No More Masks

Virus didn't change, just guidance for protecting yourself and others, in light of effectiveness of being full vaccinated. I'm set. How bout you?
LIke I said, Veggie Joe and all those around him have been fully vaccinated.........and yet they continued wearing masks AND social distancing outside until today.

What changed, scientifically?
I have had to do crap I didn't like, sometimes in a manner I didn't like, just to set the example for others from a leadership position most of my adult life. Joe Biden has just been setting the example, from the top, down. No less than should have been expected of the leader of the country.

East Coast held hostage by Russian Hackers
Illegals pouring in
Inflation is here and now
Israel in a major war vs Hamas
M&A world turned upside down due to his stupid tax law proposal changes

That’s a leader? Truth over Facts
1. This is Nostra's daily anti-covid protection thread so all your point do not apply.
2. Been telling you and everybody else about those damn Russians, since I got on this board.
3. They didn't get Donny re-elected, though the did support. Would have been surprised if they didn't launch some kind of shady non-military (no bullets or bombs) attack, to show their displeasure, and of course, there was really good money in it, as Colonial paid off like a slot machine to the tune of $5 MILLION DOLLARS. Not that it matters to Colonial as the increase gas prices (GPM) remaining constant will pay them back in less than a week. Chalk it up to profits of inflation.
4. Joe Fkd up at the border and knows it. Strange, I have heard in the last week he is giving the money trump stole from the military funds approved by congress back to the military to fund those projects, and at the same time is going to be building more wall. Nobody ever told me where he is getting the money to do both. It wasn't in the last budget, passed under trump, that's for sure.
5. If the Palestinians had not decided to start rocket attacks on Israel, Israel would not be bombing the crap out of them and sending ground troops into Gaza. Fine with me. GO ISRAEL!
6. Not worried about taxes, as I just hit the point, I have aimed at for the first time in memory. Got nothing back, but did not owe either and I still get to keep all my stuff, go on multiple vacations and trips, and I don't have to wear a mask because we are both fully vaccinated and not planning to fly before next ski season.
Virus didn't change, just guidance for protecting yourself and others, in light of effectiveness of being full vaccinated. I'm set. How bout you?
LIke I said, Veggie Joe and all those around him have been fully vaccinated.........and yet they continued wearing masks AND social distancing outside until today.

What changed, scientifically?
I have had to do crap I didn't like, sometimes in a manner I didn't like, just to set the example for others from a leadership position most of my adult life. Joe Biden has just been setting the example, from the top, down. No less than should have been expected of the leader of the country.

East Coast held hostage by Russian Hackers
Illegals pouring in
Inflation is here and now
Israel in a major war vs Hamas
M&A world turned upside down due to his stupid tax law proposal changes

That’s a leader? Truth over Facts
1. This is Nostra's daily anti-covid protection thread so all your point do not apply.
2. Been telling you and everybody else about those damn Russians, since I got on this board.
3. They didn't get Donny re-elected, though the did support. Would have been surprised if they didn't launch some kind of shady non-military (no bullets or bombs) attack, to show their displeasure, and of course, there was really good money in it, as Colonial paid off like a slot machine to the tune of $5 MILLION DOLLARS. Not that it matters to Colonial as the increase gas prices (GPM) remaining constant will pay them back in less than a week. Chalk it up to profits of inflation.
4. Joe Fkd up at the border and knows it. Strange, I have heard in the last week he is giving the money trump stole from the military funds approved by congress back to the military to fund those projects, and at the same time is going to be building more wall. Nobody ever told me where he is getting the money to do both. It wasn't in the last budget, passed under trump, that's for sure.
5. If the Palestinians had not decided to start rocket attacks on Israel, Israel would not be bombing the crap out of them and sending ground troops into Gaza. Fine with me. GO ISRAEL!
6. Not worried about taxes, as I just hit the point, I have aimed at for the first time in memory. Got nothing back, but did not owe either and I still get to keep all my stuff, go on multiple vacations and trips, and I don't have to wear a mask because we are both fully vaccinated and not planning to fly before next ski season.
1. This is Nostra's daily anti-covid protection thread so all your point do not apply.

Explain in great detail how this thread is an "anti-covid protection thread" simply because I asked what science this sudden reversal of policy from Veggie Joe and his CDC is based on?

You have no answer, so you bring this bullshit.

Oh, and link us up to all my other "daily anti-covid protection threads".................or just one.
Virus didn't change, just guidance for protecting yourself and others, in light of effectiveness of being full vaccinated. I'm set. How bout you?
LIke I said, Veggie Joe and all those around him have been fully vaccinated.........and yet they continued wearing masks AND social distancing outside until today.

What changed, scientifically?
I have had to do crap I didn't like, sometimes in a manner I didn't like, just to set the example for others from a leadership position most of my adult life. Joe Biden has just been setting the example, from the top, down. No less than should have been expected of the leader of the country.

East Coast held hostage by Russian Hackers
Illegals pouring in
Inflation is here and now
Israel in a major war vs Hamas
M&A world turned upside down due to his stupid tax law proposal changes

That’s a leader? Truth over Facts
1. This is Nostra's daily anti-covid protection thread so all your point do not apply.
2. Been telling you and everybody else about those damn Russians, since I got on this board.
3. They didn't get Donny re-elected, though the did support. Would have been surprised if they didn't launch some kind of shady non-military (no bullets or bombs) attack, to show their displeasure, and of course, there was really good money in it, as Colonial paid off like a slot machine to the tune of $5 MILLION DOLLARS. Not that it matters to Colonial as the increase gas prices (GPM) remaining constant will pay them back in less than a week. Chalk it up to profits of inflation.
4. Joe Fkd up at the border and knows it. Strange, I have heard in the last week he is giving the money trump stole from the military funds approved by congress back to the military to fund those projects, and at the same time is going to be building more wall. Nobody ever told me where he is getting the money to do both. It wasn't in the last budget, passed under trump, that's for sure.
5. If the Palestinians had not decided to start rocket attacks on Israel, Israel would not be bombing the crap out of them and sending ground troops into Gaza. Fine with me. GO ISRAEL!
6. Not worried about taxes, as I just hit the point, I have aimed at for the first time in memory. Got nothing back, but did not owe either and I still get to keep all my stuff, go on multiple vacations and trips, and I don't have to wear a mask because we are both fully vaccinated and not planning to fly before next ski season.
And this is whitey's daily fence-straddling post where he disavows any statements that are not popular today but were yesterday. LMAO
Virus didn't change, just guidance for protecting yourself and others, in light of effectiveness of being full vaccinated. I'm set. How bout you?
LIke I said, Veggie Joe and all those around him have been fully vaccinated.........and yet they continued wearing masks AND social distancing outside until today.

What changed, scientifically?
I have had to do crap I didn't like, sometimes in a manner I didn't like, just to set the example for others from a leadership position most of my adult life. Joe Biden has just been setting the example, from the top, down. No less than should have been expected of the leader of the country.
Setting an example like being in his basement all last year?
What basement? I saw a picture of him and whatsername the VP walking outside the White House without masks, just today. You talking about him not making big public appearances during the run for the Presidency. Why should he? He was running against trump. We had his number and knew Joe would be better, hands down. Trump had to make a lot of public appearances just to keep his base, even though he spread covid everywhere he went, the dumb ass!
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Virus didn't change, just guidance for protecting yourself and others, in light of effectiveness of being full vaccinated. I'm set. How bout you?
LIke I said, Veggie Joe and all those around him have been fully vaccinated.........and yet they continued wearing masks AND social distancing outside until today.

What changed, scientifically?
I have had to do crap I didn't like, sometimes in a manner I didn't like, just to set the example for others from a leadership position most of my adult life. Joe Biden has just been setting the example, from the top, down. No less than should have been expected of the leader of the country.
Setting an example like being in his basement all last year?
What basement? I saw a picture of him and whatsername the VP walking outside the White House without masks, just today. You talking about him not making big public appearances during the run for the Presidency. Why should he? He was running against trump. We had his number and knew Joe would be better, hands down. Trump had to make a lot of public appearances just to keep is base, even though he spread covid everywhere he went, the dumb ass!
What part of "LAST YEAR" did you not comprehend?
Just last week Biden was wearing a mask outside, socially distanced from others who have had the Trump vaccines.

Today the CDC says if you had the vaccine you don't need a mask, outdoors OR indoors.

So, how did the science change? Surely they aren't trying to tell us what to do based on politics and not science, right?

Go ask Trump. "Ask Chiinaay."

Have you been vaccinated?
Why would I ask Trump about Pedo Joe being a science denier?
Ask DJT. You know, the Guy that lost the House, Senate and Presidenct. You know, that guy. DJT. He would know. You Folks are Dense.
Virus didn't change, just guidance for protecting yourself and others, in light of effectiveness of being full vaccinated. I'm set. How bout you?
LIke I said, Veggie Joe and all those around him have been fully vaccinated.........and yet they continued wearing masks AND social distancing outside until today.

What changed, scientifically?
I have had to do crap I didn't like, sometimes in a manner I didn't like, just to set the example for others from a leadership position most of my adult life. Joe Biden has just been setting the example, from the top, down. No less than should have been expected of the leader of the country.
Setting an example like being in his basement all last year?
What basement? I saw a picture of him and whatsername the VP walking outside the White House without masks, just today. You talking about him not making big public appearances during the run for the Presidency. Why should he? He was running against trump. We had his number and knew Joe would be better, hands down. Trump had to make a lot of public appearances just to keep is base, even though he spread covid everywhere he went, the dumb ass!
What are you getting at?
Just last week Biden was wearing a mask outside, socially distanced from others who have had the Trump vaccines.

Today the CDC says if you had the vaccine you don't need a mask, outdoors OR indoors.

So, how did the science change? Surely they aren't trying to tell us what to do based on politics and not science, right?

Head on over to India. I hear there are several variants over there., you're suddenly questioning why people are giving the green light to something
you and your ilk have been absolutely braying about for the last year?
You should be happy...and you would...if the other guy was still around. :)
Still trying to figure out why anybody has to wear a mask. If vaccines work and you're vaccinated, you don't need a mask and I don't need a mask. If masks work and you are wearing a mask, you shouldn't care if I am wearing a mask or not.
Virus didn't change, just guidance for protecting yourself and others, in light of effectiveness of being full vaccinated. I'm set. How bout you?
LIke I said, Veggie Joe and all those around him have been fully vaccinated.........and yet they continued wearing masks AND social distancing outside until today.

What changed, scientifically?
I have had to do crap I didn't like, sometimes in a manner I didn't like, just to set the example for others from a leadership position most of my adult life. Joe Biden has just been setting the example, from the top, down. No less than should have been expected of the leader of the country.
Setting an example like being in his basement all last year?
What basement? I saw a picture of him and whatsername the VP walking outside the White House without masks, just today. You talking about him not making big public appearances during the run for the Presidency. Why should he? He was running against trump. We had his number and knew Joe would be better, hands down. Trump had to make a lot of public appearances just to keep is base, even though he spread covid everywhere he went, the dumb ass!
What part of "LAST YEAR" did you not comprehend?
I comprehend he stayed with covid precautions, while trump held rallies (because he had to) and spread covid. I comprehend that Joe Biden campaigned on his terms, his way and won, while the president campaigned his ass off, and a lot of republicans caught covid and some died with it after attending his rallies. I comprehend that fish tank cleaner, bleach, and UV light did not stop the virus. I comprehend that trump ran a passive/agressive message on the dangers of covid, influencing his supporter to deny the dangers of catching it and when he caught it, didn't depend on Hydroxychloroquine, bleach, UV light or any other crazy crap to get him through (probably because he didn't want to die), but opted for cutting edge science and medicine not available to the public, the got the vaccine first chance he got, but didn't tell anybody nor tell his followers they should get the vaccine. Hell, he didn't even buy enough to vaccinate all the first responder, Doctors and nurses that were treating everybody else. I comprehend he let his convicted friends off the hook with commutations and pardons, including Stone, who was convicted by a jury on all criminal counts. I comprehend, when he lost the election, he hired the most inept lawyers to bring fourth the wildest conspiracy theories to the public, but without any proof to the courts, losing 62 our of 63 trips to court, losing in getting state legislatures to overturn the votes of the voters in the states, and couldn't even get his own Vice President to go against the constitution to throw the election his way at the last minute. I comprehend when he couldn't get the military to go along with marching against the will of the governors and mayors into their cities to take over, he constituted a non-military force, that went in to some of the cities and snatch people not even at the protest up in unmarked cars, to be questioned, and released without record or charges, until the some of the states invited trump unidentified storm troopers to get the hell out.
Did I miss something? Go ahead. Whine your ass off and tell White 6 your trouble with last year. Been listening to you guys whine ever since they started throwing all your little moronic, anti-American insurrectionists in jail for crimes against their country. I can listen to you whine some more.
Hip Hip Hooray!

I'm vaxxed and ready to go maskless!

Do you trust the CDC?

I think they err on the side of caution, but yes, I tend to trust them. I have no reason to distrust them.
Put it this way I trust them more than I trust a bunch of goat ropers on US Message Board for medical advice.
This just in, 8 members of the NY Yankees all of whom were previously vaccinated, tested positive for Covid this week. It sounds like all of the breakthrough cases are asymptomatic. They were all reportedly vaccinated with the J & J one shot.
Got my forged card all ready to go.

One person at work got theirs and didn't sign it, I copied it on stock paper of the same thickness and made a dozen copies for other people at work.

Got my forged card all ready to go.

One person at work got theirs and didn't sign it, I copied it on stock paper of the same thickness and made a dozen copies for other people at work.
Have you ever thought that maybe there's something to this mask wearing and vaccinating and you could cause yourself and others real harm?
Got my forged card all ready to go.

One person at work got theirs and didn't sign it, I copied it on stock paper of the same thickness and made a dozen copies for other people at work.

Got my forged card all ready to go.

One person at work got theirs and didn't sign it, I copied it on stock paper of the same thickness and made a dozen copies for other people at work.
Have you ever thought that maybe there's something to this mask wearing and vaccinating and you could cause yourself and others real harm?
Have you ever thought that you are a lemming who would follow this demented fool off of a cliff if he told you to? How about this--can you smell through your mask? Yes? Then it is useless against covid. You have fallen victim to the biggest SCAMDEMIC in the history of the world.
God gave us a test with this pandemic. Judging by this board we failed miserably.
And God told you this? They're coming to take you away, ho ho. You really think a lot of yourself that you feel that you are qualified to speak for God? I imagine we'll meet someday---IN HELL.
HaHaHa, it just keeps getting better. Biden and the CDC have dropped the (mostly ignored) mask mandate and many democrat governments are following suit. So, we still have covid and they are still saying it is spreading, but we don't have to mask. Proof positive that this was no more than the democrats flexing their control. Fuck Biden, the CDC, and every democrat on the face of the earth.

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