No Charges for Clinton

I'm still amazed by how much repubs cry about an email server. Her email has not been tied to any problems. You are crying cause you think maybe something could have happened. Stop crying already, there is no victim.

Is there a mental retardation of the left? Even if what she did cannot be charged in a court of law as a crime where a conviction was likely, it still showed horrendously poor judgement.

What the non-True Believers and sane recognize is that this situation is not a "win" for her; even if she cannot be charged with a crime her lack of good judgement exposed by sending thousands of classified emails over an unsecure, private email address - an act that would get others in her department fired, as admitted by other state dep't employees - this shows that she is wholly unfit for the job as president.

Her bad judgement is on display for all those who are not lunatic adherents to the national democratic party bible, and even the NY Times is coming down on her for this.

As for the claim "there is no victim", how do you know that, when thousands of classified emails discussing national security were included in the ones she sent and received on unsecure servers?
Ahh... it's like music to my ears. :mm:
I'm still amazed by how much repubs cry about an email server. Her email has not been tied to any problems. You are crying cause you think maybe something could have happened. Stop crying already, there is no victim.

Is there a mental retardation of the left? Even if what she did cannot be charged in a court of law as a crime where a conviction was likely, it still showed horrendously poor judgement.

What the non-True Believers and sane recognize is that this situation is not a "win" for her; even if she cannot be charged with a crime her lack of good judgement exposed by sending thousands of classified emails over an unsecure, private email address - an act that would get others in her department fired, as admitted by other state dep't employees - this shows that she is wholly unfit for the job as president.

Her bad judgement is on display for all those who are not lunatic adherents to the national democratic party bible, and even the NY Times is coming down on her for this.

As for the claim "there is no victim", how do you know that, when thousands of classified emails discussing national security were included in the ones she sent and received on unsecure servers?

We don't know of any problems from her email. Again you are crying and there isn't even a victim. Is it really such bad judgement if nothing bad happened? Stop whining.

Trump hosed all the trump U people and you guys don't care. There are actual victims.
Since when does the right give a shit when politicians commit gross negligence? You certainly didn't care when we invaded Iraq over stockpiles of WMD which weren't there. You didn't care when a covert CIA agent was inadvertently outed. Sema to me, y'all only care when it's a Democrat or Liberal. Well fuck you (pardon my English) and your selective outrage. How does it feel?
This may be the best defense of Hillary sleaze I've seen yet. :)
Does anyone think the average American could get away with gross negligence, in the police state we live in today?

Even other state dep't officers and officials admitted that her actions would have gotten them fired, or severely damaged their careers.

Even if she is not technically guilty of a crime - which I cannot see how since she knowingly sent classified information thousands of times over unsecure servers - how does this show she has the good judgement needed to be president?
Since when does the right give a shit when politicians commit gross negligence? You certainly didn't care when we invaded Iraq over stockpiles of WMD which weren't there. You didn't care when a covert CIA agent was inadvertently outed. Sema to me, y'all only care when it's a Democrat or Liberal. Well fuck you (pardon my English) and your selective outrage. How does it feel?
This may be the best defense of Hillary sleaze I've seen yet. :)
Behaving like a conservative is a damn good defense, I agree.
I'm still amazed by how much repubs cry about an email server. Her email has not been tied to any problems. You are crying cause you think maybe something could have happened. Stop crying already, there is no victim.

Is there a mental retardation of the left? Even if what she did cannot be charged in a court of law as a crime where a conviction was likely, it still showed horrendously poor judgement.

What the non-True Believers and sane recognize is that this situation is not a "win" for her; even if she cannot be charged with a crime her lack of good judgement exposed by sending thousands of classified emails over an unsecure, private email address - an act that would get others in her department fired, as admitted by other state dep't employees - this shows that she is wholly unfit for the job as president.

Her bad judgement is on display for all those who are not lunatic adherents to the national democratic party bible, and even the NY Times is coming down on her for this.

As for the claim "there is no victim", how do you know that, when thousands of classified emails discussing national security were included in the ones she sent and received on unsecure servers?

We don't know of any problems from her email. Again you are crying and there isn't even a victim. Is it really such bad judgement if nothing bad happened? Stop whining.

Trump hosed all the trump U people and you guys don't care. There are actual victims.

What a stupid fucking liberal tool you are.....
We don't know of any problems from her email. Again you are crying and there isn't even a victim. Is it really such bad judgement if nothing bad happened? Stop whining.

Oh I get how you think; a person can shoot up a crowded bar - but if they don't kill anyone then "nothing bad happened", got it. That's real deep thinking there liberal. You're really doing an excellent job winning converts with that line of "reasoning."

Trump hosed all the trump U people and you guys don't care. There are actual victims.

Uh, what is the topic of this thread? Deflect much? Is that how the True Believers like you defend your beloved pet hillary, claim the other person is worse?
Well, no.... Nixon stepped down because he was about to be convicted on his looming impeachment. Whereas Hillary was exonerated of any criminal wrong doing.
Hillary wasn't exonerated. OJ was exonerated. Despite finding evidence of lies, gross neglect and carelessness, the FBI simply didn't find enough evidence to file charges.

A funny, but factual article from

Did The FBI End Clinton’s Email Problems Or Make Them Worse?
micah: So basically the headline on the FBI’s very critical, non-indictment of Clinton is: This would be really bad for Clinton … if she weren’t running against Donald Trump.

Election Betting Odds
This incident added to all the others and those yet to come will swirl around and around tasting worse every day.
Does anyone think the average American could get away with gross negligence, in the police state we live in today?

Even other state dep't officers and officials admitted that her actions would have gotten them fired, or severely damaged their careers.

Even if she is not technically guilty of a crime - which I cannot see how since she knowingly sent classified information thousands of times over unsecure servers - how does this show she has the good judgement needed to be president?
Oh, my, more feigned indignation. The stark reality is.... if you didn't have her email sever to whine about, you'd be bitching and moaning over Benghazi. If you didn't have Benghazi, you'd be crying over WhiteWater. If you didn't have that, it would be Vince Foster. You rightwingnuts have been playing this same song and dance with the Clinton's for 25 years now and Hillary is still standing. I can think of no one who had been investigated more by their political opponents than Hillary and she bitch-slaps you into submission every single time. There are plenty of reasons to vote for her for president but that's just one more.
Since when does the right give a shit when politicians commit gross negligence? You certainly didn't care when we invaded Iraq over stockpiles of WMD which weren't there. You didn't care when a covert CIA agent was inadvertently outed. Seems to me, y'all only care when it's a Democrat or Liberal. Well fuck you (pardon my English) and your selective outrage. How does it feel?
You mean the war Senator Hillary Clinton voted to support?
We don't know of any problems from her email. Again you are crying and there isn't even a victim. Is it really such bad judgement if nothing bad happened? Stop whining.

Oh I get how you think; a person can shoot up a crowded bar - but if they don't kill anyone then "nothing bad happened", got it. That's real deep thinking there liberal. You're really doing an excellent job winning converts with that line of "reasoning."

Trump hosed all the trump U people and you guys don't care. There are actual victims.

Uh, what is the topic of this thread? Deflect much? Is that how the True Believers like you defend your beloved pet hillary, claim the other person is worse?

I'm an independent who sees a lot of whining.
Well, no.... Nixon stepped down because he was about to be convicted on his looming impeachment. Whereas Hillary was exonerated of any criminal wrong doing.
Hillary wasn't exonerated. OJ was exonerated. Despite finding evidence of lies, gross neglect and carelessness, the FBI simply didn't find enough evidence to file charges.

A funny, but factual article from

Did The FBI End Clinton’s Email Problems Or Make Them Worse?
micah: So basically the headline on the FBI’s very critical, non-indictment of Clinton is: This would be really bad for Clinton … if she weren’t running against Donald Trump.

Election Betting Odds
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
IIRC, Nixon orchestrate the break-in. He was guilty of covering it up. The famous "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

It also began a long history of politicians screwing themselves by covering up bad behavior rather than fessing up to it. Example:

You forget Nixon had the integrity and respect for the constitution and stepped down. A rogue, corrupt turd like hillary would never sacrifice her own power or wealth for the betterment of the institution or country.

If Nixon had had integrity or respect for the Constitution, he would never have committed the crimes in the first place. He also kept an enemies list, used the IRS to go after his enemies, and was a vile, venal, profane asshole. That you would speak so well of the man shows a serious deficit of character.
Since when does the right give a shit when politicians commit gross negligence? You certainly didn't care when we invaded Iraq over stockpiles of WMD which weren't there. You didn't care when a covert CIA agent was inadvertently outed. Seems to me, y'all only care when it's a Democrat or Liberal. Well fuck you (pardon my English) and your selective outrage. How does it feel?
You mean the war Senator Hillary Clinton voted to support?
Along with almost every Republican ... and Bush, the decider. But again, very few on the right gave a shit over that gross negligence, or the outting of a covert CIA agent... so why should the left care now when the right didn't care then?
You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
IIRC, Nixon orchestrate the break-in. He was guilty of covering it up. The famous "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

It also began a long history of politicians screwing themselves by covering up bad behavior rather than fessing up to it. Example:

You forget Nixon had the integrity and respect for the constitution and stepped down. A rogue, corrupt turd like hillary would never sacrifice her own power or wealth for the betterment of the institution or country.

If Nixon had had integrity or respect for the Constitution, he would never have committed the crimes in the first place. He also kept an enemies list, used the IRS to go after his enemies, and was a vile, venal, profane asshole. That you would speak so well of the man shows a serious deficit of character.

Nixon, as now Mrs. Tuzla, committed no crimes. What crime was he indicted?
You are aware that Nixon orchestrated a break-in at Democratic National Headquarters, lied about it, obstructed the investigation, conspired with others to break several laws, among other things.
IIRC, Nixon orchestrate the break-in. He was guilty of covering it up. The famous "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

It also began a long history of politicians screwing themselves by covering up bad behavior rather than fessing up to it. Example:

You forget Nixon had the integrity and respect for the constitution and stepped down. A rogue, corrupt turd like hillary would never sacrifice her own power or wealth for the betterment of the institution or country.

If Nixon had had integrity or respect for the Constitution, he would never have committed the crimes in the first place. He also kept an enemies list, used the IRS to go after his enemies, and was a vile, venal, profane asshole. That you would speak so well of the man shows a serious deficit of character.

And yet you support Obama.....good grief
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
1) That you either don't know the meaning of "exonerated" or you are bullshitting everyone.

2) That if her opponent wasn't Trump, she'd be toast.
Along with almost every Republican ... and Bush, the decider. But again, very few on the right gave a shit over that gross negligence, or the outting of a covert CIA agent... so why should the left care now when the right didn't care then?
Yes. You're point, other than lying about Hillary's involvement in the 2003 Iraq War?

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