No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
If parents with guns are so stupid as to allow their emotional disturbed kids access to their guns then the only way to reduce these killings is reduce the number of guns in the hands of the public. Gee, what a unique idea. To bad the founders didn't think of it.

So disarm the public because "some" parents are irresponsible?

Okay, well if we are going to go down that road, what about irresponsible parents that have children they can't feed? Those children become a burden to the taxpayers. It's always been my position that we encourage irresponsible parents to have large families they can't support. Yet the left believes it's their right to have children even if the taxpayers are forced to support them.

Back to the gun issue, disarm the public to reduce gun violence due to irresponsible parents. That's as ridiculous as saying eliminate personal vehicles to reduce DUI deaths.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

Again this boils down to the irresponsibility of gun owners, NOT keeping their guns and ammo in a locked safe, inaccessible to their kids. Yes if gun control were used in this instance it would not have happened. Same thing happened at Columbine & Sandy Hook. Kids getting their hands on their parents weapons.

If you can afford a gun, you can afford a gun cabinet to store your guns and ammo, or don't own a gun.

Furthermore, I thought all schools in Texas had armed security or teachers that were carrying concealed. Obviously that didn't work.
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Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
If parents with guns are so stupid as to allow their emotional disturbed kids access to their guns then the only way to reduce these killings is reduce the number of guns in the hands of the public. Gee, what a unique idea. To bad the founders didn't think of it.

So disarm the public because "some" parents are irresponsible?

Okay, well if we are going to go down that road, what about irresponsible parents that have children they can't feed? Those children become a burden to the taxpayers. It's always been my position that we encourage irresponsible parents to have large families they can't support. Yet the left believes it's their right to have children even if the taxpayers are forced to support them.

Back to the gun issue, disarm the public to reduce gun violence due to irresponsible parents. That's as ridiculous as saying eliminate personal vehicles to reduce DUI deaths.
I would be more concerned with those kids the parents can't feed getting hold of guns. Of course instead of restricting guns, we could make sure that those kids get fed as well get a descent education and counseling or we could make abortions more available so they aren't problem. I doubt you like any of my suggestion preferring to restrict abortions so there are lots of kids going hungry, and making sure they have access to plenty of guns.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

Again this boils down to the irresponsibility of gun owners, NOT keeping their guns and ammo in a locked safe, inaccessible to their kids. Yes if gun control were used in this instance it would not have happened. Same thing happened at Columbine & Sandy Hook. Kids getting their hands on their parents weapons.

If you can afford a gun, you can afford a gun cabinet to store your guns and ammo, or don't own a gun.

Furthermore, I thought all schools in Texas had armed security or teachers that were carrying concealed. Obviously that didn't work.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul...
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
England, Germany and France --countries comparable to the US--have murder rates many times lower than the US...and they have very strict gun control
Stop acting retarded. You are not retarded, right?

London's murder rate eclipses New York's
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
How long before you and your nutter buddies on this board start attacking the students, or have you and your nutter buddies already started attacking them?
When will the government mandated schools get their shit together and provide real security?
Instead of Control Laws, Safety should be taught in every community. The weapons should be locked up in safes and trigger locks on. I think it is just as much the owner of the weapons, in this case the dad as it is the kids. We need to be pushing gun safety hard in the nation. Force people to store and lock their guns responsibly.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
If parents with guns are so stupid as to allow their emotional disturbed kids access to their guns then the only way to reduce these killings is reduce the number of guns in the hands of the public. Gee, what a unique idea. To bad the founders didn't think of it.

So disarm the public because "some" parents are irresponsible?

Okay, well if we are going to go down that road, what about irresponsible parents that have children they can't feed? Those children become a burden to the taxpayers. It's always been my position that we encourage irresponsible parents to have large families they can't support. Yet the left believes it's their right to have children even if the taxpayers are forced to support them.

Back to the gun issue, disarm the public to reduce gun violence due to irresponsible parents. That's as ridiculous as saying eliminate personal vehicles to reduce DUI deaths.
I would be more concerned with those kids the parents can't feed getting hold of guns. Of course instead of restricting guns, we could make sure that those kids get fed as well get a descent education and counseling or we could make abortions more available so they aren't problem. I doubt you like any of my suggestion preferring to restrict abortions so there are lots of kids going hungry, and making sure they have access to plenty of guns.

So to solve irresponsible parents having kids, just kill the kids..........

The funny thing is that when I suggest we have a requirement of the female getting fixed before they are allowed to collect anything, I'm called Hitler by the left.

While we have no idea how this kid had access to his fathers firearms, the amount of times similar instances happened is a fraction of 1% or all gun owners. Nearly all gun owners are responsible gun owners.

As far as the other 99% of responsible gun owners, gun control is needed so that the less than 1% won't be able to allow access to their firearms.

You see why we reject ideas from the left????
Can’t stop them all

Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to stop any

Guns, knives, hatchets, and cars are means of behavior and culture problem that did not exist 40-50 years ago. Stop the behavior and improve the culture.
How about “law abiding gun owners” secure their guns instead of leaving them lying around for their psycho kid to grab?

Dad should be charged .

Fine, charge the Ol' Man in Parkland too.

What law did they break, how much time should the parents serve?

What old man in Parkland ditz? The kid was over 18 owned his own guns and his father apparently had been dead for a while.

Probably true. They all start to run together.
Gun control does not work....

Shouldn't you try it first before saying it doesn't work?


Thes fine folks have done that already.

Frivolous banter about the virtues of blind, total permissiveness and gross exaggeration of the limits of the Second Amendment certainly isn't stopping these incidents, either. Where are the constructive suggestions, on the part of firearms permissiveness extremists, for ending the continued plague of 'gun' related violence? What is there to convince us to allow things to remain the same?
Specifically, what is your plausible solution?

1) Have strict licensing for gun ownership. This means the whole household, not just the gun owner.

2) Ban military grade weapons from private ownership.

3) Give police wider authority to confiscate guns in the name of public safety. If Little Billy says he wants to be a "professional School Shooter" on facebook, that should be grounds for taking his guns.

You see, you guys keep claiming it 'can't be done', ignoring that other countries have actually done it.
Specifically, what is your plausible solution?

1) Have strict licensing for gun ownership. This means the whole household, not just the gun owner.

2) Ban military grade weapons from private ownership.

3) Give police wider authority to confiscate guns in the name of public safety. If Little Billy says he wants to be a "professional School Shooter" on facebook, that should be grounds for taking his guns.

You see, you guys keep claiming it 'can't be done', ignoring that other countries have actually done it.

Ban schools, leave people's unalienable rights alone.

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