No Justice For Ashli??

Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
What threat did she pose to anyone? She prenented a physical threat to our Congressmen ? A verbal one? She was unarmed.

She was a member of a mob that was threatening members of Congress and Mike Pence. She reached the final perimeter of defense and tried to crawl through a broken window.
Cost her life.

Blame Trumps lies
Not an acceptable excuse to murder someone who posed no physical threat at all. If she was such a threat, why then did the officers on Ashli's side of the door do nothing to stop her? Why then were barricades removed outside of the capital and protesters led to the building?

By your broken logic, police in Portland should have gunned down anyone who entered the police precinct last summer. And anyone in Minnesota who threatens authority figures should be murdered as well. What a steep double standard!

By your broken logic, police in Portland should have gunned down anyone who entered the police precinct last summer.

The ironic part about this folks are upset that this didnt happen....

It's almost as if, police shooting unarmed people in and of itself isn't are just upset they aren't shooting enough unarmed people you are predisposed to hate......

Which makes you one of these......
View attachment 479852
"you folks are upset that this didnt happen" Here is a large part of the problem. You don't know me. You dont know a single thing about me. But you don't have a problem pretending like you do. I dont think anyone should be shot without an inquiry or consequences. You clearly think that there are times when that is ok. I dont have to assume that because you have said such.

That makes me sad. People should hold their public servants to the very highest of standards. But Democrats only believe that when it serves their political goals.

You apparently say it is okay for a mob to storm the capitol. That says all we need to know about you. The decision was the correct one.
The police were told stand down. They could have stopped and were ordered not to do it. You are stupid enough to believe otherwise. That is your problem.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
Odd...I could have sworn the members of Congress were protected, after the perimeter was breached. Moreover, wasn't she shot in the lobby?

You would be wrong.

There were members of Congress on the other side of that door Ashli was trying to breach. The door led to Congressional Chambers where some members were still hiding
Nothing justifies shooting an unarmed woman. I guess the Nazis are in control.

How was i officer killed and 140 injured by supposedly unarmed protestors? Bad breath?
That officers death and it cause has not been determined. You have a list of those injuries?

He didn't die from bad breath.
What did he die of?

"Federal prosecutors will not charge a police officer who shot and killed a woman as she climbed through the broken part of a door during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Authorities had considered for months whether criminal charges were appropriate for the Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt -- The Justice Department’s decision, though expected, officially closes out the investigation.

Prosecutors said they had reviewed video of the shooting, along with statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses, examined physical evidence from the scene and reviewed the autopsy results. “Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” the department said in a statement."

This sets a very dangerous precedent....It basically gives officers a blank check to gun down people, unarmed people, good people.....and the officer face no consequences for his or her actions...Because of this decision, cops can essentially gun you down just because you didn't obey an order they gave -- they can gun you down then claim they feared for their safety while dehumanizing you as some violent person or a member of some angry mob... even tho that person is unarmed and was posing no threat.

Now to be fair, it's perfectly OK for certain types of unarmed people to be gunned down for not obeying cops or maybe using inappropriate language towards cops that could cause them to fear for their safety; but it's different when you are actually fighting against a tyrannical government who stole an election and your only recourse is to storm the Capitol to voice your grievances, cosplay in Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate apparel, joke about executing the VP and perhaps scare congress members into overturning the election for you and stuff...

These people were storming the capitol. They killed 1 officer and injured 140 others. There should have been more than 1 protestor killed. She got her justice and her just deserts.
wow....only a Fascist would want more people to be killed...just sick stuff really.

I have no sympathy for terrorists. More forceful action might have kept 140 officers from being injured and 1 killed.
Oh did nothing but defend and deflect from the terrorist and insurrectionist that began their Dem funded assaults in Nov of 2016

More forceful action might of been needed on Jan 6...but Nancy P order the Cap Police to stand down.....then this happened....a young woman, standing in the lobby of the Capitol, on her phone....gets killed.

No she did not. Pemce ended up calling the National Guard because Trump dithered.
Nope she did...she also denied the aid for National Guard and numerous offers for help from the Admin prior to Jan 6th.

The VP doesn't have the authority to order in the National Guard...come on least make your propaganda believable!
One thing I did notice...and I know there are many people upset by this decision...personally, I understand it...but I know folks are upset...yet not one person or group has looted, burnt, or assaulted anyone because of Portland, and Minn.....
No Justice, no Peace....let's go burn!, that's not us....that's them. :mad:
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

I agree. All people who do not obey orders of the Reich should be shot in the back like this women. Way to go. :thup:
You do realize that the so-called "Reich" which was in power when Babbit was shot was under the control of Republicans, right? There was a Republican president in power with a Republican Senate majority.

And you morons wonder why people laugh at you.
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

I agree. All people who do not obey orders of the Reich should be shot in the back like this women. Way to go. :thup:
You do realize that the so-called "Reich" which was in power when Babbit was shot was under the control of Republicans, right? There was a Republican president in power with a Republican Senate majority.

And you morons wonder why people laugh at you.
A Democratic Speaker of the House.
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

I agree. All people who do not obey orders of the Reich should be shot in the back like this women. Way to go. :thup:
You do realize that the so-called "Reich" which was in power when Babbit was shot was under the control of Republicans, right? There was a Republican president in power with a Republican Senate majority.

And you morons wonder why people laugh at you.
Well the President has no authority over what happens in Congress. The Dems controlled half that chamber and Nancy P order the Sgt of Arms of the House to rejected the Admin's offer for national guard before Jan 6, and then ordered the Cap Police to stand down on the 6th...then had her storm troopers kill this unarmed woman taking pics in a lobby.
One thing I did notice...and I know there are many people upset by this decision...personally, I understand it...but I know folks are upset...yet not one person or group has looted, burnt, or assaulted anyone because of Portland, and Minn.....
Did you just wake up from a deep deep sleep? Congress was looted and some members of Congress lost their possession. As for no one being assaulted, that was mainly because Congress folks were protected and moved by the security. Heck, talks were for the reps to be kidnapped and the VP to be hanged. That it did not happen was just pure luck.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
Odd...I could have sworn the members of Congress were protected, after the perimeter was breached. Moreover, wasn't she shot in the lobby?

You would be wrong.

There were members of Congress on the other side of that door Ashli was trying to breach. The door led to Congressional Chambers where some members were still hiding
Nothing justifies shooting an unarmed woman. I guess the Nazis are in control.

Exactly right. :thup:

Under this stolen Administration with Bidet and Heels Up at the helm, nazis are in absolute control.

too bad.
One thing I did notice...and I know there are many people upset by this decision...personally, I understand it...but I know folks are upset...yet not one person or group has looted, burnt, or assaulted anyone because of Portland, and Minn.....
Did you just wake up from a deep deep sleep? Congress was looted and some members of Congress lost their possession. As for no one being assaulted, that was mainly because Congress folks were protected and moved by the security. Heck, talks were for the reps to be kidnapped and the VP to be hanged. That it did not happen was just pure luck.
I am talking about after THIS decision. Today....this decision.

To my knowledge this young lady didn't do any of the things you mentioned. She was standing in a lobby wiht her Iphone taking pics
One thing I did notice...and I know there are many people upset by this decision...personally, I understand it...but I know folks are upset...yet not one person or group has looted, burnt, or assaulted anyone because of Portland, and Minn.....
Did you just wake up from a deep deep sleep? Congress was looted and some members of Congress lost their possession. As for no one being assaulted, that was mainly because Congress folks were protected and moved by the security. Heck, talks were for the reps to be kidnapped and the VP to be hanged. That it did not happen was just pure luck.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You play stupid games and you win stupid prizes
One thing I did notice...and I know there are many people upset by this decision...personally, I understand it...but I know folks are upset...yet not one person or group has looted, burnt, or assaulted anyone because of Portland, and Minn.....
Did you just wake up from a deep deep sleep? Congress was looted and some members of Congress lost their possession. As for no one being assaulted, that was mainly because Congress folks were protected and moved by the security. Heck, talks were for the reps to be kidnapped and the VP to be hanged. That it did not happen was just pure luck.
I am talking about after THIS decision. Today....this decision.

To my knowledge this young lady didn't do any of the things you mentioned. She was standing in a lobby wiht her Iphone taking pics
What the heck are you talking about? Babbit tried to break through into Congress even after being warned. I really do believe you were sleeping all this time. No one could have failed to watch the video of Babbit being shot after she tried to jump through the broken window.

"Federal prosecutors will not charge a police officer who shot and killed a woman as she climbed through the broken part of a door during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Authorities had considered for months whether criminal charges were appropriate for the Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt -- The Justice Department’s decision, though expected, officially closes out the investigation.

Prosecutors said they had reviewed video of the shooting, along with statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses, examined physical evidence from the scene and reviewed the autopsy results. “Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” the department said in a statement."

This sets a very dangerous precedent....It basically gives officers a blank check to gun down people, unarmed people, good people.....and the officer face no consequences for his or her actions...Because of this decision, cops can essentially gun you down just because you didn't obey an order they gave -- they can gun you down then claim they feared for their safety while dehumanizing you as some violent person or a member of some angry mob... even tho that person is unarmed and was posing no threat.

Now to be fair, it's perfectly OK for certain types of unarmed people to be gunned down for not obeying cops or maybe using inappropriate language towards cops that could cause them to fear for their safety; but it's different when you are actually fighting against a tyrannical government who stole an election and your only recourse is to storm the Capitol to voice your grievances, cosplay in Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate apparel, joke about executing the VP and perhaps scare congress members into overturning the election for you and stuff...
Babbitt is alone responsible; she made the wrongheaded decision to participate in a rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy – her death is the consequence of her treason and criminality.
What an interesting sign of the times to see all these liberals championing the murder of an unarmed female protester! You realize that even after all of your sanctimonious, self-serving rants and judgements that the rest of us can still see you standing here completely exposed and covered in hypocrisy.

You liberals stand for nothing. Do you realize that? Anyone you disagree with you attack with lies and smears and most of you like the many of the idiots in this thread cant be bothered to take the time to have any kind of serious discussion because their ignorance might accidentally get exposed.

You can't bitch about injustice all fucking day and ACAB and all that bullshit and then in the same fucking breath, celebrate the murder of an unarmed woman who was protesting her government. You are despicable and the worst kind of citizen to your nation. Grow some balls and understand your principles.... and then defend them. But stop defending talking points you hear from "news organizations" who are only here to produce profit for their shareholders. You ignorant parroting of the talking points that you are given proves that their business model is solid. At some point, you may see that the path you are on leads to nowhere.
One thing I did notice...and I know there are many people upset by this decision...personally, I understand it...but I know folks are upset...yet not one person or group has looted, burnt, or assaulted anyone because of Portland, and Minn.....
Did you just wake up from a deep deep sleep? Congress was looted and some members of Congress lost their possession. As for no one being assaulted, that was mainly because Congress folks were protected and moved by the security. Heck, talks were for the reps to be kidnapped and the VP to be hanged. That it did not happen was just pure luck.

Look at you shilling for the cops' "right" to gun down unarmed protestors. I knew you were a fascist.

"Federal prosecutors will not charge a police officer who shot and killed a woman as she climbed through the broken part of a door during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Authorities had considered for months whether criminal charges were appropriate for the Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt -- The Justice Department’s decision, though expected, officially closes out the investigation.

Prosecutors said they had reviewed video of the shooting, along with statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses, examined physical evidence from the scene and reviewed the autopsy results. “Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” the department said in a statement."

This sets a very dangerous precedent....It basically gives officers a blank check to gun down people, unarmed people, good people.....and the officer face no consequences for his or her actions...Because of this decision, cops can essentially gun you down just because you didn't obey an order they gave -- they can gun you down then claim they feared for their safety while dehumanizing you as some violent person or a member of some angry mob... even tho that person is unarmed and was posing no threat.

Now to be fair, it's perfectly OK for certain types of unarmed people to be gunned down for not obeying cops or maybe using inappropriate language towards cops that could cause them to fear for their safety; but it's different when you are actually fighting against a tyrannical government who stole an election and your only recourse is to storm the Capitol to voice your grievances, cosplay in Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate apparel, joke about executing the VP and perhaps scare congress members into overturning the election for you and stuff...

You really are the fucking deft arent you?

She got her justice. And there are a lot of people right behind her getting ready to face theirs.

You trumphumpers bit off more than you can chew when you committed treason against the United States.


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