No, Most Republicans Don’t Support Russia

"what kind of shithole American praises Putin"​

Bet Republicans still can't admit that Russia helped trump election. Yet here he is praising Russia.

Please provide your undeniable proof from a unbiased and credible source that shows he did without a doubt used Russia to win the election

Unless you can do then I'll consider your argument false.
So what are you advocating for since you seem to have zero issues with Trump being best friends with dictators around the globe, while ignoring our allies. Sounds to me like you like the idea of having your very own dictator as long as he's on your "side."

My strategy is, don't claim you write "love notes" to each other, and don't claim you're in love with said dictator lol. Also I would stay away from back room deals, invitations to the white, and asking said dictator to work on cybersecurity with our governemtn :laugh: :laugh:

The idea that Trump was "best friends" with dictators is an idiotic idea, parroted by the disingenuous media and you folks who rely on a steady diet of their fecal matter. Nixon met with the Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong and shook hands with him. Did that make him "best friends" too?

Apparently you know very little about statesmanship, diplomacy, and the way things are supposed to work between adversarial governments. The fact is, none of this shit would have happened under a President Trump. Joe Biden was the worst possible choice for these times, and has turned everything he's touched into shit.

"what kind of shithole American praises Putin"​

Bet Republicans still can't admit that Russia helped rump win election. Yet here he is praising Russia.

Are you still parroting that sewage your media spoon fed you? Grow a fuckin' brain already and start thinking for yourself already.
The idea that Trump was "best friends" with dictators is an idiotic idea, parroted by the disingenuous media and you folks who rely on a steady diet of their fecal matter. Nixon met with the Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong and shook hands with him. Did that make him "best friends" too?

Apparently you know very little about statesmanship, diplomacy, and the way things are supposed to work between adversarial governments. The fact is, none of this shit would have happened under a President Trump. Joe Biden was the worst possible choice for these times, and has turned everything he's touched into shit.

Was it the media that made trump tell the world that he and kim jong un were in love? LMAO
General John Kelly, Donald Trump's former Chief Staff said he was in "disbelief" that prominent Republicans were praising the murderous Vladimir Putin.
"We’ve heard a lot of prominent Republicans – both in politics and in conservative media – praising Vladimir Putin, even calling him a genius,” CNN's Jake Tapper observed.

“What’s your response when you hear that?” Tapper asked Kelly.

"Disbelief,” Kelly replied. “[Putin] is a tyrant. He’s a murderer. He has attacked an innocent country whose only crime is that they want to be free and democratic and they’re working in that direction and have been working in that direction."

Kelly said Ukraine is a burgeoning democracy who worked along side the US and NATO as good partners.

"I can't imagine why someone would look at what's happening there and see it anything other than a criminal act," Kelly said.
Now why would Kelly say that if Republicans weren't supporting Russia?
General John Kelly, Donald Trump's former Chief Staff said he was in "disbelief" that prominent Republicans were praising the murderous Vladimir Putin.
"We’ve heard a lot of prominent Republicans – both in politics and in conservative media – praising Vladimir Putin, even calling him a genius,” CNN's Jake Tapper observed.

“What’s your response when you hear that?” Tapper asked Kelly.

"Disbelief,” Kelly replied. “[Putin] is a tyrant. He’s a murderer. He has attacked an innocent country whose only crime is that they want to be free and democratic and they’re working in that direction and have been working in that direction."

Kelly said Ukraine is a burgeoning democracy who worked along side the US and NATO as good partners.

"I can't imagine why someone would look at what's happening there and see it anything other than a criminal act," Kelly said.

Awwwww. You miss Trump too, don't you little feller?:11_2_1043:

^^^ Is this fantasy or real? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Words mean nothing, especially when they can be twisted, convoluted, and have the context manipulated by the media that feeds you your daily meals of fecal matter, which you so relish.

What does count, are deeds, actions, and accomplishments. President Trump was the first American President to cross the Korean DMZ when he had his historic meeting the the NORK leader, and he obtained the return of the remains of 200 American soldiers who fought so bravely, and died in North Korea. For this he offered the North Korean leader nothing in return.

Meanwhile today, Joe Biden crapped his pants three times, forgot who he was, and locked himself in a closet. Luckily for him, the Secret Service had access to a key, otherwise he would have missed his dinner meal of Cream of Wheat, he would have woke up cranky. Joe the Retard has a very busy day tomorrow. I heard he's having the USPS deliver some free COVID test kits, N95 masks, and crack pipes to the Ukrainians to help with their war effort.

Oh, BTW, North Korea carried out an unprecedented seven weapon tests in January -- including its most powerful missile since 2017 -- with negotiations with the United States at a standstill. Maybe that asshole Biden will send them a strongly-worded letter or something.

China vows cooperation with North Korea under 'new situation': KCNA
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Reposting for you Commie Tards that are trying to revise history!

Trump fires CRUISE MISSILES at Putin’s War Jets in Syria & Destroyed Millions of Dollars in Jet Fighters!

Biden cancels the. XL pipeline, fires 50,000 Americans and gives Putin Notdstream2 worth Billions in Putin’s pocket.

Then Biden tells Putin it’s ok to invade Ukraine?

Eat CRAP, Comrade Commies!
Words mean nothing, especially when they can be twisted, convoluted, and have the context manipulated by the media that feeds you your daily meals of fecal matter, which you so relish.

What does count, are deeds, actions, and accomplishments. President Trump was the first American President to cross the Korean DMZ when he had his historic meeting the the NORK leader, and he obtained the return of the remains of 200 American soldiers who fought so bravely, and died in North Korea. For this he offered the North Korean leader nothing in return.

Meanwhile today, Joe Biden crapped his pants three times, forgot who he was, and locked himself in a closet. Luckily for him, the Secret Service had access to a key, otherwise he would have missed his dinner meal of Cream of Wheat, he would have woke up cranky. Joe the Retard has a very busy day tomorrow. I heard he's having the USPS deliver some free COVID test kits, N95 masks, and crack pipes to the Ukrainians to help with their war effort.

Oh, BTW, North Korea carried out an unprecedented seven weapon tests in January -- including its most powerful missile since 2017 -- with negotiations with the United States at a standstill. Maybe that asshole Biden will send them a strongly-worded letter or something.

China vows cooperation with North Korea under 'new situation': KCNA

How can they be twisted when they are coming out of Donalds own mouth? lol
Republicans stepping up!

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine three weeks ago, there’s been little polling on this. But there is some evidence that most Republicans don’t share Mr. Trump’s isolationist perspective—let alone the view he offered two days before the invasion that Vladimir Putin declaring parts of Ukraine “independent” before sending in his military to overthrow the popularly elected Ukrainian government was “genius” and “pretty savvy.”​
Instead, a March 8 Reuters/Ipsos poll found that when asked who is “primarily to blame for the current situation between Russia and Ukraine,” 66% of Republicans blamed Mr. Putin, 2% Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, 15% President Biden, 4% the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and 13% someone else or said they didn’t know. By comparison, among all respondents, 68% blamed Mr. Putin, 3% Mr. Zelensky, 10% Mr. Biden, 3% NATO and 16% someone else or said they didn’t know. Rather than a love of Mr. Putin, what seems to differentiate GOP opinion from the rest of the electorate is a partisan knee-jerk reaction among some Republicans to blame Mr. Biden.​
It took 11 days, but Mr. Trump realized he’d stepped in a pile of decomposing bio-matter. Last Saturday he tried cleaning things up in an event closed to the press by reportedly saying, “At what point do countries say, ‘No, we can’t take this massive crime against humanity?’ ” But Mr. Trump being Mr. Trump, he had to renew his criticism of NATO, calling it “a paper tiger,” according to a source quoted by CBS. It was ironic he did so at a moment the alliance finally began demonstrating its strength by supplying Ukraine with weapons, ramping up sanctions and readying its forces in member countries bordering the conflict, crucially supporting America’s geopolitical interests. ...​
By a margin of 63% no to 37% yes, Republicans reject the view that what’s happening in Ukraine is “none of our business.” That compares with 65% no to 35% yes among all voters.​
By 70% yes to 30% no, Republicans believe the U.S. “must support democratic countries when they are attacked by nondemocratic countries,” compared with 73% to 27% among all voters.​
By 80% yes to 20% no, Republicans say that America “should put additional sanctions in place against Russia.” Among all voters, it’s the same.​
By 73% to 27%, Republicans agree America “should provide weapons to Ukraine.” It’s 70% to 30% among all voters.​
By 81% to 19%, Republicans feel the U.S. “should not buy oil or gas from Russia during this conflict, even if it causes American gas prices to increase.” It’s 80% to 20% among all voters.​
Even in this time of intense GOP concern over immigration, Republicans support the idea that the U.S. “should take in Ukrainian refugees” by 64% to 36%. Overall support for the notion is 74% to 26%.​


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