No drones, cruise missiles managed to reach Israel – reports

No, but a sure fire way to have one is to project weakness. Like bullies on a playground, tell them you are going to knock their teeth out if they step out of line and they generally back down, particularly if you are much bigger and stronger than them.
No. This kooky thinking that the empire must always project strength or it leads to war, is just more CIA talking points.
Everyone should oppose Zionism. Do you know what it means?

Many prominent Jews and Israelis have opposed Zionism. Do you not know this?
Zionism means the support of Israel to exist, and 95% of Jews agree with it.
Agree. And that is why I will be appalled if Biden lets these antisemitic GAZANs emigrate HERE. Sad thing is, when i said I didn’t want more antisemites here, a leftist mod called me a bigot.
you should be appalled that the GOP is helping Iran and HAMAS. You’re not much of a jew.
So send them a bill for the ordnance expended to defend against the attack.....Tied to a low yield nuke during their next Death to Israel/America rally. ;)
If nuking them us too much Israel has other options:

1. Bomb their nuke facilities.
2. Bomb their drone factories.
3. Bomb their oil transport hubs. Cut off their ATM machine.
Did Ukraine first move into Russia and seek out 1200 innocent Russian children and babies to torture to death, and defiantly say they will do it again, and again, and again?!

You keep skipping over that the HAMAS subhumans started this with their savagery and butchery. Oops….just a little detail, amirite?
If Hamas are subhumans because of their savagery and butchery, than what is Israel? It has to be much worse. Right?
Did Ukraine first move into Russia and seek out 1200 innocent Russian children and babies to torture to death, and defiantly say they will do it again, and again, and again?!

You keep skipping over that the HAMAS subhumans started this with their savagery and butchery. Oops….just a little detail, amirite?
the hyprocisy of the leftwingers is nauseating....aka trying to claim they support women and yet approving of hamas engaging in rape and mutilation aka cutting off body parts, shooting Israeli women in the vagina, just because the victims were jews...more horrific even than the nazi behavior.
If nuking them us too much Israel has other options:

1. Bomb their nuke facilities.
2. Bomb their drone factories.
3. Bomb their oil transport hubs. Cut off their ATM machine.
Do you prefer Israel nuke Iran?
the hyprocisy of the leftwingers is nauseating....aka trying to claim they support women and yet approving of hamas engaging in rape and mutilation aka cutting off body parts, shooting Israeli women in the vagina, just because the victims were jews...more horrific even than the nazi behavior.
Are Israeli women’s lives worth more than Palestinian women’s lives?
Agree. And that is why I will be appalled if Biden lets these antisemitic GAZANs emigrate HERE. Sad thing is, when i said I didn’t want more antisemites here, a leftist mod called me a bigot.

I have talked to severl American Iranians...they are very intelligent and even likeable but their jew hatred was imbibed with their mothers milk...they are very upfront about their hatred of Jews and seem dismayed everyone is not like that.
Everyone should oppose Zionism. Do you know what it means?

Many prominent Jews and Israelis have opposed Zionism. Do you not know this?
Zionism means the support of Israel to exist, and 95% of Jews agree with it.
If Hamas are subhumans because of their savagery and butchery, than what is Israel? It has to be much worse. Right?
Israel isn‘t turning over beds to find Muslim children to set on fire or chop off their heads.
Zionism means the support of Israel to exist, and 95% of Jews agree with it.

Israel isn‘t turning over beds to find Muslim children to set on fire or chop off their heads.
They’re doing much worse, but Zionists can’t see it.
So, a big win for America, hence the Trump cult tears. Biden showed the world how impotent Iran is, and how steady the USA is.

Thus, the Trump cultists are upset. Trump cultists get upset whenever anything good happens for the USA. They really hate America.
I have talked to severl American Iranians...they are very intelligent and even likeable but their jew hatred was imbibed with their mothers milk...they are very upfront about their hatred of Jews and seem dismayed everyone is not like that.
Yup. I just had an awful experience with an American Iranian - and I was a customer, paying her!
They’re nowhere near lowering themselves to the subhuman butchery of HAMAS, but antisemites can’t see it.
Oh they’re much worse. Just look at the numbers and destruction.

Are planning on buying a new oceanfront condo in Gaza?
There possibly is an agreement between the two parties to work within parameters, with Iran giving advance notice of targets for obvious reasons .
That is , an agreement not to escalate but simply go through the motions for general consumption plus PR to feed the Sheeple
This happens more frequently than the general public realises .
OR , Iran simply sent in cheap drones to deplete Israeli air defense capabilities .Much as Russia did in Ukraine and continues to do .
This is based on defense expenditure being forced to use more money in the ratio of anything up to 20 to 1 .
All prior to major infrastructure bombardment with rockets and missiles ..
Iran obviously knew that their attack would was just political theater...boasting about their attack on Israel....they knew and know now that Israel could destroy the Iranian regime anytime it wants.....and that is what is needed...a regime change in Iran.

Iran needed to respond and Bibi surely knew this. Some are even suggesting that this was his intent, to create the conditions, an excuse, for a broader war against Iran.

America cannot continue to be spread thin across multiple combat arenas be they Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, support of Taiwan while obligated to counter Chinas increasing influence across the globe, including in Americas backyard. Large scale attacks across the world against armed nations is a recipe for WWIII.

Iran responded "forcefully", which in this case was just a numbers game to be able to send a message to their domestic audience and Israel. Just as when Trump bombed Syria when he was in power, their administration did everything in their power to inform the U.S and in turn Israel so that no casualties would occur.

Bibi has to understand what is at stake and I believe based on his response of claiming "victory", I imagine he has been advised in the strongest terms not to attack Iran, at least not directly on their soil though Irans proxies may be fair game in cycles. That's just my instinct I have no inside information of course but Bibi claiming victory was beneficial for him politically while essentially suggesting that no escalation will occur.

This should be a barometer as to which direction Israel should proceed: Bolton is demanding harder action against Iran. I saw him conducting his usual media rounds on CNN yesterday whenever he smells war. The fact that this ambulance chaser is constantly offered a forum on every news network illustrates just how much media has declined into paid infomercials but I digress. He also ensures that they ALWAYS introduce him as the "former national security advisor to President Trump". The guy was there, what, a couple of weeks? The man has an ego larger than his mustache.

Regardless, he was suggesting that both America AND Israel have been soft on Iran. If Bolton gives advise, 8 times out of 10 you should probably find a detour and choose another path that deviates from his.
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Certainly true, but not due to the mullahs' lack of trying.

The attack proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Iran and their allies in the UN , aren't serious at all about their calls for a cease fire.

That is the real political theater here.

Did they really try all that hard? Or did they get Israel and the US and a few other to spend millions of dollars shooting down 1000 dollar drones?

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