No Matter the Outcome Today in Virginia

You mean, the Republican who made sure it was clear that he distances himself from Trmp. If he wins, that is the message the GOP will take away: Trump is poison.
not sure if that clear considering trump rallied for him last night

what is clear is that the xiden admin has been destroying Terry and the dems once strong lead
The California election was never predicted to be close. Newsom's approval ratings were in the toilet, but once it became clear Elder was going to be the primary opponent to Newsom every poll had Newsom way ahead of Elder.

Which doesn't mean the polls just weeks before the election had him possibly losing.
The bamboozle was all caught on a security video camera in Atlanta.
Workers sent home while several drones continued to feed ballots,
brought up from trays hidden under a table,
through the machine.
It's been explained dozens of times.
What you think happened. Didn't.
Accept it and move on.
Just can't do business there? Doesn't sound like a good business environment!

I guess what I think is really going on is that the Western city governments simply cannot stop all this. They no longer have sovereignty. No monopoly on violence, as the saying goes. It's like the mobs of rioters, and why the police really can't control them: there are just too many and not enough police at best.

And no use saying, "Shoot 'em!" because that may not work either. Often in history that has been tried and frequently the crowd, being many times larger than the police or army force, wins! Or if they are driven back in panic from the shooting, the next few days or weeks result in a serious revolution and the mob wins that way. I can think of three historical examples of that without pausing to consider it. The St. Petersburg massacre in Russia, the 1790 Field of Mars riot in Paris, and the 1936 armed riot in Paris that led directly to the collapse of the French government and the Fall of France in 1940.

So I think these city governments would LIKE to be able to control the organized shoplifting, the rioting and looting and burning, but there are just too many people doing it and they aren't allowed even to try shooting back ---- the government is disarmed. They are Dems and they are locked into supporting the homeless, for example, who are taking over California. I read last month that California has 80% of the nation's homeless now --- many camping in San Francisco on the streets! There's too many; it's like the illegal aliens: they just can't stop them.

If they try, all the other Woke Dems yell and complain that they shouldn't use horses to drive back the mobs of Haitians trying to break in, for instance. To stop this, something huge would have to change, politically.

Trump comes to mind. . . . . .

Anything can be stopped, it's just a matter of restraints.

When the riots broke out the leftist cities were letting them out of jail as fast as they came in. Whorris was asking her few supporters to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bailout the rioters so they could go back and riot some more. Trump offered all distressed lib cities federal help, but they all refused. They wanted the riots and protests to last for months if possible.

You can't help people who don't want your help, especially when they have a political goal in mind. In 2020 it was to try and make the country look so bad so Trump would get some of the blame. It's why they kept a daily death count of covid patients blaming Trump for each one, and when Dementia got in, it stopped suddenly.

The Democrats didn't care about the billions of dollars in damage to public and private property. They could care less about the police who lost their lives or suffered serious injury. It didn't bother them twice about all the businesses that were burned down or had to close forever. The only thing they cared about was beating Trump. Everything else were just unfortunate causalities.

This is what power obsession does.
It's pretty great how Youngkin conned the orange pile of shit.

Younkin gave the orange pile the ass.kissing he wants, to avoid getting primaried. Then he put the orange pile on a shelf.

The other GOPers are watching this closely with great hope that they can keep using this tactic on the orange idiot to keep him at a distance.
It was not because of Biden he got the votes. Trump made the entire election about him, he made it Trump vs Not-Trump. He basically won in 2016 because he was not Hillary, so he tried again.

I know a lot of people that voted for Biden, none of them were all that happy about it to say the least. But he was not Trump and they voted for him.

You exemplified what's wrong with our election system. Too many stupid people voting.

How can anybody look at Trump's accomplishments and a decrepit old guy like Biden and vote him over Trump? Because it's a personality contest with them. Our founders had a good idea when they considered not letting everybody vote. If you're going to vote for representatives using the same criteria you used to vote for your favorite American Idol contestant, is it any wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today?
You exemplified what's wrong with our election system. Too many stupid people voting.

How can anybody look at Trump's accomplishments and a decrepit old guy like Biden and vote him over Trump? Because it's a personality contest with them. Our founders had a good idea when they considered not letting everybody vote. If you're going to vote for representatives using the same criteria you used to vote for your favorite American Idol contestant, is it any wonder why our country is in the shape it's in today?

Just because you do not agree with them, does not make the stupid. People saw how badly he fucked up the COVID response on top of other things and the canned the man. You talk about him like he was actually a good POTUS or something. Prior to 2020 he was only marginally better than the guy before him, then 2020 killed him
Just because you do not agree with them, does not make the stupid. People saw how badly he fucked up the COVID response on top of other things and the canned the man. You talk about him like he was actually a good POTUS or something. Prior to 2020 he was only marginally better than the guy before him, then 2020 killed him

You must be completely stupid to vote Dementia over Trump. Are you going to force me to list all his accomplishments again? How great our country was doing until Joe's buddies in China sent us their virus?

So how did Trump fuck up covid when Dementia has more covid deaths than Trump and he had 3 vaccines all along while Trump had nothing? Please explain how a US President has control over a microorganism. And don't give me that leftist bullshit "Trump said this and Trump said that." It's a commie cop out. People don't conduct their personal lives over what any President says. Quit buying the commie propaganda.
Just because you do not agree with them, does not make the stupid. People saw how badly he fucked up the COVID response on top of other things and the canned the man. You talk about him like he was actually a good POTUS or something. Prior to 2020 he was only marginally better than the guy before him, then 2020 killed him
I see someone bought into MSNBC bullshit.
It's pretty great how Youngkin conned the orange pile of shit.

Younkin gave the orange pile the ass.kissing he wants, to avoid getting primaried. Then he put the orange pile on a shelf.

The other GOPers are watching this closely with great hope that they can keep using this tactic on the orange idiot to keep him at a distance.
hahaha the sad think is your dembot cultist think this election is about trump
Look at what happened to the polling in Virginia in the last 2 weeks, when Younkin made it clear he doesn't want the orange pile anywhere near him:


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