No DENYING It, WH Begins To Admit Americans Will Be Left Behind....God Help Them!

This administration is lying. And the vast majority those flights have brought in....are not those that we owe responsibility for. Those flights are the trojan horse of this administration. Open your eyes. Biden is destroying this country.
Do the math. Pay attention to what the Biden administration spokespersons are saying.

Sigonella Air Base has been tracking the flights in and out of Kabul International, and they have reported not nearly enough planes have flown in and out to have taken out all the Administration has claimed to have evacuated.

The State Department's (disputed) report of how many Americans are left and Kirby's brief declaring the US military and govt reps would have to begin packing up and departing themselves starting on Friday, 27 Aug IOT meet the 31 Aug deadline, the fact that reports have stated not all Americans have made it to Kabul, take into account the news reporting that over 2 dozen Univ of Cal. students, teachers, and mothers are stranded and can't make it to the airport, take into account the individuals on social media still pleading to be rescued because they can't make it to Kabul...and even Psaki is smart enough to realize there is ZERO way the Biden administration can get everyone out. Evidently snowflakes aren't that smart.
You commie fucks and your censorship are fucking hilarious.

You "people" lied about Trump telling people to inject Lysol into their veins. I did not advocate to censor your bullshit lies. I pointed out you were a liar.

Why do you want censorship of things you dont like?
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Makes you wonder what she actually said....

Fortunately there is an actual public record

Doesn’t matter WTF Potato Chip says. They will leave Americans to their death.
they will say those Americans do not want to come back to US yet, all Americans who want to leave left.

And that is a lie. Thousands of people who want to leave are trapped.

I listened to THE TEAM HOUSE podcast last night, and they discuss this is great detail with former CIA paramilitary officer Mick Mulroy and retired Army Colonel Mike Jason.
Yes. Biden won't leave any Americans behind.

Will there be Americans there after 8/31? Probably. Will they be "stranded"? No.

So you're saying any Americans left after Biden's ordered retreat will have made the choice to stay so they shouldn't be considered stranded?
All you cucks blowing Biden....if Trump was POTUS, what would you be saying?

If your opinion would be different with a conservative POTUS, you are a piece of trash and should consider immediately making yourself sterile.
after this deadly fiasco is over the left can go back to browbeating americans into taking an experimental vaccine in order to be able to buy food or get medical treatment.
So you're saying any Americans left after Biden's ordered retreat will have made the choice to stay so they shouldn't be considered stranded?

Not sure about that... I am sure that they won't be "stranded". Perhaps they chose to stay.... Not sure. There are about 1,500 Americans left over there. Compared to the tens of thousands who were there last week.
I still can't believe, when we found out the Talban were blacking travel to the airport, impeding the agreed upon/allowed evacuation, that we did not send in troops and over-watch aircraft to go out and GET our people, not tell Americans 'you are on your own'. That is friggin' heinous. THAT is abandoning your people. Americans declared, "I am being blocked from getting to the airport - help me'. And Biden said, 'sucks to be you - you're on your own.'

Then again, what would you expect from the #2 guy who abandoned Americans in Benghazi and from people who murder innocent children who could survive outside the womb OR children outside the womb who survived failed abortions?!
Not sure about that... I am sure that they won't be "stranded". Perhaps they chose to stay.... Not sure. There are about 1,500 Americans left over there. Compared to the tens of thousands who were there last week.

How will they not be stranded? Do you think the Taliban, ISIS or AlQaeda are going to open the airport after we leave allowing people to come and go as they please?
The Biden administration is destroyed at this point. Now drenched in blood, their lies and propaganda laid bare for the world to see. It was only hours ago Dems on this board bragged that Afghanistan would be quickly forgotten.
How will they not be stranded? Do you think the Taliban, ISIS or AlQaeda are going to open the airport after we leave allowing people to come and go as they please?

Not sure; again. Any American who is there should leave. They can leave. We've gotten tens of thousands out already.
View attachment 530922
Psaki: We Expect There Could be Some Americans
Left Behind in Afghanistan (VIDEO)

Just yesterday Psaki said it’s “irresponsible to say Americans are she's admitting US citizens could be left behind in Afghanistan, at the mercy of the terrorists, when the military and govt pulls out on 31 August.

“Our commitment continues to US citizens if they want leave, we will help get them out – we expect there could be some [Americans left in Afghanistan] but I’m not going to get into it further.”
- Psaki

Cotton: State Dept. can't answer how many Americans are stranded in Afghanistan

How many American troops do you want to be killed to protect Americans citizens, who shouldn't have gone to or stayed in Afghanistan, having been told last year, that American troops were leaving?

As we continued to see with unvaccinated people dying of covid, you can't force people to do the right thing, listen to common sense, and not take foolish risks with their lives. Every American in Afghanistan knew that Donald Trump had signed an Agreement with the Taliban to get American troops out of the country.

How many troops have to die to save those who chose to stay until it was too late?
'The US will evacuate everyone who wants to leave Afghanistan...'


REPORT: UK Lawmaker Reports HUNDREDS

of Stranded Civilians Shot At, Beaten, Turned

Away at Check Points by Taliban

I haven't heard about US troops going outside the airport and rescuing any of these people. I've only heard what THEY have from the State Department:
- If you want to be rescued come to the Kabul Airport.
- We will not help you.
- You are on your own.
- We can't guarantee your safety.

- DON'T try to come to the airport.

- Congrats - you made it to the airport - GET OUT NOW.
- Get away from these 3 gates.

If you don't make it to the airport you obviously didn't want to leave, huh Psaki?!


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