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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

I stand with Israel and I don't want them to bow down to their Islamist opponents.

They are our farthest outpost in the Islamist's war to conquer the World for Allah.

If the USA was easier to target WE'D be fighting the war the Israelis are fighting.

They are like the canary in the mine. Their health and well being reflects on and relates directly to our own.



Back at you!

"...Hamas Book Of The Month Club"...
Now THAT was a funny line...

Anything goes to try to silence Truth for Zionists.
How does complimenting someone on a humorous remark constitute either Zionism or an attempt at silencing?

Don't look now, dearie, but your paranoia is showing.
It's NEWS to you because you've been kept ignorant.

Easier for a nice lad like yourself to continue posting as an innocent and win favor for Islam amongst independent readers.

You are a tool.

And you serve their purposes.

Check my assertions if you don't believe them.

Why would anyone heed the assertions of Muslim haters like you?

A special place in hell reserved especially for you haters.

I choose to stand with God and raise my voice against Injustice and Hate.

You think we are like you???

We are not.

You are born and then taught that non-Muslims and Jews are bad before you can even think for yourselves. Therefore, you are a hater without reason.

And you think we are like you in that respect.

We aren't.

Non-Muslims, Americans, Jews and others who aren't Muslims are not taught to 'hate' anyone at all, (and that includes Muslims), for no reason.

So, when you accuse me or anyone here or on any other website of 'hating' Muslims, you reveal your own path of indoctrination to the world of everlasting Islamist hatred where you hate for no good reason.

The fact is most of the people you call Muslim haters didn't come to oppose your cause or goals or efforts until we learned who you are and what you do and why you do it.

And if the KKK gets rightfully slammed for it's bigotry and hatred and violence due to a person's skin color or their Jewishness why shouldn't you also be criticized even worse than we slam the KKK?

You are killing Jews every day just for being Jews.

So, you go and find someone who is more the stereotypical dhimmi to peddle your hypocritical faux outrage to.

We've got our fill of bigots in America already,

Find somewhere else to go to practice your Muslim racial hatred.

All that Projection of your hate onto me does not make me a hater.

Wasting your words on me.

I was raised as a Christian and taught to hate no-one , and I learned to hate hate, like the hate in you, from following Jesus.

My calling is perfectly clear to me, it is to confront Injustice with Truth and that is expressing love and not hate.

People are not my enemies and I am not called to hate them, none of them.

And the Muslims you hate so much were created by the same God who created all of us and loved by that God too.

A gift of a song

Every moment in time there are choices to make

Do we choose to love or do we choose to hate

When we wake up in the morning do we think of God with our first breath

Do we thank God for the gift of life and the gift of His son

Do we think about the wonders of God's great love for us

How He created this world and everyone in it, every man, woman and child

With His own hands, He molded each one of us into His own special creations

And He breathed life into each one of us

DO we think about the wonders of God's great love for us

How He sent into this world His only Son to die on the cross to save us from our sin

And do we think about Jesus

How He tells us to love one another

To seek to love God and others the same way God loves us

Do we love one another the way Jesus asks us to do

I am not killing or hating anyone, deal with that Truth, and confront your own hate for Muslims before your hate consumes you.
Sherri is lying -----it is obvious just from her lingo and her allusions that she learned to hate jews as a child.------most likely long before she ever met a jew.
It is very likely that she
did not know muslims at all. I grew up in a town full of sherris in the USA---
north east.

I served in the NAVY for a while with LOTS OF TEXAS BAPTISTS------they "learned"
all about jews as infants ------in fact they learned all about blacks, too.

It is very likely that sherri had no idea about muslims or islam until she attended college---
<<< an educated guess

one of the questions I like to ask people like sherri is----"how old were you when you first
knew that jews are no damned good? I would guess about five years old-----
I grew up with people like sherri. Muslim iranian is for HER----a good friend ----
MUTUAL HATREDS Iranians also abhor blacks

Teheran Iranians IN THE PAST----did not hate jews----but the country side Iranians
I think Mrs. Sherri that you and your kind have posted this many times before as some kind of staple in your propaganda against Israel. I have seen it used by many who hate Israel on other forums, and no doubt the vuewers have seen it also posted on this forum many times. Do you have any videos where soldiers are telling what they have done and are still doing to some groups in Egypt? I wouldn't doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood is complaining about what the Egyptian soldiers are doing to them. Do you possibly have any videos for these particular soldiers?
"...Hamas Book Of The Month Club"...
Now THAT was a funny line...

Anything goes to try to silence Truth for Zionists.

for a program of


there are CERTAINLY lots people TALKING who are not being silenced and lots
WRITING who are still breathing and writing I wonder if sherri can tell
us about the some cases of people being "SILENCED"----I can mention a
few anti jihados who ended up face down with a knife in the back
I think Mrs. Sherri that you and your kind have posted this many times before as some kind of staple in your propaganda against Israel. I have seen it used by many who hate Israel on other forums, and no doubt the vuewers have seen it also posted on this forum many times. Do you have any videos where soldiers are telling what they have done and are still doing to some groups in Egypt? I wouldn't doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood is complaining about what the Egyptian soldiers are doing to them. Do you possibly have any videos for these particular soldiers?

Missus Sally,

I am a human being? That describes my kind. Does that describe your kind too? I hope you see yourself as a human being as well.

My post is a video by a former IDF soldier addressing human rights abuses he participated in and witnessed in Israels Occupation of Palestine. There are thousands of videos prepared by thousands of former IDF soldiers addressing abuses like this. It is possible once upon a time I posted that very same particular video but I do not remember it or remember watching it before today.

The thread is addressing Israel and human rights abuses happening there and in Occupied Palestine , so I present a video prepared by a former Israeli soldier, not an Egyptian soldier. And these abuses are written about in the book Goliath which can be purchased on Amazon.
I imagine Mrs. Sherri thinks only she and her like minded friends are the only human beings worried about other. However, what is going on in Israel is penny awnte stuff in comparison what is happening to people in the rest of the Middle East, whether they are Christians or Muslims. It looks like Mrs. Sherri is actually not interested in what is happening to others since she can't seem to find any videos about what is happening in other areas of the Middle East when it comes to the military so naturally she will continue to post the same video many times in the future as if the Arabs in one tiny area are the only ones affected by some military.
I imagine Mrs. Sherri thinks only she and her like minded friends are the only human beings worried about other. However, what is going on in Israel is penny awnte stuff in comparison what is happening to people in the rest of the Middle East, whether they are Christians or Muslims. It looks like Mrs. Sherri is actually not interested in what is happening to others since she can't seem to find any videos about what is happening in other areas of the Middle East when it comes to the military so naturally she will continue to post the same video many times in the future as if the Arabs in one tiny area are the only ones affected by some military.

Lots of antisemites are OBSESSED with jews Adolf Eichmann was so
OBSESSED with jews that he memorized some lines and even prayers in hebrew
If Missus Sally is interested in a thing happening outside Israel, I suggest Missus Sally find discussion threads discussing the matters she is interested in.

The fact is the author of Goliath went to Israel and lived there for awhile and what he wrote in his book Goliath was based on what he saw there.

Any comments about this thread?
It is quite obvious that Mrs. Sherri is not interested in what is happening to people elsewhere. I thought the title of this message board was the Middle East Forum, and it is evident that Mrs. Sherri is ohly interested in what is happening in one tiny area of the Middle East (probably only because of Jews) and is not interested in what is happening to Arabs, be they Christians or Muslims, in the rest of the Arab world. Why is that, Frau Sherri? So much has happened and is still happening in the rest of the Middle East, and you appear to have no concern for the people there (perhaps because these countries are ruled by Muslims).
It is quite obvious that Mrs. Sherri is not interested in what is happening to people elsewhere. I thought the title of this message board was the Middle East Forum, and it is evident that Mrs. Sherri is ohly interested in what is happening in one tiny area of the Middle East (probably only because of Jews) and is not interested in what is happening to Arabs, be they Christians or Muslims, in the rest of the Arab world. Why is that, Frau Sherri? So much has happened and is still happening in the rest of the Middle East, and you appear to have no concern for the people there (perhaps because these countries are ruled by Muslims).

You sound very much like a poster named Hossfly, are you Hossfly?

Do you have a thing to say about the OP?

I have started reading this book on My Kindle and plan to address it further in subsequent posts.

It begins with The Preface and the author addresses how he spent 4 uninterrupted years researching to write the book, from May of 2009 to early 2013. In that time period he lived for months in Ajami, a Palestinian ghetto outside Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem, and Ramallah.
No, I am not Hossfly although I would read his posts here since I started lurking, the same as I have read yours, . Hossfly is probably on a trip if he is not posting and I'm sure he will be back at a later time to read your posts and answer you. Since you think I sound like Hossfly, I hope you don't feel insulted if I tell you that you sound an awful lot like you could be Arafat's wife in France or maybe the wife of some Imam or Mullah. Of course you can read whatever books you want to, just like others can read whatever books they wish to, such as books regarding all the murders by Muslims of innocent people since the invention of Islam up to what is going on in modern days, of which you don't seem interested. I don't think that most of the posters here have all the time in the world to post like you do. It reminds me of the movie HELP where someone else is doing the housework.

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Perhaps it is you, Mr. Tinmore, who has to read up. I can just imagine what they teach for history in the Gazan schools. Off the top of your head, why not tell us what you learned in history about this fictictious country of Palestine? Those of us born in American can certainly, no matter our IQ level, can throw out a few facts about our history, so surely you must be capable of giving us some Palestine history. -- let's say before the Ottoman Turks took over since the Turks are not Arabs.
Chapter 1 of Goliath is entitled To the Slaughter.

The story begins in late 2008, with 1.5 million Gazans living in horrible circumstances, surrounded on all sides by Israeli sniper towers and electrified fences and concrete walls and subjected to a naval blockade that kept fishermen from fishing more than 3 kilometers from shore. Drones hovered over Gaza constantly. Israelis actually tried to calculate the minimum caloric intake to prevent death to residents of Gaza and let only enough food to enter Gaza to prevent deaths to residents. There were no exports allowed out of Gaza and there were ridiculous rules disallowing imports of items like potato chips, notebooks, musical instruments, toys. The only purpose of such a ban would be to punish the civilians of Gaza.

Residents were not allowed to leave to get needed surgeries that could not be performed in Gaza and they died. One such death was of the younger sister of a student named Yousef Aljamal who watched his sister die after being denied a permit forsurgery on her gall bladder.

Gaza was described at this time as an open air prison, the people were caged in, they were hungry and denied food and medicine and freedom.

December 27, 2008 arrives, police cadets are graduating in Gaza City. And Israel begins Cast Lead. Hamas was the government in Gaza after winning fair elections and they had successfully fended off a US backed coup attempt. They were faithfully honoring a ceasefire until Israel led an operation in November that killed 6 Hamas members in Gaza and groups responded with rockets launched into Israel that killed noone.

On December 27, 2008, Israel launched Cast Lead in Gaza and they first targeted policemen, at least 40 killed in the first strikes on graduating police officers. They targeted more police stations and civilian installations across Gaza and children as they were walking home from school. They targeted houses and universities and factories. 240 Palestinians were killed on Day 1 of Cast Lead.

Reports of atrocities spread to the West Bank and protests were organized there. The Palestinian Authority arrested the protesters and even killed one.

All of this happened on Day 1 of Cast Lead and is discussed in Chapter 1 of Goliath.

DCI Palestine website names every child Israel killed in Cast Lead and identifies how each child was killed. Day 1 of Cast Lead, children were killed walking to school and home from school (the attacks were deliberately scheduled when shifts were changing and kids were on the street) and in fields and in their homes.
Children Israel killed in Gaza on first day of Cast Lead

27 December 2008

Hani Awad abu-Suhaiban, 14,*of Rafah, Gaza

Mustafa Khader Saber abu-Ghanima, 16,*of Gaza City, Gaza

Ahmad Rasmi Muhammad abu-Jazar, 16,*of Rafah, Gaza

Tamer Hassan Ali al-Akhras, 5,*of Gaza City, Gaza

Khaled Sami Taraf al-Astal, 14,*of al-Satar, near Khan Younis, Gaza,

Kamilia Rafat al-Bardini, 13,*of Deir al-Balah, Gaza,*killed by the IDF in Deir al-Balah.

Yahya Ibrahim Farouq al-Hayek, 13,*of Gaza City, Gaza

Abdul-Hamid Jamal Khaled al-Sawi, 15,*of Gaza City, Gaza

Ahmad Riyad Muhammad al-Sinwar, 3,*of al-Zahra City, near Deir al-Balah, Gaza

.Haneen Wael Dhaban, 15,*of Gaza City, Gaza,*killed, with her sister by the IDF near the preventative security headquarters in Gaza City's Tal al-Hawa

Yasmin Wael Dhaban, 17,*of Gaza City, Gaza,*killed, with her sister by the IDF near the preventative security headquarters in Gaza City's Tal al-Hawa neighborhood.

Uday Abdul-Hakim Rajab Mansi, 6,*of Deir al-Balah, Gaza

Mazen Ahmad Muhammad Matar, 15, of Shati refugee camp, Gaza

Remember These Children 2008 Memorial
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Can you give us a rational reason why you are bringing up the Cast Iron incident since that happened awhile back? Since then many thousands of innocent people (over 100,000 in Syria alone) have been killed in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia. Out of curiosity, since there is a forum for the Israel/Palestine conflict, how come you aren't posting there but are posting on a Middle East forum when all you want to post about is Israel and Palestine and nothing about what is going on elsewhere in the Middle East?

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