No more nominations for Mr Tempertantrum will be allowed EVER

A good starting response to Mr Whiner in Chief after he lies to America tonight about his ability to change standing law.

Fuck you Obama

I do hope we give him the opportunity to start vetoing bills in January, then begin Articles of Impeachment against him, for what he is planing to do later today.

A good starting response to Mr Whiner in Chief after he lies to America tonight about his ability to change standing law.

Fuck you Obama

I do hope we give him the opportunity to start vetoing bills in January, then begin Articles of Impeachment against him, for what he is planing to do later today.


22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn’t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law -

22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law

And published June 25, 2014

The Complete List of Barack Obama's Scandals, Misdeeds, and Crimes Against Humanity:

Maddow over at MSNBC is foaming at the mouth over the democrats refusing to ramrod the proposed AG. Will it be harder for her ilk to overthrow the will of the People with a non-activist AG not forcing non-laws on the People? Harder to mash that agenda through the states if an AG that stands by states' right to rule themselves a la Windsor 2013 is in place instead of the proposed Lynch (a reported 'civil rights activist') nomination?

It's interesting that democrats are resisting this nomination...I wonder if it has anything to do with the election results this month?... Seems like the old forcing-a-fascist-rule-on-the-People's-will idea kind of flopped this election? Maybe the dems lost some votes in those states where gay marriage is being forced on the citizens? In Texas where a mayor tried to audit pastor's sermons to be "pro-gay"..


Eric Holder at an LGBT rally. Wonder why he's stepping down?...

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No one is going to impeach and remove Obama. It's a pipe dream. BUt the GOP can effectively neuter him. After his speech where he refuses to enforce the law the states will have standing to sue him to overturn his EO. They should do so. Congress will shut down any policy he favors that is slightly off from what the GOP wants. THey should send him bill after bill and dare him to veto all of them.
Obama will become a powerless impotent little tin pot dictator railing against his enemies. His legacy will be the worst American president ever.
No one is going to impeach and remove Obama. It's a pipe dream. BUt the GOP can effectively neuter him. After his speech where he refuses to enforce the law the states will have standing to sue him to overturn his EO. They should do so. Congress will shut down any policy he favors that is slightly off from what the GOP wants. THey should send him bill after bill and dare him to veto all of them.
Obama will become a powerless impotent little tin pot dictator railing against his enemies. His legacy will be the worst American president ever.

There's never going to be the votes to impeach in the Senate, but I wish impeachment would be placed on the table and at least discussed in a serious manner.
The more Americans discuss it, the more lawmakers will know how unhappy most Americans are with this rogue president.
There's never going to be the votes to impeach in the Senate, but I wish impeachment would be placed on the table and at least discussed in a serious manner.
The more Americans discuss it, the more lawmakers will know how unhappy most Americans are with this rogue president.
This president is no more rogue than Dubya was. Nor Ronnie Ray-Gun. His agendas (well, one for sure...and where a ton of his campaign money came from) though are so far to the left, so way out in whack land that this is what makes his tyranny look worse than the tyranny of Dubya/Cheney or Ronnie Ray-Gun, which is to say, Cheney in both cases... In truth, Ray-Gun was dumb as a post; almost as dumb as Dubya.. It's why Cheney's boys tongue-in-cheek nicknamed Ray-Gun "the Gipper"..

No one is going to impeach and remove Obama. It's a pipe dream. BUt the GOP can effectively neuter him. After his speech where he refuses to enforce the law the states will have standing to sue him to overturn his EO. They should do so. Congress will shut down any policy he favors that is slightly off from what the GOP wants. THey should send him bill after bill and dare him to veto all of them.
Obama will become a powerless impotent little tin pot dictator railing against his enemies. His legacy will be the worst American president ever.

There's never going to be the votes to impeach in the Senate, but I wish impeachment would be placed on the table and at least discussed in a serious manner.
The more Americans discuss it, the more lawmakers will know how unhappy most Americans are with this rogue president.

its not a good move. People remember the last Impeachment circus, and all this one will do is 1) create sympathy for him 2) enrage and engage the democratic base.

The best bet is to make him use ye olde veto pen as much as possible, block any nominee that has even a hint of loving themselves some Obama monarchy, and defunding any action we see as illegitimate.
A good starting response to Mr Whiner in Chief after he lies to America tonight about his ability to change standing law.

Fuck you Obama
Di you shut down the other anti-immigration move by Oblama cause I ask how many Latino workers you have hired?
A good starting response to Mr Whiner in Chief after he lies to America tonight about his ability to change standing law.

Fuck you Obama
Di you shut down the other anti-immigration move by Oblama cause I ask how many Latino workers you have hired?
The latino employment stealing American jobs is so deep-seated that you'd be hard-pressed to find a single product or person who hasn't seen the "benefits" of illegal hispanic labor.

Which is why it has to stop. It's fine for them to be in the fields working agriculture. When it was limited to this just hard, backbreaking work, only the hardiest and most motivated of the illegals even bothered with crossing the border. Like it or not, their cheap labor keeps the price of food down. When they get free healthcare, welfare, education for their kids and so on, why the hell WOULDN'T they come here in endless tidal waves? Compared to where they come from, I would. You would. Anyone with a brain would..

There HAS to be disincentives built into any immigration policy. It HAS to suck. It HAS to be HARD if they circumvent the rules. The punishment for employers who hire illegals outside agriculture HAS to be PAINFUL. Illegals caught circumventing the rules go to ag-work camps, not revolving-wheel deported or sent to expensive prison terms none of us can afford to keep them in.

Coming here illegally HAS to SUCK. Anything else and the policy won't be worth the paper it's written on.

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