No Charges for Clinton

Silly Wabbit. Don't you know that laws, like taxes, are for the Small Folk.

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So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.
You shouldn't be getting your jollies off yet because that criminal isn't off the hook yet. She can still be prosecuted for those 100+ crimes until she's been pardoned, acquitted or the statute of limitations expires.

Why are you pro-crime anyways?

Pissing off RWNJs is not a crime.
Can't answer so you change the subject. Apropos.
Translation: I'm dodging. Go fuck yourself. All LWLs know Bush lied. Only RWNJs have conspiracy theories. LWLs speak truth!!!

Dude, the fact remains you're just as loony as those you accuse.

I'm a lifelong independent. I will likely vote for Hillary as well though I wish Bernie had won the nomination. Trump though is like voting for a childish version of Mussolini, if that is even physically possible. American politics many times comes down to the choice between two cesspools.
It would help if you ever acted like one. Please name 2 or 3 RW issues you support.

You're good at reading your memes into what others say.

You changed the subject. Why? Because you don't have an answer other than one that turns your stomach.
Okay. Prove to me that he lied. I heard ever word that the man said and basically, that's what the Director stated. She's not going to be charged, but if anyone else attempts it, they will be.

Couldn't have been clearer. Maybe your ears were clogged?
Now you're being as disingenuous as a fucking Liberal.

If I said Randall Flagg "I'm a fucking liar" then later claimed that's basically what you said, would you be rightful to claim I'm being dishonest? Telling a fucking lie?
So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.

No, actually they merely declined to recommend charges.

A sad day for all Americans. Too bad you and others are too stupid to realize that justice isn't blind after all. I'm sick, I thought the FBI was in better hands. Hillary OBVIOUSLY broke the law.

You OBVIOUSLY would disparage anyone who wouldn't give her the same unfair judgement as you.

You know what, go eat rat poison, you're a complete tool. It is BEYOND obvious that crimes were committed. The difference is it was a Democrat so you don't care. I don't care the party of the person who broke the law.

Pitiful. I've lost all respect for Jim Comey.

You're good at reading your memes into what others say.

You changed the subject. Why? Because you don't have an answer other than one that turns your stomach.
You can't even name one RW issue you support? How can you honestly claim to be an "Independent" when all you do is support LW issues?

Conversely, I support a woman's right to choose, gay marriage, immigration reform and a host of other LW issues, yet fucking asshole Liberals like Wry Catcher claim I'm a RWer because I staunchly support all of our Constitutional rights. How fucked up is that?
So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.
So sad for you that you support a lying crooked hag. The fix is in, there was reason, just that the FBI is too scared. Retard.

No conspiracy theory left behind!!!
No theory you friggin idiot, she lied.

Right, and the only reason she isn't in jail is the massive conspiracy that forced the FBI to withhold indicting her. Right?

More conspiracy theories.
Okay. Prove to me that he lied. I heard ever word that the man said and basically, that's what the Director stated. She's not going to be charged, but if anyone else attempts it, they will be.

Couldn't have been clearer. Maybe your ears were clogged?
Now you're being as disingenuous as a fucking Liberal.

If I said Randall Flagg "I'm a fucking liar" then later claimed that's basically what you said, would you be rightful to claim I'm being dishonest? Telling a fucking lie?

Jesus Christ. All I asked you to do was prove to me that Comey DIDN'T say what he said. I'm still waiting.
You're good at reading your memes into what others say.

You changed the subject. Why? Because you don't have an answer other than one that turns your stomach.
You can't even name one RW issue you support? How can you honestly claim to be an "Independent" when all you do is support LW issues?

Conversely, I support a woman's right to choose, gay marriage, immigration reform and a host of other LW issues, yet fucking asshole Liberals like Wry Catcher claim I'm a RWer because I staunchly support all of our Constitutional rights. How fucked up is that?

I'd say that you qualify as a liberal with your stances. Seems fairly clear to me.
Once AGAIN, the Clinton's prove that they are above the law and know they are above us mere citizens.

Tragic for the country.

No different than John Roberts, James Comey decided he did not want to go down as the individual who changed history.
While I believe the Clintons are crooked and also believe politics plays a part in this, I also strongly believe the vast majority of those in the FBI are honest, hard-working patriots who would not be quiet about blatant corruption.

In a normal election year, there's no fucking way someone as corrupt and unlikable as Hillary could become President....but this isn't a normal election year. The Republicans are running someone even less likable and the odds are Hillary will scrape out a win.

I used to believe those in the FBI, BATFE, IRS, DEA (add federal LEO here) were honest, hard-working patriots who would not be quiet about blatant corruption.

Until I saw our government murder 76 citizens on live TV April 19th 1993 and not only keep quiet, but cover up and lie about it.

I would still agree that most people in such depts are there to do an important job and serve justice, but it also depends on their individual sense of justice. Few are willing to quit outright or be whistle blowers under any administration, least of all this one. Few are willing to risk angering the powers behind the throne. For leftists "justice" is limited to what advances the global collectivist cause.

The only reason I like Dump more than hitlery is because he might, just might, unravel the political structure that protects corruption. Believe it or not I held out hope the meat puppet faggot would do the same, but he entrenched the corruption deeper.

Bernie Sanders is the only one in the entire democrook party who stands for his beliefs, and Ted Cruz is the last chance we had to unfuck DC.

Instead "idiocracy" has become a prophecy.

You're good at reading your memes into what others say.

You changed the subject. Why? Because you don't have an answer other than one that turns your stomach.
You can't even name one RW issue you support? How can you honestly claim to be an "Independent" when all you do is support LW issues?

Conversely, I support a woman's right to choose, gay marriage, immigration reform and a host of other LW issues, yet fucking asshole Liberals like Wry Catcher claim I'm a RWer because I staunchly support all of our Constitutional rights. How fucked up is that?

When did this get to 'rw issues you support'? Did I miss something? Which is possible, I post here for entertainment and I sometimes forget if I was even online some days. LOL I generally stop by for a few minutes and move on.

I think the budget should be balanced every single year and no one in Congress or the White House should get paid or be able to leave until a budget is passed. The national debt should be brought back down to zero. Women should have a right to choose. Gays should get to marry as if anyone else had the option to prohibit them in the first place. 'Immigation reform' is too nebulous. The borders are closed naturally for every country and a quota of the number of immigrants should be in place. The 2nd amendment guarantees Americans can own guns but it also says right in the amendment 'well regulated', so gun regulation should also be implemented.

How's that.
She perpetrated crimes, but did "not" intend to do so. She was just incredibly stupid! Yeah, yeah.
Guilty until proven innocent and incredibly stupid?
That isnt what the guy said, idiot.

Hillary broke the law, according to Comey, but she is too stupid to be held accountable.

You libtards are going to hear that message till November 3rd EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY, idiot.

FU. Call the two who thanked your post idiots, and you may, someday, establish some credibility. As for now, you've defined yourself as an angry white member of the crazy right wing.
One can only wonder what the charges would have been had Hillary outed an active under-cover CIA agent for political purposes.

They didn't prosecute the one who did!

But of course, you knew that and chose to ignore it, like a good liberal sycophant.

Sure they did, Scooter Libby who did the dirty work for Shrub. Then Libby was convicted. Then Shrub pardoned him.

A president has one of his operatives out a CIA agent for political purposes, then pardons the criminal as soon as he is convicted. This is what a king does. It is how scumbags wipe their ass with the Constitution and write themself a get-out-of-jail-free card. And conservatives ignore this high crime with all their guts.
scooter did the dirty work for CHENEY, it appeared Cheney was the very original perp in this....not Bush, from all that I have read on it...

Plame was outed by Richard Armitage. If you libs want to try to "out stupid" one another, go find a thread where you can keep your ignorance contained.
Yes, but who leaked the info to armitage for him to leak? And who was the original leaker?

Oh, shut up and grow up!

If it was Libby, he would have been charged with that, but he wasn't!

As a person (investigator) who did investigations for security clearances at embassies, I'm trying as best I can to figure out how the hell, after Comey's bullshit statement (where he accused her of gross negligence when handling classified material) she can be given a Security Clearance as Commander-in-Chief.

I would absolutely disqualify her IMMEDIATELY from anything other than possibly a CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Certainly nothing of the TS-SC variety that a CIC needs to be near classified material.

After today Flagg, it's in the past and time to move on............towards tyranny and bondage.

Trannys and bondage?
Jesus Christ. All I asked you to do was prove to me that Comey DIDN'T say what he said. I'm still waiting.
Prove he didn't say something? Prove a negative? First, it's not my place to prove anything. It's up to the fucking low-life liar who posted the lie to prove it was a true statement. The fact you are being dishonest in admitting this says a lot about your character.
Jesus Christ. All I asked you to do was prove to me that Comey DIDN'T say what he said. I'm still waiting.
Prove he didn't say something? Prove a negative? First, it's not my place to prove anything. It's up to the fucking low-life liar who posted the lie to prove it was a true statement. The fact you are being dishonest in admitting this says a lot about your character.

Okiedokie. Gotcha.

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