No Country For White Children

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I wasn't trying to infer you to be a racist or part of that group. My apologies.

Dude, you gotta be careful with that or your fellow libtards might shun you.

Oh, go cry a river somewhere else. I noticed that you have no problem with the people you are defending calling people *******. Why the outrage against me? Why is there no outrage against the true racists instead of accusing anyone who stands up to there nonsense as being a racist.

To recap:

Racist says all black people are stupid.

I call them a pussy.

You, in return, call me a racist.

You defend the racists who call all black people stupid...yet you claim to have black family...thus the OUTRAGE at me. Doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?

I didn't defend anybody. I make allowances for idiots. I apologize, I thought you weren't one.
No, you just interrupted a conversation; demanded I condemn rap lyrics as if they represent all of the black community; then went on to defend the pussy brigade because it is okay to say all black people are violent, racist, and stupid...but it isn't okay to tell those people to fuck off.

I never saw anyone say that the lyrics to rap music are typical for the whole black community.

Got a link?

Rap music is enjoyed by people across racial bounds all over the globe.

Personally I hate most of that shit, but some of it is OK.

But the racist lyrics are not OK, and makes a bunch of hypocrits out of the libtards that go after people for using inappropriate words when music stations fill the airwaves with them every damned day.
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Blacks and hispanics bring their children to white countries to give them a better life
Blacks and hispanics bring their children to white countries to give them a better life

So what do you call it when white people move to Hispanic countries because their laws are more tolerant and the cost of living cheaper?

Tank your problem is that you think your experiences are universal.

They are not.

Assuming that you are not just another libtard posing as a racist troll.
Lol, and who made you message board monitor?

I'm trying to do the kid a favor. Don't be an enabler.

He is exactly right, however.

A good parent should teach their kids to shoot well and how to fight hand to hand.

I taught my kids and plan to teach my grandkids too.

Just because you cant understand it doesn't mean it is wrong or immature.

You want to teach him to be a douchebag walking around thinking he's a badass? It's on you when he gets his ass kicked or worse then. Teaching young people to take care of themselves is one thing, but you really don't have to pay your douchebaggery forward.
I'm trying to do the kid a favor. Don't be an enabler.

He is exactly right, however.

A good parent should teach their kids to shoot well and how to fight hand to hand.

I taught my kids and plan to teach my grandkids too.

Just because you cant understand it doesn't mean it is wrong or immature.

You want to teach him to be a douchebag walking around thinking he's a badass?

lol, why do you libtards project so much? Just because you would do that doesn't mean everyone else would too. My son is a gentleman and my daughter a lady. Both know how to defend themselves.

roflmao, you libtards keep trying to equate the ability to defend oneself with being bullyish or criminal, when its only you that would do such things.

Explains why libtard regimes like the current one are so thuggish and criminal.

It's on you when he gets his ass kicked or worse then.

He hasnt had his ass kicked, dumb ass. I also taught him that every fight is a toss of the dice. Any person of any size or gender can beat the hell out of you if they get the upper hand, so don't start fights. But if someone starts it with you defend yourself, not because you think you will win, but because you refuse to live with the fear of losing a fight and you have to demonstrate this to hard heads some times.

Teaching young people to take care of themselves is one thing, but you really don't have to pay your douchebaggery forward.

Lol, the only douchbaggery here is you projecting your presumptions and personality on everyone else.

We are not all thugs like you, dumb fuck.

But I have had the pleasure of putting fools like you in the hospital few times, believe it or not, I don't give a shit.
He is exactly right, however.

A good parent should teach their kids to shoot well and how to fight hand to hand.

I taught my kids and plan to teach my grandkids too.

Just because you cant understand it doesn't mean it is wrong or immature.

You want to teach him to be a douchebag walking around thinking he's a badass?

lol, why do you libtards project so much?

roflmao, you libtards keep trying to
Explains why libtard regimes

To whom are you directing these comments?
LOL...its like a geriatric bad ass convention!

Well, at least wanna-be bad ass convention of internet tough talk.
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