"No Hesitation!"- Belarus Names Conditions for Use of Nukes.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

It's critical that all sides make the statement.

But it's strategically important that all sides are aware of how little it will take for a nuclear war to be started.

It should also bring home that point that neither America or Russia will ever consent to lose!

Instead of negotiations taking place in the public eye, the better possibility is that negotiations are conducted covertly to save face of all concerned.

Is saving face even possible now for either Russia or America, or whatever side is the loser?

When in fact neither side is yet declared to be the loser?
Instead of negotiations taking place in the public eye, the better possibility is that negotiations are conducted covertly to save face of all concerned.
This could be a replay of the Cuban Missile Crisis negotiations. JFK agreed to take our missiles out of Turkey in return for Khrushchev letting him crow about being a tough guy. Biden may do the same thing by agreeing to demilitarize Ukraine.
This could be a replay of the Cuban Missile Crisis negotiations. JFK agreed to take our missiles out of Turkey in return for Khrushchev letting him crow about being a tough guy. Biden may do the same thing by agreeing to demilitarize Ukraine.
Right about the Cuban missile crisis.

But don't forget, this war has nothing to do with the fate of the Ukraine. This is a life or death fight for both America and Russia.

For America it's in defeating Russia as the first step and then being able to defeat China standing alone without Russia being the deciding factor.

For Russia it is in not ever consenting to be defeated. And then for China, not ever seeing Russia defeated on account of China then having to stand alone against America.

Demilitarize the Ukraine?
That could become the basis of a facesaving peace for both sided if it provides a guarantee of no future US/Nato aggression.

But would America be able to accept such a stalemate? Again, consider the implications of America not defeating Russia. It means the end of America's world hegemony!
I doubt the hardened locations where any nukes are stored in Belarus are unknown. So, the next order of business might be a few j-dams shoved down their collective throats.

An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Sometimes.
It makes absolutely no difference to NATO whether they are in Belarus or Russia. Or Kaliningrad, or on a ship or sub somewhere.

It makes a difference to Belarus, because it puts them in violation of the NPT and the Budapest Memorandum...
Belarus is Putin and not Belarus any longer. And Lukashenko is not the president of Belarus - he is only a high traitor. So everyone in Belarus who fights for Putin and/or Lukashenko is also nothing else than an high traitor any longer - except someone has no other choice and is forced from the criminal gangs of Putin and Lukashenko to have to be a slave of the tyrant Putin.

Never forget dear people from Belarus: Your are also free in chains as long as your mind is free. Putin and his criminal gangs will not win in the end. Freedom will win.

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I doubt the hardened locations where any nukes are stored in Belarus are unknown. So, the next order of business might be a few j-dams shoved down their collective throats.

An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Sometimes.
Yes, but there are three big problems.
First - those stores are pretty deep and well protected, they suppose to survive a nuclear attack.

Second - an attack against Russian nuclear forces (and de jure those are Russian nukes) is the thing that definitely will cause all-out Russian nuclear response. So, we need to destroy all (or almost all) Russian nukes (not only in Belarus, but in Russian Federation itself) by the first counter-force strike and to defend our own population from the possible Russian retaliation.

Third, the nuclear exchange between Russia and the USA will drastically change the world's political balance, and we need not just "win" the war against Russia, not just pay for this "acceptable" price (say, less than 20% of our population), but to be ready to fight and win for the leadership in the postwar world.
NO, watch what you czar said on this subject . you are full of crap as usual

That's why the Russians (and their Chinese friends) started the project of "Re:Union" - denazification and decolonisation of Europe.
Belarus is Putin and not Belarus any longer. And Lukashenko is not the president of Belarus - he is only a high traitor. So everyone in Belarus who fights for Putin and/or Lukashenko is also nothing else than an high traitor any longer - except someone has no other choice and is forced from the criminal gangs of Putin and Lukashenko to have to be a slave of the tyrant Putin.

Never forget dear people from Belarus: Your are also free in chains as long as your mind is free. Putin and his criminal gangs will not win in the end. Freedom will win.

You see, there are some problems here.
First, Lukashenko was "the last European dictator" when Putin nothing but deputy of St. Petersburg's mayor. One can say, that Putin is Lukashenko's pupil.
Second, the Belorussians don't want to transform their country into another Ukraine or another Lithuania.
Third, the German tanks came on the Russian soil, that means that the Russian tanks will come on German soil quite soon. Therefore, if you want the German nation survived - at least some of those Russian tanks must have German crews.

You see, there are some problems here.
First, Lukashenko was "the last European dictator" when Putin nothing but deputy of St. Petersburg's mayor. One can say, that Putin is Lukashenko's pupil.
Second, the Belorussians don't want to transform their country into another Ukraine or another Lithuania.
Third, the German tanks came on the Russian soil, that means that the Russian tanks will come on German soil quite soon. Therefore, if you want the German nation survived - at least some of those Russian tanks must have German crews.

Lukashenko is only an empty phrase any longer. Putin conquered Belarus. Whatever Belarus is doing now will have for Russia the same consequences as if Russia had done so on her own.
Lukashenko is only an empty phrase any longer. Putin conquered Belarus. Whatever Belarus is doing now will have for Russia the same consequences as if Russia had done so on her own.
Belarus is a part of Russia (as Canada is a part of America), while it's not a part of the Russian Federation yet.
And yes, any attack against Belarus will have for Poland and Germany the same consequences as the attack against the Russian Federation itself.
1953 - 75 years ago - Germans fought in the Soviet republic GDR against Russian tanks - with blank fists. They lost.

Those Germans who fought against the Russian tanks with or without weapons (during the long history of the "complicated" Russian-German relationships) - yes, they usual have been defeated.
Those Germans who were smart enough to do not fight against the Russians - survived.
Let's see how smart are the Germans nowadays. Right now you doesn't look like being smart enough for survival.
Those fools who fight against tanks with bare hands or send tanks against nuclear-capable state... They don't deserve life.
when Putin nothing but deputy of St. Petersburg's mayor. One can say, that Putin is Lukashenko's pupil.
You clearly know nothing detail about Dear Uncle's rise to power .
That latter statement of yours is ludicrous . Apart from being incorrect .
1953 - 75 years ago - Germans fought in the Soviet republic GDR against Russian tanks - with blank fists. They lost.

And don't tell me, that there were no Germans quite enthusiastic about cooperation with the Russians.

Hell, many of them still want to buy Russian gas and oil.

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