No Matter the Outcome Today in Virginia

Glad you think it is fair. But Biden gained more votes than Trump compared to 2016 in all but 5 states, and 4 of those were deep blue states. Thus the cheating would not have been limited to just 5 states, but in almost all of them.

Then there is the simple fact there has been no actual evidence of these 10 to 12 million fake ballots.
There has been evidence but by claiming no standing or other legal tricks it has been ignored, Signed affidavits were dismissed and ignored.
There has been evidence but by claiming no standing or other legal tricks it has been ignored, Signed affidavits were dismissed and ignored.

Did you read any of those "Signed affidavits". they used to have a website with all of them, not sure if they still do. They were pretty impressive. One person said basically the other people were mean to them. Another person said they allowed a guy to wear a BLM shirt while counting. None of the actually gave any evidence of fraud.

I was open to the idea of fraud in the election. So I watched some of the early hearings on it.

The one held at the hotel in Michigan by the Michigan senate started with a Dem senator asking if the witnesses would be sworn in, she was told she was out of order and it was not necessary.

Then I watched Rudy say that more ballots were mailed back in Pa than were mailed out. I thought, wow that is a smoking gun. Then I did my own research and it took less than 5 min to find out he lied.

Then I watched the hearings in Ga, where they has real life data analyst (my profession by the way). He talked about statistical anomalies. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

And then I watched the first Az hearings, and they put up a guy they called an "expert mathematician", he used a lot of words but did not really say anything except a few lies about population growth and the number of voters. Again, took me less than 30 minutes to find out he lied. Imagine my shock when I found this same guy's profile on LinkedIn and found out he was not a mathematician, that he had not training nor education is math or analytics. Turns out he is a financial planner that loves conspiracy theories. I am not sure if the Repubs in Az were dishonest or incompetent and did not check his credentials.

Either way, I gave the idea a chance, but in the end there is not one single bit of evidence for the widespread fraud needed to change the election.
This is what dumbasses look like.

Virginia is not a swing state in a Presidential election year. I'm hoping the Dimm plunge protection team did not have time to effectively rig this state.
But trump set up the Election Fraud Cry in 2015.
So you Clowns are well versed in screaming, FRAUD.
We need Free and Fair Elections.
Win or Lose, you scream FRAUD.
Apparently McAuliffe just said yesterday at his last pre-election speech that he was going to diversify teachers in Virginia ---- meaning he was going to stuff the schools with black teachers. He said there were 80% white teachers, but 50% black students (Virginia obviously has a serious problem with way too many blacks!). So he was going to even it up. I suspect that will NOT please parents anymore than all the other stuff has ---- the dirty books, the CRT, the trannies raping girls in the bathrooms.

I thought that was sort of a crazy thing to do, to threaten to push black teachers on everyone. He must be desperate, throwing a Hail Mary pass, but if people are already upset about black problems, why would they want this?
McAuliffe’s public promise for votes, to cover all costs: tuition, room and board, all other educational costs- for black skin only subset- teaching 5 years in VA. This should be called out for racist intentions to give one group a free ride and only that group. If this governor was honest he should also add a statement like: To be clear, only non-white, non-Asians, non-Europeans (talk about a huge diversity there rarely ever mentioned bulked as “white”), non-Hispanics, non-islanders, non-Irish, non-Indians, non-American Indians qualify. Wonder how that rhetoric would have fared in his precinct? (From the video, however, it looked like he was speaking to a predominantly black audience.)

If VA’s public school administration sincerely wants to improve, it’s not about filling skin color quotas, sorry. For the record, I would feel the same way if I were Black assuming I used fairness-for-all as the measuring stick. Teaching positions should be filled by the most qualified person for the job, regardless of skin color.
There has been evidence but by claiming no standing or other legal tricks it has been ignored, Signed affidavits were dismissed and ignored.
You still clinging to this Fake News^^^^^^^^^

Read post #144, learn something.
Rudy is a Fraud.
Dismissed because they weren't ignored, they were dismissed because they held no standing.
Judges, even trump judges, laughed at this so-called evidence and signed affidavits.
But trump set up the Election Fraud Cry in 2015.
So you Clowns are well versed in screaming, FRAUD.
We need Free and Fair Elections.
Win or Lose, you scream FRAUD.

I haven't screamed it yet in this election.
But the price of freedom IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE.
Voting is important.

Not of your lazy ass is too lazy to vote in person. Having people vote in person weeds out the people who don't really care much about voting. They don't care because most of them have no idea WTF they're even voting on. Our electors are being chosen by Obama Phone people. This is what the Communist party wants. It's why they are pushing for all mail-in voting.
At 71% disapproval rate for Biden... it's really doubtful that Democrats win the day there.
Don't you know believing in meritocracy is racist?

Kidding, kidding, you are right, of course.
Just 10 years back Circe I would not have realized you were being facetious as quickly as I did now! I was on political chat rooms around that time and that was actually discussed frequently that it was somehow “unfair” to give jobs to the best qualified candidates and I am absolutely serious! Lol As you likely know there is still such talk but less in print now as most of the self-labeled intellects are muting that more. Not sure what oligarchs are going do as more commoners become enlightened. They’re going to have two choices, to either stop trying to force feed the public total nonsense or continue to subvert and face much worse consequences. A toss up?
If Youngkin wins, but doesn’t win the Va. House of Delegates, it doesn’t matter anyway. He can’t do anything. And Democratic women control that chamber.

That's all irrelevant. What we are looking for is a mood swing in the country. Turning a blue state red is a great sign that is happening. That's besides the fact if Youngkin does win and can't get any great ideas through, he can tell people why that is.
It is so cute you think you win. Nothing ever changes no matter who wins, but you think your side winning makes you a winner.

Shit, I guess I should be happy for you. To live in such ignorance must be blissful as hell.

When Trump won he did wonders for this country. I was happy to be a winner. His list of accomplishments too large to keep posting over and over again. Look at our country now. If Trump would have won again, we would have nowhere near the amount of serious problems we have today. And if that was the case, would you stick to the statement nothing ever changes?

But Dementia did win, and we had plenty of changes all for the negative. That's what you get for not voting the better of the two candidates or parties even if you don't agree with them. And Trust me, I don't agree with everything Trump and I certainly don't agree with many things going on in the GOP. What I also know is if Trump took the last election, our country would be in ten times better shape now. Instead, we are under threat of going trillions more in the hole for Democrat pork.
At 71% disapproval rate for Biden... it's really doubtful that Democrats win the day there.

He had bad numbers during the CA recall as well, so don't bet your last dollar on this race.

Many people who vote D have zero idea what they are even voting on. They are completely politically ignorant, or know very little about how our government is conducting the country. They vote because they believe it's their patriotic duty, when the reality is if you have no idea what you're voting on, the most patriotic thing you can do is stay home on election day.
FAKE NEWS and FRAUD, it has started.

Voting is important.
Almost ALL the Congress Members Vote by Mail.
Oh, because they are out of State.
In WA, we vote by mail, no problem.
I think you can still vote in person, IF you can locate the voting center.

Washington Voting Information

Even though Washington is a vote-by-mail state, you can still receive in-person services. Each county will have a voting center, at which you can register to vote, receive a replacement ballot, use an accessible voting unit, and more.

I enjoy watching leftism destroy Seattle. A once beautiful city, is now a shinning example of the horrors of leftism.
I enjoy watching leftism destroy Seattle. A once beautiful city, is now a shinning example of the horrors of leftism.

Then you can throw in the many cities in CA as well. A month or so ago Tucker had a video showing homeless people selling stuff for money in Seattle. None of it Walmart merchandise, it was all high end quality items. Where could they have gotten those items to sell? Were manufacturers selling them the stuff for cost?

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