No Education Nor Intellect Required...

...Interesting defense of Bolshevism, comrade. Do you have the Internationale on your iPod????
It will be especially amusing to watch Republicans go bat-shit every time that kid opens her mouth. :21:

Hell, she's already living in your head, rent-free... :itsok:

Let's see you defend it:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

Everything you wrote is fear-based conjecture.
To say she's going to decide how to run the economy is a joke.
She didn't get appointed Fed chair.
She got elected to represent poor people in the Bronx.
The same people Trump discriminated against when they applied for apartment leases.
So suck it up, PoliticalShit.
You and Duh Donald are on notice.
Hey PoliticalChic, can you copy and paste your dopey OP again. I think missed it.

And, shouldn't you be posting this on a Brooklyn forum. I doubt anyone here voted for her.

She's a young person who is living the American dream and you are straight-up jealous.

Maybe that's it.
If not that, then pure unbridled uncontrollable fear.
Trump was right when it came to building his base: “Real power is, I don't even want to use the word: 'Fear.'”
AOC is fearless. Love her, hate her. She is absolutely fearless.


Hey PoliticalChic, can you copy and paste your dopey OP again. I think missed it.

And, shouldn't you be posting this on a Brooklyn forum. I doubt anyone here voted for her.

She's a young person who is living the American dream and you are straight-up jealous.

A rising star in the Democrat Party.....a 'fresh new face.'

Wanna defend her inanity???

Speak up, dunce.
...Interesting defense of Bolshevism, comrade. Do you have the Internationale on your iPod????
It will be especially amusing to watch Republicans go bat-shit every time that kid opens her mouth. :21:

Hell, she's already living in your head, rent-free... :itsok:

Let's see you defend it:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.
She's a kid who might inject some fun and new ideas into the dusty old halls of Congress.

Nobody takes half that shit seriously, and neither should you; hell, I worry more about Bernie Sanders than I do her.

Nothing wrong with a few Congress-Critters who operate from the heart with an eye towards the Common Man.

I posted Ocasio's 'Green New Deal' and predicted you morons would be unable to defend the inanity.

And you validated my prediction.

Soooo....why are you back, you dunce????

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

You and every Democrat voter, as I stated, follow orders, but thinking is, as Hussein said, above your pay grade. education far surpasses yours and Ocasio's. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.

Whatever money you paid for your "education", you should ask for a refund.

Unions built the American middle class. The rise of the American middle class began with the rise of the union movement. The decline of the American middle class began when Reagan destroyed the union movement, promising all workers a raise when unions were no longer in control. Workers are still waiting for that raise.

The reason why the top 20% pays such a high percentage of the total income taxes paid is because so many working people are receiving such low wages that they receive earned income credits from the government. Fully 47% of American have incomes so low, that they are receiving some sort of wage supplement from the government.

Having the federal government subsidize the wages of such a large percentage of the population, would makes it look like the top pay is paying for all these social programs, but in reality, the middle class is paying for them and the top are paying less into these programs, as a percentage of income, than middle class wage earners. That hardly seems fair, but then middle class wage earners didn't write the tax code, wealthy people did.

Your fear that all businesses would be subject to government regulation, well all business are already subject to government regulation, and a lot of it. In fact, companies would not exist if not for the government regulations creating companies, and the legislative requirements to be fulfilled to maintain their existence.

Perhaps you should have paid attention in business classes instead of assuming you knew more than anyone else. It wasn't true then and it sure as hell isn't true today.

The history of the world is endless stories of liberals overcoming the fear of change, and the conservative desire to keep things unchanged. If conservatives ran the world, there would be no social progress, no intellectual growth, and no invention.

I posted Ocasio's 'Green New Deal' and predicted you morons would be unable to defend the inanity.

And you validated my prediction.

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

You and every Democrat voter, as I stated, follow orders, but thinking is, as Hussein said, above your pay grade. education far surpasses yours and Ocasio's. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I see the brainwash is thick with this one. I see you have the federal income tax obsession of all GOP dupes. But if you count all taxes the rich pay the same percentage wise as the middle class, and we have no money to invest in infrastructure and the Non rich, so now we have the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history, and every time the rich get another tax cut, it gets worse. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Thanks also for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, starting the stupidest Wars ever and Wrecking the Middle East, and the corrupt 2008 GOP economic meltdown. Now Trump is screwing up I already kind of me with trade Wars tariffs and basically chaos. If you didn't have total b******* hate and character assassination propaganda, you'd have nothing, super duper.

Here ya' go, blanko: bet you can't support it either, you dope:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

If you want to bring up taxes....I'll eviscerate you further.
You are a brainwashed functional moron when it comes to taxes, all you can talk about is the federal income tax which is a joke. Even the payroll tax is more than that now. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I see the brainwash is thick with this one. I see you have the federal income tax obsession of all GOP dupes. But if you count all taxes the rich pay the same percentage wise as the middle class, and we have no money to invest in infrastructure and the Non rich, so now we have the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history, and every time the rich get another tax cut, it gets worse. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Thanks also for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, starting the stupidest Wars ever and Wrecking the Middle East, and the corrupt 2008 GOP economic meltdown. Now Trump is screwing up I already kind of me with trade Wars tariffs and basically chaos. If you didn't have total b******* hate and character assassination propaganda, you'd have nothing, super duper.

Here ya' go, blanko: bet you can't support it either, you dope:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

If you want to bring up taxes....I'll eviscerate you further.
You are a brainwashed functional moron when it comes to taxes, all you can talk about is the federal income tax which is a joke. Even the payroll tax is more than that now.

Well, then....let's get down to it, and watch me rip you a new one.

Never mind her new taxes of 60%-70%....let's go all the way to her mentor, Bernie Sander's plan....

Democrat nuts like Ocasio, and Bernie Sanders say “Back in the days of JFK we had taxes of 91%....we can do that again.”

1.Yes….at that time, the top marginal rate was 91%

2. That was for people, filing jointly, $3.4 million inflation-adjusted dollars.

3. Today, the top marginal rate starts at about $400,000

4. That Eisenhower-JFK top rate was never paid by anyone! The effective rate for those making that amount in 1955 was about 45% because they could shield their income behind the lower corporate tax rate.

5. And, as a shield, you could deduct depreciation on all loans and on all real estate.

6.For every year between 1952 and 2014, the government brought in between 17-20% of GDP in tax revenue and between 7-9% in income tax revenue….not any 91%.

7. Guy Benson calculated what the tax system has to look like to pay for the Democrat/Sanders/Ocasio fantasy:

a. Raise the payroll tax 10% on both workers and employers

b. Impose a new 20% national VAT tax

c. Impose a 10% increase in income tax for every category, from rich to poor.

d. Double the 35 and 37% tax brackets to 70 and 74%

e. Raise corporate tax rate by 20%

f. Eliminate the EITC and child care deduction

And not SOME of these.....ALL of them!!!

g. And a half dozen more increases

[see Stunning: Here Are the Tax Hikes Required to Pay For Single-Payer Healthcare's $32.6 Trillion (Minimum) Price Tag]

When ever you’re ready just yell “check please.”
Last edited:
as to the education part of the OP,,,

lets not forget the republicans have been funding and supporting the dept of ed since its beginning

Jimmy Carter was a Republican????

Guess again.

Department of EducationOrganization Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979.

Department of Education is, of course, unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states that powers not granted to the federal government belong to the states. So where is the impetus for its creation? Unions. The National Education Association (NEA) “In 1972, the massive union formed a political action committee…released ‘Needed: A Cabinet Department of Education’ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.” D.T. Stallngs, “A Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,” p. 3. When formed, its budget was $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) and it employed 450 people. IN 2010, the estimated budget is $107 billion, and there are 4,800 employees.
Love this shining example of the socialist democrat school system... This idiot cant even figure out the members of his own party, that were complete failures, and tries like hell to project them on to those he despises...
so I guess you can show me where the republicans refused to fund it and/or abolish the agency???

how about just talked negatively about it???

NO!!!,,, I didnt think so

and sorry I'm not a democrat or republican,,,

as to the education part of the OP,,,

lets not forget the republicans have been funding and supporting the dept of ed since its beginning

Jimmy Carter was a Republican????

Guess again.

Department of EducationOrganization Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979.

Department of Education is, of course, unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states that powers not granted to the federal government belong to the states. So where is the impetus for its creation? Unions. The National Education Association (NEA) “In 1972, the massive union formed a political action committee…released ‘Needed: A Cabinet Department of Education’ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.” D.T. Stallngs, “A Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,” p. 3. When formed, its budget was $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) and it employed 450 people. IN 2010, the estimated budget is $107 billion, and there are 4,800 employees.
Love this shining example of the socialist democrat school system... This idiot cant even figure out the members of his own party, that were complete failures, and tries like hell to project them on to those he despises...
PLEASE SHOW ME WHERe I said they started it???

I said they supported and funded it be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I see the brainwash is thick with this one. I see you have the federal income tax obsession of all GOP dupes. But if you count all taxes the rich pay the same percentage wise as the middle class, and we have no money to invest in infrastructure and the Non rich, so now we have the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history, and every time the rich get another tax cut, it gets worse. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Thanks also for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, starting the stupidest Wars ever and Wrecking the Middle East, and the corrupt 2008 GOP economic meltdown. Now Trump is screwing up I already kind of me with trade Wars tariffs and basically chaos. If you didn't have total b******* hate and character assassination propaganda, you'd have nothing, super duper.

Here ya' go, blanko: bet you can't support it either, you dope:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

If you want to bring up taxes....I'll eviscerate you further.
You are a brainwashed functional moron when it comes to taxes, all you can talk about is the federal income tax which is a joke. Even the payroll tax is more than that now.

Well, then....let's get down to it, and watch me rip you a new one.

Never mind her new taxes of 60%-70%....let's go all the way to her mentor, Bernie Sander's plan....

Democrat nuts like Ocasio, and Bernie Sanders say “Back in the days of JFK we had taxes of 91%....we can do that again.”

1.Yes….at that time, the top marginal rate was 91%

2. That was for people, filing jointly, $3.4 million inflation-adjusted dollars.

3. Today, the top marginal rate starts at about $400,000

4. That Eisenhower-JFK top rate was never paid by anyone! The effective rate for those making that amount in 1955 was about 45% because they could shield their income behind the lower corporate tax rate.

5. And, as a shield, you could deduct depreciation on all loans and on all real estate.

6.For every year between 1952 and 2014, the government brought in between 17-20% of GDP in tax revenue and between 7-9% in income tax revenue….not any 91%.

7. Guy Benson calculated what the tax system has to look like to pay for the Democrat/Sanders/Ocasio fantasy:

a. Raise the payroll tax 10% on both workers and employers

b. Impose a new 20% national VAT tax

c. Impose a 10% increase in income tax for every category, from rich to poor.

d. Double the 35 and 37% tax brackets to 70 and 74%

e. Raise corporate tax rate by 20%

f. Eliminate the EITC and child care deduction

And not SOME of these.....ALL of them!!!

g. And a half dozen more increases

[see Stunning: Here Are the Tax Hikes Required to Pay For Single-Payer Healthcare's $32.6 Trillion (Minimum) Price Tag]

When ever you’re ready just yell “check please.”
Ocasio is being pushed as the Democratic leader by garbage GOP propaganda, super duper. By the time she might be old enough to be a leader, we might be ready for that, taking into account the fact that that plan has been put together by Republican propagandists and things would not be that bad. And we would have enough money to invest in our infrastructure and non-rich for a change. After 35 years of giveaway to the rich, it could be time by then.

Obviously having the top rate kick in at 400,000 is ridiculous, and to get CEO pay back to reality, we should have a tax rate of 80% over 20 million or so.

Going on and on about income federal income tax is irrelevant when we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and fees. A ridiculous giveaway to the rich, for 35 years now.
as to the education part of the OP,,,

lets not forget the republicans have been funding and supporting the dept of ed since its beginning

Jimmy Carter was a Republican????

Guess again.

Department of EducationOrganization Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979.

Department of Education is, of course, unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states that powers not granted to the federal government belong to the states. So where is the impetus for its creation? Unions. The National Education Association (NEA) “In 1972, the massive union formed a political action committee…released ‘Needed: A Cabinet Department of Education’ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.” D.T. Stallngs, “A Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,” p. 3. When formed, its budget was $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) and it employed 450 people. IN 2010, the estimated budget is $107 billion, and there are 4,800 employees.
Love this shining example of the socialist democrat school system... This idiot cant even figure out the members of his own party, that were complete failures, and tries like hell to project them on to those he despises...
so I guess you can show me where the republicans refused to fund it and/or abolish the agency???

how about just talked negatively about it???

NO!!!,,, I didnt think so

and sorry I'm not a democrat or republican,,,


I just showed you who created it....don't make that mistake again.
as to the education part of the OP,,,

lets not forget the republicans have been funding and supporting the dept of ed since its beginning

Jimmy Carter was a Republican????

Guess again.

Department of EducationOrganization Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979.

Department of Education is, of course, unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states that powers not granted to the federal government belong to the states. So where is the impetus for its creation? Unions. The National Education Association (NEA) “In 1972, the massive union formed a political action committee…released ‘Needed: A Cabinet Department of Education’ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.” D.T. Stallngs, “A Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,” p. 3. When formed, its budget was $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) and it employed 450 people. IN 2010, the estimated budget is $107 billion, and there are 4,800 employees.
Love this shining example of the socialist democrat school system... This idiot cant even figure out the members of his own party, that were complete failures, and tries like hell to project them on to those he despises...
so I guess you can show me where the republicans refused to fund it and/or abolish the agency???

how about just talked negatively about it???

NO!!!,,, I didnt think so

and sorry I'm not a democrat or republican,,,


I just showed you who created it....don't make that mistake again.
I wasnt talking about who created it,,,thats common knowledge be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I see the brainwash is thick with this one. I see you have the federal income tax obsession of all GOP dupes. But if you count all taxes the rich pay the same percentage wise as the middle class, and we have no money to invest in infrastructure and the Non rich, so now we have the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history, and every time the rich get another tax cut, it gets worse. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Thanks also for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, starting the stupidest Wars ever and Wrecking the Middle East, and the corrupt 2008 GOP economic meltdown. Now Trump is screwing up I already kind of me with trade Wars tariffs and basically chaos. If you didn't have total b******* hate and character assassination propaganda, you'd have nothing, super duper.

Here ya' go, blanko: bet you can't support it either, you dope:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

If you want to bring up taxes....I'll eviscerate you further.
You are a brainwashed functional moron when it comes to taxes, all you can talk about is the federal income tax which is a joke. Even the payroll tax is more than that now.

Well, then....let's get down to it, and watch me rip you a new one.

Never mind her new taxes of 60%-70%....let's go all the way to her mentor, Bernie Sander's plan....

Democrat nuts like Ocasio, and Bernie Sanders say “Back in the days of JFK we had taxes of 91%....we can do that again.”

1.Yes….at that time, the top marginal rate was 91%

2. That was for people, filing jointly, $3.4 million inflation-adjusted dollars.

3. Today, the top marginal rate starts at about $400,000

4. That Eisenhower-JFK top rate was never paid by anyone! The effective rate for those making that amount in 1955 was about 45% because they could shield their income behind the lower corporate tax rate.

5. And, as a shield, you could deduct depreciation on all loans and on all real estate.

6.For every year between 1952 and 2014, the government brought in between 17-20% of GDP in tax revenue and between 7-9% in income tax revenue….not any 91%.

7. Guy Benson calculated what the tax system has to look like to pay for the Democrat/Sanders/Ocasio fantasy:

a. Raise the payroll tax 10% on both workers and employers

b. Impose a new 20% national VAT tax

c. Impose a 10% increase in income tax for every category, from rich to poor.

d. Double the 35 and 37% tax brackets to 70 and 74%

e. Raise corporate tax rate by 20%

f. Eliminate the EITC and child care deduction

And not SOME of these.....ALL of them!!!

g. And a half dozen more increases

[see Stunning: Here Are the Tax Hikes Required to Pay For Single-Payer Healthcare's $32.6 Trillion (Minimum) Price Tag]

When ever you’re ready just yell “check please.”
Ocasio is being pushed as the Democratic leader buy garbage GOP propaganda super duper. By the time she might be old enough to be a leader, we might be ready for that, taking into account the fact that that plan has been put together by Republican propagandists and things would not be that bad. Had we would have enough money to invest in our infrastructure and non-rich where to change. After 35 years of giveaway to the rich, it could be time by then.

Obviously having the top rate kick in at 400,000 is ridiculous oh, and to get CEO pay back to reality, we should have a tax rate of 80% over 20 million or so.

Going on and on about income federal income tax is irrelevant when we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and fees. A ridiculous giveaway to the rich, for 35 years now.

Let's stick to taxation, and the Democrat plan to make every citizen into a subject, and every subject into a slave.

1. When one considers the enormous set of tax increases that would be necessary for the Sanders/Occasion promises, one can only conclude that

a.these two, and by extension all Democrats, are either lying to constituents, or are clueless about their own programs.

b. their voters are clearly clueless, and fearful of questioning their masters

2. Thus it has ever been by Democrats

a. The huge tax burden necessary to provide the ‘rights’ and fund federal welfare programs can be laid at the feet of the New Deal. Before 1940, only 5% of Americans paid any income tax, and the maximum was 25%. By the end of WWII, 2/3 of American families paid income tax- and it started at 24%, with a $500 exemption.

It went up to 94% over $200k. So, if one earned $300k, one kept only $6000 of the last $100k.

Withholding was re-introduced so the government got the money immediately. (Had been repealed in 1916.)

b.The attitude of the FDR government, and Democrats in general, can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler’s dangerous statism

Just as Hitler’s philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

c. "Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off." Mondale says: "We're going to tax their ass off"

d. But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama

Obama’s father was for 100% taxation…hence Democrats and slavery

Notice....every one of my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct.
Last edited:
I see the brainwash is thick with this one. I see you have the federal income tax obsession of all GOP dupes. But if you count all taxes the rich pay the same percentage wise as the middle class, and we have no money to invest in infrastructure and the Non rich, so now we have the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history, and every time the rich get another tax cut, it gets worse. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Thanks also for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, starting the stupidest Wars ever and Wrecking the Middle East, and the corrupt 2008 GOP economic meltdown. Now Trump is screwing up I already kind of me with trade Wars tariffs and basically chaos. If you didn't have total b******* hate and character assassination propaganda, you'd have nothing, super duper.

Here ya' go, blanko: bet you can't support it either, you dope:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

If you want to bring up taxes....I'll eviscerate you further.
You are a brainwashed functional moron when it comes to taxes, all you can talk about is the federal income tax which is a joke. Even the payroll tax is more than that now.

Well, then....let's get down to it, and watch me rip you a new one.

Never mind her new taxes of 60%-70%....let's go all the way to her mentor, Bernie Sander's plan....

Democrat nuts like Ocasio, and Bernie Sanders say “Back in the days of JFK we had taxes of 91%....we can do that again.”

1.Yes….at that time, the top marginal rate was 91%

2. That was for people, filing jointly, $3.4 million inflation-adjusted dollars.

3. Today, the top marginal rate starts at about $400,000

4. That Eisenhower-JFK top rate was never paid by anyone! The effective rate for those making that amount in 1955 was about 45% because they could shield their income behind the lower corporate tax rate.

5. And, as a shield, you could deduct depreciation on all loans and on all real estate.

6.For every year between 1952 and 2014, the government brought in between 17-20% of GDP in tax revenue and between 7-9% in income tax revenue….not any 91%.

7. Guy Benson calculated what the tax system has to look like to pay for the Democrat/Sanders/Ocasio fantasy:

a. Raise the payroll tax 10% on both workers and employers

b. Impose a new 20% national VAT tax

c. Impose a 10% increase in income tax for every category, from rich to poor.

d. Double the 35 and 37% tax brackets to 70 and 74%

e. Raise corporate tax rate by 20%

f. Eliminate the EITC and child care deduction

And not SOME of these.....ALL of them!!!

g. And a half dozen more increases

[see Stunning: Here Are the Tax Hikes Required to Pay For Single-Payer Healthcare's $32.6 Trillion (Minimum) Price Tag]

When ever you’re ready just yell “check please.”
Ocasio is being pushed as the Democratic leader buy garbage GOP propaganda super duper. By the time she might be old enough to be a leader, we might be ready for that, taking into account the fact that that plan has been put together by Republican propagandists and things would not be that bad. Had we would have enough money to invest in our infrastructure and non-rich where to change. After 35 years of giveaway to the rich, it could be time by then.

Obviously having the top rate kick in at 400,000 is ridiculous oh, and to get CEO pay back to reality, we should have a tax rate of 80% over 20 million or so.

Going on and on about income federal income tax is irrelevant when we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and fees. A ridiculous giveaway to the rich, for 35 years now.

Let's stick to taxation, and the Democrat plan to make every citizen into a subject, and every subject into a slave.

1. When one considers the enormous set of tax increases that would be necessary for the Sanders/Occasion promises, one can only conclude that

a.these two, and by extension all Democrats, are either lying to constituents, or are clueless about their own programs.

b. their voters are clearly clueless, and fearful of questioning their masters

2. Thus it has ever been by Democrats

a. The huge tax burden necessary to provide the ‘rights’ and fund federal welfare programs can be laid at the feet of the New Deal. Before 1940, only 5% of Americans paid any income tax, and the maximum was 25%. By the end of WWII, 2/3 of American families paid income tax- and it started at 24%, with a $500 exemption.

It went up to 94% over $200k. So, if one earned $300k, one kept only $6000 of the last $100k.

Withholding was re-introduced so the government got the money immediately. (Had been repealed in 1916.)

b.The attitude of the FDR government, and Democrats in general, can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler’s dangerous statism

c. "Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off." Mondale says: "We're going to tax their ass off"

d. But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama

Obama’s father was for 100% taxation…hence Democrats and slavery

Notice....every one of my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct.
Are you only able to spam? Are you able to actually think? Do you think CEO pay is Fair these days? be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.

You can't ask for a more perfect crop of Progressive deplorables to show the country how far, far, far out in whackadoodleland they've moved.

Alexa Cortex
Screaming Meme Jihadi
Psycho House Speaker
Shitt who paid a 19 year old boy $400,000 from the Sexual Harrassment Slush Fund
Here ya' go, blanko: bet you can't support it either, you dope:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

If you want to bring up taxes....I'll eviscerate you further.
You are a brainwashed functional moron when it comes to taxes, all you can talk about is the federal income tax which is a joke. Even the payroll tax is more than that now.

Well, then....let's get down to it, and watch me rip you a new one.

Never mind her new taxes of 60%-70%....let's go all the way to her mentor, Bernie Sander's plan....

Democrat nuts like Ocasio, and Bernie Sanders say “Back in the days of JFK we had taxes of 91%....we can do that again.”

1.Yes….at that time, the top marginal rate was 91%

2. That was for people, filing jointly, $3.4 million inflation-adjusted dollars.

3. Today, the top marginal rate starts at about $400,000

4. That Eisenhower-JFK top rate was never paid by anyone! The effective rate for those making that amount in 1955 was about 45% because they could shield their income behind the lower corporate tax rate.

5. And, as a shield, you could deduct depreciation on all loans and on all real estate.

6.For every year between 1952 and 2014, the government brought in between 17-20% of GDP in tax revenue and between 7-9% in income tax revenue….not any 91%.

7. Guy Benson calculated what the tax system has to look like to pay for the Democrat/Sanders/Ocasio fantasy:

a. Raise the payroll tax 10% on both workers and employers

b. Impose a new 20% national VAT tax

c. Impose a 10% increase in income tax for every category, from rich to poor.

d. Double the 35 and 37% tax brackets to 70 and 74%

e. Raise corporate tax rate by 20%

f. Eliminate the EITC and child care deduction

And not SOME of these.....ALL of them!!!

g. And a half dozen more increases

[see Stunning: Here Are the Tax Hikes Required to Pay For Single-Payer Healthcare's $32.6 Trillion (Minimum) Price Tag]

When ever you’re ready just yell “check please.”
Ocasio is being pushed as the Democratic leader buy garbage GOP propaganda super duper. By the time she might be old enough to be a leader, we might be ready for that, taking into account the fact that that plan has been put together by Republican propagandists and things would not be that bad. Had we would have enough money to invest in our infrastructure and non-rich where to change. After 35 years of giveaway to the rich, it could be time by then.

Obviously having the top rate kick in at 400,000 is ridiculous oh, and to get CEO pay back to reality, we should have a tax rate of 80% over 20 million or so.

Going on and on about income federal income tax is irrelevant when we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and fees. A ridiculous giveaway to the rich, for 35 years now.

Let's stick to taxation, and the Democrat plan to make every citizen into a subject, and every subject into a slave.

1. When one considers the enormous set of tax increases that would be necessary for the Sanders/Occasion promises, one can only conclude that

a.these two, and by extension all Democrats, are either lying to constituents, or are clueless about their own programs.

b. their voters are clearly clueless, and fearful of questioning their masters

2. Thus it has ever been by Democrats

a. The huge tax burden necessary to provide the ‘rights’ and fund federal welfare programs can be laid at the feet of the New Deal. Before 1940, only 5% of Americans paid any income tax, and the maximum was 25%. By the end of WWII, 2/3 of American families paid income tax- and it started at 24%, with a $500 exemption.

It went up to 94% over $200k. So, if one earned $300k, one kept only $6000 of the last $100k.

Withholding was re-introduced so the government got the money immediately. (Had been repealed in 1916.)

b.The attitude of the FDR government, and Democrats in general, can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler’s dangerous statism

c. "Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off." Mondale says: "We're going to tax their ass off"

d. But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama

Obama’s father was for 100% taxation…hence Democrats and slavery

Notice....every one of my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct.
Are you only able to spam? Are you able to actually think? Do you think CEO pay is Fair these days?

Wow, dood, a question like that from you?
Here ya' go, blanko: bet you can't support it either, you dope:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

If you want to bring up taxes....I'll eviscerate you further.
You are a brainwashed functional moron when it comes to taxes, all you can talk about is the federal income tax which is a joke. Even the payroll tax is more than that now.

Well, then....let's get down to it, and watch me rip you a new one.

Never mind her new taxes of 60%-70%....let's go all the way to her mentor, Bernie Sander's plan....

Democrat nuts like Ocasio, and Bernie Sanders say “Back in the days of JFK we had taxes of 91%....we can do that again.”

1.Yes….at that time, the top marginal rate was 91%

2. That was for people, filing jointly, $3.4 million inflation-adjusted dollars.

3. Today, the top marginal rate starts at about $400,000

4. That Eisenhower-JFK top rate was never paid by anyone! The effective rate for those making that amount in 1955 was about 45% because they could shield their income behind the lower corporate tax rate.

5. And, as a shield, you could deduct depreciation on all loans and on all real estate.

6.For every year between 1952 and 2014, the government brought in between 17-20% of GDP in tax revenue and between 7-9% in income tax revenue….not any 91%.

7. Guy Benson calculated what the tax system has to look like to pay for the Democrat/Sanders/Ocasio fantasy:

a. Raise the payroll tax 10% on both workers and employers

b. Impose a new 20% national VAT tax

c. Impose a 10% increase in income tax for every category, from rich to poor.

d. Double the 35 and 37% tax brackets to 70 and 74%

e. Raise corporate tax rate by 20%

f. Eliminate the EITC and child care deduction

And not SOME of these.....ALL of them!!!

g. And a half dozen more increases

[see Stunning: Here Are the Tax Hikes Required to Pay For Single-Payer Healthcare's $32.6 Trillion (Minimum) Price Tag]

When ever you’re ready just yell “check please.”
Ocasio is being pushed as the Democratic leader buy garbage GOP propaganda super duper. By the time she might be old enough to be a leader, we might be ready for that, taking into account the fact that that plan has been put together by Republican propagandists and things would not be that bad. Had we would have enough money to invest in our infrastructure and non-rich where to change. After 35 years of giveaway to the rich, it could be time by then.

Obviously having the top rate kick in at 400,000 is ridiculous oh, and to get CEO pay back to reality, we should have a tax rate of 80% over 20 million or so.

Going on and on about income federal income tax is irrelevant when we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and fees. A ridiculous giveaway to the rich, for 35 years now.

Let's stick to taxation, and the Democrat plan to make every citizen into a subject, and every subject into a slave.

1. When one considers the enormous set of tax increases that would be necessary for the Sanders/Occasion promises, one can only conclude that

a.these two, and by extension all Democrats, are either lying to constituents, or are clueless about their own programs.

b. their voters are clearly clueless, and fearful of questioning their masters

2. Thus it has ever been by Democrats

a. The huge tax burden necessary to provide the ‘rights’ and fund federal welfare programs can be laid at the feet of the New Deal. Before 1940, only 5% of Americans paid any income tax, and the maximum was 25%. By the end of WWII, 2/3 of American families paid income tax- and it started at 24%, with a $500 exemption.

It went up to 94% over $200k. So, if one earned $300k, one kept only $6000 of the last $100k.

Withholding was re-introduced so the government got the money immediately. (Had been repealed in 1916.)

b.The attitude of the FDR government, and Democrats in general, can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler’s dangerous statism

c. "Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off." Mondale says: "We're going to tax their ass off"

d. But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama

Obama’s father was for 100% taxation…hence Democrats and slavery

Notice....every one of my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct.
Are you only able to spam? Are you able to actually think? Do you think CEO pay is Fair these days?

CEO pay is none of your business or mine,,,,unless of course you are a share holder
Here ya' go, blanko: bet you can't support it either, you dope:

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

If you want to bring up taxes....I'll eviscerate you further.
You are a brainwashed functional moron when it comes to taxes, all you can talk about is the federal income tax which is a joke. Even the payroll tax is more than that now.

Well, then....let's get down to it, and watch me rip you a new one.

Never mind her new taxes of 60%-70%....let's go all the way to her mentor, Bernie Sander's plan....

Democrat nuts like Ocasio, and Bernie Sanders say “Back in the days of JFK we had taxes of 91%....we can do that again.”

1.Yes….at that time, the top marginal rate was 91%

2. That was for people, filing jointly, $3.4 million inflation-adjusted dollars.

3. Today, the top marginal rate starts at about $400,000

4. That Eisenhower-JFK top rate was never paid by anyone! The effective rate for those making that amount in 1955 was about 45% because they could shield their income behind the lower corporate tax rate.

5. And, as a shield, you could deduct depreciation on all loans and on all real estate.

6.For every year between 1952 and 2014, the government brought in between 17-20% of GDP in tax revenue and between 7-9% in income tax revenue….not any 91%.

7. Guy Benson calculated what the tax system has to look like to pay for the Democrat/Sanders/Ocasio fantasy:

a. Raise the payroll tax 10% on both workers and employers

b. Impose a new 20% national VAT tax

c. Impose a 10% increase in income tax for every category, from rich to poor.

d. Double the 35 and 37% tax brackets to 70 and 74%

e. Raise corporate tax rate by 20%

f. Eliminate the EITC and child care deduction

And not SOME of these.....ALL of them!!!

g. And a half dozen more increases

[see Stunning: Here Are the Tax Hikes Required to Pay For Single-Payer Healthcare's $32.6 Trillion (Minimum) Price Tag]

When ever you’re ready just yell “check please.”
Ocasio is being pushed as the Democratic leader buy garbage GOP propaganda super duper. By the time she might be old enough to be a leader, we might be ready for that, taking into account the fact that that plan has been put together by Republican propagandists and things would not be that bad. Had we would have enough money to invest in our infrastructure and non-rich where to change. After 35 years of giveaway to the rich, it could be time by then.

Obviously having the top rate kick in at 400,000 is ridiculous oh, and to get CEO pay back to reality, we should have a tax rate of 80% over 20 million or so.

Going on and on about income federal income tax is irrelevant when we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and fees. A ridiculous giveaway to the rich, for 35 years now.

Let's stick to taxation, and the Democrat plan to make every citizen into a subject, and every subject into a slave.

1. When one considers the enormous set of tax increases that would be necessary for the Sanders/Occasion promises, one can only conclude that

a.these two, and by extension all Democrats, are either lying to constituents, or are clueless about their own programs.

b. their voters are clearly clueless, and fearful of questioning their masters

2. Thus it has ever been by Democrats

a. The huge tax burden necessary to provide the ‘rights’ and fund federal welfare programs can be laid at the feet of the New Deal. Before 1940, only 5% of Americans paid any income tax, and the maximum was 25%. By the end of WWII, 2/3 of American families paid income tax- and it started at 24%, with a $500 exemption.

It went up to 94% over $200k. So, if one earned $300k, one kept only $6000 of the last $100k.

Withholding was re-introduced so the government got the money immediately. (Had been repealed in 1916.)

b.The attitude of the FDR government, and Democrats in general, can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler’s dangerous statism

Just as Hitler’s philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

c. "Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off." Mondale says: "We're going to tax their ass off"

d. But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama

Obama’s father was for 100% taxation…hence Democrats and slavery

Notice....every one of my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct.
Are you only able to spam? Are you able to actually think? Do you think CEO pay is Fair these days?

Let's stick to taxation, and the Democrat plan to make every citizen into a subject, and every subject into a slave.

1. When one considers the enormous set of tax increases that would be necessary for the Sanders/Occasion promises, one can only conclude that

a.these two, and by extension all Democrats, are either lying to constituents, or are clueless about their own programs.

b. their voters are clearly clueless, and fearful of questioning their masters

2. Thus it has ever been by Democrats

a. The huge tax burden necessary to provide the ‘rights’ and fund federal welfare programs can be laid at the feet of the New Deal. Before 1940, only 5% of Americans paid any income tax, and the maximum was 25%. By the end of WWII, 2/3 of American families paid income tax- and it started at 24%, with a $500 exemption.

It went up to 94% over $200k. So, if one earned $300k, one kept only $6000 of the last $100k.

Withholding was re-introduced so the government got the money immediately. (Had been repealed in 1916.)

b.The attitude of the FDR government, and Democrats in general, can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler’s dangerous

Just as Hitler’s philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

c. "Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off." Mondale says: "We're going to tax their ass off"

d. But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama

Obama’s father was for 100% taxation…hence Democrats and slavery

Notice....every one of my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct.

Address the post, dunce.
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Hey PoliticalChic, can you copy and paste your dopey OP again. I think missed it.

And, shouldn't you be posting this on a Brooklyn forum. I doubt anyone here voted for her.

She's a young person who is living the American dream and you are straight-up jealous.

A rising star in the Democrat Party.....a 'fresh new face.'

Wanna defend her inanity???

Speak up, dunce.

Why would I need to. Do you feel a need to defend Louie Gohmert?

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