No....Mr are not exonerated...

Your president is a POS...and you applaud it...
Trumpbots applaud Trump because he is a piece of shit because they are pieces of shit...and he makes them feel better about themselves.

He allows them to think it’s okay to be racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, to fool around on your wife and to openly crave sex with your daughter.

He has made being dusgusting...acceptable to his disgusting, neo-Nazilike, Trumpbot followers.

Ah yes...when all else fails...when your arguments have the same weight as a fart in a strong the other side "racist, xenophobic, misogynistic" and "neo-Nazilike"! That'll win the day for ya! (eye roll)

The left has become pathetically predictable!

My arguments carry plenty of weight as they are usually backed up by links/facts. I don't recall you posting even ONE link to an unbiased source to back up anything I have read you type in our 'dealings'.
Show me a matter-of-fact statement (as opposed to an opinion) that I made that I did not back up with a link (either in that post or earlier in the thread) and I will find a link to back it up or apologize for making a matter-of-fact statement that I could not back up.

And I am NOT calling all Trump voters Trumpbots.

Trumpbots are the die hard ones who don't care/are proud of that he is semi-racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, fooled around on his wife like crazy, openly admitted (and seemed proud) that he sexually assaulted women numerous times and openly seems to sexually desire his eldest daughter.
These are not exaggerations...his statements and behavior back up EVERY, SINGLE ONE.
And his Trumpbots NEVER knock him for ANY of this behavior.

And yes, I would call people that do this and/or approve of these as disgusting, neo-Nazilike people.

And so should you.

Are you calling ME a Trumpbot? Which means you're calling me a neo-Nazi?

If you have no problem with (and thus approve of) Trump being semi-racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, fooled around on his wife like crazy, openly admitted (and seemed proud) that he sexually assaulted women numerous times and openly seems to sexually desire his eldest daughter?

Then you are a Trumpbot in my eyes.

If you wish to discuss this further - I will only do so in PM.

Good day.
View attachment 256944
Americans chose Trump over Hillary

NO, moron.....the electoral college "chose" Trump over Hillary.....The fucking number on the POPULAR vote are there even for a dimwit like you to see.......DO NOT say that "Americans chose Trump"......THAT is a fucked up LIE>
Sorry little buddy

Electoral college means NOTHING to me...which is why Trump is not the President, IMO.

Hillary Clinton is (whom I despise as a politician, BTW).

And I would feel the reverse if Trump had won the popular vote but lost the EC.

The following is the only chart that matters to me in this case:


That's seriously one of the most pathetic posts of yours yet.

The Electoral College means nothing to you? It determines who becomes President, you blathering idiot! It's the reason why Hillary got her ass handed to her!

I follow no laws that I do not agree with (unless to not do so is not worth it). And I do not agree with the Electoral College.

Sheep do whatever they are told.

Men/women of honor do what they think is right regardless of the 'law'/rules.

There are LOTS of bad laws...and the EC is one of them, IMO.

Trump is POTUS in name only to me. If he tried to boss me around...after I stopped laughing at him, I would probably spit in his face.
Your president is a POS...and you applaud it...
Trumpbots applaud Trump because he is a piece of shit because they are pieces of shit...and he makes them feel better about themselves.

He allows them to think it’s okay to be racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, to fool around on your wife and to openly crave sex with your daughter.

He has made being dusgusting...acceptable to his disgusting, neo-Nazilike, Trumpbot followers.

Ah yes...when all else fails...when your arguments have the same weight as a fart in a strong the other side "racist, xenophobic, misogynistic" and "neo-Nazilike"! That'll win the day for ya! (eye roll)

The left has become pathetically predictable!

My arguments carry plenty of weight as they are usually backed up by links/facts. I don't recall you posting even ONE link to an unbiased source to back up anything I have read you type in our 'dealings'.
Show me a matter-of-fact statement (as opposed to an opinion) that I made that I did not back up with a link (either in that post or earlier in the thread) and I will find a link to back it up or apologize for making a matter-of-fact statement that I could not back up.

And I am NOT calling all Trump voters Trumpbots.

Trumpbots are the die hard ones who don't care/are proud of that he is semi-racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, fooled around on his wife like crazy, openly admitted (and seemed proud) that he sexually assaulted women numerous times and openly seems to sexually desire his eldest daughter.
These are not exaggerations...his statements and behavior back up EVERY, SINGLE ONE.
And his Trumpbots NEVER knock him for ANY of this behavior.

And yes, I would call people that do this and/or approve of these as disgusting, neo-Nazilike people.

And so should you.

Are you calling ME a Trumpbot? Which means you're calling me a neo-Nazi?

If you have no problem with (and thus approve of) Trump being semi-racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, fooled around on his wife like crazy, openly admitted (and seemed proud) that he sexually assaulted women numerous times and openly seems to sexually desire his eldest daughter?

Then you are a Trumpbot in my eyes.

If you wish to discuss this further - I will only do so in PM.

Good day.

Time for lunch and meds, McLovin. Mommy said enough computer time for now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View attachment 256944
Americans chose Trump over Hillary

NO, moron.....the electoral college "chose" Trump over Hillary.....The fucking number on the POPULAR vote are there even for a dimwit like you to see.......DO NOT say that "Americans chose Trump"......THAT is a fucked up LIE>
Sorry little buddy

Electoral college means NOTHING to me...which is why Trump is not the President, IMO.

Hillary Clinton is (whom I despise as a politician, BTW).

And I would feel the same way had Trump won the popular vote (that he was the POTUS in that case because he won the PV but lost the EC).

The following is the only chart that matters to me in this case:


Nobody gives a shit about what you think of the EC, it's way it's done.
Deal with it.

Electoral college means NOTHING to me...which is why Trump is not the President, IMO.

Hillary Clinton is (whom I despise as a politician, BTW).

And I would feel the same way had Trump won the popular vote (that he was the POTUS in that case because he won the PV but lost the EC).

The following is the only chart that matters to me in this case:


We know that the Constitution means nothing to you.

You're a fucking Stalinist thug. If you could disenfranchise all voters in 46 states and render them with no voice in presidential elections, you do it in a heartbeat. You Communist piles of shit hate self-governance.

Problem is fool, you have no way to crush the Constitution as you desire. Even if Colorado vows to be the bitch of California, that will last at best one or two elections.
Typical RWNJ. Ignorant as fuck and happy with it.

Prosecutors don't "exonerate" people dumbass. You're being played...…

Then why are you dingbats claiming he did?

Show me one place where I said anyone exonerated anyone?
You can't. His job was to "prosecute". He couldn't.
Lord give these people a brain.

No...he wouldn't....this is a political issue now...Barr is no more than a trump butt kisser....just like most of you....

This white house is a lying den of thieves.
Liar!! This while house is a hell of a lot better than the last idiots there.
You need to change your screen name. You obviously have no concept what the word "justice" means.
Then why are you dingbats claiming he did?

Show me one place where I said anyone exonerated anyone?
You can't. His job was to "prosecute". He couldn't.
Lord give these people a brain.

No...he wouldn't....this is a political issue now...Barr is no more than a trump butt kisser....just like most of you....

This white house is a lying den of thieves. charges brought, why is that?
Do you not understand the phrase "political issue"? The report clearly intends to leave charges up to Congress, not tRump's latest sockpuppet.
It was political from the start. You idiots still got nothing.
You really should read it. It's not "nothing" in any way, shape, or form.
YES HE far as his voters are concerned he was totally exonerated...100%...:113::113::113::113::113::113:

You're right, Trump's followers do think he's been totally exonerated. But then again, they will swallow whole any lie that comes from their Orange Messiah.
I see you're confused with your own bunch yet again. Remember we deal with truth and reality while you clowns deal in falsehoods, dreams and delusions.
YES HE far as his voters are concerned he was totally exonerated...100%...:113::113::113::113::113::113:

You're right, Trump's followers do think he's been totally exonerated. But then again, they will swallow whole any lie that comes from their Orange Messiah.

So you're saying that Trump supporters are smart enough to read the report and draw out the facts?

Too bad you Stalinists aren't. But then you didn't become a Communist because your particularly bright, now did you?
Trumpbots applaud Trump because he is a piece of shit because they are pieces of shit...and he makes them feel better about themselves.

He allows them to think it’s okay to be racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, to fool around on your wife and to openly crave sex with your daughter.

He has made being dusgusting...acceptable to his disgusting, neo-Nazilike, Trumpbot followers.

Ah yes...when all else fails...when your arguments have the same weight as a fart in a strong the other side "racist, xenophobic, misogynistic" and "neo-Nazilike"! That'll win the day for ya! (eye roll)

The left has become pathetically predictable!

My arguments carry plenty of weight as they are usually backed up by links/facts. I don't recall you posting even ONE link to an unbiased source to back up anything I have read you type in our 'dealings'.
Show me a matter-of-fact statement (as opposed to an opinion) that I made that I did not back up with a link (either in that post or earlier in the thread) and I will find a link to back it up or apologize for making a matter-of-fact statement that I could not back up.

And I am NOT calling all Trump voters Trumpbots.

Trumpbots are the die hard ones who don't care/are proud of that he is semi-racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, fooled around on his wife like crazy, openly admitted (and seemed proud) that he sexually assaulted women numerous times and openly seems to sexually desire his eldest daughter.
These are not exaggerations...his statements and behavior back up EVERY, SINGLE ONE.
And his Trumpbots NEVER knock him for ANY of this behavior.

And yes, I would call people that do this and/or approve of these as disgusting, neo-Nazilike people.

And so should you.

Are you calling ME a Trumpbot? Which means you're calling me a neo-Nazi?

If you have no problem with (and thus approve of) Trump being semi-racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, fooled around on his wife like crazy, openly admitted (and seemed proud) that he sexually assaulted women numerous times and openly seems to sexually desire his eldest daughter?

Then you are a Trumpbot in my eyes.

If you wish to discuss this further - I will only do so in PM.

Good day.

Time for lunch and meds, McLovin. Mommy said enough computer time for now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You must have a ouija board, 'Mommy' has been dead since May 10, 1988.

Or you are hearing voices.

Have a nice day.
View attachment 256944
Americans chose Trump over Hillary

NO, moron.....the electoral college "chose" Trump over Hillary.....The fucking number on the POPULAR vote are there even for a dimwit like you to see.......DO NOT say that "Americans chose Trump"......THAT is a fucked up LIE>
Sorry little buddy

Electoral college means NOTHING to me...which is why Trump is not the President, IMO.

Hillary Clinton is (whom I despise as a politician, BTW).

And I would feel the same way had Trump won the popular vote (that he was the POTUS in that case because he won the PV but lost the EC).

The following is the only chart that matters to me in this case:


Nobody gives a shit about what you think of the EC, it's way it's done.
Deal with it. Trumpbots are funny.

It is impossible for you to not care what I think about the EC when you obviously read my post about the EC...and then responded to said post.

Logic is not your strong suit, I see.

Have a nice day.
View attachment 256944
Americans chose Trump over Hillary

NO, moron.....the electoral college "chose" Trump over Hillary.....The fucking number on the POPULAR vote are there even for a dimwit like you to see.......DO NOT say that "Americans chose Trump"......THAT is a fucked up LIE>
Sorry little buddy

Electoral college means NOTHING to me...which is why Trump is not the President, IMO.

Hillary Clinton is (whom I despise as a politician, BTW).

And I would feel the same way had Trump won the popular vote (that he was the POTUS in that case because he won the PV but lost the EC).

The following is the only chart that matters to me in this case:


Nobody gives a shit about what you think of the EC, it's way it's done.
Deal with it. Trumpbots are funny.

It is impossible for you to not care what I think about the EC when you obviously read my post about the EC...and then responded to said post.

Logic is not your strong suit, I see.

Have a nice day.

You hate America and the Constitution.

Typical democrat!


Everyone here already knew you were fucking trash.
Ah yes...when all else fails...when your arguments have the same weight as a fart in a strong the other side "racist, xenophobic, misogynistic" and "neo-Nazilike"! That'll win the day for ya! (eye roll)

The left has become pathetically predictable!

My arguments carry plenty of weight as they are usually backed up by links/facts. I don't recall you posting even ONE link to an unbiased source to back up anything I have read you type in our 'dealings'.
Show me a matter-of-fact statement (as opposed to an opinion) that I made that I did not back up with a link (either in that post or earlier in the thread) and I will find a link to back it up or apologize for making a matter-of-fact statement that I could not back up.

And I am NOT calling all Trump voters Trumpbots.

Trumpbots are the die hard ones who don't care/are proud of that he is semi-racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, fooled around on his wife like crazy, openly admitted (and seemed proud) that he sexually assaulted women numerous times and openly seems to sexually desire his eldest daughter.
These are not exaggerations...his statements and behavior back up EVERY, SINGLE ONE.
And his Trumpbots NEVER knock him for ANY of this behavior.

And yes, I would call people that do this and/or approve of these as disgusting, neo-Nazilike people.

And so should you.

Are you calling ME a Trumpbot? Which means you're calling me a neo-Nazi?

If you have no problem with (and thus approve of) Trump being semi-racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, fooled around on his wife like crazy, openly admitted (and seemed proud) that he sexually assaulted women numerous times and openly seems to sexually desire his eldest daughter?

Then you are a Trumpbot in my eyes.

If you wish to discuss this further - I will only do so in PM.

Good day.

Time for lunch and meds, McLovin. Mommy said enough computer time for now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You must have a ouija board, 'Mommy' has been dead since May 10, 1988.

Or you are hearing voices.

Have a nice day.

That’s almost as scary, as your inappropriate fixation/obsession with Don.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View attachment 256944
NO, moron.....the electoral college "chose" Trump over Hillary.....The fucking number on the POPULAR vote are there even for a dimwit like you to see.......DO NOT say that "Americans chose Trump"......THAT is a fucked up LIE>
Sorry little buddy

Electoral college means NOTHING to me...which is why Trump is not the President, IMO.

Hillary Clinton is (whom I despise as a politician, BTW).

And I would feel the same way had Trump won the popular vote (that he was the POTUS in that case because he won the PV but lost the EC).

The following is the only chart that matters to me in this case:


Nobody gives a shit about what you think of the EC, it's way it's done.
Deal with it. Trumpbots are funny.

It is impossible for you to not care what I think about the EC when you obviously read my post about the EC...and then responded to said post.

Logic is not your strong suit, I see.

Have a nice day.

You hate America and the Constitution.

Typical democrat!


Everyone here already knew you were fucking trash.

Nice foul mouth.
Prerequisite of a don the con cult?
Trump U?
Whoops it was closed down?
View attachment 256944
NO, moron.....the electoral college "chose" Trump over Hillary.....The fucking number on the POPULAR vote are there even for a dimwit like you to see.......DO NOT say that "Americans chose Trump"......THAT is a fucked up LIE>
Sorry little buddy

Electoral college means NOTHING to me...which is why Trump is not the President, IMO.

Hillary Clinton is (whom I despise as a politician, BTW).

And I would feel the same way had Trump won the popular vote (that he was the POTUS in that case because he won the PV but lost the EC).

The following is the only chart that matters to me in this case:


Nobody gives a shit about what you think of the EC, it's way it's done.
Deal with it. Trumpbots are funny.

It is impossible for you to not care what I think about the EC when you obviously read my post about the EC...and then responded to said post.

Logic is not your strong suit, I see.

Have a nice day.

You hate America and the Constitution.

Typical democrat!


Everyone here already knew you were fucking trash.

Absolutely not I love slave owners and rapists and Don the con who brags about his raping.
My best ever Pres.
Think I'll peek into some teens dressing rooms tonight.
Oh but "he's doing what he said??!!"
That's enough for me

Nice foul mouth.
Prerequisite of a don the con cult?
Trump U?
Whoops it was closed down?

You know fuckwad, you don't mind if I call you fuckwad do you ? Anyway, my opinion of you Stalinists is surprisingly low. I mean, I find you to be less welcome than cockroaches in the pantry. It's your hatred of America and of our Constitution that I find distasteful from you vermin. I mean, the way you attack civil rights and your propensity to violence really rubs me the wrong way. Your attempts to establish totalitarian dictatorship just isn't my cup of tea. Rats with fleas carried bubonic plague and killed half of the human population in the dark ages. I see you democrats are roughly the same level of danger to humanity as those rats were, but you're less cute.
View attachment 256944
Americans chose Trump over Hillary

NO, moron.....the electoral college "chose" Trump over Hillary.....The fucking number on the POPULAR vote are there even for a dimwit like you to see.......DO NOT say that "Americans chose Trump"......THAT is a fucked up LIE>
Sorry little buddy

Electoral college means NOTHING to me...which is why Trump is not the President, IMO.

Hillary Clinton is (whom I despise as a politician, BTW).

And I would feel the reverse if Trump had won the popular vote but lost the EC.

The following is the only chart that matters to me in this case:


That's seriously one of the most pathetic posts of yours yet.

The Electoral College means nothing to you? It determines who becomes President, you blathering idiot! It's the reason why Hillary got her ass handed to her!

I follow no laws that I do not agree with (unless to not do so is not worth it). And I do not agree with the Electoral College.

Sheep do whatever they are told.

Men/women of honor do what they think is right regardless of the 'law'/rules.

There are LOTS of bad laws...and the EC is one of them, IMO.

Trump is POTUS in name only to me. If he tried to boss me around...after I stopped laughing at him, I would probably spit in his face.

How's that working out for ya? You know the whole not following any laws you don't agree with thing? You can piss and moan about how 'unfair' the Electoral College is but it's worked remarkably well for a long, long time! I'm amused by how you on the left want to jettison something that HAS worked all these years simply because Trump played the game better than Hillary and won the election!
Fourth, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President
clearly did not commit obstruction of justice , we would so state. Based on the facts and the
applicable legal standards , however , we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we
obtained about the President ' s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from
conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does
not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.


Mueller never intended for Barr to come out and say NO OBSTRUCTION! The DOJ cannot indict a president and they should not be able to decide whether one should be indicted. Allow Congress to decide that...

Oh my god, you are so fucking mad.


cry, bitch.


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