No Charges for Clinton

If Nixon had had integrity or respect for the Constitution, he would never have committed the crimes in the first place. He also kept an enemies list, used the IRS to go after his enemies, and was a vile, venal, profane asshole. That you would speak so well of the man shows a serious deficit of character.

Unlike the hillary true believers, I can admit to the flaws and mistakes of Nixon. All you get here from the liberals/clinton lovers are denials/deflections and idiocies like "who got harmed?"

BTW, a very recent president - still in office, in fact - has an enemies list and used the IRS to attack conservative groups. Since it is safe to say that you are a fan of obama, that you suffer a deficit of character since you are guilty of pure hypocrisy?
I can think of no one who had been investigated more by their political opponents than Hillary and she bitch-slaps you into submission every single time. There are plenty of reasons to vote for her for president but that's just one more.
I think this bitch-slap of the American people may be her last before she goes down in the in the trash heap of history as America's sleaziest politician.

Bill, a charismatic man, got away with it. The Beast is no Bill.
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
1) That you either don't know the meaning of "exonerated" or you are bullshitting everyone.

2) That if her opponent wasn't Trump, she'd be toast.

Exonerate. ..
(especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

Precisely what the FBI did yesterday in terms of criminal wrong-doing.
What the fuck are you today? A Democrat?
A Republican truthteller as always. Our party has sunk to DP lows. Shameful,
Shut the fuck up you waste of bandwidth SOB.....
The good people in the GOP are now in a position to put a finis to Trump either this month at the convention or during the general election. You crazies are looking at catastrophic defeat.

I'm trying my best to figure you out - but it's not working. More Americans have cast ballots for Trump than any other candidate (republican) in American history and somehow - that doesn't matter to you. So, what are we to take from that? Apparently, you don't give a shit about what "Americans" want.

Yep - typical liberal. Guess I was wrong. You are indeed a provocateur.

Still several million fewer than Clinton.
2.5 million is not several. And since Trump had 4 strong opponents and Hillary only had one, the vote totals are a misleading factor. On average, any candidate considers themselves doing well if they collect over 40% of the total votes when they face 16 other candidates. Hillary only had 3 total to deal with and 2 dropped out early in the process. On the GOP side Trump had 16 other candidates siphoning off popular votes. If he were to face as few as Hillary did, his numbers would have matched or exceeded hers. Probably the latter.
YOU have no idea and no evidence to support your claim that "The MAJORITY of Americans see this as an outrage".

You'll see that on election day, shitbrains. You think the majority of Americans will stand for this blatant abuse of our legal system? You're fucking higher than Anthony Weiner posting pictures of himself on Snapchat. You and your ilk are about to be "Brexit'd," you're just too stupid to see it coming, bedwetter.
Hate to say this, but Trump does not stand a chance. what is more and more plain is how the FIX IS IN. That much is that clear to me.

I have been saying this for a while. I also have been saying that she would skate on the emails. That it was not going to get anywhere.

Do not misunderstand. I think she is as guilty as anyone else. I also think an investigation should have been done. The FBI did say she did commit a crime, but according to them she did not "intend" to do it.

If there was ever anything we need to know about what bullshit this is, that is it right there. He also made it clear that IF ANYONE ELSE did what SHE DID, that they would be indicted. Listen to the whole thing.

I mean at this point the world (the socialists) probably cannot believe how dumb their voting base is. They are not even trying to hide it anymore.

The point is that the fix is in and the country is not even on life support. It is dead. The historians hundreds of years from now (if the world is still around) will see the decline of the USA began after the assassination of Kennedy.

The collective psyche of the PEOPLE became cynical, untrusting and nihilistic. We are now reaping what we have been sewing for a while.

Hate to sound so gloom and doom, but someone needs to identify the storm clouds. Can we not read the signs of the times?

You have no clue how jurisprudence in the US functions, yet pretend you do. The right wing considers anyone who does not hold to the dogma the RW proselytize, as criminals, corrupt or crazy (i.e. libtards), and piss their pants and whine when events prove their biases wrong.

Hopefully someday the same legal principles you presently applaud will be used against you

Good luck with that

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Along with almost every Republican ... and Bush, the decider. But again, very few on the right gave a shit over that gross negligence, or the outting of a covert CIA agent... so why should the left care now when the right didn't care then?
Yes. You're point, other than lying about Hillary's involvement in the 2003 Iraq War?
Oh? What was the lie?
Comey said there were no charges, no criminality.

HRC and Comey, unfortunately, will take care of Chaffetz after the election.
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
1) That you either don't know the meaning of "exonerated" or you are bullshitting everyone.

2) That if her opponent wasn't Trump, she'd be toast.

Exonerate. ..
(especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

Precisely what the FBI did yesterday in terms of criminal wrong-doing.
Clearly, you need to find the definition of "absolve".

You are rather dim, eh?
On a positive note: This whole Hillary thing has really united republicans for Trump and the Bernie supporters on the fence are jumping the Hillary ship like rats

So thanks !

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Well, no.... Nixon stepped down because he was about to be convicted on his looming impeachment. Whereas Hillary was exonerated of any criminal wrong doing.
Hillary wasn't exonerated. OJ was exonerated. Despite finding evidence of lies, gross neglect and carelessness, the FBI simply didn't find enough evidence to file charges.

A funny, but factual article from

Did The FBI End Clinton’s Email Problems Or Make Them Worse?
micah: So basically the headline on the FBI’s very critical, non-indictment of Clinton is: This would be really bad for Clinton … if she weren’t running against Donald Trump.

Election Betting Odds
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
She wasn't exonerated. She lied about everything other than the fact that she wouldn't be indicted.

The FBI simply refused to press charges. They had to do some legal gymnastics to justify this.
No conspiracy theory left behind!!!

Idiot asshole, there's no conspiracy, she openly admits she used a personal server/email to send classified information to other people.

To the non-retarded, I spoke with a friend who is a financial advisor today, and they said they'd be sanctioned by the SEC and possibly lose their jobs if they did what Hillary did - once - but she got to do it thousands of times, with no consequences. And the jackasses on the left complain that its the republicans who protect the 1%? What is hillary, a homeless war veteran? She's the fucking epitome of the corrupt 1%.

How would a financial adviser have any idea what is involved in the SoS office? That is believable as saying you spoke to a person who grows turnip greens and they said bla bla bla.
So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.
You shouldn't be getting your jollies off yet because that criminal isn't off the hook yet. She can still be prosecuted for those 100+ crimes until she's been pardoned, acquitted or the statute of limitations expires.

Why are you pro-crime anyways?

Pissing off RWNJs is not a crime.
You're the nutjob. You still havn't answered the question. Why are you pro-crime?

Dumb question. Makes as much sense as if I were to ask you why you suck dicks.
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
1) That you either don't know the meaning of "exonerated" or you are bullshitting everyone.

2) That if her opponent wasn't Trump, she'd be toast.

Exonerate. ..
(especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

Precisely what the FBI did yesterday in terms of criminal wrong-doing.
Clearly, you need to find the definition of "absolve".

You are rather dim, eh?

set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

Hillary was absolved of criminal wrong-doing. Dayam, I've never seen so many brain-dead conservatives in one gathering before. It's like you don't know the meanings of words.
Well, no.... Nixon stepped down because he was about to be convicted on his looming impeachment. Whereas Hillary was exonerated of any criminal wrong doing.
Hillary wasn't exonerated. OJ was exonerated. Despite finding evidence of lies, gross neglect and carelessness, the FBI simply didn't find enough evidence to file charges.

A funny, but factual article from

Did The FBI End Clinton’s Email Problems Or Make Them Worse?
micah: So basically the headline on the FBI’s very critical, non-indictment of Clinton is: This would be really bad for Clinton … if she weren’t running against Donald Trump.

Election Betting Odds
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
She wasn't exonerated. She lied about everything other than the fact that she wouldn't be indicted.

The FBI simply refused to press charges. They had to do some legal gymnastics to justify this.
They said she did nothing illegal. That was the reason for not seeking criminal charges.
How would a financial adviser have any idea what is involved in the SoS office? That is believable as saying you spoke to a person who grows turnip greens and they said bla bla bla.

My point was that many other jobs/professions - and other state department employees - know that that cannot use private emails like or to conduct their official business as they must be monitored carefully by compliance officials. Ask any corporate officer as well if they can conduct company business through such channels, and they will tell you it is a fireable offense.
A Republican truthteller as always. Our party has sunk to DP lows. Shameful,
Shut the fuck up you waste of bandwidth SOB.....
The good people in the GOP are now in a position to put a finis to Trump either this month at the convention or during the general election. You crazies are looking at catastrophic defeat.

I'm trying my best to figure you out - but it's not working. More Americans have cast ballots for Trump than any other candidate (republican) in American history and somehow - that doesn't matter to you. So, what are we to take from that? Apparently, you don't give a shit about what "Americans" want.

Yep - typical liberal. Guess I was wrong. You are indeed a provocateur.

Still several million fewer than Clinton.
2.5 million is not several. And since Trump had 4 strong opponents and Hillary only had one, the vote totals are a misleading factor. On average, any candidate considers themselves doing well if they collect over 40% of the total votes when they face 16 other candidates. Hillary only had 3 total to deal with and 2 dropped out early in the process. On the GOP side Trump had 16 other candidates siphoning off popular votes. If he were to face as few as Hillary did, his numbers would have matched or exceeded hers. Probably the latter.

You are a dope.
This is the second time you quoted the same post out of context.
Well, no.... Nixon stepped down because he was about to be convicted on his looming impeachment. Whereas Hillary was exonerated of any criminal wrong doing.
Hillary wasn't exonerated. OJ was exonerated. Despite finding evidence of lies, gross neglect and carelessness, the FBI simply didn't find enough evidence to file charges.

A funny, but factual article from

Did The FBI End Clinton’s Email Problems Or Make Them Worse?
micah: So basically the headline on the FBI’s very critical, non-indictment of Clinton is: This would be really bad for Clinton … if she weren’t running against Donald Trump.

Election Betting Odds
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
She wasn't exonerated. She lied about everything other than the fact that she wouldn't be indicted.

The FBI simply refused to press charges. They had to do some legal gymnastics to justify this.
They said she did nothing illegal. That was the reason for not seeking criminal charges.

Except that's not what comey said....
1) That you either don't know the meaning of "exonerated" or you are bullshitting everyone.

2) That if her opponent wasn't Trump, she'd be toast.

Exonerate. ..
(especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

Precisely what the FBI did yesterday in terms of criminal wrong-doing.
Ahh, so it was bullshitting. Got it.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System
In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.

As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.

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