No Charges for Clinton

Comer: "Hillary is guilty as sin, but we can't charge her, she is above the law that YOU would go to prison for."

Yeah, that will help her a lot in November.

You Owe Them Nothing - Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience
Lying about what Comey said just makes the Right look as guilty and desperate as the Clintons.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Comey laid out the facts that showed in detail that Hillary is guilty - then stated she would not be charged THEN stated that others who did what Hillary did WOULD be charged.

You may celebrate corruption and the perversion of the rule of law; I do not.

She lied, outright lied


Simple Rule of Thumb:

DEMOCRATS don't indict DEMOCRATS. matter what...
This nation will not survive another 8 years of this corruption.

We don't deserve too.

We need to crash. Fall apart like Rome and let the states reincorporate if they choose to.

At this point I'm all for it. I hate liberals. Loathe, despise, detest and abhor them. If I were forced to say the nicest thing I can about them, they're parasites as a whole. Individually they may be decent people on a case by case basis, but collectively they're a destructive force.

If there is to be a land where individual rights (REAL ONES*) are cherished, free markets are accepted and where people's merits and ambition can be rewarded it still exists in parts of the US, but the radical democrook states these concepts have become foreign. They've been replaced by demands of cradle to grave care, "equal" outcomes and quotas.

Let the empire collapse. It's time for America to reset. We've shouldered the burden of trying to make the whole world a better place in our own perspective, and for the most part we have. Let another power rise up, and fuck up the rest of the world for a while. If Hitlery is the last president of the US because the states finally absolve themselves of the political ties that bind them, so be it.

* BTW, faggot weddings, queers using whatever bathroom they want, free medical care, free food and housing is NOT a right bed wetters. No matter how many times you say it.
This nation will not survive another 8 years of this corruption.

We don't deserve too.

We need to crash. Fall apart like Rome and let the states reincorporate if they choose to.

At this point I'm all for it. I hate liberals. Loathe, despise, detest and abhor them. If I were forced to say the nicest thing I can about them, they're parasites as a whole. Individually they may be decent people on a case by case basis, but collectively they're a destructive force.

If there is to be a land where individual rights (REAL ONES*) are cherished, free markets are accepted and where people's merits and ambition can be rewarded it still exists in parts of the US, but the radical democrook states these concepts have become foreign. They've been replaced by demands of cradle to grave care, "equal" outcomes and quotas.

Let the empire collapse. It's time for America to reset. We've shouldered the burden of trying to make the whole world a better place in our own perspective, and for the most part we have. Let another power rise up, and fuck up the rest of the world for a while. If Hitlery is the last president of the US because the states finally absolve themselves of the political ties that bind them, so be it.

* BTW, faggot weddings, queers using whatever bathroom they want, free medical care, free food and housing is NOT a right bed wetters. No matter how many times you say it.

Indeed. I'm beginning to think that something VERY bad is coming. VERY Bad, indeed.
Simple Rule of Thumb:

DEMOCRATS don't indict DEMOCRATS. matter what...

James Comey is a republican, but a career FBI man. I can't help but believe that his pension was threatened. Agents within the FBI are livid.
And since I didn't, you're here to apologize?
You quoted Comey (Comer) as saying "Hillary is guilty as sin, but we can't charge her, she is above the law that YOU would go to prison for."
Comer: "Hillary is guilty as sin, but we can't charge her, she is above the law that YOU would go to prison for."
That's deceitful at best and an outright fucking lie as low as Hillary Clinton herself at worst.

Apologize or be labeled a fucking lying sack of shit.
it just keeps getting worse for the hag....

FBI Proves Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury Before Benghazi Committee

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified under oath before the House Select Committee on Benghazi last October that she had turned over “all my work related emails” from her private email server to the State Department.
But on Tuesday, FBI director James Comey revealed that the agency had found “several thousand” work-related emails Clinton had not turned over, including three that included information that had been classified at the time that they had been sent.

Clinton’s testimony, under questioning from committee chair Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), was as follows:

GOWDY: Let me ask you this. You say that you turned over everything. I don’t get a chance to watch you a lot on television, but when I see you are interviewed, you make a point of saying, I turned over everything.

CLINTON: All my work related emails, yes.

Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury Before Benghazi Committee
And since I didn't, you're here to apologize?
You quoted Comey (Comer) as saying "Hillary is guilty as sin, but we can't charge her, she is above the law that YOU would go to prison for."
Comer: "Hillary is guilty as sin, but we can't charge her, she is above the law that YOU would go to prison for."
That's deceitful at best and an outright fucking lie as low as Hillary Clinton herself at worst.

Apologize or be labeled a fucking lying sack of shit.

Ever hear of paraphrasing, because basically, that's what he said.
Ever hear of paraphrasing, because basically, that's what he said.
He fucking lied and then ran from admitting it. You should know better.

Okay. Prove to me that he lied. I heard ever word that the man said and basically, that's what the Director stated. She's not going to be charged, but if anyone else attempts it, they will be.

Couldn't have been clearer. Maybe your ears were clogged?

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