No Joke: GOP says Obama for Big Business and they are for the poor and middle class



Texas 5th District - Election 2010 - The New York Times

I was watching Morning Joe and they had Congressman Jeb Hensarling from Texas 5th District.

This is no joke, he said Obama is for "big business" and the Republicans and him are trying to protect the poor and the middle class by stopping them from getting health insurance. HUH????

Look where he gets his money from. Banks and Insurance companies. And a third of the people in his district make less than $25 grand.

I believe one of the problems Republicans have is they still think they can stand up and lie right into a camera while talking to the American people and no one is going to "go look".

What sunk their last campaign were all the lies. About Obama ending the welfare work requirement, about moving manufacturing for jeeps sold in the US to China and so on.

But this idea that the GOP is for the poor and middle class? Seriously? I bet even USMB Republicans don't defend that one. They might give it a go, but their hearts won't be in it.
No Joke: GOP says Obama for Big Business and they are for the poor and middle class
and that is 100% true.
Big business and big corporations, all those hated "1%" ALWAYS profit the most during dimocraps adminitrations and from the dimocraps policies.

left is the scum of the earth - lying, lying, lying and doing exactly the opposite to what they are saying.

Obamacare is the law which sells out the American taxpayer to the big corporations with a guarantee of government prosecution of those who don't want to be sold!
Ah yes, we all did so much better under the two terms of Bush than we did under the two terms of Clinton? Sane fiscal and economic policies tend to aid businesses as well as their employees. The GOP left us with an economy in freefall in 2008. Damned near did the Second Great Republican Depression. The 'Great Recession', from which we are still in the recovery stage, was created by the GOP policies. And now, by shutting down the government, the GOP is trying once more to create that Second Great Republican Depression.
No Joke: GOP says Obama for Big Business and they are for the poor and middle class
and that is 100% true.
Big business and big corporations, all those hated "1%" ALWAYS profit the most during dimocraps adminitrations and from the dimocraps policies.

left is the scum of the earth - lying, lying, lying and doing exactly the opposite to what they are saying.

Obamacare is the law which sells out the American taxpayer to the big corporations with a guarantee of government prosecution of those who don't want to be sold!

Come on. Weren't you laughing when you typed that? Just a little?

Texas 5th District - Election 2010 - The New York Times

I was watching Morning Joe and they had Congressman Jeb Hensarling from Texas 5th District.

This is no joke, he said Obama is for "big business" and the Republicans and him are trying to protect the poor and the middle class by stopping them from getting health insurance. HUH????

Look where he gets his money from. Banks and Insurance companies. And a third of the people in his district make less than $25 grand.

I believe one of the problems Republicans have is they still think they can stand up and lie right into a camera while talking to the American people and no one is going to "go look".

What sunk their last campaign were all the lies. About Obama ending the welfare work requirement, about moving manufacturing for jeeps sold in the US to China and so on.But this idea that the GOP is for the poor and middle class? Seriously? I bet even USMB Republicans don't defend that one. They might give it a go, but their hearts won't be in it.

News Flash about lie number one:

By Stephen Jewkes and Stefano Rebaudo
MILAN | Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:51pm GMT
(Reuters) - Fiat (FIA.MI) and its U.S. unit Chrysler expect to roll out at least 100,000 Jeeps in China when production starts in 2014 as they seek to catch up with rivals in the world's biggest car market.
Output could double, the Italian carmaker's Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne, without giving a precise timeframe.
Chrysler, in which Fiat has a 58.5 percent stake, said on Tuesday it had agreed to make Jeeps in China with Guangzhou Automobile Group

News Flash about lie number two.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - Washington Post

The 1996 welfare reform law required that a portion of the able-bodied adults in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program — the successor to the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program — work or prepare for work. Those work requirements were the heart of the reform’s success: Welfare rolls dropped by half, and the poverty rate for black children reached its lowest level in history in the years following.

But the Obama administration has jettisoned the law’s work requirements, asserting that, in the future, no state will be required to follow them. In place of the legislated work requirements, the administration has stated, it will unilaterally design its own “work” systems without congressional involvement or consent. Any state will be free to follow the new Obama requirements “in lieu of” the written statute.

You were saying!
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Ah yes, we all did so much better under the two terms of Bush than we did under the two terms of Clinton? Sane fiscal and economic policies tend to aid businesses as well as their employees. The GOP left us with an economy in freefall in 2008. Damned near did the Second Great Republican Depression. The 'Great Recession', from which we are still in the recovery stage, was created by the GOP policies. And now, by shutting down the government, the GOP is trying once more to create that Second Great Republican Depression.

Uhhh, stupid?

Bill the rapist Clinton was about to get tossed out on his ass after the economic debacles of 1993 and 1994.

Then, Republicans took over the House and Senate in the 1994 elections in one of the most memorable electoral ass-whippings in American History. The Republicans didn't take their seats until 1995.

It was then that the rapist decided he needed to do things the "Republican" way. And he did.

On domestic policy, especially on taxes, he simply got out of the way and let Newt Gingrich and Republicans do pretty much what they wanted to do.

And it worked. Incredibly well.

One other thing..... Bill the rapist Clinton was the beneficiary of the GREATEST "Peace Dividend" in history.

Ever. Ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever -- EVAH.

Thanks to Ronald Reagan, we could cut our Defense Budget by TRILLIONS and all that money could be spent on other stuff or allowed to stay in the hands of The People.

You do remember the Fall of the Soviet Union, right?

You do remember that this Country was spending over half of its annual budget on Defense, right? Today, it's less than a third. Around 28%-30% depending on what you include..... Homeland Security, TSA, FBI, CIA, etc

That's a lot of money. A LOT OF MONEY. Trillions.

And the good, really great part....?

We didn't have 16,000,000 Troops returning home looking for jobs!!

Clinton actually should have done much better.

But anybody that thinks that the rapist was anything more than a passenger on the express train called 'Gingrich' is delusional, partisan, ignorant and probably under 30.
No Joke: GOP says Obama for Big Business and they are for the poor and middle class
and that is 100% true.
Big business and big corporations, all those hated "1%" ALWAYS profit the most during dimocraps adminitrations and from the dimocraps policies.

left is the scum of the earth - lying, lying, lying and doing exactly the opposite to what they are saying.

Obamacare is the law which sells out the American taxpayer to the big corporations with a guarantee of government prosecution of those who don't want to be sold!

Come on. Weren't you laughing when you typed that? Just a little?

there is nothing to laught at, except you, the worshiper of the leftard lies.
Big business and one-percenters are the MAIN benefactors of the leftist politcies - everywhere.

It is the nature of the lying left.
That is the reason the baffets and soroses support the left - becasue those scumbags are ALWAYS paying back their masters by selling them the little ones - the taxpayers.
Obama spends more then a year fighting for tax increases for the 1% while Boehner almost goes through another shutdown in 2011 "against" tax increases for the 1%....and we're here arguing which party supports the 1%....

You've got to be kidding me.
Texas 5th District - Election 2010 - The New York Times

I was watching Morning Joe and they had Congressman Jeb Hensarling from Texas 5th District.

This is no joke, he said Obama is for "big business" and the Republicans and him are trying to protect the poor and the middle class by stopping them from getting health insurance. HUH????

Look where he gets his money from. Banks and Insurance companies. And a third of the people in his district make less than $25 grand.

I believe one of the problems Republicans have is they still think they can stand up and lie right into a camera while talking to the American people and no one is going to "go look".

What sunk their last campaign were all the lies. About Obama ending the welfare work requirement, about moving manufacturing for jeeps sold in the US to China and so on.

But this idea that the GOP is for the poor and middle class? Seriously? I bet even USMB Republicans don't defend that one. They might give it a go, but their hearts won't be in it.

The two things the GObP care about is money and fetuses. That's it. Screw everything else.
Texas 5th District - Election 2010 - The New York Times

I was watching Morning Joe and they had Congressman Jeb Hensarling from Texas 5th District.

This is no joke, he said Obama is for "big business" and the Republicans and him are trying to protect the poor and the middle class by stopping them from getting health insurance. HUH????

Look where he gets his money from. Banks and Insurance companies. And a third of the people in his district make less than $25 grand.

I believe one of the problems Republicans have is they still think they can stand up and lie right into a camera while talking to the American people and no one is going to "go look".

What sunk their last campaign were all the lies. About Obama ending the welfare work requirement, about moving manufacturing for jeeps sold in the US to China and so on.But this idea that the GOP is for the poor and middle class? Seriously? I bet even USMB Republicans don't defend that one. They might give it a go, but their hearts won't be in it.

News Flash about lie number one:

By Stephen Jewkes and Stefano Rebaudo
MILAN | Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:51pm GMT
(Reuters) - Fiat (FIA.MI) and its U.S. unit Chrysler expect to roll out at least 100,000 Jeeps in China when production starts in 2014 as they seek to catch up with rivals in the world's biggest car market.
Output could double, the Italian carmaker's Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne, without giving a precise timeframe.
Chrysler, in which Fiat has a 58.5 percent stake, said on Tuesday it had agreed to make Jeeps in China with Guangzhou Automobile Group

News Flash about lie number two.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - Washington Post

The 1996 welfare reform law required that a portion of the able-bodied adults in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program — the successor to the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program — work or prepare for work. Those work requirements were the heart of the reform’s success: Welfare rolls dropped by half, and the poverty rate for black children reached its lowest level in history in the years following.

But the Obama administration has jettisoned the law’s work requirements, asserting that, in the future, no state will be required to follow them. In place of the legislated work requirements, the administration has stated, it will unilaterally design its own “work” systems without congressional involvement or consent. Any state will be free to follow the new Obama requirements “in lieu of” the written statute.

You were saying!

(General Rant aimed at dims in general)

Is Generic Motors a Big Business?

How about all the ass-kissing the Stuttering Clusterfuck and Jeffie Immelt were doing with each other. Jeffie was CEO of Generous electric, who owned NBC at the time and NBC was nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC all through the 2008 election.

Is Generous Electric a Big Business?

How about Warren Buffet? Is Berkshire Hathaway a "Big Business"?

Guess who's bring in all that Tar Sands Oil from Canada since the Stuttering Clusterfuck killed the Keystone Pipeline?

If you said, "Railroad Trains" you get a prize.

And guess who has the biggest stake in Railroads in the Upper Midwest of anybody in the World!

If you said, 'Warren Buffet' you can claim your prize on the way out the door.

So many more examples.....

Guess who the Stuttering Clusterfuck's most loyal supporters are? If you said 'Unions' you'd be right.

Guess where Unions thrive?

Not in small businesses. Hardly any more Unions in small businesses anymore....

They're all in 'Big Business'...... Big Companies.

They go down, the Unions go down. The Unions go down and dimocraps are in trouble.

Who bailed out all the corrupt Financials in 2009?

If you guessed "the Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure" you'd be right again.

Anybody know where the Attorney General came from?

If you guessed "Covington and Burling" ...... Well, you didn't so why bother?

Know who Covington and Burling represent?

The Biggest Of the Big. Bigger than that even.

All those corrupt Financials that helped walk us down the primrose path to near-destruction...?

Holder represented and worked for them.


Just in case you ever wonder why there haven't been any charges brought in 2008 Financial Disaster..... Now you don't need to any longer.

dimocraps are ten times worse than Republicans.

And Republicans are no angels
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There's no doubt that socialist "O" is just another Big Business butt kisser. (I'm serious)
And Paul Ryan's budget isn't pro-the rich. (I'm not serious)
The truth of the matter is that it's been several decades since we have had a balanced approach towards Big Business, the wealthy and the working Middle Class, the later segment seems to always get forgotten.
Money talks.
There's no doubt that socialist "O" is just another Big Business butt kisser. (I'm serious)
And Paul Ryan's budget isn't pro-the rich. (I'm not serious)
The truth of the matter is that it's been several decades since we have had a balanced approach towards Big Business, the wealthy and the working Middle Class, the later segment seems to always get forgotten.
Money talks.

Oh right...Obama didn't spend practically all of 2011 fighting to increases taxes on people with 250,000 or more (which in the end he got)

Also didn't support a health reform with an employer mandate.
There's no doubt that socialist "O" is just another Big Business butt kisser. (I'm serious)
And Paul Ryan's budget isn't pro-the rich. (I'm not serious)
The truth of the matter is that it's been several decades since we have had a balanced approach towards Big Business, the wealthy and the working Middle Class, the later segment seems to always get forgotten.
Money talks.

Oh right...Obama didn't spend practically all of 2011 fighting to increases taxes on people with 250,000 or more (which in the end he got)

Also didn't support a health reform with an employer mandate.

How does any of that harm Big Business in any way?

Tell me.

What it does, is it hurts SMALL Businesses. Big Businesses couldn't care less.

You really aren't very bright, are you?
Just who do you think is involved in ObamaNoCare? BIG BUSINESS

you really are sheep to think Democrats aren't for Big business...It's easy for Democrats to crow they are for the poor when it ISN'T THEIR monies they are DISHING OUT...Obama just want's the government to TAKE OVER the business now...take insurance, GM, ETC

the Democrat party has become the Fascist party of the United states

and you who think the government should TAKE CARE OF YOU will be the ruin of this country
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Just who do you think is involved in ObamaNoCare? BIG BUSINESS

you really are sheep to think Democrats aren't for Big business...It's easy to crow they are for the poor when it ISN'T THEIR monies they are DISHING OUT...Obama just want's the government to TAKE OVER the business now...take insurance, GM, ETC

the Democrat party has become the Fascist party of the United states

and you who think the government should TAKE CARE OF YOU will be the ruin of this country

I realize you're probably too busy to watch this right now, but I recommend it when you have the time.

It helps you understand that libturdism isn't a political belief, it's a pathology

Here's Evan Sayet's speech on his thesis "the Kindergarten of Eden," which also served as the title of a book he wrote. The basic idea is that leftists engage in a child-level moral reasoning which precludes them from ranking things in terms of highest-sought good and lower-sought goods. It all winds up a childlike jumble in their heads, and all they can say is "We want what's best," without bothering themselves to figure out what that might mean.

They just know you're wrong about what it means.

[ame=]Evan Sayet - Kindergarden of Eden - YouTube[/ame]

I stole it from Ace of Spades HQ :)
Texas 5th District - Election 2010 - The New York Times

I was watching Morning Joe and they had Congressman Jeb Hensarling from Texas 5th District.

This is no joke, he said Obama is for "big business" and the Republicans and him are trying to protect the poor and the middle class by stopping them from getting health insurance. HUH????

Look where he gets his money from. Banks and Insurance companies. And a third of the people in his district make less than $25 grand.

I believe one of the problems Republicans have is they still think they can stand up and lie right into a camera while talking to the American people and no one is going to "go look".

What sunk their last campaign were all the lies. About Obama ending the welfare work requirement, about moving manufacturing for jeeps sold in the US to China and so on.But this idea that the GOP is for the poor and middle class? Seriously? I bet even USMB Republicans don't defend that one. They might give it a go, but their hearts won't be in it.

News Flash about lie number one:

By Stephen Jewkes and Stefano Rebaudo
MILAN | Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:51pm GMT
(Reuters) - Fiat (FIA.MI) and its U.S. unit Chrysler expect to roll out at least 100,000 Jeeps in China when production starts in 2014 as they seek to catch up with rivals in the world's biggest car market.
Output could double, the Italian carmaker's Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne, without giving a precise timeframe.
Chrysler, in which Fiat has a 58.5 percent stake, said on Tuesday it had agreed to make Jeeps in China with Guangzhou Automobile Group

News Flash about lie number two.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - Washington Post

The 1996 welfare reform law required that a portion of the able-bodied adults in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program — the successor to the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program — work or prepare for work. Those work requirements were the heart of the reform’s success: Welfare rolls dropped by half, and the poverty rate for black children reached its lowest level in history in the years following.

But the Obama administration has jettisoned the law’s work requirements, asserting that, in the future, no state will be required to follow them. In place of the legislated work requirements, the administration has stated, it will unilaterally design its own “work” systems without congressional involvement or consent. Any state will be free to follow the new Obama requirements “in lieu of” the written statute.

You were saying!

Do you even read your own link? The Jeeps made in China are for the Chinese market.
Just who do you think is involved in ObamaNoCare? BIG BUSINESS

you really are sheep to think Democrats aren't for Big business...It's easy to crow they are for the poor when it ISN'T THEIR monies they are DISHING OUT...Obama just want's the government to TAKE OVER the business now...take insurance, GM, ETC

the Democrat party has become the Fascist party of the United states

and you who think the government should TAKE CARE OF YOU will be the ruin of this country

I realize you're probably too busy to watch this right now, but I recommend it when you have the time.

It helps you understand that libturdism isn't a political belief, it's a pathology

Here's Evan Sayet's speech on his thesis "the Kindergarten of Eden," which also served as the title of a book he wrote. The basic idea is that leftists engage in a child-level moral reasoning which precludes them from ranking things in terms of highest-sought good and lower-sought goods. It all winds up a childlike jumble in their heads, and all they can say is "We want what's best," without bothering themselves to figure out what that might mean.

They just know you're wrong about what it means.

[ame=]Evan Sayet - Kindergarden of Eden - YouTube[/ame]

I stole it from Ace of Spades HQ :)

thank you, I will watch it later...

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