No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

if the heart attack was caused by the excessive force. similar to shooting someone, who doesn't die immediately and as a result of the trauma to the body, suffers death not directly from the bullet. that is how i understand it anyway.

If the guy died of a heart attack it was because he was resisting arrest...that may be why the Grand Jury, members of that community, didn't hand down an idictment....
Well, I just saw a picture of a moment when there was a forearm against the guys throat on the ground....but from what I saw of the video from the other angle, the choke was broken long before he was cuffed....the one cop was pressing his head down onto the ground to restrain him and there was no way to maintain a choke from that position,and that took moments to get him on the ground, far too short to choke him the cop might be in trouble for the quick choke....but that is the risk you take when you fight the police.....

the place to fight police is with your lawyer, either at the police station or in your lawyers do not resist an we have seen time and again...but these career criminals, and career criminals in the making are criminals for a reason...they lack impulse control and make really dumb decisions....
the guy had all kinds of issues physically. Cops are not doctors. Read the report? I did, his death was partly due to his problems with his asthma and copd and being overweight, as well as his HBP.
ANOTHER case of if the black person listened to the cops in the FIRST PLACE, another life would have been saved. Mark Levin also said before the video, Eric was very very very mouthy with the police.

"Has got off".

Fuck, learn to write, and link your announcements.

I stopped with "has got off".

Shit, the ignorance.[/QUOTE]

Of all the bogus message board dodges of the issues raised, I think spelling and grammar smack are the weakest.
I'm glad some esteemed internet posters know more than the grand jury in staten island.

I agree with them, this police officer should be charged with murder, he should have known Garner was asthmatic before he put him in a chokehold for ten seconds(the humanity of it all). They need to be given proper courses so they can assess such symptoms before apprehending a man who is resisting arrest.
I am interested to hear, for the first time, that the Garner got up and walked off and then died of a heart an hour or so later.

Crooner's Reports said, I believe very clearly, that he died of a lack of air during an arrest while being restrained by police. If he got up an walked off, the Coroner would have to be a knave or a fool. (Not that a knave or a fool is hard to find in New York.)

There's some bullshit afloat........a common peril on the internet
Another White Police officer has got off scot free for killing a Black Man who was just trying to sell some untaxed cigarettes. (Collecting taxes is the most important thing Government least the Government thinks so.)

And here in this case we have video of the White cop killing the Black man........using a tactic which I understand to have been disapproved by police procedure...And it is reasonable to assume that it was disapproved because it was considered to be too dangerous.

But, just like in Missouri, the Grand Jury let the White Cop off. I agreed the White cop in Missouri.

I assume, the Sharpton/Obama/Holder....the Red State ProgressiveLiberal/Socialist.....the Yale Pinhead...those Hollywood assholes ......all are apoplectic-----as they ought to be....This case in New York is far more offensive in my opinion.

But will they let them burn New York down? In the same way they turned a blind eye to the mayhem perpetrated on the Good Citizens in Ferguson....where, Police and National Guard were paralyzed by a fear of roughing up a Black Arsonist.

Is the White Cop in the South to be presumed to have acted out of racial animus; but the one in New York not be thus presumed. Will Eric Holder investigate the New York police force like they are the one in Ferguson?

Your turn New York.

Lets see how you do.

Here's a hint from deep down South. That Conversation on Race they are going to want to have.....well, its a Listening Process. The only time you get to say anything is when they ask:

"What have you done for me lately?"
See, Northerners are the REAL racists!
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News

'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

He didn't deserve a death sentence. The Cop should have been held accountable. He murdered an innocent man right in front of his wife. She begged him to release him. This is not justice.
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

I hope you're a foreign poster. Because you sure as fuck don't deserve to live in America.

You want to sacrifice freedom for safety? Move east asshole.
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

I hope you're a foreign poster. Because you sure as fuck don't deserve to live in America.

You want to sacrifice freedom for safety? Move east asshole.
So now we should not arrest people and should let them go if they resist? That is what you are arguing here. By the way he did not die from the hold, he died of a heart attack hours later.
This innocent man was brutally murdered by the very People who were supposed to serve and protect him. And for what? Over some cigarettes? A damn travesty.

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