No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.
Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.

Hannity had some nut on yesterday who was supposedly some sort of 'expert' who claimed that you could clearly see that it wasn't a chokehold, it was a headlock.
Republicans, in my humble opinion, are total assholes.

All their whining about big government and right here in this thread they applaud big government.
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.

The death was ruled a homicide. You can't be this stupid. Are you spoofing to make RWnuts look bad?
Dude, you're making liberals look bad every time you post.


If you agree with the imbecile Clementine then defend her retarded post. Otherwise shut up.
I agree with Clementine's post, so you stfu.

So the death was ruled a homicide, but that is not cause enough to let a jury decide the degree of criminality that may have been involved in the HOMICIDE?


Homicide is simply one person killing another person. It doesn't have to involve murder.

Quit being a retard.

homicide legal definition of homicide
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.
Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.

Hannity had some nut on yesterday who was supposedly some sort of 'expert' who claimed that you could clearly see that it wasn't a chokehold, it was a headlock.
Republicans, in my humble opinion, are total assholes.

All their whining about big government and right here in this thread they applaud big government.

Nope, this is an example of abusive government. I don't applaud it at all. The city council passed this stupid law and the mayor signed it.
Over some damn cigarettes. An innocent man is dead. There has to be accountability. I can't blame people for being angry. Their anger is justified.
He was suspected of a crime. He was arrested and CHOSE to resist. I REPEAT..... are cops supposed to not arrest people they are told to arrest?

In normal (outside America) what he was doing would be considered non-compliance. He did not strike or threaten any officer... He didn't attempt to run, he actually backed up and held his arms in the air as he wanted to speak before he was arrested.

This was horrendous police work, the rights of the individual were not respected. If this guy was in a business suit or a mother of 4, would you say the same.

Opinion US policing culture is growing increasingly violent so where will it end

This is a view for foreign media.

These ratios compare very unfavourably with police-shooting numbers from other countries. Using the United Kingdom as an example, police across the whole country shotone person in 2012 and had no fatal shootings in 2013. Even when adjusting for the disparity in population between the UK and the United States, the Economist estimates that “British citizens are around 100 times less likely to be shot by a police officer than Americans”.

So a quote was asked if the posting was foreign because his lack of compassion for the victim. The truth is that our police very little people. I can't find a figure for Ireland because the last one I remember (14 years ago):
[url=""]Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia[/URL]

This guy was armed , mentally disturbed and charged the cops. The investigation cost €20m. That is how little.
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.
Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.

Hannity had some nut on yesterday who was supposedly some sort of 'expert' who claimed that you could clearly see that it wasn't a chokehold, it was a headlock.
Republicans, in my humble opinion, are total assholes.

All their whining about big government and right here in this thread they applaud big government.

Nope, this is an example of abusive government. I don't applaud it at all. The city council passed this stupid law and the mayor signed it.

And yet in a different thread you blame it on Obama promoting an attitude towards ignoring the law.


Eric Garner Nothing Good Here US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Post #6.

"What underlines all of these cases is the fact that our liar in chief doesn't believe in following our laws. He's setting a terrible example for everyone else. Why should some guy selling cigarettes on the street follow the law when our president refuses to?"
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.

He didn't die on the street he dies hours after.

And if he could say <" I can't breathe" he was not being choked. It is impossible to speak if you are being strangled.

lol, so the cop with his arm around his neck was doing so in such a gentle manner that he wasn't choking him?

Goddam you people never give up, do you?

Have you ever been in a choke hold?

I have. If he could say "I can't breathe" then he was NOT in a choke hold. At that point it was not much more than a head lock.

Why don't you learn a little bit about physiology and martial arts so you don't seem like a stupid sheep?
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.
Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.

Hannity had some nut on yesterday who was supposedly some sort of 'expert' who claimed that you could clearly see that it wasn't a chokehold, it was a headlock.
Republicans, in my humble opinion, are total assholes.

All their whining about big government and right here in this thread they applaud big government.

Nope, this is an example of abusive government. I don't applaud it at all. The city council passed this stupid law and the mayor signed it.

And yet in a different thread you blame it on Obama promoting an attitude towards ignoring the law.


Eric Garner Nothing Good Here US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Post #6.

"What underlines all of these cases is the fact that our liar in chief doesn't believe in following our laws. He's setting a terrible example for everyone else. Why should some guy selling cigarettes on the street follow the law when our president refuses to?"

And your point is what?
Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.

He didn't die on the street he dies hours after.

And if he could say <" I can't breathe" he was not being choked. It is impossible to speak if you are being strangled.

lol, so the cop with his arm around his neck was doing so in such a gentle manner that he wasn't choking him?

Goddam you people never give up, do you?

Have you ever been in a choke hold?

I have. If he could say "I can't breathe" then he was NOT in a choke hold. At that point it was not much more than a head lock.

Why don't you learn a little bit about physiology and martial arts so you don't seem like a stupid sheep?

"Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday."

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News

Go argue with the medical examiner, and be sure to bring along your medical credentials.

Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.

Hannity had some nut on yesterday who was supposedly some sort of 'expert' who claimed that you could clearly see that it wasn't a chokehold, it was a headlock.
Republicans, in my humble opinion, are total assholes.

All their whining about big government and right here in this thread they applaud big government.

Nope, this is an example of abusive government. I don't applaud it at all. The city council passed this stupid law and the mayor signed it.

And yet in a different thread you blame it on Obama promoting an attitude towards ignoring the law.


Eric Garner Nothing Good Here US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Post #6.

"What underlines all of these cases is the fact that our liar in chief doesn't believe in following our laws. He's setting a terrible example for everyone else. Why should some guy selling cigarettes on the street follow the law when our president refuses to?"

And your point is what?

You're the worst case of Obama Derangement Syndrome I've ever seen. That is my point.
Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.

He didn't die on the street he dies hours after.

And if he could say <" I can't breathe" he was not being choked. It is impossible to speak if you are being strangled.

lol, so the cop with his arm around his neck was doing so in such a gentle manner that he wasn't choking him?

Goddam you people never give up, do you?

Have you ever been in a choke hold?

I have. If he could say "I can't breathe" then he was NOT in a choke hold. At that point it was not much more than a head lock.

Why don't you learn a little bit about physiology and martial arts so you don't seem like a stupid sheep?

Don't feel in any way that you have to believe me, and I'm not about to prove it, but I trained in the military police at Ft. Gordon, GA.

I know what a come along is.
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

He didn't deserve a death sentence. The Cop should have been held accountable. He murdered an innocent man right in front of his wife. She begged him to release him. This is not justice.

The cop had no way of knowing this guy was already on borrowed time.
The fat guy knew it full and well that he was in no condition for combat,yet he chose to resist.
Did the cop over react? Maybe,but I dont believe he intended to kill the guy and thats what the GJ looks at.
I wouldnt have been opposed to some form of punishment but that would be circumventing the law,because the fact was an accident.
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

You're right, he didnt die from a head lock he died from a choke hold that was ruled a homicide by the coroner. But this case like every other case...What does homicide really mean anyway? Whats a chokehold? He was fat doesnt that count? What was his GPA? Etc etc etc
Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

He didn't deserve a death sentence. The Cop should have been held accountable. He murdered an innocent man right in front of his wife. She begged him to release him. This is not justice.

The cop had no way of knowing this guy was already on borrowed time.
The fat guy knew it full and well that he was in no condition for combat,yet he chose to resist.
Did the cop over react? Maybe,but I dont believe he intended to kill the guy and thats what the GJ looks at.
I wouldnt have been opposed to some form of punishment but that would be circumventing the law,because the fact was an accident.
He should have been at least charged with manslaughter since the chokehold is against NYPD rules.

And the guy didn't resist arrest. He simply asked the cops to quit harassing him.
Whenever a cop grabs you for any reason you should go limp and let it happen...unless you're white, its an outrage if it happens to a white person
Eric Garner is a victim of the Prog Policy of Turning Everyone Into Criminals via enormous quantities of laws (some of which actually contradict each other) that nobody could possibly fully understand. When everyone is a criminal, the population is so much easier to control.
A New York City grand jury decision not to charge a white police officer who killed an unarmed black man with a chokehold sparked outrage and protests on Wednesday, and the U.S. Justice Department said it would investigate the incident.

Eric Garner, a 43-year-old father of six, was illegally selling cigarettes on July 17 when police officers tackled him and put him in a chokehold. Police said he had been resisting arrest. The city's medical examiner ruled the death a homicide.

The deadly encounter on Staten Island, New York City's smallest borough, was captured on video, which quickly spread over the Internet and fueled debate about how U.S. police use force, particularly against minorities.

Last week, a grand jury in Missouri decided not to indict a white police officer in another racially charged killing of a black man. The decision in that case sparked a spasm of violence in Ferguson, Missouri, with businesses burned and looted.

The Justice Department is investigating whether Brown's civil rights were violated through excessive force.

On Wednesday, about two dozen demonstrators lay down in Grand Central Terminal's main hall in Midtown Manhattan in a silent protest as the evening rush hour began. In Times Square, about 200 people gathered, chanting "No indictment is denial. We want a public trial."

On Staten Island, near the site where Garner was apprehended, some demonstrators defiantly crushed cigarettes in front of reporters and passersby - a reference to the reason that police gave for approaching Garner in the first place.

NY policeman not indicted in chokehold death U.S. Justice sets probe

Once again, I don’t understand, how justice works. Does it even work? Or does it work only one way, no matter what evidence say? I mean, there’s difference between Wilson’s case and this one.

I support people in their wish for justice, but I only hope this is not going to turn into Ferguson 2.0
Eric Garner is a victim of the Prog Policy of Turning Everyone Into Criminals via enormous quantities of laws (some of which actually contradict each other) that nobody could possibly fully understand. When everyone is a criminal, the population is so much easier to control.

And they are now playing right into these people in our Federal Governments hands.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

He didn't deserve a death sentence. The Cop should have been held accountable. He murdered an innocent man right in front of his wife. She begged him to release him. This is not justice.

The cop had no way of knowing this guy was already on borrowed time.
The fat guy knew it full and well that he was in no condition for combat,yet he chose to resist.
Did the cop over react? Maybe,but I dont believe he intended to kill the guy and thats what the GJ looks at.
I wouldnt have been opposed to some form of punishment but that would be circumventing the law,because the fact was an accident.
He should have been at least charged with manslaughter since the chokehold is against NYPD rules.

And the guy didn't resist arrest. He simply asked the cops to quit harassing him.

Passive resistance is still resistance,and that the cops had previous dealings with him was obvious.
It sucks that he died,but he had a lot to do with his own death.
Look at it this way,the cop and the dept will get the shit sued out of em and that cops life is pretty much screwed. I'll call that justice all things considered.
Eric Garner is a victim of the Prog Policy of Turning Everyone Into Criminals via enormous quantities of laws (some of which actually contradict each other) that nobody could possibly fully understand. When everyone is a criminal, the population is so much easier to control.

And they are now playing right into these people in our Federal Governments hands.

Obama made selling "loosies" illegal in 2010. The regulatory bureaucracy combined with a Narcissist President is a disaster for liberty and The Constitution.

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