No Charges for Clinton

Comey did not say she committed crimes

The far right pursuit of Hillary and the support of Trump is moving America to the left forever

No my little Nazi friend....Comey did not,say she didn't commit crimes.....
Comey did not say she committed crimes.

The FBI Director will defer Chaffetz's committee until after the election.

Comey did not say hitlery did not commit crimes....

Trip will have the opportunity to revisit this.....
That means she did not commit crimes. Chaffetz will hae to wait until after the elections,

Except he didn't say that....

Trump will take care of this after the election....

Donnie will go back to Bankrupting his businesses and not paying contractors after the election. FOX News has already relegated this story to the bottom of their web page. A Republican FBI Director said that NO CHARGES would be brought against Hillary. It was all a partisan witch hunt from the beginning.

No my little Nazi friend....Comey did not,say she didn't commit crimes.....
Comey did not say she committed crimes.

The FBI Director will defer Chaffetz's committee until after the election.

Comey did not say hitlery did not commit crimes....

Trip will have the opportunity to revisit this.....
That means she did not commit crimes. Chaffetz will hae to wait until after the elections,

Except he didn't say that....

Trump will take care of this after the election....

Donnie will go back to Bankrupting his businesses and not paying contractors after the election. FOX News has already relegated this story to the bottom of their web page. A Republican FBI Director said that NO CHARGES would be brought against Hillary. It was all a partisan witch hunt from the beginning.


Actually he said no prosecutor would be able to handle the case....

But please, continue clicking your boot heels.....
Here ya go...... thank me later.

Typical response from a zero IQ c.unt idiot.

What dogshit like this and the others defending clinton don't get is that by defending her in these matters they are damaging the entire integrity of the political process:

1-the next time a republican does something illegitimate or questionable they can no longer make a claim about it, because they defended her illegal behavior/crimes

2-undermining the trust of people in the political system, that it is acceptable to steal/lie/be corrupt and that the public has to accept it, like the US is now russia or venezuela.

As for the facts, I'll just let the NY Times - the #1 PR flack for the clintons - do the talking for me:

"Even as he declined to recommend a criminal case against Hillary Clinton, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, undercut many of the arguments she has used to play down her use of a private email server while secretary of state, describing a series of questionable, even reckless, decisions made by her and her aides. At least 110 emails sent through her server contained information that was classified at the time it was sent, he said, meaning it should never have been sent or received on an unclassified computer network — not hers, not even the State Department’s official system.

That fact refutes the core argument she and others have made: that the entire controversy turned on the overzealous, after-the-fact classification of emails as they were being made public under the Freedom of Information Act, rather than the mishandling of the nation’s secrets.

Mr. Comey’s announcement was, arguably, the worst possible good news Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign could have hoped for: no criminal charges, but a pointed refutation of statements like one she flatly made last August. “I did not send classified material,” she said then."
You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
IIRC, Nixon orchestrate the break-in. He was guilty of covering it up. The famous "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

It also began a long history of politicians screwing themselves by covering up bad behavior rather than fessing up to it. Example:

Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

You do realize that this is fodder for Trump's "The government is unresponsive to normal people" attacks, right?

"She did something wrong, but she should get away with it because ???????"
Get away with what? She did nothing illegal.

So anyone can break security provisions and not get in trouble? How is what she did legal?
You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
IIRC, Nixon orchestrate the break-in. He was guilty of covering it up. The famous "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

It also began a long history of politicians screwing themselves by covering up bad behavior rather than fessing up to it. Example:

You forget Nixon had the integrity and respect for the constitution and stepped down. A rogue, corrupt turd like hillary would never sacrifice her own power or wealth for the betterment of the institution or country.
No, it's not. The evil alien symbiant that took over her body several decades ago just might burst out of her at an inopportune moment during the campaign. Many stupid American voters might still vote for her if they think she is a reasonably close fascimile to a human being...but once they see her actual slimey lizard skin? Not so much.
Watching her swallow a live mouse on stage would be a game changer too....but considering she's running against Trump, she'd probably still win.
Comey did not say she committed crimes

The far right pursuit of Hillary and the support of Trump is moving America to the left forever

No my little Nazi friend....Comey did not,say she didn't commit crimes.....
Comey did not say she committed crimes.

The FBI Director will defer Chaffetez's committee until after the election.
Hey Jakey...."extremely careless" is now a quality you can add to your list of qualities, you want in a POTUS... go along with prolific liar, owned by the 1%, elitist, opportunist, and terribly corrupt.

Good job my boy!!!
Here ya go...... thank me later.

Typical response from a zero IQ c.unt idiot.

What dogshit like this and the others defending clinton don't get is that by defending her in these matters they are damaging the entire integrity of the political process:

1-the next time a republican does something illegitimate or questionable they can no longer make a claim about it, because they defended her illegal behavior/crimes

2-undermining the trust of people in the political system, that it is acceptable to steal/lie/be corrupt and that the public has to accept it, like the US is now russia or venezuela.

As for the facts, I'll just let the NY Times - the #1 PR flack for the clintons - do the talking for me:

"Even as he declined to recommend a criminal case against Hillary Clinton, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, undercut many of the arguments she has used to play down her use of a private email server while secretary of state, describing a series of questionable, even reckless, decisions made by her and her aides. At least 110 emails sent through her server contained information that was classified at the time it was sent, he said, meaning it should never have been sent or received on an unclassified computer network — not hers, not even the State Department’s official system.

That fact refutes the core argument she and others have made: that the entire controversy turned on the overzealous, after-the-fact classification of emails as they were being made public under the Freedom of Information Act, rather than the mishandling of the nation’s secrets.

Mr. Comey’s announcement was, arguably, the worst possible good news Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign could have hoped for: no criminal charges, but a pointed refutation of statements like one she flatly made last August. “I did not send classified material,” she said then."
Aww, poor, baby. You need more tissues already??

Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

You do realize that this is fodder for Trump's "The government is unresponsive to normal people" attacks, right?

"She did something wrong, but she should get away with it because ???????"
Get away with what? She did nothing illegal.

So anyone can break security provisions and not get in trouble? How is what she did legal?
It was thoroughly investigated and deemed she did not break the law. That you nutters can't accept that is of no concern to me.
You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
IIRC, Nixon orchestrate the break-in. He was guilty of covering it up. The famous "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

It also began a long history of politicians screwing themselves by covering up bad behavior rather than fessing up to it. Example:

You forget Nixon had the integrity and respect for the constitution and stepped down. A rogue, corrupt turd like hillary would never sacrifice her own power or wealth for the betterment of the institution or country.
Well, no.... Nixon stepped down because he was about to be convicted on his looming impeachment. Whereas Hillary was exonerated of any criminal wrong doing.
Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

You do realize that this is fodder for Trump's "The government is unresponsive to normal people" attacks, right?

"She did something wrong, but she should get away with it because ???????"
Get away with what? She did nothing illegal.

So anyone can break security provisions and not get in trouble? How is what she did legal?
It was thoroughly investigated and deemed she did not break the law. That you nutters can't accept that is of no concern to me.

I'm still amazed by how much repubs cry about an email server. Her email has not been tied to any problems. You are crying cause you think maybe something could have happened. Stop crying already, there is no victim.
You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
IIRC, Nixon orchestrate the break-in. He was guilty of covering it up. The famous "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

It also began a long history of politicians screwing themselves by covering up bad behavior rather than fessing up to it. Example:

You forget Nixon had the integrity and respect for the constitution and stepped down. A rogue, corrupt turd like hillary would never sacrifice her own power or wealth for the betterment of the institution or country.
Well, no.... Nixon stepped down because he was about to be convicted on his looming impeachment. Whereas Hillary was exonerated of any criminal wrong doing.
What is the definition of 'extremely careless?'

Gross the answer.

Does anyone think the average American could get away with gross negligence, in the police state we live in today?
I'm still amazed by how much repubs cry about an email server. Her email has not been tied to any problems. You are crying cause you think maybe something could have happened. Stop crying already, there is no victim.

Is there a mental retardation of the left? Even if what she did cannot be charged in a court of law as a crime where a conviction was likely, it still showed horrendously poor judgement.

What the non-True Believers and sane recognize is that this situation is not a "win" for her; even if she cannot be charged with a crime her lack of good judgement exposed by sending thousands of classified emails over an unsecure, private email address - an act that would get others in her department fired, as admitted by other state dep't employees - this shows that she is wholly unfit for the job as president.

Her bad judgement is on display for all those who are not lunatic adherents to the national democratic party bible, and even the NY Times is coming down on her for this.

As for the claim "there is no victim", how do you know that, when thousands of classified emails discussing national security were included in the ones she sent and received on unsecure servers?
You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
IIRC, Nixon orchestrate the break-in. He was guilty of covering it up. The famous "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

It also began a long history of politicians screwing themselves by covering up bad behavior rather than fessing up to it. Example:

You forget Nixon had the integrity and respect for the constitution and stepped down. A rogue, corrupt turd like hillary would never sacrifice her own power or wealth for the betterment of the institution or country.
Well, no.... Nixon stepped down because he was about to be convicted on his looming impeachment. Whereas Hillary was exonerated of any criminal wrong doing.
What is the definition of 'extremely careless?'

Gross the answer.

Does anyone think the average American could get away with gross negligence, in the police state we live in today?
Since when does the right give a shit when politicians commit gross negligence? You certainly didn't care when we invaded Iraq over stockpiles of WMD which weren't there. You didn't care when a covert CIA agent was inadvertently outed. Seems to me, y'all only care when it's a Democrat or Liberal. Well fuck you (pardon my English) and your selective outrage. How does it feel?
I'm still amazed by how much repubs cry about an email server. Her email has not been tied to any problems. You are crying cause you think maybe something could have happened. Stop crying already, there is no victim.
You didn't listen to the report, eh?

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