No Charges for Clinton

The JakeASS swears he heard her SAY THIS....LOLOL!

Congressman Chavetz is hauling Comey's ass to Capitol Hill to answer questions how he concluded Hillary should not be charged with a crime of negligence.

Let the hearings commence. This shit ain't over. Forget Trump University "scandal".

Oh.. Please do this... Bring a Republican Director up and ask him why as a republican he didn't recommend a prosecute..

The optics will be great....

Was he NOT appointed by the Obomanation???
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country. Did. You not hear anything Comey said before saying no prosecutor would bring charges. As for the last statement, I bet we could find 1000s of prosecutors.
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Fakey is so discredited on USMB, that it really doesn't matter what he does.
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.

Wake up, ANTI-AMERICAN....

hiLIARy's new lapdog:

I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.

They are acting more like the old KGB of the Cold War years.

Shame on the FBI !! Scum!
Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

You do realize that this is fodder for Trump's "The government is unresponsive to normal people" attacks, right?

"She did something wrong, but she should get away with it because ???????"
Get away with what? She did nothing illegal.
You can't fix Stupid. You think Comey wasn't prepared for this. Just another witch hunt. Prepare to spend s couple million more dollars on.......nothing.
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I am no Clinton fan, and I wish the Clintons were put on a boat with no captain and pushed out to sea, but there is no reason to believe that she had any 'nefarious concepts' behind her server setup. '
As someone put it on FOX TV, Hillary was more worried that the GOP would find out what she was doing than the Chinese.
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.

They are acting more like the old KGB of the Cold War years.

Shame on the FBI !! Scum!

Do you understand what PRECEDENCE is?
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.

Wake up, ANTI-AMERICAN....


All that is is the fake movie that plays over and over in your head. It doesn't exist out here in the real world.

But you need to FEEL good so you believe it. Knock yo'self out Cubby.
You can't fux Stupid. You think Comey wasn't prepared for this. Just another witch hunt. Prepare to spend s couple million more dollars on.......nothing.
You can be certain the GOP Congress will start the first of many investigations into her email server. It will be the new Benghazi -- endless investigations, no matter the cost, until they find something on Hillary.
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Quit wasting our money on your paranoid squirrelly theories. Benghazi's over. The e-mail "scandal" is over. Get busy convincing the country that the Right has the answer to our woes. It's like a dog worrying a sore spot.

Benghazi and email gate is not over. House investigation will commence.
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.

They are acting more like the old KGB of the Cold War years.

Shame on the FBI !! Scum!

Do you understand what PRECEDENCE is?

When something happens that has never happened before, there is no precedent. No Sec of State has ever set up multiple email servers in order to subvert government security protocols. The language of the law is quite clear however: "gross negligence".

What Comey called "extremely careless" is "gross neglicence", which doesn't require malicious intent to be illegal.
You can't fux Stupid. You think Comey wasn't prepared for this. Just another witch hunt. Prepare to spend s couple million more dollars on.......nothing.
You can be certain the GOP Congress will start the first of many investigations into her email server. It will be the new Benghazi -- endless investigations, no matter the cost, until they find something on Hillary.

The partisan GOP Congress is going to override the FBI? NOT LIKELY!
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.

They are acting more like the old KGB of the Cold War years.

Shame on the FBI !! Scum!

Do you understand what PRECEDENCE is?

When something happens that has never happened before, there is no precedent. No Sec of State has ever set up multiple email servers in order to subvert government security protocols. The language of the law is quite clear however: "gross negligence".

What Comey called "extremely careless" is "gross neglicence", which doesn't require malicious intent to be illegal.

Never realized we had so many attorneys on the board! What a bunch of jokes.
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.

One law for them, another for us.

Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials

"The investigation did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel."

Yes, I weep for my nation.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both."

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