I Told You 8 Years Ago, What Needed To Be Done

Angry and whining seems to be the new mantra of the GOP.
Better than attacking police with rocks & bottles, attacking Trump supporters at Trump rallies (ex San Jose, CA), mass looting, traffic blocking, burning buildings, tearing down statues, destroying works of art in museums.
It was a dumb idea 8 years ago. It hasn’t gotten better with age.
Strange how you want to be with us, when we don't want any part of you, or the ramifications of your wild, reckless, & idiotic policies.

Only about 60% of eligible voters voted in the 2020 election. And that was a record turnout.

Do those who do not exercise their right to vote get to stay in their current homes?
I haven't heard anything about people staying or not staying in their homes. Are you sure you're in the right thread ?
I'm still not sure how the left, at some point, decided it was going to be anti-Russian, assume that to be a correct posture, and then accuse every conservative of being pro-Russian. :dunno:
Awww... confused, are we? Awww

But I am not confused about trumptrards. They adore dictators. The worse, the better. I'll bet you retards adore Hitler, don't you?
Democrats , the party of the rich.
Yep, thy are the party that know how to make money...

Better than attacking police with rocks & bottles, attacking Trump supporters at Trump rallies (ex San Jose, CA), mass looting, traffic blocking, burning buildings, tearing down statues, destroying works of art in museums.
Agreed, whining is better than all of those things you listed. Don’t make the whining less pathetic
8 Years ago, I wrote this OP >>

By not separating into 2 separate countries (one blue, the other red), and trusting the Democrats to be civil, this has been shown to be a huge mistake. Look at the results of keeping the Democrats as part of the same country as Republicans.

  • Months of BLM/Antifa riots in 2000 after George Floyd death. 150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.
  • Democrats killed US democracy & 2000 election stolen by malicious Democrats
  • Oil drilling cancelled causing massive inflation (100-200% in rental housing and gas prices)
  • Open border with millions of unvetted illegal aliens pouring in, wrecking blue sanctuary cities.
  • Woke lunacies being dumped on everyone including kids in schools.
  • US Constitution abandoned by Biden DOJ wih due process denied to 1000+ Jan 6 protestors, illegally incarcerated past time limits.
  • Political witch hunt & farce indictments and conviction of President Trump, in banana republic "trials". Who's next ?
All this has shown that these idiot lunatics are not capable of a modicum of decency and intelligence, and keeping them in the same country with you, a major mistake.

Nation - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th edition).
Now is really not the time to be advocating this trail of tears-esque plan to sequester liberals in their own faux country. By dividing a nation, we thereby render it unstable.

Counterproductive. Just like trying to exile millions of Muslims from the country.
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