No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Then why do they have violent crime rates many times HIGHER than the US? How does that work?
There could be many reasons. People in the US afraid to report crimes to the police for one. What violent crime has to do with firearm homicides except as a deflection escapes me.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
England, Germany and France --countries comparable to the US--have murder rates many times lower than the US...and they have very strict gun control

They are not comparable because they are not nearly as diverse as we are in the US. Most of our murders and gun crime are from minorities.
very diverse, gun controlled Chicago has a lower murder rate than very pro gun ST Louis
Chicago pop. 2,700,000 2017 murders 650...STL pop. 320,000 murders 199
do the math

very pro-gun Stl population 320,000 murders 199
very diverse, gun control NYcity pop. 8,600,000 murders 290--do the math

NYC population
Race Population Percentage
White 3,648,214 42.73%
Black or African American 2,065,597 24.19%
Some Other Race 1,269,789 14.87%
Asian 1,139,294 13.34%
Two or More Races 267,670 3.14%
American Indian and Alaska Native 32,790 0.38%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 3,389 0.04%

very diverse, gun controlled LA has a much lower murder rate than very pro-gun STL

sorry--diversity is very low on the critical list


People would be better served to stop worrying about the type of gun or guns used in these shootings and start trying to figure what it is in our society and culture that is making people want to do this.

For decades public schools have been very soft targets. It is time, not for more useless gun laws but time to make our schools HARD TARGETS. Period.
Then why do they have violent crime rates many times HIGHER than the US? How does that work?
There could be many reasons. People in the US afraid to report crimes to the police for one. What violent crime has to do with firearm homicides except as a deflection escapes me.

Well if you're going to try and rape a woman, would you rather try it there were women have no protection or here where a chick can put two slugs in your chest? That's the difference.
Then why do they have violent crime rates many times HIGHER than the US? How does that work?
There could be many reasons. People in the US afraid to report crimes to the police for one. What violent crime has to do with firearm homicides except as a deflection escapes me.

In your opinion, rape, assault, home invasions have nothing to do with safety in a country.

How cute!
In your opinion, rape, assault, home invasions have nothing to do with safety in a country.
They have nothing to do with the rate of firearm homicides.

You asked what violent crime has to do with homicide crimes. We are an armed citizenry. As such, we will have more firearm situations, and that includes evil situations.

But unlike other places where we can protect ourselves, they experience more crimes because they can't protect themselves. It's an unfortunate tradeoff that our US Constitution made for us.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
England, Germany and France --countries comparable to the US--have murder rates many times lower than the US...and they have very strict gun control
Progressive controlled areas are the areas with the highest violent crime rate in the country. Conservative controlled areas have the lowest... in someplaces it is almost nonexistent.
Firearm ownership is highest in a red counties, those counties have the lowest violent crime rate in the country. Frivolous gun control laws are for stupid people to believe in...
1. all irrelevant--red vs blue---irrelevant and wrong
2. democratic gun controlled New Y City population 8,600,000 murders 290
very, very pro-gun St Louis pop. 320,000 murders 199!!
2017 was record-low for homicides in New York City, with NYPD logging lowest number in nearly 70 years - NY Daily News
Crosses count 199 St. Louis murders in 2017
very pro-gun STL has higher murder rate than LA, CHicago and NYC
very pro-gun Missouri has a higher murder rate than NY, Il, and gun control CA
pro gun Texas higher murder rate than democratic NY and CA
etc etc
3. your post irrelevant because England, France and Germany have murder rates not 2 or 3 times lower, but 4 times and above
In rural areas firearms out number people many, many times over. So it not the firearms.
People kill people, firearms have no control over people most people learn and understand that in grade school. Frivolous gun control laws will save nobody.
Gun control has never been about the guns, it’s always been about the control.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

How about “law abiding gun owners” secure their guns instead of leaving them lying around for their psycho kid to grab?

Dad should be charged .
Quit medicating the kids, with useless fucked up drugs. Like the ones that Joe takes…
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

Rustic WTF is WRONG with you?

You nutters should be ashamed.

Are you aware that children were murdered today? Lives were shattered. Survivors will never ever get past this.

Soon, you will start attacking the survivors - especially if they are children. Soon, fox and trump will attack them. I hope they fight you.

Its way past time we help the parents responsible. His daddy gave him those guns. He's underage. Arrest daddy and charge him for the actions of his son.
People kill people, firearms cannot you stupid little fucker.
We Got a bunch of fucked up progressive kids that are on too much medication and no home life…
The collective is never any good for the individual
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
England, Germany and France --countries comparable to the US--have murder rates many times lower than the US...and they have very strict gun control
They also dont' ahve any Muslim no-go zones or higher incidences of violent rape in general.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

How about “law abiding gun owners” secure their guns instead of leaving them lying around for their psycho kid to grab?

Dad should be charged .

That's the way you feel now. If he had an AK with some high capacity magazines, you wouldn't even acknowledge his father.

It's like I've asked in other forums like this: If we had all these restrictions you want, and then have a similar shootings not using anything you made illegal, would you be happy with the results?

As the OP said, gun control will not stop people from killing, it just stops them from killing with a gun.
Timmy is all about a hypocrisy ...and he falls down the well a lot
How about “law abiding gun owners” secure their guns instead of leaving them lying around for their psycho kid to grab?

Dad should be charged .

Fine, charge the Ol' Man in Parkland too.

What law did they break, how much time should the parents serve?

What old man in Parkland ditz? The kid was over 18 owned his own guns and his father apparently had been dead for a while.
Someone in this thread, oh I believe it was that nut job Galt blamed everyone except the parents. Don't put blame on schools and everyone else for putting shit in his head and let his parents off. Must have been nice to have one of your kids, must have run wild.
Someone in this thread, oh I believe it was that nut job Galt blamed everyone except the parents. Don't put blame on schools and everyone else for putting shit in his head and let his parents off. Must have been nice to have one of your kids, must have run wild.
Blame the kid, typical progressive
In your opinion, rape, assault, home invasions have nothing to do with safety in a country.
They have nothing to do with the rate of firearm homicides.

Boasting again of your incredible tunnel vision.

I'll stay out of the South Side of Chi-Town, Detroit, New Orleans, and St. Louis and greatly reduce my chances of being killed by a gun.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
If parents with guns are so stupid as to allow their emotional disturbed kids access to their guns then the only way to reduce these killings is reduce the number of guns in the hands of the public. Gee, what a unique idea. To bad the founders didn't think of it.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

Rustic WTF is WRONG with you?

You nutters should be ashamed.

Are you aware that children were murdered today? Lives were shattered. Survivors will never ever get past this.

Soon, you will start attacking the survivors - especially if they are children. Soon, fox and trump will attack them. I hope they fight you.

Its way past time we help the parents responsible. His daddy gave him those guns. He's underage. Arrest daddy and charge him for the actions of his son.

I’ll attack the Dr. if I find out he put this kid on antidepressants and didn’t strictly monitor him.

If that’s the case, burn in hell Doc.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
If parents with guns are so stupid as to allow their emotional disturbed kids access to their guns then the only way to reduce these killings is reduce the number of guns in the hands of the public. Gee, what a unique idea. To bad the founders didn't think of it.
I guess that’s what they get for medicating their kids...

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