No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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Why yes, yes he was.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

Apparently, after three years and counting, they still haven't...don't I remember something about 90 days?
It's one of the best things that Trump ever proposed, and with the help of the Supreme Court, he won the fight.(and it can still be expanded and strengthened)
Oh and here's yet another gem. Quoted straight from the OP:

Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not.

Get that? Here's one guy, speaking for all Republicans. Wonder if he was "elected".
Why yes, yes he was.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

Apparently, after three years and counting, they still haven't...don't I remember something about 90 days?
Why do you want more muslims here?
This amazing thing, you treat people like they are sub human trash & then are surprised that they may prefer a different form of government.
Article 6 of the US Constitution forbid any religious test. So there is the whole unconstitutional thing. But once you can ignore the US Constitution, your witch hunt should be fine.
Sounds like YOU are ignoring the Constitution.

1. Islam is not a religion (see Post # 75) thus the "religious test" has no relevance.

2. Article 6, Section 2, part 1 of the Constitution bans supremacisms (Islam is the largest one in the world). It doesn't mention any exception for Islam. Thus, Islam is 100% in violation of the Constitution.

3. No one is witch hunting Islam. It is simply being defined as unconstitutional, by the Constitution and US laws.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. " (Article 6 Section 2)

Islam is indeed a religion.

If the person elected accepts that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, they serve. Very few Christians will say that the US Constitution stands above the Holy Bible. But they serve.

Besides, in order for the person to be there, they had to have won the majority of votes (or electoral votes). For you to try and say the person can't serve is ridiculous.
--------------------------- islamic religion practices and encourages the religious practice of 'taqiyah' or LYING as a way of furthering the Goal of expanding 'islam' over ALL the world making ALL the world an 'islamic caliphate' Winterborn .
This amazing thing, you treat people like they are sub human trash & then are surprised that they may prefer a different form of government.
What an ignorant statement. Islam is a backwards murderous misogynistic tribal cult. Why would a so called "progressive" political party support it?
Did we elect Germans and Japanese to congress and the senate during WW11? we didn't and we won WW11....we are in a war with America hating Jihadists.....we had better wake up or we will lose this one....

There hasn't yet been a "World War Eleven" actually. Are you from the future?

Meanwhile guess what kind of name "Eisenhower" is. I'll float you a hint -- it's not Sanskrit.
Once again you refuse to address the point...I guess its because you know I'm right.....

What, because I cited Eisenhower instead of, say, Karl Mundt?

Your more obscure point about bigotry however is well taken --- there was indeed a time when asswipes like the OP tried to get German language courses banned, changed the name of "German Shepherd" to "police dog", and grabbed Dachshunds out of their owners' arms and stoned them to death in the street. Rump's own father, who you'll remember was born in "a very wonderful place in Germany", used to pass as "Swedish". I actually noted this in my first post here, the one about prior discrimination by hate groups: Jews, Blacks, Catholics, Germans, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Eastern Europeans, Native Americans, everybody from the Papists to the Rapists, and where it all leads.

This is just one more on the same path, so yeah good point. Wish I'd thought of it myself. Oh wait ---- I did.
Article 6 of the US Constitution forbid any religious test. So there is the whole unconstitutional thing. But once you can ignore the US Constitution, your witch hunt should be fine.
Sounds like YOU are ignoring the Constitution.

1. Islam is not a religion (see Post # 75) thus the "religious test" has no relevance.

2. Article 6, Section 2, part 1 of the Constitution bans supremacisms (Islam is the largest one in the world). It doesn't mention any exception for Islam. Thus, Islam is 100% in violation of the Constitution.

3. No one is witch hunting Islam. It is simply being defined as unconstitutional, by the Constitution and US laws.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. " (Article 6 Section 2)

Islam is indeed a religion.

If the person elected accepts that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, they serve. Very few Christians will say that the US Constitution stands above the Holy Bible. But they serve.

Besides, in order for the person to be there, they had to have won the majority of votes (or electoral votes). For you to try and say the person can't serve is ridiculous.
--------------------------- islamic religion practices and encourages the religious practice of 'taqiyah' or LYING as a way of furthering the Goal of expanding 'islam' over ALL the world making ALL the world an 'islamic caliphate' Winterborn .

It's always amusing that wankers whose sole interaction with Moooooooooslims has been a Google Search, want to not only attribute "lying" to them but lay it on like a blanket as well, because "they all look alike to me". Ironic rhetoric is ironical.
This amazing thing, you treat people like they are sub human trash & then are surprised that they may prefer a different form of government.
------------------------------------------ Different Form of Government eh ?? i'm kinda looking forward to the day that your claimed sub human trash including every hip hopper , doper , millenial and their kids , feminazi , progressive , lefty get what they hope for SPlay .
Article 6 of the US Constitution forbid any religious test. So there is the whole unconstitutional thing. But once you can ignore the US Constitution, your witch hunt should be fine.
Sounds like YOU are ignoring the Constitution.

1. Islam is not a religion (see Post # 75) thus the "religious test" has no relevance.

2. Article 6, Section 2, part 1 of the Constitution bans supremacisms (Islam is the largest one in the world). It doesn't mention any exception for Islam. Thus, Islam is 100% in violation of the Constitution.

3. No one is witch hunting Islam. It is simply being defined as unconstitutional, by the Constitution and US laws.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. " (Article 6 Section 2)

Islam is indeed a religion.

If the person elected accepts that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, they serve. Very few Christians will say that the US Constitution stands above the Holy Bible. But they serve.

Besides, in order for the person to be there, they had to have won the majority of votes (or electoral votes). For you to try and say the person can't serve is ridiculous.
--------------------------- islamic religion practices and encourages the religious practice of 'taqiyah' or LYING as a way of furthering the Goal of expanding 'islam' over ALL the world making ALL the world an 'islamic caliphate' Winterborn .

It's always amusing that wankers whose sole interaction with Moooooooooslims has been a Google Search, want to not only attribute "lying" to them but lay it on like a blanket as well, because "they all look alike to me". Ironic rhetoric is ironical.
What is it about Islam that you admire?
It's always amusing that wankers whose sole interaction with Moooooooooslims has been a Google Search, want to not only attribute "lying" to them but lay it on like a blanket as well, because "they all look alike to me". Ironic rhetoric is ironical.
Lying, forbidden in Christianity and Judaism, is fully accepted in Islam (Taqiyya), and advocated for anything that furthers the cause of jihad.

What Muslims look like is irrelevant, and nobody talks about that, except know-nothing, silly liberals.

All Americans and people of the world, have plenty of interaction with Muslims. This is being killed, the constant threat of being killed, and the thousands of instances of Islamization, that go unreported by the liberal media, causing liberals to be oblivious to it.
What, because I cited Eisenhower instead of, say, Karl Mundt?

Your more obscure point about bigotry however is well taken --- there was indeed a time when asswipes like the OP tried to get German language courses banned, changed the name of "German Shepherd" to "police dog", and grabbed Dachshunds out of their owners' arms and stoned them to death in the street. Rump's own father, who you'll remember was born in "a very wonderful place in Germany", used to pass as "Swedish". I actually noted this in my first post here, the one about prior discrimination by hate groups: Jews, Blacks, Catholics, Germans, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Eastern Europeans, Native Americans, everybody from the Papists to the Rapists, and where it all leads.

This is just one more on the same path, so yeah good point. Wish I'd thought of it myself. Oh wait ---- I did.
The only thing you did was to show what a hypocritical bigot you are, by condemning bigotry, while simultaneously supporting Islam -the biggest and worst bigotry of all time. You are sick.
Religion in general is the disease. The U.S. Constitution is a godless document. Shepherd to police dog, we suggest that the prisoners don't get amnesia about the Establishment Clause. Pence's Catholic mafia is behind the prisoners seeing more hijabs in public spaces in the U.S. Evidence bolstering that claim is exemplified in this fact: their establishment of the journal, Islamochristiana, in 1975.
Divided loyalty is no loyalty
If you cannot act on what is best for America(ns) due to Islam constraints then you should not be a public official.
Article 6 of the US Constitution forbid any religious test. So there is the whole unconstitutional thing. But once you can ignore the US Constitution, your witch hunt should be fine.
Sounds like YOU are ignoring the Constitution.

1. Islam is not a religion (see Post # 75) thus the "religious test" has no relevance.

2. Article 6, Section 2, part 1 of the Constitution bans supremacisms (Islam is the largest one in the world). It doesn't mention any exception for Islam. Thus, Islam is 100% in violation of the Constitution.

3. No one is witch hunting Islam. It is simply being defined as unconstitutional, by the Constitution and US laws.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. " (Article 6 Section 2)

Islam is indeed a religion.

If the person elected accepts that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, they serve. Very few Christians will say that the US Constitution stands above the Holy Bible. But they serve.

Besides, in order for the person to be there, they had to have won the majority of votes (or electoral votes). For you to try and say the person can't serve is ridiculous.
--------------------------- islamic religion practices and encourages the religious practice of 'taqiyah' or LYING as a way of furthering the Goal of expanding 'islam' over ALL the world making ALL the world an 'islamic caliphate' Winterborn .

It's always amusing that wankers whose sole interaction with Moooooooooslims has been a Google Search, want to not only attribute "lying" to them but lay it on like a blanket as well, because "they all look alike to me". Ironic rhetoric is ironical.
What is it about Islam that you admire?
That is raises the hackles of white conservative Christians.
i used to believe Islam is the religion of violence. i've now seen the light!
Plenty of things to see >>

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just because some people did something doesn't mean we should blame an entire religion of 2 billion folks
What, because I cited Eisenhower instead of, say, Karl Mundt?

Your more obscure point about bigotry however is well taken --- there was indeed a time when asswipes like the OP tried to get German language courses banned, changed the name of "German Shepherd" to "police dog", and grabbed Dachshunds out of their owners' arms and stoned them to death in the street. Rump's own father, who you'll remember was born in "a very wonderful place in Germany", used to pass as "Swedish". I actually noted this in my first post here, the one about prior discrimination by hate groups: Jews, Blacks, Catholics, Germans, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Eastern Europeans, Native Americans, everybody from the Papists to the Rapists, and where it all leads.

This is just one more on the same path, so yeah good point. Wish I'd thought of it myself. Oh wait ---- I did.
The only thing you did was to show what a hypocritical bigot you are, by condemning bigotry, while simultaneously supporting Islam -the biggest and worst bigotry of all time. You are sick.

"Discrimination against bigots!!" What's the world coming to.

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