No Charges for Clinton


As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe that you are right. When Comey made it clear that Hillary wouldn't be charged, but if anyone else does it, they won't be so lucky, I saw the writing on the damned wall.

Tyranny is right around the corner. There have been a couple of times that I have been ashamed of my country. Today is one of them.

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe that you are right. When Comey made it clear that Hillary wouldn't be charged, but if anyone else does it, they won't be so lucky, I saw the writing on the damned wall.

Tyranny is right around the corner. There have been a couple of times that I have been ashamed of my country. Today is one of them.

I'm not ashamed of my country, I'm ashamed of the corruption running it and those that support it.

It's common knowledge. That is up to you to look up if you are ignorant of the law.

Democrats are ignorant fools.
So cite the law. You can't even write it off the top of your head? WTF?

Democrats mostly are ignorant fools, but you're not impressing me as being any better.
While I believe the Clintons are crooked and also believe politics plays a part in this, I also strongly believe the vast majority of those in the FBI are honest, hard-working patriots who would not be quiet about blatant corruption.

In a normal election year, there's no fucking way someone as corrupt and unlikable as Hillary could become President....but this isn't a normal election year. The Republicans are running someone even less likable and the odds are Hillary will scrape out a win.

Comer: "Hillary is guilty as sin, but we can't charge her, she is above the law that YOU would go to prison for."

Yeah, that will help her a lot in November.

You Owe Them Nothing - Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience

It's common knowledge. That is up to you to look up if you are ignorant of the law.

Democrats are ignorant fools.
So cite the law. You can't even write it off the top of your head? WTF?

Democrats mostly are ignorant fools, but you're not impressing me as being any better.
You need to look it up. Are you too ignorant to know how to do that? I'm not doing you homework for you, boy.

Educate yourself. If you don't, you will be an ignorant Democrat forever.
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As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe America is better than that...after this morning the mood is ugly, Cankles and her dumb downed supporters view it as a victory....I'm not so sure of that

America was better than that. I live in the present and not, the past. I'm just grateful that most of my life has been lived in our best days. Equal application of the rule of law is over. Nixon is rolling over in his grave, wishing, "If only I'd been President in 2016!.......I would've had it made!"

Like I said in an earlier post, I re-watched "Mr Smith goes to Washington" yesterday and I couldn't help but remember the first time I saw the movie as a kid. I was probably 13-14 when I saw it and I remember thinking, "America CAN'T be like this". Well, unfortunately, it is and its 10 times worse today. Frankly, it breaks my heart that blatant corruption and graft and abuse of authority is the norm. Welcome to America - 21st Century.

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe America is better than that...after this morning the mood is ugly, Cankles and her dumb downed supporters view it as a victory....I'm not so sure of that

America was better than that. I live in the present and not, the past. I'm just grateful that most of my life has been lived in our best days. Equal application of the rule of law is over. Nixon is rolling over in his grave, wishing, "If only I'd been President in 2016!.......I would've had it made!"

Like I said in an earlier post, I re-watched "Mr Smith goes to Washington" yesterday and I couldn't help but remember the first time I saw the movie as a kid. I was probably 13-14 when I saw it and I remember thinking, "America CAN'T be like this". Well, unfortunately, it is and its 10 times worse today. Frankly, it breaks my heart that blatant corruption and graft and abuse of authority is the norm. Welcome to America - 21st Century.

What's sad is reading comments on here defending it....those that do are not true Americans in any sense

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe that you are right. When Comey made it clear that Hillary wouldn't be charged, but if anyone else does it, they won't be so lucky, I saw the writing on the damned wall.

Tyranny is right around the corner. There have been a couple of times that I have been ashamed of my country. Today is one of them.

I'm not ashamed of my country, I'm ashamed of the corruption running it and those that support it.

Are you ready for 8 more years of corruption after Obamas' 8 years (which will make a total of 16 years of ultra-corruption)?
By the end of this, your ashamed-meter will be long broken.

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe that you are right. When Comey made it clear that Hillary wouldn't be charged, but if anyone else does it, they won't be so lucky, I saw the writing on the damned wall.

Tyranny is right around the corner. There have been a couple of times that I have been ashamed of my country. Today is one of them.

I'm not ashamed of my country, I'm ashamed of the corruption running it and those that support it.

The "country" is made up of its' people. I find it repulsive that people are actually celebrating the idea that this "woman" was declared "innocent" by the head of the FBI, while at the same time calling her "Grossly incompetent " and her supporters think she would make a good president.

THATS the country I'm referring to.

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe that you are right. When Comey made it clear that Hillary wouldn't be charged, but if anyone else does it, they won't be so lucky, I saw the writing on the damned wall.

Tyranny is right around the corner. There have been a couple of times that I have been ashamed of my country. Today is one of them.

I'm not ashamed of my country, I'm ashamed of the corruption running it and those that support it.

Are you ready for 8 more years of corruption after Obamas' 8 years (which will make a total of 16 years of ultra-corruption)?
By the end of this, your ashamed-meter will be long broken.

This nation will not survive another 8 years of this corruption.
how can anyone even consider Trump as Presidential Material.
i agree.....but at the same time how can anyone consider hillary Presidential material?....

Totally agree.

Here are our "choices"

D) A criminally insane totalitarian sociopath whom, in a sane world would have been driven from the WH in utter shame and embarrassment while her impeached "husband" faced a criminal trial for perjury. She should have died of heat stroke in a single wide trailer in Lakeshore Trailer Park back in 2002, but instead carpet bagged her way into a dead NY Senator's seat.

R) The world's richest professional clown who once remarked that hitlery "would make a great president or veep". Again in a sane world this would have been a novelty campaign like in "Brewster's Millions" and Ted Cruz would have graciously accepted Dump's withdraw.

L) A political whore who recently adopted libertarian principles because he has too much self respect to be a democrook, and the GOP is too stupid run with the concept of rolling back regressive drug laws.

G) Who gives a fuck what these turds do?
As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

I truly believe America is better than that...after this morning the mood is ugly, Cankles and her dumb downed supporters view it as a victory....I'm not so sure of that

America was better than that. I live in the present and not, the past. I'm just grateful that most of my life has been lived in our best days. Equal application of the rule of law is over. Nixon is rolling over in his grave, wishing, "If only I'd been President in 2016!.......I would've had it made!"

Like I said in an earlier post, I re-watched "Mr Smith goes to Washington" yesterday and I couldn't help but remember the first time I saw the movie as a kid. I was probably 13-14 when I saw it and I remember thinking, "America CAN'T be like this". Well, unfortunately, it is and its 10 times worse today. Frankly, it breaks my heart that blatant corruption and graft and abuse of authority is the norm. Welcome to America - 21st Century.

What's sad is reading comments on here defending it....those that do are not true Americans in any sense

Well, the good news is, that only retards will vote for Hillary.

Now, for the bad news............polls show that over 52% of Americans are retarded........and, the retarded are quite literally, shameless.
Well maybe those 34,000 emails she destroyed might have something to say. Of course, as long as the FBI, et al. are under orders from criminals above, even then they would protect her.

By the way --- how does it feel to be campaigning for a traitor and and a criminal ---- and pretending you are doing good?
While I believe the Clintons are crooked and also believe politics plays a part in this, I also strongly believe the vast majority of those in the FBI are honest, hard-working patriots who would not be quiet about blatant corruption.

In a normal election year, there's no fucking way someone as corrupt and unlikable as Hillary could become President....but this isn't a normal election year. The Republicans are running someone even less likable and the odds are Hillary will scrape out a win.

In other words what?... you are agreeing with me, that's what. The nation is being played for a fool, we have no power or say and there are major financial or global movers and shakers who hold sway over the congress, the FBI, the courts, the media, anything that can cause them trouble. And yet --- fools out there act as though they love the democrat party and they are the good guys. And Obama would never lie. And so on. This makes me sick to vomit, and that is why I stay a devout Catholic and pity all those who mock God and think they are somehow in control.

I am not defending republican party or candidates but even though they do nothing but lip service, at least their platforms are more honorable and moral. We are not celebrating perversion every week.

Don't bother telling me how despicable Trump is, that is nothing but a diversion from the subject at hand. Because I will tell you Barack Obama is the biggest traitor, liar, phony, coward, bastard we ever had as president and I would take 10 hillaries over that.
Comer: "Hillary is guilty as sin, but we can't charge her, she is above the law that YOU would go to prison for."

Yeah, that will help her a lot in November.

You Owe Them Nothing - Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience
Lying about what Comey said just makes the Right look as guilty and desperate as the Clintons.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Comey laid out the facts that showed in detail that Hillary is guilty - then stated she would not be charged THEN stated that others who did what Hillary did WOULD be charged.

You may celebrate corruption and the perversion of the rule of law; I do not.

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