No Matter the Outcome Today in Virginia

Then you can throw in the many cities in CA as well. A month or so ago Tucker had a video showing homeless people selling stuff for money in Seattle. None of it Walmart merchandise, it was all high end quality items. Where could they have gotten those items to sell? Were manufacturers selling them the stuff for cost?

Probably from Wincos house.
Not if those pushing the fraud narrative for the past year plus did their work well. The new norm will now be every election will be doubted by the party that did not win. Somewhere our enemies are smiling at the stupidity of our country.
A VERY simple solution to that would be MUCH better transparency.
Glad you think it is fair. But Biden gained more votes than Trump compared to 2016 in all but 5 states, and 4 of those were deep blue states. Thus the cheating would not have been limited to just 5 states, but in almost all of them.
Why all of them? All Biden needed was a few precincts within a few swing states to overcome Trumps 75 million votes.
Not if those pushing the fraud narrative for the past year plus did their work well. The new norm will now be every election will be doubted by the party that did not win. Somewhere our enemies are smiling at the stupidity of our country.
So, true. The Chinese and Russians could not ask for better friends than Trumpists. They do all the dirty work for them. They tear down our system and divide our nation. Trumpists have become no more than a fourth column in this nation.
Why all of them? All Biden needed was a few precincts within a few swing states to overcome Trumps 75 million votes.

Because Biden had more votes in all of them than Hillary did in 2016, and in 45 out of 50 states his gain over her was larger than Trump's gain from 2016. So either more people were really voting for him or they were not....which is it?

And the narrative is that Biden did not really get more votes than Obama, so we are talking at least 12 million fake votes...12 millions fake votes in a few precincts would be pretty easy to spot since no precinct in the country has that many voters.
Then you can throw in the many cities in CA as well. A month or so ago Tucker had a video showing homeless people selling stuff for money in Seattle. None of it Walmart merchandise, it was all high end quality items. Where could they have gotten those items to sell? Were manufacturers selling them the stuff for cost?
No, they stole them all.

Because the stores let them shoplift openly.

But you know this. Seems strange to me, what these cities are allowing. I'm hoping for a backlash. We're sure due for one!
Because Biden had more votes in all of them than Hillary did in 2016, and in 45 out of 50 states his gain over her was larger than Trump's gain from 2016. So either more people were really voting for him or they were not....which is it?

And the narrative is that Biden did not really get more votes than Obama, so we are talking at least 12 million fake votes...12 millions fake votes in a few precincts would be pretty easy to spot since no precinct in the country has that many voters.
You're making the case for me. It is nearly a statistical impossibility.

Trump, the alleged loser, had 15 million more votes than he did in 2016. It was the largest increase EVER from one presidential election cycle to the next, by leaps and bounds. And to have Biden get even MORE has NEVER EVER EVER happened....EVER.

So, it certainly LOOKS suspicious.

Transparency solves all these problems.
You're making the case for me. It is nearly a statistical impossibility.

Trump, the alleged loser, had 15 million more votes than he did in 2016. It was the largest increase EVER from one presidential election cycle to the next, by leaps and bounds. And to have Biden get even MORE has NEVER EVER EVER happened....EVER.

So, it certainly LOOKS suspicious.

Transparency solves all these problems.
Well, you can easily up the vote count a lot if you let all the illegals vote, and all the dead people, and all the people who haven't lived there for 20 years (they still send voting info to my daughter, after all these years -- of course we don't vote her ballot, but we sure could, and I bet many people do vote ballots of that kind. Only Democrats, illegally.) And all those ballots in boxes under the table. Seems to me those under-table ballots ought to be thoroughly investigated.
You're making the case for me. It is nearly a statistical impossibility.

Trump, the alleged loser, had 15 million more votes than he did in 2016. It was the largest increase EVER from one presidential election cycle to the next, by leaps and bounds. And to have Biden get even MORE has NEVER EVER EVER happened....EVER.

So, it certainly LOOKS suspicious.

This is correct which is why I don't support the "stolen election" thing. They both got more votes and Trump doubled his votes with blacks. What's unbelievable to most of us is that Biden got the most votes in history. He didn't campaign, ran everything from his basement, his son was under FBI investigation, and he spent nearly 40 years in federal government not accomplishing a thing, and he got a record amount of votes?

Well if both candidates had such an increase in votes, it only tells us one thing, that mail-in caused this huge increase. More stupid and politically ignorant voters which is how Dementia won. It's why mail-in needs to be eliminated with the exception of those who have no possibility to vote in person.
No, they stole them all.

Because the stores let them shoplift openly.

But you know this. Seems strange to me, what these cities are allowing. I'm hoping for a backlash. We're sure due for one!

It's actually happened in LA. Nearly all the Walgreens closed up and other stores not far behind them. No place for granny to get her prescriptions at.
You're making the case for me. It is nearly a statistical impossibility.

Trump, the alleged loser, had 15 million more votes than he did in 2016. It was the largest increase EVER from one presidential election cycle to the next, by leaps and bounds. And to have Biden get even MORE has NEVER EVER EVER happened....EVER.

So, it certainly LOOKS suspicious.

Transparency solves all these problems.

so we are now back to cheating in every state, the thing you seemed to argue against 2 post ago. We are now back to more than 15 million fake votes all across the country.

Why would Wyoming and Oklahoma and all those other deep red states help Biden to cheat?

We have transparency, the same transparency we have always had. That was good enough until Trump told it was not. Had Trump won not a single one of you all would be talking about transparency
What's unbelievable to most of us is that Biden got the most votes in history. He didn't campaign, ran everything from his basement, his son was under FBI investigation, and he spent nearly 40 years in federal government not accomplishing a thing, and he got a record amount of votes?

It was not because of Biden he got the votes. Trump made the entire election about him, he made it Trump vs Not-Trump. He basically won in 2016 because he was not Hillary, so he tried again.

I know a lot of people that voted for Biden, none of them were all that happy about it to say the least. But he was not Trump and they voted for him.
It's actually happened in LA. Nearly all the Walgreens closed up and other stores not far behind them. No place for granny to get her prescriptions at.
Just can't do business there? Doesn't sound like a good business environment!

I guess what I think is really going on is that the Western city governments simply cannot stop all this. They no longer have sovereignty. No monopoly on violence, as the saying goes. It's like the mobs of rioters, and why the police really can't control them: there are just too many and not enough police at best.

And no use saying, "Shoot 'em!" because that may not work either. Often in history that has been tried and frequently the crowd, being many times larger than the police or army force, wins! Or if they are driven back in panic from the shooting, the next few days or weeks result in a serious revolution and the mob wins that way. I can think of three historical examples of that without pausing to consider it. The St. Petersburg massacre in Russia, the 1790 Field of Mars riot in Paris, and the 1936 armed riot in Paris that led directly to the collapse of the French government and the Fall of France in 1940.

So I think these city governments would LIKE to be able to control the organized shoplifting, the rioting and looting and burning, but there are just too many people doing it and they aren't allowed even to try shooting back ---- the government is disarmed. They are Dems and they are locked into supporting the homeless, for example, who are taking over California. I read last month that California has 80% of the nation's homeless now --- many camping in San Francisco on the streets! There's too many; it's like the illegal aliens: they just can't stop them.

If they try, all the other Woke Dems yell and complain that they shouldn't use horses to drive back the mobs of Haitians trying to break in, for instance. To stop this, something huge would have to change, politically.

Trump comes to mind. . . . . .
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We want the dirty Dem elections cleaned up, GG!

find some proof of fraud and I am with you.

I have posted this a few times and nobody will ever comment on it...but I will try again...

I was open to the idea of fraud in the election after it was over.

So I watched some of the early hearings on it.

The one held at the hotel in Michigan by the Michigan senate started with a Dem senator asking if the witnesses would be sworn in, she was told she was out of order and it was not necessary.

Then I watched Rudy say that more ballots were mailed back in Pa than were mailed out. I thought, wow that is a smoking gun. Then I did my own research and it took less than 5 min to find out he lied.

Then I watched the hearings in Ga, where they has real life data analyst (my profession by the way). He talked about statistical anomalies, a fancy word for outliers. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

And then I watched the first Az hearings, and they put up a guy they called an "expert mathematician", he lied about the population change and the change in the number of voters in the state . Imagine my shock when I found this same guy's profile on LinkedIn and found out he was not a mathematician, that he had not training nor education is math or analytics. Turns out he is a financial planner that loves conspiracy theories. I am not sure if the Repubs in Az were dishonest or incompetent and did not check his credentials.

If the case for fraud is so strong, why all the lying?
So, true. The Chinese and Russians could not ask for better friends than Trumpists. They do all the dirty work for them. They tear down our system and divide our nation. Trumpists have become no more than a fourth column in this nation.

The demleftists are Russia and Chinas besties. Demleftists divide this nation by pitting rich against poor, black against white, young against old and anything else they can fabricate to win elections.
might want to look a little further back…it’s been around a lot longer then what that screen shot shows

it does not really matter. Cali was a solid Repub state once. The more recent is all that really matters when it comes to voting trends
find some proof of fraud and I am with you.

I have posted this a few times and nobody will ever comment on it...but I will try again...

I was open to the idea of fraud in the election after it was over.

So I watched some of the early hearings on it.

The one held at the hotel in Michigan by the Michigan senate started with a Dem senator asking if the witnesses would be sworn in, she was told she was out of order and it was not necessary.

Then I watched Rudy say that more ballots were mailed back in Pa than were mailed out. I thought, wow that is a smoking gun. Then I did my own research and it took less than 5 min to find out he lied.

Then I watched the hearings in Ga, where they has real life data analyst (my profession by the way). He talked about statistical anomalies, a fancy word for outliers. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

And then I watched the first Az hearings, and they put up a guy they called an "expert mathematician", he lied about the population change and the change in the number of voters in the state . Imagine my shock when I found this same guy's profile on LinkedIn and found out he was not a mathematician, that he had not training nor education is math or analytics. Turns out he is a financial planner that loves conspiracy theories. I am not sure if the Repubs in Az were dishonest or incompetent and did not check his credentials.

If the case for fraud is so strong, why all the lying?
Nice post! I like it that you are a data analyst.

All the same, I guess you can see plainly enough that a lot of us have had it with the poor-quality election monitoring. The lack of Voter ID is a running sore, and I sure don't like all those ballots and such floating around like the one that comes to my daughter 20 years later, or to my father-in-law years after he died. Or the easily fiddled computer voting. It absolutely does need tightening up, and if Dems don't want this used as a reason for rebellion (and if we rebel, it sure will be one of the reasons), they should make elections transparent and honest. Trump, as he often did and does, grabbed onto a real and serious problem the GOP has with the way big-city Dems try to do us dirty. As was the case with Obama's birth certificate issue, it's not the issue itself -------- it's what it symbolizes. Obama, we were really saying, doesn't belong, isn't really American, is a damn Muslim, his mother is a plain slut, he lived most of his life in Sandland, he lied about things in his past, he's not respectable -- and we want a respectable president!

Same deal with the Did Trump Win question. It's not that question in itself that is important to many of us: it's what it symbolizes. Which is that we KNOW the big-city dems are cheating and have been cheating forever, at least since Kennedy stole Chicago. Probably longer. We KNOW they vote the dead and any ballots lying around and every illegal they can catch and felons and retarded and drunks and Somalis they pay to vote. That the reason the big-city votes come in so late is that they are working their printing presses manufacturing votes and putting them in boxes under the tables, use as needed.

We want the elections cleaned up.
it does not really matter. Cali was a solid Repub state once. The more recent is all that really matters when it comes to voting trends
as i stated it’s been a deep blue states for generations.

Cali has had 40 Govs, most have been dems, it’s a state that’s flipped a lot, very purple over generations…not like VA at all…who’s been deep blue

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