No Low Too Low - Far Left Cartoonist Goes After Kavanaugh's 10yo Daughter

The problem with your plurality is that that 48 % don't get the other side of the discussion. They only hear the angry media that has blacked out any discussion into the fact that no one on the left is questioning the honesty and integrity of Ford's story.Used to be, the media would give all sides of an issue, including the question of the integrity of the accuser.The cartoonist is moving from this false worldview. And using a child to denigrate someone who has not been proven to have committed any kind of wrong doing.
It looks like the trumpski ilk are scouring the internet, searching for things, no matter how insignificant and trivial, to get offended by. Professional snowflakes.
Oh looky! Miss Carpet Muncher I-hate-men-but-had-a-kid-at-age-12-but-don't-ask-me-about-it-because-I-refuse-to-answer. Talk about a professional snowflake. There you be!
STFU already. The discussion is about Kavanaugh's kid...not Obama's.
Yes. That is what you said in a roundabout way..which is your usual bullshit posts.
Direct from the "I have nothing of value to add" group comes this amazing feat of clairvoyance. This person claims to be able to read minds online. While ignoring the written word, its super-duper talent of ignoring language and projecting its own bias beliefs and thoughts to supercede, once again adds absolutely nothing of value to the thread or discussion.....except them being wrong again and again and again.........
Far-left cartoonist accused of targeting Kavanaugh's 10-year-old daughter in vicious cartoon

'A left-wing editorial cartoonist faced backlash over the weekend for drawing a cartoon that critics say mocked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's 10-year-old daughter, Liza.'

Unethical, immoral, despicable, deplorable, disgusting, shameless....

Once kids were off-limits...Democrats are so desperate and such scumbag that they have included kids now in their 'politics of personal destruction' BS ploy.

Leftists have sunk to an all-time new low....
My twitter sig in every post I make is... #DemocratsAreThePartyofTrash

So every bit of democrat trash that I see is going to be chronicled on twitter with that hash tag.

Nothing could be more true either... democrats truly are the party of trash, and America is getting a good look at it. I think they're going to get slaughtered in November. Americans are sick of their shit.
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I don't have a guilty conscience. The only people any of us can speak to is ourselves. Some people on both sides are scum. The fact that you justify this scum by posting other scum speaks volumes about YOU.
Unlike you, I know the difference between a benign political cartoon and outright insults to children -- Hannity Claims He And Other Conservatives Left President Obama’s Daughters Alone, Here Is Proof They Didn’t
Unlike you, I know the difference between a benign political cartoon and outright insults to children

Calling a spade a club doesn't make it so....
only in your own mind

You and your ilk have created
your own dictionary and code of standards,
to justify and excuse your own
intolerance, discrimination and lack of decency

You'll use Scripture, Jesus and religious morals,
to hold others accountable to, while at the same time,
claiming discrimination and intolerance for referring to them

I'm intolerant for my views on homosexuality,
but, someone who is gay is not considered intolerant,
for not accepting those who do not accept homosexuality

Please, how many times do I have to flush,
before you'll go away?
Far-left cartoonist accused of targeting Kavanaugh's 10-year-old daughter in vicious cartoon

'A left-wing editorial cartoonist faced backlash over the weekend for drawing a cartoon that critics say mocked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's 10-year-old daughter, Liza.'

Unethical, immoral, despicable, deplorable, disgusting, shameless....

Once kids were off-limits...Democrats are so desperate and such scumbag that they have included kids now in their 'politics of personal destruction' BS ploy.

Leftists have sunk to an all-time new low....

Sadly it is not a new all-time low as both sides have been doing it for a while now
Ford's accusation AGAINST KAVANAUGH is false. Despite what snowflakes keep saying, her testimony was far from 'credible'.

'Compelling'? Sure.

'Credible'? Absolutely not.
We will have to agree to disagree.

When was the last time someone went after a USSC Judge nominee's child / daughter.

Kavanaugh was right - Democrats turned this process into an abomination ... Advise and consent to seek and destroy.

Someone should tell Aunt Jermimah that 17 million wasn't paid out. But don't let facts get in the way of sucking up to people who want to through you on the back of the bus.
So you want to quibble about the amount Democrats paid out over 15 years to keep their victims silent....


Let's drag John Conyers' ass back up in front of Congress and demand he release the records to show Americans exactly how much of our tax dollars was spent...

Nice racist start to your post, btw....
So you want to quibble about the amount Democrats paid out over 15 years to keep their victims silent....


Let's drag John Conyers' ass back up in front of Congress and demand he release the records to show Americans exactly how much of our tax dollars was spent...

Nice racist start to your post, btw....

I have no tolerance for Uncle Toms sucking up to white people.

It's hardly a quibble... Congress employs thousands of people, and they spend low six figures settling all workplace claims. But you guys keep repeating that BS 17 million number.
I've heard a legal saying - 'When the facts are on your side, pound the facts; when the law's on your side, pound the law; when neither's on your side, pound the table.'

Kavanaugh pounded the table.
ROFL! The facts are all on his side, moron. What "facts" has Balsey Ford produced?
It was wrong for anyone to go after the Bush’s daughter and it was equally wrong to go after Obama’s daughters and this is absolutely wrong, I have been consistent. For you to excuse such BS is absolutely disgusting.
Sorry, you should have said that years ago and to the people that were posting it. Too many cowards back then. If you don't like my opinion, tough. As I said, that political cartoon with the child praying was benign. I'll admit it was edgy but obviously the editors of that paper agreed with it or it would not have been published.
Ford's accusation AGAINST KAVANAUGH is false. Despite what snowflakes keep saying, her testimony was far from 'credible'.

'Compelling'? Sure.

'Credible'? Absolutely not.

She came off as calm and steady.

He screamed about how much he likes beer and Hillary is out to get him.
She came off as an hysterical mentally-deranged twit.

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