No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

This innocent man was brutally murdered by the very People who were supposed to serve and protect him. And for what? Over some cigarettes? A damn travesty.
You truly are ignorant and ridiculous.

That there was no indictment means there was no 'murder,' whether you agree with the Grand Jury or not is legally irrelevant. Nor does a lack of an indictment constitute a 'police state,' which is just as ignorant and ridiculous.

The man murdered an innocent Citizen right in front of his wife. She begged him to release her husband. And he was murdered for what? Over some cigarettes? Hopefully this Cop will face justice at some point. He should be held accountable.

Yay another one who can't seem to find one of the other 100 threads on this. No he died from all those cheeseburgers.
Another White Police officer has got off scot free for killing a Black Man who was just trying to sell some untaxed cigarettes. (Collecting taxes is the most important thing Government least the Government thinks so.)

And here in this case we have video of the White cop killing the Black man........using a tactic which I understand to have been disapproved by police procedure...And it is reasonable to assume that it was disapproved because it was considered to be too dangerous.

But, just like in Missouri, the Grand Jury let the White Cop off. I agreed the White cop in Missouri.

I assume, the Sharpton/Obama/Holder....the Red State ProgressiveLiberal/Socialist.....the Yale Pinhead...those Hollywood assholes ......all are apoplectic-----as they ought to be....This case in New York is far more offensive in my opinion.

But will they let them burn New York down? In the same way they turned a blind eye to the mayhem perpetrated on the Good Citizens in Ferguson....where, Police and National Guard were paralyzed by a fear of roughing up a Black Arsonist.

Is the White Cop in the South to be presumed to have acted out of racial animus; but the one in New York not be thus presumed. Will Eric Holder investigate the New York police force like they are the one in Ferguson?

Your turn New York.

Lets see how you do.

Here's a hint from deep down South. That Conversation on Race they are going to want to have.....well, its a Listening Process. The only time you get to say anything is when they ask:

"What have you done for me lately?"

This case is nothing like Ferguson.

What this cop did was wrong, and the guy that died didn't appear to do anything wrong in the first place.
Bottom line, if you have just been told by a police officer that you're under arrest, you're NOT going to plead and talk him out of it. You're NOT going to call him every kind of pig in the book and suddenly convince him not to. And the WORST thing you could do is resist arrest.

Garner's death was a suicide.

Jesus you seriously believe the garbage you just said here?
You want a society of Gestapo-style law enforcement where they can basically do anything they want to you and you have little to no recourse.
I guess you want a country where a guy gets pulled over for speeding and get's shot to death because he called the officer an asshole.
What a dumb opinion. I am sorry - but your statement is beyond ridiculous.
The guy was selling cigarettes without paying taxes....ohhhh [shudder]..the HORROR!!!!!!
The situation was escalated beyond reason. At least ONE of those officers should have calmed things down and realized that it isn't worth all of this simply because the power whore officers felt disrespected.
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.

The death was ruled a homicide. You can't be this stupid. Are you spoofing to make RWnuts look bad?
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.

He didn't die on the street he dies hours after.

And if he could say <" I can't breathe" he was not being choked. It is impossible to speak if you are being strangled.
Turns out the root cause of this is silly NYC anti-tobacco laws:

Much has been written about the July death of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old black man who died after a New York City police officer put him in a chokehold during an arrest.

The New York City medical examiner ruled that Garner’s death was homicide, caused by the chokehold and compression to his chest. A grand jury will soon decide if criminal charges should be brought against officers.

Many people say his death is another case of white police brutality against black citizens. Lost in this public debate, though, is a key question: Why were police arresting Garner in the first place?

Was he robbing a store or attacking innocent citizens? No, police arrested Garner supposedly for selling untaxed cigarettes. The strong-arm arresting process claimed Garner’s life, all over the sale of 75-cent loose cigarettes or “loosies.”

High taxes produce underground markets for goods and services, and when these taxes are hiked, smuggling increases. Nowhere is this illustrated more clearly than in New York City.

Illustration on the effects of cigarette taxation by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times more >
In the name of cutting smoking rates, New York has the highest state cigarette tax at $4.35 per pack. New York City piles on an additional local cigarette tax of $1.50 per pack. Since 2006, the cigarette tax in New York state has been raised 190 percent. In response, cigarette smuggling there increased 59 percent. More than half of all cigarettes consumed in New York state are smuggled, according to a 2014 report by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

Garner chose to participate in the booming underground cigarette market as a smuggler. Since 2009, he had been arrested eight times for selling loosies, which are popular among people who can’t afford a full pack because of the excessive taxes.

In January 2014, tough new penalties for selling untaxed cigarettes took effect in New York City. In July, emboldened by the new law, the city’s highest-ranking uniformed cop, Philip Banks, issued an order to crack down on loosie sales days before Garner died.

Read more: McQUILLAN Lessons from Eric Garner s death and cigarette taxes - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

8216 Bad laws made bad cops Did NYC 8217 s cigarette tax lead to Eric Garner 8217 s death Twitchy
Last edited:
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.

The death was ruled a homicide. You can't be this stupid. Are you spoofing to make RWnuts look bad?
Dude, you're making liberals look bad every time you post.

'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News

I dunno what's happening in America of late. Common sense and justice don't seem to hand in hand any more.
We should just disband the police force. let the people call up Obama, Sharpton or Holder if they need help. Why would anyone want to join just to have to go through this crap
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.

The death was ruled a homicide. You can't be this stupid. Are you spoofing to make RWnuts look bad?
Dude, you're making liberals look bad every time you post.


If you agree with the imbecile Clementine then defend her retarded post. Otherwise shut up.
Turns out the root cause of this is silly NYC anti-tobacco laws:

Much has been written about the July death of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old black man who died after a New York City police officer put him in a chokehold during an arrest.

The New York City medical examiner ruled that Garner’s death was homicide, caused by the chokehold and compression to his chest. A grand jury will soon decide if criminal charges should be brought against officers.

Many people say his death is another case of white police brutality against black citizens. Lost in this public debate, though, is a key question: Why were police arresting Garner in the first place?

Was he robbing a store or attacking innocent citizens? No, police arrested Garner supposedly for selling untaxed cigarettes. The strong-arm arresting process claimed Garner’s life, all over the sale of 75-cent loose cigarettes or “loosies.”

High taxes produce underground markets for goods and services, and when these taxes are hiked, smuggling increases. Nowhere is this illustrated more clearly than in New York City.

Illustration on the effects of cigarette taxation by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times more >
In the name of cutting smoking rates, New York has the highest state cigarette tax at $4.35 per pack. New York City piles on an additional local cigarette tax of $1.50 per pack. Since 2006, the cigarette tax in New York state has been raised 190 percent. In response, cigarette smuggling there increased 59 percent. More than half of all cigarettes consumed in New York state are smuggled, according to a 2014 report by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

Garner chose to participate in the booming underground cigarette market as a smuggler. Since 2009, he had been arrested eight times for selling loosies, which are popular among people who can’t afford a full pack because of the excessive taxes.

In January 2014, tough new penalties for selling untaxed cigarettes took effect in New York City. In July, emboldened by the new law, the city’s highest-ranking uniformed cop, Philip Banks, issued an order to crack down on loosie sales days before Garner died.

Read more: McQUILLAN Lessons from Eric Garner s death and cigarette taxes - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

8216 Bad laws made bad cops Did NYC 8217 s cigarette tax lead to Eric Garner 8217 s death Twitchy

Now that's more idiotic than what Clementine said.
'The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe': Eric Garner's widow lashes out at NYPD cop who put her husband in fatal chokehold

Esaw Garner shouted her fiery statement during a press conference after a grand jury in Staten Island decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who offered his condolences to the Garner family for their loss. 'No, I do not accept his apology,' the widow said, standing next to Rev. Al Sharpton. 'I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under.'

Eric Garner's widow shouted two fiery words of rebuke when asked if she accepted words of condolence from the cop who killed her husband with a chokehold: “Hell no!”

Hours after the Daily News was the first to inform Esaw Garner of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, she clearly wanted no part of the cop.

“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe,” she said,referring to Eric Garner’s last words. “That would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.

After Pantaleo was cleared by the Staten Island grand jury, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association released a statement on the cop’s behalf.

“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.

Read More:
NYPD cop in Eric Garner chokehold death not indicted - NY Daily News
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.

He didn't die on the street he dies hours after.

And if he could say <" I can't breathe" he was not being choked. It is impossible to speak if you are being strangled.

lol, so the cop with his arm around his neck was doing so in such a gentle manner that he wasn't choking him?

Goddam you people never give up, do you?
Garner had a criminal record going back thirty years. He had just got out of jail.
Many of his convictions involved physical violence on innocents during the course of robberies. He could have been Big Mikes mentor for how to get what you want without paying for it by using your size to bully and intimidate.
The cops had arrested this idiot five times for doing the same thing.
The cops were all aware of Garner's propensity towards violence. They weren't taking any chances with him for good reason.
Garner was clearly resisting arrest in the video.
He claimed he couldn't breath 12 times. (You need to be breathing to say words BTW)
The GJ looked at all the evidence and came to the just conclusion.
Maybe the next Tree Dweller who thinks he can take on the cops and win will think twice.
But let's be honest. That wouldn't happen.
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.

The death was ruled a homicide. You can't be this stupid. Are you spoofing to make RWnuts look bad?
Dude, you're making liberals look bad every time you post.


If you agree with the imbecile Clementine then defend her retarded post. Otherwise shut up.
I agree with Clementine's post, so you stfu.
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.

He didn't die on the street he dies hours after.

And if he could say <" I can't breathe" he was not being choked. It is impossible to speak if you are being strangled.

lol, so the cop with his arm around his neck was doing so in such a gentle manner that he wasn't choking him?

Goddam you people never give up, do you?

If liberals didn't make such stupid laws maybe this guy wouldn't have been arrested, and maybe he wouldn't have resisted because the law was so stupid.

Ever think about that??

Nope, you only think about how cops mistreat blacks. Doesn't matter why this happened in the first place.
Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.

He didn't die on the street he dies hours after.

And if he could say <" I can't breathe" he was not being choked. It is impossible to speak if you are being strangled.

lol, so the cop with his arm around his neck was doing so in such a gentle manner that he wasn't choking him?

Goddam you people never give up, do you?

If liberals didn't make such stupid laws maybe this guy wouldn't have been arrested, and maybe he wouldn't have resisted because the law was so stupid.

Ever think about that??

Nope, you only think about how cops mistreat blacks. Doesn't matter why this happened in the first place.

No, I don't think about that because I'm not mentally retarded.
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.

The death was ruled a homicide. You can't be this stupid. Are you spoofing to make RWnuts look bad?
Dude, you're making liberals look bad every time you post.


If you agree with the imbecile Clementine then defend her retarded post. Otherwise shut up.
I agree with Clementine's post, so you stfu.

So the death was ruled a homicide, but that is not cause enough to let a jury decide the degree of criminality that may have been involved in the HOMICIDE?

People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.
Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.
Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.

Hannity had some nut on yesterday who was supposedly some sort of 'expert' who claimed that you could clearly see that it wasn't a chokehold, it was a headlock.

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