No Country For White Children

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Wasn't my picture, pussy. You replied to the pic that someone else posted and gave some condescending nonsense about not knowing the whole story.

And I said "Thanks for the information" now didn't I?
Then what did I do? I added additional comments to the effect that a person should be careful about jumping to conclusions. That's just what most people do when looking at pictures like those.

And what does that accomplish?

It inspires anger and a sense of self righteous indignation which they then project on every white person they see coming down the pike.

I've lost count of the number of times I've seen THAT particular photo accompanied by long diatribes enumerating the collective sins of the entire white race.
Another photo that is frequently shown for the same purpose is the one with the black man with the scars of a whip on his back.

If I posted a photo of the stubs remaining on the child's hand I mentioned in my anecdote would you say it would be fair of me to accompany it with an article that either implies or explicitly states that this is the kind of thing that one should expect from blacks?

No. The purpose of those people posting these photos is less for the sake of promoting "social justice" than it is to further inflame antagonistic emotions and INCITE VIOLENCE against whites.

As an experiment you might take notice of how many time such articles have been written BY JEWS, and how many times by blacks. Then compare it to the numbers of times they are presented by white men or women with chips on their own shoulders seeking someone to blame for their own personal dissatisfaction.

I posted the story and you showed your true colors by insinuating that the lynched men didn't deserve due process.

I'm white. I'm not ashamed of it. And I'm not apologizing to you for it.

I haven't "spewed" any "racist" nonsense.

What is a racist anyway?

Can you give me a definition for that?

None of them...these pussies are insignificant losers who are blaming blacks for their personal failures.

Let's see if I got this straight. You're not calling the people who beat up and abuse blacks all the time "pussies". Right?

That is to say, that in order to not be a "pussy", one has to show his "manliness" by whuppin' up on someone. Right?
I take it , that someone that they whup up on should preferably be someone whom THEY CAN whup up on.
Otherwise, if they can't whup up on them then what?
Would they still be a "pussy"?

I mean, if a person, in order to avoid being called a "pussy" decided to find someone to whup up on. If then having chosen his victim, attacked them with that purpose, what if, say, that 'victim' turned on the attacker and whupped his ass instead, .........would the attacker still be called a "pussy" in your book?

Or would you give him any credit for trying?

Another scenario;

Let's say a person is walking down the street, minding his own business, and then someone walks up behind him and SUCKER PUNCHES him and manages to knock him out.

Which person would you say is the "pussy", the person who was walking along minding his own business who got blind sided, or the person who sneaked up on him and clobbered him without so much as a "How do you do?"?

In other words, are you trying to say that "a pussy" is someone who just doesn't go around attacking people for no good reason, or that "a pussy" is someone who always gets his ass whipped?

Another way of putting this would be to ask; Is YOUR definition of "pussy" to mean
"The person who gets defeated in a fight".........?

Is it the person who is afraid to fight?

Is it a person who avoids a fight if possible?

Is it a person who is always afraid to fight no matter what the cause is?

Is it a person who has sense enough to not tangle with someone who will most likely get the better of him?

Is it the person who loses in a fight?

Or is it a person who avoids a fight, but will given sufficient reason, fight back against a bully whether he gets his ass beat or not?

Now. Depending upon the definition that you choose here, I may or may not fit YOUR DEFINITION of what a "pussy" is.

You've already indicated that you do NOT classify a "pussy" as being among those people who beat up on and abuse blacks.

SO. You have provided all those white "boys" out there with a definition by which they can avoid being tagged a "pussy", at least by you.

Now all they have to do is act according to YOUR definition and they can always count on them to never call them "White Insipid Male Pussycats" again. Right? You won't go back on your word now will you?

Perhaps this has something to do with why some of our white forefathers took the attitude towards blacks that they did.
Perhaps for the sake of restoring our "manliness" we should go back to the old ways.
At least then, blacks didn't go around SUCKER PUNCHING white guys and calling them PUSSY.

What do you think?

SO. What's a "loser" in your estimation?

And I still think you are a Pussy!

And I still think you are a Mu'Fukka.

LOL...your post makes no sense. Its funny when a stupid pussy thinks he is smart and tries to preach. The evil JEWS are writing articles...LMAO, classic.

I realize you probably taxed every one of your brain cells to write that diatribe. Try again, I'm not impressed.
I see, him calling me a ****** is okay! I guess that makes him look like your hero!

I did not see that post and if I had, I would have said the same thing to him. And no, neither one of you is looking like a hero to me.

But is seems as if you are only defending him. You accused me of visiting hate sites when all I did was do a verify his statements (I guess not taking someone's word is a no-no). That is when the exact same post about the evil black man and the evil lyrics of insignificant rappers popped up.

The Pussy Brigade is spewing propaganda on any forum that will allow blatant racism. Look at the posts by those you so vigorously defend...they aren't independent thinking intellectuals...they are racist pussies regurgitating the nonsense they find from various blogs and forums they find on the web. And since USMB encourages this nonsense, they are recruiting more and more of their stormfront friends to take over this website.

I give up. Refuse to learn anything, you guys just keep calling each other racist and nothing will ever change.

OR, you could admit that the lyrics are racist and do whatever you can to change them and promote rap music or any kind of music that isn't racist.
I did not see that post and if I had, I would have said the same thing to him. And no, neither one of you is looking like a hero to me.

But is seems as if you are only defending him. You accused me of visiting hate sites when all I did was do a verify his statements (I guess not taking someone's word is a no-no). That is when the exact same post about the evil black man and the evil lyrics of insignificant rappers popped up.

The Pussy Brigade is spewing propaganda on any forum that will allow blatant racism. Look at the posts by those you so vigorously defend...they aren't independent thinking intellectuals...they are racist pussies regurgitating the nonsense they find from various blogs and forums they find on the web. And since USMB encourages this nonsense, they are recruiting more and more of their stormfront friends to take over this website.

I give up. Refuse to learn anything, you guys just keep calling each other racist and nothing will ever change.

OR, you could admit that the lyrics are racist and do whatever you can to change them and promote rap music or any kind of music that isn't racist.

I already did say the lyrics were racist. But why am I supposed to do whatever I can to change them...who said I support them...who said I even listen to rap music (which I don't).

You are jumping to conclusions...why? But I am supposed to rail against rap when you can't even stand up to the racists right in front of you.

Indeed, you have given up...
Indeed, nothing will ever change.

I guess everything is the fault of the evil Jews and the nasty black man...or as your brethren put it, *******.
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But is seems as if you are only defending him. You accused me of visiting hate sites when all I did was do a verify his statements (I guess not taking someone's word is a no-no). That is when the exact same post about the evil black man and the evil lyrics of insignificant rappers popped up.

The Pussy Brigade is spewing propaganda on any forum that will allow blatant racism. Look at the posts by those you so vigorously defend...they aren't independent thinking intellectuals...they are racist pussies regurgitating the nonsense they find from various blogs and forums they find on the web. And since USMB encourages this nonsense, they are recruiting more and more of their stormfront friends to take over this website.

I give up. Refuse to learn anything, you guys just keep calling each other racist and nothing will ever change.

OR, you could admit that the lyrics are racist and do whatever you can to change them and promote rap music or any kind of music that isn't racist.

I already did say the lyrics were racist. But why am I supposed to do whatever I can to change them...who said I support them...who said I even listen to rap music (which I don't).

You are jumping to conclusions...why? But I am supposed to rail against rap when you can't even stand up to the racists right in front of you.

Indeed, you have given up...
Indeed, nothing will ever change.

I guess everything is the fault of the evil Jews and the nasty black man...or as your brethren put it, *******.

Don't you dare! My nieces are black, my nephew in law is black, my friend is Jewish. Don't you dare use the "n" word and claim I'm using it. Heck while a homeless black man was living in my house I even stopped HIM from using it. Quite simply "I don't care what color you are, the "n" word is not allowed in this house!"

Now go back to your indignation and carry on your racist argument, you aren't going to change and you sure as hell aren't going to change anyone else. Why should you try to change things? Good grief. "The only thing good men need to do to insure evil wins is nothing"
Fact is blacks or Hispanics societies standards, are not high enough for white children

What does race or ethnicity have to do with cultural or moral standards?

I have known quite a few blacks and Hispanics that are far more moral than most whites.
I give up. Refuse to learn anything, you guys just keep calling each other racist and nothing will ever change.

OR, you could admit that the lyrics are racist and do whatever you can to change them and promote rap music or any kind of music that isn't racist.

I already did say the lyrics were racist. But why am I supposed to do whatever I can to change them...who said I support them...who said I even listen to rap music (which I don't).

You are jumping to conclusions...why? But I am supposed to rail against rap when you can't even stand up to the racists right in front of you.

Indeed, you have given up...
Indeed, nothing will ever change.

I guess everything is the fault of the evil Jews and the nasty black man...or as your brethren put it, *******.

Don't you dare! My nieces are black, my nephew in law is black, my friend is Jewish. Don't you dare use the "n" word and claim I'm using it. Heck while a homeless black man was living in my house I even stopped HIM from using it. Quite simply "I don't care what color you are, the "n" word is not allowed in this house!"

Now go back to your indignation and carry on your racist argument, you aren't going to change and you sure as hell aren't going to change anyone else. Why should you try to change things? Good grief. "The only thing good men need to do to insure evil wins is nothing"

Nutz is just trying to outrage you. Don't let the prick push your buttons.
Wasn't my picture, pussy. You replied to the pic that someone else posted and gave some condescending nonsense about not knowing the whole story.

And I said "Thanks for the information" now didn't I?
Then what did I do? I added additional comments to the effect that a person should be careful about jumping to conclusions. That's just what most people do when looking at pictures like those.

And what does that accomplish?

It inspires anger and a sense of self righteous indignation which they then project on every white person they see coming down the pike.

I've lost count of the number of times I've seen THAT particular photo accompanied by long diatribes enumerating the collective sins of the entire white race.
Another photo that is frequently shown for the same purpose is the one with the black man with the scars of a whip on his back.

If I posted a photo of the stubs remaining on the child's hand I mentioned in my anecdote would you say it would be fair of me to accompany it with an article that either implies or explicitly states that this is the kind of thing that one should expect from blacks?

No. The purpose of those people posting these photos is less for the sake of promoting "social justice" than it is to further inflame antagonistic emotions and INCITE VIOLENCE against whites.

As an experiment you might take notice of how many time such articles have been written BY JEWS, and how many times by blacks. Then compare it to the numbers of times they are presented by white men or women with chips on their own shoulders seeking someone to blame for their own personal dissatisfaction.

I'm white. I'm not ashamed of it. And I'm not apologizing to you for it.

I haven't "spewed" any "racist" nonsense.

What is a racist anyway?

Can you give me a definition for that?

Let's see if I got this straight. You're not calling the people who beat up and abuse blacks all the time "pussies". Right?

That is to say, that in order to not be a "pussy", one has to show his "manliness" by whuppin' up on someone. Right?
I take it , that someone that they whup up on should preferably be someone whom THEY CAN whup up on.
Otherwise, if they can't whup up on them then what?
Would they still be a "pussy"?

I mean, if a person, in order to avoid being called a "pussy" decided to find someone to whup up on. If then having chosen his victim, attacked them with that purpose, what if, say, that 'victim' turned on the attacker and whupped his ass instead, .........would the attacker still be called a "pussy" in your book?

Or would you give him any credit for trying?

Another scenario;

Let's say a person is walking down the street, minding his own business, and then someone walks up behind him and SUCKER PUNCHES him and manages to knock him out.

Which person would you say is the "pussy", the person who was walking along minding his own business who got blind sided, or the person who sneaked up on him and clobbered him without so much as a "How do you do?"?

In other words, are you trying to say that "a pussy" is someone who just doesn't go around attacking people for no good reason, or that "a pussy" is someone who always gets his ass whipped?

Another way of putting this would be to ask; Is YOUR definition of "pussy" to mean
"The person who gets defeated in a fight".........?

Is it the person who is afraid to fight?

Is it a person who avoids a fight if possible?

Is it a person who is always afraid to fight no matter what the cause is?

Is it a person who has sense enough to not tangle with someone who will most likely get the better of him?

Is it the person who loses in a fight?

Or is it a person who avoids a fight, but will given sufficient reason, fight back against a bully whether he gets his ass beat or not?

Now. Depending upon the definition that you choose here, I may or may not fit YOUR DEFINITION of what a "pussy" is.

You've already indicated that you do NOT classify a "pussy" as being among those people who beat up on and abuse blacks.

SO. You have provided all those white "boys" out there with a definition by which they can avoid being tagged a "pussy", at least by you.

Now all they have to do is act according to YOUR definition and they can always count on them to never call them "White Insipid Male Pussycats" again. Right? You won't go back on your word now will you?

Perhaps this has something to do with why some of our white forefathers took the attitude towards blacks that they did.
Perhaps for the sake of restoring our "manliness" we should go back to the old ways.
At least then, blacks didn't go around SUCKER PUNCHING white guys and calling them PUSSY.

What do you think?

SO. What's a "loser" in your estimation?

And I still think you are a Pussy!

And I still think you are a Mu'Fukka.

LOL...your post makes no sense. Its funny when a stupid pussy thinks he is smart and tries to preach. The evil JEWS are writing articles...LMAO, classic.

I realize you probably taxed every one of your brain cells to write that diatribe. Try again, I'm not impressed.

lol, you are such a stupid cock sucking fool.
I already did say the lyrics were racist. But why am I supposed to do whatever I can to change them...who said I support them...who said I even listen to rap music (which I don't).

You are jumping to conclusions...why? But I am supposed to rail against rap when you can't even stand up to the racists right in front of you.

Indeed, you have given up...
Indeed, nothing will ever change.

I guess everything is the fault of the evil Jews and the nasty black man...or as your brethren put it, *******.

Don't you dare! My nieces are black, my nephew in law is black, my friend is Jewish. Don't you dare use the "n" word and claim I'm using it. Heck while a homeless black man was living in my house I even stopped HIM from using it. Quite simply "I don't care what color you are, the "n" word is not allowed in this house!"

Now go back to your indignation and carry on your racist argument, you aren't going to change and you sure as hell aren't going to change anyone else. Why should you try to change things? Good grief. "The only thing good men need to do to insure evil wins is nothing"

Nutz is just trying to outrage you. Don't let the prick push your buttons.

He already did. I object to people calling my nieces the "n" word. If he did it in front of me, he'd be crawling home.
That's why white people need to have their kids trained in martial arts when they're young. Kick the shit out of the bullies who hate Whitey.

You and Tank must have stayed getting your asses kicked everyday. No wonder you both harbor so much hate. :lol:

^ that

Tank aint even white anyway, in the real sense of the word. Tell 'em [MENTION=18975]Tank[/MENTION]

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I give up. Refuse to learn anything, you guys just keep calling each other racist and nothing will ever change.

OR, you could admit that the lyrics are racist and do whatever you can to change them and promote rap music or any kind of music that isn't racist.

I already did say the lyrics were racist. But why am I supposed to do whatever I can to change them...who said I support them...who said I even listen to rap music (which I don't).

You are jumping to conclusions...why? But I am supposed to rail against rap when you can't even stand up to the racists right in front of you.

Indeed, you have given up...
Indeed, nothing will ever change.

I guess everything is the fault of the evil Jews and the nasty black man...or as your brethren put it, *******.

Don't you dare! My nieces are black, my nephew in law is black, my friend is Jewish. Don't you dare use the "n" word and claim I'm using it. Heck while a homeless black man was living in my house I even stopped HIM from using it. Quite simply "I don't care what color you are, the "n" word is not allowed in this house!"

Now go back to your indignation and carry on your racist argument, you aren't going to change and you sure as hell aren't going to change anyone else. Why should you try to change things? Good grief. "The only thing good men need to do to insure evil wins is nothing"

:lol: You have black family and you are supporting those who call your family members stupid, less than human and other nonsense on a daily basis.

You are attacking me because I am standing up to a racist. LMAO....why are you so upset with me again?
And I said "Thanks for the information" now didn't I?
Then what did I do? I added additional comments to the effect that a person should be careful about jumping to conclusions. That's just what most people do when looking at pictures like those.

And what does that accomplish?

It inspires anger and a sense of self righteous indignation which they then project on every white person they see coming down the pike.

I've lost count of the number of times I've seen THAT particular photo accompanied by long diatribes enumerating the collective sins of the entire white race.
Another photo that is frequently shown for the same purpose is the one with the black man with the scars of a whip on his back.

If I posted a photo of the stubs remaining on the child's hand I mentioned in my anecdote would you say it would be fair of me to accompany it with an article that either implies or explicitly states that this is the kind of thing that one should expect from blacks?

No. The purpose of those people posting these photos is less for the sake of promoting "social justice" than it is to further inflame antagonistic emotions and INCITE VIOLENCE against whites.

As an experiment you might take notice of how many time such articles have been written BY JEWS, and how many times by blacks. Then compare it to the numbers of times they are presented by white men or women with chips on their own shoulders seeking someone to blame for their own personal dissatisfaction.

I'm white. I'm not ashamed of it. And I'm not apologizing to you for it.

I haven't "spewed" any "racist" nonsense.

What is a racist anyway?

Can you give me a definition for that?

Let's see if I got this straight. You're not calling the people who beat up and abuse blacks all the time "pussies". Right?

That is to say, that in order to not be a "pussy", one has to show his "manliness" by whuppin' up on someone. Right?
I take it , that someone that they whup up on should preferably be someone whom THEY CAN whup up on.
Otherwise, if they can't whup up on them then what?
Would they still be a "pussy"?

I mean, if a person, in order to avoid being called a "pussy" decided to find someone to whup up on. If then having chosen his victim, attacked them with that purpose, what if, say, that 'victim' turned on the attacker and whupped his ass instead, .........would the attacker still be called a "pussy" in your book?

Or would you give him any credit for trying?

Another scenario;

Let's say a person is walking down the street, minding his own business, and then someone walks up behind him and SUCKER PUNCHES him and manages to knock him out.

Which person would you say is the "pussy", the person who was walking along minding his own business who got blind sided, or the person who sneaked up on him and clobbered him without so much as a "How do you do?"?

In other words, are you trying to say that "a pussy" is someone who just doesn't go around attacking people for no good reason, or that "a pussy" is someone who always gets his ass whipped?

Another way of putting this would be to ask; Is YOUR definition of "pussy" to mean
"The person who gets defeated in a fight".........?

Is it the person who is afraid to fight?

Is it a person who avoids a fight if possible?

Is it a person who is always afraid to fight no matter what the cause is?

Is it a person who has sense enough to not tangle with someone who will most likely get the better of him?

Is it the person who loses in a fight?

Or is it a person who avoids a fight, but will given sufficient reason, fight back against a bully whether he gets his ass beat or not?

Now. Depending upon the definition that you choose here, I may or may not fit YOUR DEFINITION of what a "pussy" is.

You've already indicated that you do NOT classify a "pussy" as being among those people who beat up on and abuse blacks.

SO. You have provided all those white "boys" out there with a definition by which they can avoid being tagged a "pussy", at least by you.

Now all they have to do is act according to YOUR definition and they can always count on them to never call them "White Insipid Male Pussycats" again. Right? You won't go back on your word now will you?

Perhaps this has something to do with why some of our white forefathers took the attitude towards blacks that they did.
Perhaps for the sake of restoring our "manliness" we should go back to the old ways.
At least then, blacks didn't go around SUCKER PUNCHING white guys and calling them PUSSY.

What do you think?

SO. What's a "loser" in your estimation?

And I still think you are a Mu'Fukka.

LOL...your post makes no sense. Its funny when a stupid pussy thinks he is smart and tries to preach. The evil JEWS are writing articles...LMAO, classic.

I realize you probably taxed every one of your brain cells to write that diatribe. Try again, I'm not impressed.

lol, you are such a stupid cock sucking fool.

And I realize you, old man, used what is left of your brain cells to come up with that gem of a response.
Its apparent that the only so called hate being demonstated were by those animals assaulting other folks in the video....
Don't you dare! My nieces are black, my nephew in law is black, my friend is Jewish. Don't you dare use the "n" word and claim I'm using it. Heck while a homeless black man was living in my house I even stopped HIM from using it. Quite simply "I don't care what color you are, the "n" word is not allowed in this house!"

Now go back to your indignation and carry on your racist argument, you aren't going to change and you sure as hell aren't going to change anyone else. Why should you try to change things? Good grief. "The only thing good men need to do to insure evil wins is nothing"

Nutz is just trying to outrage you. Don't let the prick push your buttons.

He already did. I object to people calling my nieces the "n" word. If he did it in front of me, he'd be crawling home.

Oh, go cry a river somewhere else. I noticed that you have no problem with the people you are defending calling people *******. Why the outrage against me? Why is there no outrage against the true racists instead of accusing anyone who stands up to there nonsense as being a racist.

To recap:

Racist says all black people are stupid.

I call them a pussy.

You, in return, call me a racist.

You defend the racists who call all black people stupid...yet you claim to have black family...thus the OUTRAGE at me. Doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?
Nutz is just trying to outrage you. Don't let the prick push your buttons.

He already did. I object to people calling my nieces the "n" word. If he did it in front of me, he'd be crawling home.

Oh, go cry a river somewhere else. I noticed that you have no problem with the people you are defending calling people *******. Why the outrage against me? Why is there no outrage against the true racists instead of accusing anyone who stands up to there nonsense as being a racist.

To recap:

Racist says all black people are stupid.

I call them a pussy.

You, in return, call me a racist.

You defend the racists who call all black people stupid...yet you claim to have black family...thus the OUTRAGE at me. Doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?

I didn't defend anybody. I make allowances for idiots. I apologize, I thought you weren't one.
He already did. I object to people calling my nieces the "n" word. If he did it in front of me, he'd be crawling home.

Oh, go cry a river somewhere else. I noticed that you have no problem with the people you are defending calling people *******. Why the outrage against me? Why is there no outrage against the true racists instead of accusing anyone who stands up to there nonsense as being a racist.

To recap:

Racist says all black people are stupid.

I call them a pussy.

You, in return, call me a racist.

You defend the racists who call all black people stupid...yet you claim to have black family...thus the OUTRAGE at me. Doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?

I didn't defend anybody. I make allowances for idiots. I apologize, I thought you weren't one.
No, you just interrupted a conversation; demanded I condemn rap lyrics as if they represent all of the black community; then went on to defend the pussy brigade because it is okay to say all black people are violent, racist, and stupid...but it isn't okay to tell those people to fuck off.

And btw, I have black nieces and nephews too! Do I get a cookie or a free pass?
Everybody is defaulting on being a decent parent if they don't see to it that their kids can fight really well, both with guns and h2h
Oh, go cry a river somewhere else. I noticed that you have no problem with the people you are defending calling people *******. Why the outrage against me? Why is there no outrage against the true racists instead of accusing anyone who stands up to there nonsense as being a racist.

To recap:

Racist says all black people are stupid.

I call them a pussy.

You, in return, call me a racist.

You defend the racists who call all black people stupid...yet you claim to have black family...thus the OUTRAGE at me. Doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?

I never called you any such thing. I called you a Mu'Fukka! And you can't deny it!
Oh, go cry a river somewhere else. I noticed that you have no problem with the people you are defending calling people *******. Why the outrage against me? Why is there no outrage against the true racists instead of accusing anyone who stands up to there nonsense as being a racist.

To recap:

Racist says all black people are stupid.

I call them a pussy.

You, in return, call me a racist.

You defend the racists who call all black people stupid...yet you claim to have black family...thus the OUTRAGE at me. Doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?

I never called you any such thing. I called you a Mu'Fukka! And you can't deny it!

I never said you did...



There is a Jew in the room. You better run along, he might be coming to get you!

I wasn't trying to infer you to be a racist or part of that group. My apologies.
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