No Charges for Clinton

Quit wasting our money on your paranoid squirrelly theories. Benghazi's over. The e-mail "scandal" is over. Get busy convincing the country that the Right has the answer to our woes. It's like a dog worrying a sore spot.

Benghazi and email gate is not over. House investigation will commence.

And the GOP will be crushed in November for wasting tax payers money. PLEASE DO HOLD HEARINGS.
You people are funny. You forget "intent." but please carry is funny.

You are the only funny here!

But pathetically funny.....defending that corrupted lying, rotten Clinton.....with all your might!

You should be ashamed of yourself!
The Oligarchs and their pet politicians can do anything the hell they want and they will get away with it.

This is exactly how vigilantism gets started.
If Hillary is elected it would be good cause to overthrow the government as Thomas Jefferson said we should. We are being governed by criminals.
As I have been saying since at least's those indictments coming?
Thanks to corrupt retards like obuthole, lynch and commy the crook hildawhore slithered by another one. Retards like you celebrate. Commie bitch.
If Hillary is elected it would be good cause to overthrow the government as Thomas Jefferson said we should. We are being governed by criminals.

Not unless THEY press it by trying to remove our right to free speech and/or keep guns.

They MUST PROVOKE the conflict so that in any revolution WE would have the critical moral high ground as that would bring in the cooperation and support of the government officials who can still think like freemen.
So Colin Powell and Condi Rice did the exact same thing. Actually Colin Powell deleted all his emails which is an actual crime. Hillary did the exact same as her two predecessors but she was somehow the devil, She probably said give me the same system as the last guy. Since the previous two used private email then they did the same….

This was another trumped up scandal from the GOP… They are running out of shit to throw…

On another note, how can anyone even consider Trump as Presidential Material. We are only 8 years after Bush, do you remember that disaster, the world needs more time to recover.
how can anyone even consider Trump as Presidential Material.
i agree.....but at the same time how can anyone consider hillary Presidential material?....

You have to look at this logically... There has been endless false attacks on this woman. Do you think if there wasn't anything there that out of the $40 million being spent endlessly investigating her something concrete would have turned up.

Truth is Hillary has come out from all of them. Yes she lied about the sniper thing which she said 8 years ago about an incident 20 years ago. Honestly if that is all they got it is pretty weak.

Benghazi the GOP guys said that she was not at fault, was Bush asked why ignored the terror alerts in the same witch hunt fashion?

The Email issue was the same thing as the two previous SoS did as well. Colin Powell and Condi Rice were also questioned by the FBI. But did we see them raked through the coals even Powell admitted he deleted everything. And none of what they did even pales in comparison to what the Bush Administration did with its private email server which they conducted government business. They wiped the servers 30 days.
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All the other junk is conspiracy theories....

Hillary is the most vetted presidential candidate in history. She has been in the public eye for decades.

There is an old NAZI saying 'Repeat a lie often enough and it will become true'.

Then there is Trump, No Tax returns, Trump University is a disgraceful business preying on vulnerable, there is his actions when dealing with the Mohawk casinos, the scottish golf course intimidation of his neighbours, Trump Vodka (his brother died of alcoholism and he puts his name on a vodka) was meant to donate to charity but they received no money, Casinos going bust while he got paid......
His business dealing show him to be a man of very little character, while not actually making that much money considering his inheritance.

He is a conman playing the big con.. Maybe he just showing how bad the US election system and will reveal all the last week in October. I would call him a true patriot then.
Ted i never cared for hillary back when she was first lady and i voted for bill twice......and now on TV every fucking 15 minutes they are doing hillary political ads telling everyone how wonderful she is.....if this keeps up until November i will hate the site of
Do you think Lynch is going to follow the recommendation to not seek an indictment?

I seriously doubt that this news conference today is the last we will hear about this and believe that there will be tremendous pressure put on Lynch to take the evidence to a Grand Jury.

Here's the problem.

Comey said Clinton committed a crime and if Lynch fails to get an indictment from a Grand Jury, then Lynch, Bill and Hillary are going to be in deep DEEP trouble with the American people.

Even if it's true that Lynch and Bill Clinton talked about grand kids and golf, they can't prove it.

This whole thing is a mess. That news conference should have sunk Clinton's bid for the White House today but just by reading this thread and those supporting Clinton even now, it tells me they don't care if she were to strangle Muslim babies on tv, they want that (D) in the White House.

EDIT: Why Muslim Babies? Because they are the Democrats protected this election cycle like how women were the coveted protected in the last.
She didn't break the rules. She operated under the same rules as Colin Powell, who also set up a personal computer for his State Department emails. He openly wrote about it in his 2012 book. I didn't hear you rubes screaming for his head back then
. You lie.
I think for me it was a combination of the last 16 years. I weep for my nation.
That dumbass Jake is tagging every post with the laughing icon. Anybody think this misscarriage of Justice is a laughing matter should be ashamed. We should all be weeping for our Country.

Weeping? The FBI conducts a full investigation and you aren't happy with the outcome, politically, and it is some momentous occasion? It's the FBI for Christ's sake.

One law for them, another for us.

Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials

"The investigation did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel."

Yes, I weep for my nation.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both."
Dayam! Seems the FBI somehow missed that. You should notify them immediately of their error.
The Oligarchs and their pet politicians can do anything the hell they want and they will get away with it.

This is exactly how vigilantism gets started.
If Hillary is elected it would be good cause to overthrow the government as Thomas Jefferson said we should. We are being governed by criminals.
Problem is ... who's going first? Seems no one on the right can be inconvenienced by a revolution. Can't take time away from their smart phones, gay porn, and Duck Dynasty reruns.
As I have been saying since at least's those indictments coming?
Thanks to corrupt retards like obuthole, lynch and commy the crook hildawhore slithered by another one. Retards like you celebrate. Commie bitch.
Great, now you know how the other half of the country felt when no one was prosecuted for outing a covert CIA agent and Bush commuted the sentence of one convicted felon, snagged in the ensuing investigation for lying to federal law enforcement.
This must be taken to a Grand Jury or it will never die. Do you want this to go on for four years if she wins?
Like it's not gonna go on for the next 8 years anyway. :rolleyes:

Just like you rightards insisted that Obama just show his long form birth certificate and so that it could finally be put to rest. :rolleyes:

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