchildren, so I may still vote for Hillary in order to send a big FU! to other peoples' grandchildren. Afterall, I've already lived through my best days.........:2up:.
...I on the other hand accept whatever the Congressional 'investigation' into Ben Gassy and the FBI investigation into 'email excrement'. Both of which found nothing charge worthy. I know you like to believe you know more than the FBI but you don't. And we've watched the Republicans use power in Congress to conduct witch hunt after witch hunt and come up empty because there was nothing there to begin with. So how's about you and your fellow cons pitch in $100 each and pay back the taxpayers the $40 million or so that your party has wasted on political witch-huntery. Yes? No because you have no moral compass, you are only interested in the Republicans 'winning', doesn't matter how criminal they are in doing it.
So you agree those who claim "Bush lied" are fucking morons?

Can't answer so you change the subject. Apropos.
When Trump Wins, The Left Will Be Violent At Levels Not Previosly Seen
and if hillary wins,what level of violence will you and your fellow trumpers be at?.....hey just asking....

You have the freedom to ask all your little heart desires.............just like he (and others) have the freedom not to answer your stupid questions!
are you pollocks spokeshole now?....what happened to Bruce?.....

You used to have a spine.
you mean if i agree with you i do?....

It's understandable and in yer' case, :itsok:.............:laugh:.
After spending 10 minutes describing in painstaking detail every crime Hillary Clinton committed Comeyconfirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she violated numerous statutes and put national security at risk in the process. He didn't say it directly but his report made it clear that Clinton lied repeatedly in an attempt to cover up her crimes.

Yet, she won't be indicted. Others have been convicted of crimes for doing far less, but not Clinton. She will escape prosecution after breaking about 5 different federal laws. And she'll probably be president at the end of it all.

This is an outrage. We were told, in so many words, that the law does not apply to Hillary Clinton like it applies to us. And if it doesn't apply to her, then it doesn't really exist. We live under the rule of the elite, not law. The law is dead.

Be thankful Bush and Cheney weren't prosecuted as war criminals and call it a day bub. Partisanshit and justice cannot coexist.
Senator Hillary Clinton speaking on the Senate floor before we regime changed Saddam Hussein. October 10, 2002:

In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001.

It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.

Now this much is undisputed. The open questions are: what should we do about it? How, when, and with whom?
So when do the investigations into the Republicans in Congress begin for malfeasance in using governmental power and taxpayer money on endless politically driven witch hunts? If you use elected office to 'attempt' to injure a political opponent that certainly rises to high crimes and Republicans have turned this criminal endeavor into a way of life. It is obvious their voting base has no morals and will elect these people no matter what crimes they commit, but what about the rest of the electorate? Will the crime family that the Republican party has become be turned out in November by the American people?

Wow, here posts a brainwashed Democrap now that puts party before country.

Can't answer eh. Of course not, your political party is your all mighty god. You bow before it in all things.

I on the other hand accept whatever the Congressional 'investigation' into Ben Gassy and the FBI investigation into 'email excrement'. Both of which found nothing charge worthy. I know you like to believe you know more than the FBI but you don't. And we've watched the Republicans use power in Congress to conduct witch hunt after witch hunt and come up empty because there was nothing there to begin with. So how's about you and your fellow cons pitch in $100 each and pay back the taxpayers the $40 million or so that your party has wasted on political witch-huntery. Yes? No because you have no moral compass, you are only interested in the Republicans 'winning', doesn't matter how criminal they are in doing it.

I re-registered as an independent over two years ago. I don't have any grandchildren, so I may still vote for Hillary in order to send a big FU! to other peoples' grandchildren. Afterall, I've already lived through my best days.........:2up:.

I'm a lifelong independent. I will likely vote for Hillary as well though I wish Bernie had won the nomination. Trump though is like voting for a childish version of Mussolini, if that is even physically possible. American politics many times comes down to the choice between two cesspools.
Your post is a fucking lie. The FBI director DID NOT say that there will be no indictments agaist Clinton.

Your post is a big fucking lie!

The FBI director said that they had evidence that Hillary committed over 100 crimes.

THe FBI said that she was lying all along about none of the e-mails being classified.
Seemed pretty clear to me no charges would be filed even though he chastised her for being careless with classified material.
The FBI, in any case whatsoever, does not decide who or who does not get indicted. It is not up to them.

Democrat idiots are too unintelligent to comprehend that FACT no matter how many times you try to educate them. They are simply hard learners.
Can't answer so you change the subject. Apropos.
Translation: I'm dodging. Go fuck yourself. All LWLs know Bush lied. Only RWNJs have conspiracy theories. LWLs speak truth!!!

Dude, the fact remains you're just as loony as those you accuse.

I'm a lifelong independent. I will likely vote for Hillary as well though I wish Bernie had won the nomination. Trump though is like voting for a childish version of Mussolini, if that is even physically possible. American politics many times comes down to the choice between two cesspools.
It would help if you ever acted like one. Please name 2 or 3 RW issues you support.
So when do the investigations into the Republicans in Congress begin for malfeasance in using governmental power and taxpayer money on endless politically driven witch hunts? If you use elected office to 'attempt' to injure a political opponent that certainly rises to high crimes and Republicans have turned this criminal endeavor into a way of life. It is obvious their voting base has no morals and will elect these people no matter what crimes they commit, but what about the rest of the electorate? Will the crime family that the Republican party has become be turned out in November by the American people?

Wow, here posts a brainwashed Democrap now that puts party before country.

Can't answer eh. Of course not, your political party is your all mighty god. You bow before it in all things.

I on the other hand accept whatever the Congressional 'investigation' into Ben Gassy and the FBI investigation into 'email excrement'. Both of which found nothing charge worthy. I know you like to believe you know more than the FBI but you don't. And we've watched the Republicans use power in Congress to conduct witch hunt after witch hunt and come up empty because there was nothing there to begin with. So how's about you and your fellow cons pitch in $100 each and pay back the taxpayers the $40 million or so that your party has wasted on political witch-huntery. Yes? No because you have no moral compass, you are only interested in the Republicans 'winning', doesn't matter how criminal they are in doing it.

I re-registered as an independent over two years ago. I don't have any grandchildren, so I may still vote for Hillary in order to send a big FU! to other peoples' grandchildren. Afterall, I've already lived through my best days.........:2up:.

I'm a lifelong independent. I will likely vote for Hillary as well though I wish Bernie had won the nomination. Trump though is like voting for a childish version of Mussolini, if that is even physically possible. American politics many times comes down to the choice between two cesspools.

In my long experience, the time has come to consider toppling a system that keeps producing such cesspools. Time is a'wastin'......
[The FBI, in any case whatsoever, does not decide who or who does not get indicted. It is not up to them.

Democrat idiots are too unintelligent to comprehend that FACT no matter how many times you try to educate them. They are simply hard learners.
True, but their investigation found nothing worth charging. Carelessness and incompetence unbecoming a Secretary of State, much less a President, yes, but nothing criminal.
Let's get a grip, loonies.

No revolution will occur.

No secession will occur.

An election will occur this fall, and we all will abide it.
So Colin Powell and Condi Rice did the exact same thing. Actually Colin Powell deleted all his emails which is an actual crime. Hillary did the exact same as her two predecessors but she was somehow the devil, She probably said give me the same system as the last guy. Since the previous two used private email then they did the same….

This was another trumped up scandal from the GOP… They are running out of shit to throw…

On another note, how can anyone even consider Trump as Presidential Material. We are only 8 years after Bush, do you remember that disaster, the world needs more time to recover.

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