No end in sight....

No school until pandemic ends????

Ridiculous. We are fucking up the education of an entire generation of children.
Better than killing off all the teachers and parents. Distance learning will have to suffice until this virus is under control.

You are fucking DAFT. There is NOTHING to support such an IGNORANT claim. If fact, there's PLENTY of evidence the OPPOSITE is true, it could be far more dangerous NOT to reopen schools... but then, that's EXACTLY what you filthy democrats want, isn't it... to milk this virus and wreak as much havoc and damage on America as you possible can. No that's not a question, we all know it is.

Straight from the CDC...

Stop denying the obvious. The pandemic is real. People are dead. Stupid, cultish partisanship is making the bad situation worse. Sit down, shut up and wear a mask.
If we were not so overweight as a country very few would be dying.
I saw a story on the news this morning that 100 YEAR OLD BLACK MAN had survived the virus, a WWII vet. This HYSTERIA is a FABRICATION by the left. They would LOVE EVERYONE to believe INFECTED means you're going to DIE, but the FACT of the matter is, VERY FEW ARE DYING, VERY few, and we also know that they're PADDING the numbers we do hear with people that died of SOMETHING ELSE.

The democrats WANT AMERICA TO SUFFER. This is a CAMPAIGN STRATEGY. They believe the more SUFFERING and DEVASTATION they cause to anything and everything, they can BLAME TRUMP. Well, WE DON'T. It's easy to see who's causing all the DAMAGE to America, and it ISN'T PRESIDENT TRUMP, it's the DEMOCRATS and they're SHUT DOWNS, not to mention their RIOT SQUADS.

Speaking of which, according to DEMOCRATS, children can't go to school, people can't go to church, you can't eat in a restaurant, but it's FINE AND DANDY if you want to gather shoulder to shoulder with other violent rioters and burn, loot and destroy, and HACK UP A LUNG COUGHING ON THE BUY NEXT TO YOU after GAGGING ON TEAR GAS, that's all FIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE, NO PROBLEM THERE.

It's as obvious as the sun shining what the demtrash's plan is, and their hypocrisy is slap you in the face obvious as well.
You saw the story, but did you read and comprehend it? Based on your comments so far, I know you haven't.

No school until pandemic ends????

Ridiculous. We are fucking up the education of an entire generation of children.
Better than killing off all the teachers and parents. Distance learning will have to suffice until this virus is under control.

You are fucking DAFT. There is NOTHING to support such an IGNORANT claim. If fact, there's PLENTY of evidence the OPPOSITE is true, it could be far more dangerous NOT to reopen schools... but then, that's EXACTLY what you filthy democrats want, isn't it... to milk this virus and wreak as much havoc and damage on America as you possible can. No that's not a question, we all know it is.

Straight from the CDC...

Stop denying the obvious. The pandemic is real. People are dead. Stupid, cultish partisanship is making the bad situation worse. Sit down, shut up and wear a mask.

Turn off the idiot box. In all my years on discussion forums, I've never seen so many brainwashed zombies as there are on USMB.
So there's no such thing as coronavirus, nobody has died from COVID-19, Trump provides the best medical advice and anyone who thinks different is a brainwashed zombie.

Why the hell should anyone listen to your opinion? You're like an infant who has yet to grasp the concept of object permanence. Peek-a-boo! You're a moron!

I never said that, or thought that, you're just like the other TV-watching dupe on this thread who dishonestly puts words in people's mouths.

If that's the way you are, I'm not going to waste my time.
You reacted with a "funny" when I said people have died so wear a mask. What's your game? Denial? Refusal? Selfishness?

No school until pandemic ends????

Ridiculous. We are fucking up the education of an entire generation of children.
Better than killing off all the teachers and parents. Distance learning will have to suffice until this virus is under control.

Most of those lil' bastards are gonna fuck off and not learn shit.
Distance learning takes self-discipline from both students and parents! This is sorely lacking in today's day and age on both parties part!!
We are fucking up the education of an entire generation of children.
The Education "system" has been fucked up for generationS- this is a good thing.
If that were true, then Boomers would have never left middle school and made a mark on American culture. You and gramps just keep making up and posting garbage. So worn and tired like your soiled, skid marked drawz.
Lets stay shutdown until the next global pandemic, that way we don't have to shutdown twice.

Now that the PTSB know how easy it is to get the public to do just about anything, make no mistake, there will be more "pandemics." And more vaccines, more surveillance, more power grabs, more authoritarianism, more Orwellian insanity. And the zombies will eagerly go along with it.
If that were true, then Boomers would have never left middle school and made a mark on American culture.
My formal education ended in the 9th grade- I'll put my skills against your's any day.
Lets stay shutdown until the next global pandemic, that way we don't have to shutdown twice.

Now that the PTSB know how easy it is to get the public to do just about anything, make no mistake, there will be more "pandemics." And more vaccines, more surveillance, more power grabs, more authoritarianism, more Orwellian insanity. And the zombies will eagerly go along with it.
This pandemic is on Trump’s watch. How’s he doing? Enough death for ya?
Lets stay shutdown until the next global pandemic, that way we don't have to shutdown twice.

Now that the PTSB know how easy it is to get the public to do just about anything, make no mistake, there will be more "pandemics." And more vaccines, more surveillance, more power grabs, more authoritarianism, more Orwellian insanity. And the zombies will eagerly go along with it.
This pandemic is on Trump’s watch. How’s he doing? Enough death for ya?

Every word of your post is inane. But telling. Now I can see what is most important to you, and it sure as hell isn't anything of substance.

Btw, I'm not a Trump supporter. Evidently you're another one with binary thinking, who assumes everyone must wear a red or blue helmet....deep as a mud puddle.
Lets stay shutdown until the next global pandemic, that way we don't have to shutdown twice.

Now that the PTSB know how easy it is to get the public to do just about anything, make no mistake, there will be more "pandemics." And more vaccines, more surveillance, more power grabs, more authoritarianism, more Orwellian insanity. And the zombies will eagerly go along with it.
This pandemic is on Trump’s watch. How’s he doing? Enough death for ya?

Every word of your post is inane. But telling. Now I can see what is most important to you, and it sure as hell isn't anything of substance.

Btw, I'm not a Trump supporter. Evidently you're another one with binary thinking, who assumes everyone must wear a red or blue helmet....deep as a mud puddle.
So you run away from Trump like a fan who leaves in the middle of the eighth to beat the traffic. Okay. On November 4 there will be plenty of people saying "Donald who?".

But you can't outrun a pandemic! How on God's green earth can you pretend there is no such thing as a major public health disaster unfolding right before your eyes?

Or are you in Chico Marx's philosophy, "Who you gonna believe? Me or your own eyes?".
Lets stay shutdown until the next global pandemic, that way we don't have to shutdown twice.

Now that the PTSB know how easy it is to get the public to do just about anything, make no mistake, there will be more "pandemics." And more vaccines, more surveillance, more power grabs, more authoritarianism, more Orwellian insanity. And the zombies will eagerly go along with it.
This pandemic is on Trump’s watch. How’s he doing? Enough death for ya?

Every word of your post is inane. But telling. Now I can see what is most important to you, and it sure as hell isn't anything of substance.

Btw, I'm not a Trump supporter. Evidently you're another one with binary thinking, who assumes everyone must wear a red or blue helmet....deep as a mud puddle.
So you run away from Trump like a fan who leaves in the middle of the eighth to beat the traffic. Okay. On November 4 there will be plenty of people saying "Donald who?".

But you can't outrun a pandemic! How on God's green earth can you pretend there is no such thing as a major public health disaster unfolding right before your eyes?

Or are you in Chico Marx's philosophy, "Who you gonna believe? Me or your own eyes?".

Oh my gosh, do you ever NOT put words in people's mouths?

I was NEVER a Trump supporter. So I never "ran away" in the eighth inning. I don't support the Duopoly.

Look, since you clearly have a pattern of dishonestly putting words in people's mouths, and being extremely presumptuous, just don't post to me anymore. There are plenty of others here who I'm sure will be happy to argue with you.

No school until pandemic ends????

Ridiculous. We are fucking up the education of an entire generation of children.
Better than killing off all the teachers and parents. Distance learning will have to suffice until this virus is under control.

You are fucking DAFT. There is NOTHING to support such an IGNORANT claim. If fact, there's PLENTY of evidence the OPPOSITE is true, it could be far more dangerous NOT to reopen schools... straight from the CDC...

Sorry but he's right. How many times have your kids brought sickness home to the rest of the family from school?? Ask anyone who has kids.
Sorry, but he's WRONG, you brain washed derp, and so are you.

WE know what you democrats are up to, you're not fooling anyone.

LMAO I'm not a Dem and I'm right. Oh and I'm not brainwashed. I have a working brain while you apparently don't.

Ask anyone with kids how much sickness they bring home to the family from school. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it either.

Ask anyone with kids in daycare how much sickness those kids bring home to the family. You think Covid is any different.
"Ask anyone with kids in daycare how much sickness those kids bring home to the family. You think Covid is any different."

No, it's not any different. We have never shut down schools and an entire economy because of a virus. Why start now?!? Go to school, go to work, and if you're scared, wear a mask or stay home.

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