No Charges for Clinton

if hildacunt was to be indicted, Obama would not be on Air Force One today campaigning for her. The fix is in
Your last hope of stopping her is gone. Damn

No, it's not. The evil alien symbiant that took over her body several decades ago just might burst out of her at an inopportune moment during the campaign. Many stupid American voters might still vote for her if they think she is a reasonably close fascimile to a human being...but once they see her actual slimey lizard skin? Not so much.
if hildacunt was to be indicted, Obama would not be on Air Force One today campaigning for her. The fix is in
Your last hope of stopping her is gone. Damn

No, it's not. The evil alien symbiant that took over her body several decades ago just might burst out of her at an inopportune moment during the campaign. Many stupid American voters might still vote for her if they think she is a reasonably close fascimile to a human being...but once they see her actual slimey lizard skin? Not so much.
So no convincing you she's going to be a great president?

Oh well. I couldn't convince you bush sucked but 12 years later you guys admit it by not nominating jeb
Every American should be outraged that the criminal Hillary was given a pass even though Comey said she committed crimes. This "no intent" excuse is a bunch a bullshit. The statute speaks of gross negligence, which this was. Being sorry is an excuse every bank robber will use in the future. " oh I really didn't mean to attached that stick of dynamite to the safe door and cause all that damage."

People need to be bombarded with Trump Ads showing Hillary saying she never had sensitive emails on her server and the Comey saying she had 108 top secret memos. Get out and vote for Trump this year. We can't have a criminal elected. She will be known as CIC Criminal-in-Chief if she wins.
One can only wonder what the charges would have been had Hillary outed an active under-cover CIA agent for political purposes.

They didn't prosecute the one who did!

But of course, you knew that and chose to ignore it, like a good liberal sycophant.

Sure they did, Scooter Libby who did the dirty work for Shrub. Then Libby was convicted. Then Shrub pardoned him.

A president has one of his operatives out a CIA agent for political purposes, then pardons the criminal as soon as he is convicted. This is what a king does. It is how scumbags wipe their ass with the Constitution and write themself a get-out-of-jail-free card. And conservatives ignore this high crime with all their guts.
scooter did the dirty work for CHENEY, it appeared Cheney was the very original perp in this....not Bush, from all that I have read on it...

Plame was outed by Richard Armitage. If you libs want to try to "out stupid" one another, go find a thread where you can keep your ignorance contained.
Yes, but who leaked the info to armitage for him to leak? And who was the original leaker?

You don't think an Assistant Secretary of State would know that Plame was involved in covert activities involving weapons of mass destruction? You really ARE that stupid, aren't you?

Why don't you ask the Special Prosecutor, because he apparently knew it was Armitage BEFORE he ever talked to Libby?
This was an open and shut case. Nobody who pays attention will ever trust govt. again.
Can the Senate impeach Comey? He needs to get his ass out of the FBI. That fucking Obama and Holder perverted the DOJ. I will never trust them again.

Today, I am not proud to be an American.
It's Nelson time!!

You have no credibility. How can you support a criminal. Even Comey said so.
This was an open and shut case. Nobody who pays attention will ever trust govt. again.
Can the Senate impeach Comey? He needs to get his ass out of the FBI. That fucking Obama and Holder perverted the DOJ. I will never trust them again.

Today, I am not proud to be an American.

Comey is a Republican. He had every opportunity to see through this GOP hatchet job, but he didn't. Instead, he chose to be honest. I'm sorry this news was so crushing for you.
It's not unexpected. It is quite disappointing get for those of us who believe in Law & Order thoigh.
Trump needs to run on Law and Order. We need to sanitize the Entire government after this Criminal Obama regime leaves. I call upon President Trump to appoint a special prosecutor to indict Hillary for storing Top Secret memos on her servers. This would not be double jeopardy.
This was an open and shut case. Nobody who pays attention will ever trust govt. again.
Can the Senate impeach Comey? He needs to get his ass out of the FBI. That fucking Obama and Holder perverted the DOJ. I will never trust them again.

Today, I am not proud to be an American.

Comey is a Republican. He had every opportunity to see through this GOP hatchet job, but he didn't. Instead, he chose to be honest. I'm sorry this news was so crushing for you.

Exactly! if there was the slightest chance an indictment could be given, he would have given one. But he would have had the rest of his staff objecting to his stance.
It's not unexpected. It is quite disappointing get for those of us who believe in Law & Order thoigh.
Trump needs to run on Law and Order. We need to sanitize the Entire government after this Criminal Obama regime leaves. I call upon Trump to appoint a special prosecutor to indict Hillary for storing Top Secret memos on her servers. This would not be double jeopardy.

Trump = Law and Order :banana::banana::thewave:
Congressman Chavetz is hauling Comey's ass to Capitol Hill to answer questions how he concluded Hillary should not be charged with a crime of negligence with the security of the United States secrets.

Let the hearings commence. This shit ain't over. Forget Trump University "scandal".
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Congressman Chavetz is hauling Comey's ass to Capitol Hill to answer questions how he concluded Hillary should not be charged with a crime of negligence.

Let the hearings commence. This shit ain't over. Forget Trump University "scandal".

Oh.. Please do this... Bring a Republican Director up and ask him why as a republican he didn't recommend a prosecute..

The optics will be great....

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