No Democrat should want a Gingrich nomination


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
No Democrat should want a Gingrich nomination -

Yet Democratic pundits, political advisers, officials and former officials are salivating over the possibility of a Gingrich candidacy. They agree with key Republicans that Newt would dramatically increase the odds of Obama’s reelection and would also improve the chances of Democrats taking control over the House and retaining control over the Senate.

I warn you. It’s not worth the risk.

Even if the odds that Gingrich as GOP presidential candidate would win the general election are 10 percent, that’s too much of a risk to the nation. No responsible American should accept a 10 percent risk of a President Gingrich

The GOP nominating process if far from over. Romney will win Florida, but Gingrich will not go away. In March, the process moves to the south. It is there that Newt expects to make headway. It is FAR from over...
According to Pelosi, Newt has a zero percent chance being President. Therefore, why the fear?
There are a number of positives (from the perspective of this liberal political junkie) to a Gingrich candidacy:

- He is in a number of ways (high negatives, personal scandals) a weaker opponent than Romney

- It's not clear that he's actually that much more conservative than Romney, and he has a history of bipartisanship (as well as a history of extreme partisanship)

- He's much much more interesting, both as a candidate and as a potential president, than Romney is

Of course, there are also large downsides to a Gingrich presidency, and so I would prefer that Romney get the nomination. I don't think we have seen a president since Nixon that would be as arrogant and unpredictable as Gingrich.
Newt can't win because he supported near every position and policy Obama has done and it's on fucking video.

Oh, that's all... yeah, you really don't need more than that because Obama will have around 1 billion dollars to remind all you "conservatives" just how alike Newt and Obama are.
There are a number of positives (from the perspective of this liberal political junkie) to a Gingrich candidacy:

- He is in a number of ways (high negatives, personal scandals) a weaker opponent than Romney

- It's not clear that he's actually that much more conservative than Romney, and he has a history of bipartisanship (as well as a history of extreme partisanship)

- He's much much more interesting, both as a candidate and as a potential president, than Romney is

Of course, there are also large downsides to a Gingrich presidency, and so I would prefer that Romney get the nomination. I don't think we have seen a president since Nixon that would be as arrogant and unpredictable as Gingrich.

All that is true, but there are ultr-conservatives who support him. He is even being supported by many tea party people. Newt is the ultimate manipulator. He will drag Romney through all the Mud and Hell that he can find between now and April. I LOVE IT!
Actually, Democrats should hope for Gingrich to win the Primary. He's far less electable than Romney. Romney will have the ability in the General to sway swing voters and independents than Gingrich. And Gingrich is just as likely to counter motivate the left base as he is the right base to get to the polls. And while Paul is even less electable, in a fluke victory over Obama he's also much more likely to be a horrid failure than Gingrich.
The reason why Gingrich is considered more electable is that he's less liberal than Romney who is seen as more palatable to democrats.

It really all depends on how pissed off the people are with obaabaa.
There are a number of positives (from the perspective of this liberal political junkie) to a Gingrich candidacy:

- He is in a number of ways (high negatives, personal scandals) a weaker opponent than Romney

- It's not clear that he's actually that much more conservative than Romney, and he has a history of bipartisanship (as well as a history of extreme partisanship)

- He's much much more interesting, both as a candidate and as a potential president, than Romney is

Of course, there are also large downsides to a Gingrich presidency, and so I would prefer that Romney get the nomination. I don't think we have seen a president since Nixon that would be as arrogant and unpredictable as Gingrich.

All that is true, but there are ultr-conservatives who support him. He is even being supported by many tea party people. Newt is the ultimate manipulator. He will drag Romney through all the Mud and Hell that he can find between now and April. I LOVE IT!

Gingrich will get every vote from his base. And not one single vote more. The plurality of voters will re-elect Obama. Obama could save himself a billion dollars if Newt gets the nomination by going on hiatus for 3-6 months....just let Newt alienate every undecided. He'll do it eventually.
The reason why Gingrich is considered more electable is that he's less liberal than Romney who is seen as more palatable to democrats.

It really all depends on how pissed off the people are with obaabaa.

Newt will not win the nomination. That said, the reason that Romney is acceptable to many Democrats is he is seen as a moderate. I have asked many Dem friends what they think of Romney and 80% have said they could live with him in the WH.

Mitt has the best chance to beat Obama because he could win the independent voter. Newt has changed his stance trying to capture the Ultra-Right and the Tea Baggers, but it is not going to work. Mitt will represent the GOP in November. The Baggers will have to hold their noses and vote for him. BOTTOM LINE!
Actually, Democrats should hope for Gingrich to win the Primary. He's far less electable than Romney. Romney will have the ability in the General to sway swing voters and independents than Gingrich. And Gingrich is just as likely to counter motivate the left base as he is the right base to get to the polls. And while Paul is even less electable, in a fluke victory over Obama he's also much more likely to be a horrid failure than Gingrich.

As if Obama is electable? Pull your mouth off of his anus for a moment and get some fresh air.
Actually, Democrats should hope for Gingrich to win the Primary. He's far less electable than Romney. Romney will have the ability in the General to sway swing voters and independents than Gingrich. And Gingrich is just as likely to counter motivate the left base as he is the right base to get to the polls. And while Paul is even less electable, in a fluke victory over Obama he's also much more likely to be a horrid failure than Gingrich.

As if Obama is electable? Pull your mouth off of his anus for a moment and get some fresh air.

Obama will come out of the gate with a Billion dollars in the bank. As a Republican you should know, "Money Talks."
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No Democrat should want a Gingrich nomination
.....Especially since he keeps telling the same LIE....that HE and Bill Clinton cleaned-up Daddy Bush's economic-debacle!!

[ame=]The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon Panetta - YouTube[/ame]​
No Democrat should want a Gingrich nomination
.....Especially since he keeps telling the same LIE....that HE and Bill Clinton cleaned-up Daddy Bush's economic-debacle!!

[ame=]The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon Panetta - YouTube[/ame]​

Only to see Daddy Bush's son come and create the greatest economic melt down since the Great Depression. Bush's just have a way with money, especially when it isn't theirs.
I don't care for any of the R candidates but why are the dem pundits warning the R's to stay away from Newt? Seems to me that the dem pundits would be encouraging a Newt nom so O could beat him. Why in the hell would they wish for Mitt since their reasoning is that he would beat O?

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