No Charges for Clinton

So when do the investigations into the Republicans in Congress begin for malfeasance in using governmental power and taxpayer money on endless politically driven witch hunts? If you use elected office to 'attempt' to injure a political opponent that certainly rises to high crimes and Republicans have turned this criminal endeavor into a way of life. It is obvious their voting base has no morals and will elect these people no matter what crimes they commit, but what about the rest of the electorate? Will the crime family that the Republican party has become be turned out in November by the American people?

Wow, here posts a brainwashed Democrap now that puts party before country.
That asshole is the useless waste of blood on this site. Scary how many people think like him too.

What isn't scary to your types?
YOU have no idea and no evidence to support your claim that "The MAJORITY of Americans see this as an outrage".

You'll see that on election day, shitbrains. You think the majority of Americans will stand for this blatant abuse of our legal system? You're fucking higher than Anthony Weiner posting pictures of himself on Snapchat. You and your ilk are about to be "Brexit'd," you're just too stupid to see it coming, bedwetter.
Hate to say this, but Trump does not stand a chance. what is more and more plain is how the FIX IS IN. That much is that clear to me.

I have been saying this for a while. I also have been saying that she would skate on the emails. That it was not going to get anywhere.

Do not misunderstand. I think she is as guilty as anyone else. I also think an investigation should have been done. The FBI did say she did commit a crime, but according to them she did not "intend" to do it.

If there was ever anything we need to know about what bullshit this is, that is it right there. He also made it clear that IF ANYONE ELSE did what SHE DID, that they would be indicted. Listen to the whole thing.

I mean at this point the world (the socialists) probably cannot believe how dumb their voting base is. They are not even trying to hide it anymore.

The point is that the fix is in and the country is not even on life support. It is dead. The historians hundreds of years from now (if the world is still around) will see the decline of the USA began after the assassination of Kennedy.

The collective psyche of the PEOPLE became cynical, untrusting and nihilistic. We are now reaping what we have been sewing for a while.

Hate to sound so gloom and doom, but someone needs to identify the storm clouds. Can we not read the signs of the times?

You have no clue how jurisprudence in the US functions, yet pretend you do. The right wing considers anyone who does not hold to the dogma the RW proselytize, as criminals, corrupt or crazy (i.e. libtards), and piss their pants and whine when events prove their biases wrong.
I'd say that you qualify as a liberal with your stances. Seems fairly clear to me.
Only according to RWNJs. According to LWLs, I'm a fucking righty.

It's endlessly amusing to me when both the RWNJs and the LWLs have a conniption over my posts. Usually it's only one side or the other per thread, but this thread is one of those rare instances when the lunatics from both sides are upset with me. BWAAA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA!
When did this get to 'rw issues you support'? Did I miss something? ...
No worries. I was just proving a point that you claiming to be an "Independent" was pure bullshit.

In your mind. It's tiring for me how many people here project their biases out onto the rest of the world. Nobody falls strictly along any line you need to draw in some abstract sand somewhere. Give up trying to pigeon-hole people into tidy little boxes.
I mean did anyone actually believe that?

Get ready for the stupid meat puppets to laugh when the FBI director says there will be NO INDICTMENT.

Trust me, they are going to act as though they were right all along as if any of us actually believed there would be.

Just another sign of this world movement towards one world socialist new world order government marching on.

My, you are in a foul mood. Not to worry, we'll make of you a fine, obedient little socialist too! :bye1:
Let's get a grip, loonies.

No revolution will occur.

No secession will occur.

An election will occur this fall, and we all will abide it.


This hive mentality = tyranny. And, you don't speak for many of us.

It's not tyranny just because your party can't win a general election. Conservatives are like children who want to ruin the game for everyone because they don't get their way.
Indeed. I'm beginning to think that something VERY bad is coming. VERY Bad, indeed.
Lighten up. Our nation has suffered and survived much worse.

Like what?

Is it a good thing Nixon was not held accountable? Is it a good thing FDR's admin was riddled with soviet agents? Is it a good thing Wilson undermined the COTUS?

It didn't KILL us, but it certainly has not made us stronger.

In fact it has made us a joke.

Land of the free... LOL... say "faggot" in public and wait for a police response.

As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Well maybe those 34,000 emails she destroyed might have something to say. Of course, as long as the FBI, et al. are under orders from criminals above, even then they would protect her.

By the way --- how does it feel to be campaigning for a traitor and and a criminal ---- and pretending you are doing good?

I'm not campaigning for her. I'm campaigning against the lying, corrupt, vile scumbags in the GOP who know they can't win on policy, so they have to manufacture scandals to even have a snowballs chance.
Right wing loons, listen up.

A general election does speak for all of us and it is binding.

We oppose it lawfully and constitutionally,

I suspect any who use violence to oppose lawful government will be taking eternal dirt naps quickly,
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Well maybe those 34,000 emails she destroyed might have something to say. Of course, as long as the FBI, et al. are under orders from criminals above, even then they would protect her.

By the way --- how does it feel to be campaigning for a traitor and and a criminal ---- and pretending you are doing good?

I'm not campaigning for her. I'm campaigning against the lying, corrupt, vile scumbags in the GOP who know they can't win on policy, so they have to manufacture scandals to even have a snowballs chance.
Yes, how the far right are acting is terrible. Kasich could have won so easily, and the far right threw the election into the toilet with its behavior.

She should have badly lost, and the far right saved her.
"I have said repeatedly that I did not send nor receive classified material, and I’m very confident that when this entire process plays out that will be understood by everyone, ~~ Hillary Clinton

In a press conference today the FBI Director said that they found 110 classified e-mails including several that were top secret.

Clinton is a criminal and a liar. Anyone who votes for her is an idiot.

This proves that the law does not cover powerful democrats. The FBI confirms that crooked Hillary broke a dozen laws, but will not charge her simply because the law does not apply to her.
Martha Stewart went to prison for less, Nixon got the impeached for less.

You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Well maybe those 34,000 emails she destroyed might have something to say. Of course, as long as the FBI, et al. are under orders from criminals above, even then they would protect her.

By the way --- how does it feel to be campaigning for a traitor and and a criminal ---- and pretending you are doing good?

I'm not campaigning for her. I'm campaigning against the lying, corrupt, vile scumbags in the GOP who know they can't win on policy, so they have to manufacture scandals to even have a snowballs chance.


They've been trying their repugnant smear and take downs on every Democratic candidate and president since Carter.
So Colin Powell and Condi Rice did the exact same thing. Actually Colin Powell deleted all his emails which is an actual crime. Hillary did the exact same as her two predecessors but she was somehow the devil, She probably said give me the same system as the last guy. Since the previous two used private email then they did the same….

This was another trumped up scandal from the GOP… They are running out of shit to throw…

On another note, how can anyone even consider Trump as Presidential Material. We are only 8 years after Bush, do you remember that disaster, the world needs more time to recover.
how can anyone even consider Trump as Presidential Material.
i agree.....but at the same time how can anyone consider hillary Presidential material?....

You have to look at this logically... There has been endless false attacks on this woman. Do you think if there wasn't anything there that out of the $40 million being spent endlessly investigating her something concrete would have turned up.

Truth is Hillary has come out from all of them. Yes she lied about the sniper thing which she said 8 years ago about an incident 20 years ago. Honestly if that is all they got it is pretty weak.

Benghazi the GOP guys said that she was not at fault, was Bush asked why ignored the terror alerts in the same witch hunt fashion?

The Email issue was the same thing as the two previous SoS did as well. Colin Powell and Condi Rice were also questioned by the FBI. But did we see them raked through the coals even Powell admitted he deleted everything. And none of what they did even pales in comparison to what the Bush Administration did with its private email server which they conducted government business. They wiped the servers 30 days.
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All the other junk is conspiracy theories....

Hillary is the most vetted presidential candidate in history. She has been in the public eye for decades.

There is an old NAZI saying 'Repeat a lie often enough and it will become true'.

Then there is Trump, No Tax returns, Trump University is a disgraceful business preying on vulnerable, there is his actions when dealing with the Mohawk casinos, the scottish golf course intimidation of his neighbours, Trump Vodka (his brother died of alcoholism and he puts his name on a vodka) was meant to donate to charity but they received no money, Casinos going bust while he got paid......
His business dealing show him to be a man of very little character, while not actually making that much money considering his inheritance.

He is a conman playing the big con.. Maybe he just showing how bad the US election system and will reveal all the last week in October. I would call him a true patriot then.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Well maybe those 34,000 emails she destroyed might have something to say. Of course, as long as the FBI, et al. are under orders from criminals above, even then they would protect her.

By the way --- how does it feel to be campaigning for a traitor and and a criminal ---- and pretending you are doing good?

I'm not campaigning for her. I'm campaigning against the lying, corrupt, vile scumbags in the GOP who know they can't win on policy, so they have to manufacture scandals to even have a snowballs chance.

Translation: you're totally copacetic with hiLIARy being both dishonest and incompetent as long as she supports your Prog Agenda.
Even Democrats don't trust Hillary, but like Bernie mentioned, she's the pick of the Democratic leadership, leaving her the only choice for those who wish to vote Democrat.

Public Policy Polling
....It's a simple reality that both of this year's Presidential candidates are unpopular. Clinton's favorability is 39/54, and Trump is even worse off at 35/58. This has given rise to the 'Giant Meteor for President' movement, and we find that the Meteor would poll at 13%- far more support than the third party candidates actually on the ballot- with Clinton at 43% and Trump at 38%. The Meteor is particularly appealing to independent voters, functionally in a three way tie at 27% to 35% for Clinton and 31% for Trump. Maybe that's who the Libertarians should have nominated.

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