No End to Ukraine Conflict in Sight- U.N.


Slowly you should try to understand that I am really a German. Why should I care about a Foreign policy magazine of the USA? They are our foreigners and we are their foreigners. Who cares? But you are a Russian. You started a stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine. End this war! Bring your soldiers home! All of them! Yesterday! It makes perhaps more fun to live at home in Russia than to go to hell in the Ukraine only because you like to make the devil happy - also by breaking the hearts of their Russian mothers. Damn stupid asshole - what for heaverns sake makes any sense in this stupid and criminal war? Why do you not end it? NOW!!!

First of all, from their point of view - they are at home. They are fighting for their people and their land.
Second. There are German tanks on the Russian soil, and, therefore, there will be Russian tanks on the German soil.
Third. Fighting Nazism is a good thing, not bad, and I hope that the Russians will be successful there, where the Americans failed.
If Ukraine will be able to survive in any meaningful form as a sovereign nation, it will follow a way of 'militarization' of the society. Some call it an Israeli model. Maybe it is.

I am not sure that all women will be required for the draft. But some of them will.
No. Russia won't allow existence of the re-militarized Ukraine. So, there are three scenarios for the post-war Ukraine:
1. (And most likely) Chechnya. Ukraine became a part of the Russian Federation, and, after a decade of terror became the most loyal to Moscow Russian region.
2. Belarus. Russian-friendly state, with two official languages. A part of a pro-Russian alliance.
3. Georgia. Formally non-friendly, but a pragamatical and quite cooperative with Russia state.
No. Russia won't allow existence of the re-militarized Ukraine. So, there are three scenarios for the post-war Ukraine:
1. (And most likely) Chechnya. Ukraine became a part of the Russian Federation, and, after a decade of terror became the most loyal to Moscow Russian region.
2. Belarus. Russian-friendly state, with two official languages. A part of a pro-Russian alliance.
3. Georgia. Formally non-friendly, but a pragamatical and quite cooperative with Russia state.
What future will be for Ukraine depends almost entirely on the West. Or more correctly, on the US. Russia is a 'lesser partner' in this equation.
Actually, it will just raise the level of conflict to 'regional war', which, according Russian military doctrine is fought by both conventional and nuclear weapons. There are only two nuclear states in Europe, and both will become almost unarmed after the Russian counter-force strike. And conventional European forces of vs nuclear Russian forces is something pretty suicidal.
And if Ukraine ultimately does fall to Russia, there is nothing to stop Russia from continuing on to the next country. You people learned nothing from World War II.
First of all, from their point of view - they are at home.

25% of all countries of the world had been a big British home. Now they are on the way from GB to a Little B.

They are fighting for their people and their land.

Do "they" whoever "they" are?

Second. There are German tanks on the Russian soil,

Tststststststs - really? How comes? Did you steal some?

and, therefore, there will be Russian tanks on the German soil.

A nice - but obsolete - declaration of war. Study the international laws. To give to a country weapons so this country is able to defend herselve is no aggressive act which justifies a declaration of war.

Third. Fighting Nazism is a good thing,

Says a Russian "Wagner" expert who never visited an opera and has not any real idea about the componist Richard Wagner?

not bad, and I hope that the Russians will be successful there, where the Americans failed.

What a bullshit, Russian. Did you ever count your war crimes in the Ukraine? No? Others do so and document it. So even in hundred years it can happen that still some Russians will be arrested because they made a war crime in the Ukraine. There is no statute of limitations on murder.

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I could be reduced to prayer if I ever thought that the nonsensical ramblings of this Neo Nazi German became popular currency outside of nursing homes for brain damaged people . It would need a God to help us if this type of claptrap was widely considered.

And? Was this all? No other fake-arguments any longer? How many "fake-news" comments did you send meanwhile to me?

This could have been easily predicted. Russia has a bone in their teeth and the Ukraine has no say in the matter.
In any case, the danger of escalation by the Ukraine/America is not being risked to any substantial amount.

Both sides appear to not see any need to demand a line be drawn on the limits afflicted on each other. The established limitations should hold for the foreseeable future at least.

Fwiw, one of the easiest ways to finding out if the UKraine has scored some points if to watch US media for the details. At the moment there's nothing of any real consequence coming out of media.

Do you ever get any information about the war, that's not being vomited by russian state news?

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