No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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i used to believe Islam is the religion of violence. i've now seen the light!
Plenty of things to see >>

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just because some people did something doesn't mean we should blame an entire religion of 2 billion folks
That’s a feelings thing. The facts provide otherwise

Actually that's a Logic thing. It's called "Composition Fallacy". And it runs around here like an epidemic of Ebola.
Religion in general is the disease. The U.S. Constitution is a godless document. Shepherd to police dog, we suggest that the prisoners don't get amnesia about the Establishment Clause. Pence's Catholic mafia is behind the prisoners seeing more hijabs in public spaces in the U.S. Evidence bolstering that claim is exemplified in this fact: their establishment of the journal, Islamochristiana, in 1975.
Nonsense. Christianity has done more to help people in need than anything in world history,

Islam has done more to kill people and cause human misery.
[QUOTE="basquebromance, post: 22690870, member: 5622]

just because some people did something doesn't mean we should blame an entire religion of 2 billion folks[/QUOTE]
Sir, you are out of your league in this thread. I suggest you find another one to post in.

Islam is not a religion. It has killed 270 million people around the world for 1400. and it's DOCTRINE commands this to happen. Got it ?
i used to believe Islam is the religion of violence. i've now seen the light!
Plenty of things to see >>

View attachment 268582

View attachment 268583






just because some people did something doesn't mean we should blame an entire religion of 2 billion folks
That’s a feelings thing. The facts provide otherwise

Actually that's a Logic thing. It's called "Composition Fallacy". And it runs around here like an epidemic of Ebola.
No logic would determine that if almost all actions are coming from one source then you don’t look another way nor away.
i used to believe Islam is the religion of violence. i've now seen the light!
Plenty of things to see >>

View attachment 268582

View attachment 268583






just because some people did something doesn't mean we should blame an entire religion of 2 billion folks
That’s a feelings thing. The facts provide otherwise

Actually that's a Logic thing. It's called "Composition Fallacy". And it runs around here like an epidemic of Ebola.
No logic would determine that if almost all actions are coming from one source then you don’t look another way nor away.

Here's a klown who gets a specific name for his fallacy... KNOWS it's a fallacy.... and then runs it out there again anyway.

You can't fix Stoopid.

At least you're not alone. See the OP where he speaks for all "Republicans".
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Divided loyalty is no loyalty
If you cannot act on what is best for America(ns) due to Islam constraints then you should not be a public official.
-------------------------------------------- problem is that 'muslims' cannot be trusted once they are elected by their 'islamic imports' due to their religious use and acceptance of 'taqiyah' or lying for the furthering of the goal of a world wide Supremacy of 'islam' . See the imported muslim supporters of 'ilham omar ' and 'rashida talib' both living in Minnesota with lots of 'somali muslim' imported supporters . I think that both that i mentioned are living in Minnesota .
Obvious rarely sinks in to the Oblivious.
Obviously oblivious. Like you, except you laughably think you're cool.

And if you think you're not oblivious in this subject, go ahead and take my Islamization Quiz, so you can find out how much you don't know ( a whole lot)
just because some people did something doesn't mean we should blame an entire religion of 2 billion folks
That’s a feelings thing. The facts provide otherwise

Actually that's a Logic thing. It's called "Composition Fallacy". And it runs around here like an epidemic of Ebola.
No logic would determine that if almost all actions are coming from one source then you don’t look another way nor away.

Here's a klown who gets a specific name for his fallacy... KNOWS it's a fallacy.... and then runs it out there again anyway.

You can't fix Stoopid.
You gave it and in quotes name that you made up which establishes utterly nothing.
Electing a Muslim to government office, is worse than emptying all the murderers out of prison, and hiring them to be police officers.
just because some people did something doesn't mean we should blame an entire religion of 2 billion folks
That’s a feelings thing. The facts provide otherwise

Actually that's a Logic thing. It's called "Composition Fallacy". And it runs around here like an epidemic of Ebola.
No logic would determine that if almost all actions are coming from one source then you don’t look another way nor away.

Here's a klown who gets a specific name for his fallacy... KNOWS it's a fallacy.... and then runs it out there again anyway.

You can't fix Stoopid.
You gave it and in quotes name that you made up which establishes utterly nothing.

I only WISH I could take credit for it but even I'm not old enough to do that.

Fallacy of Composition


"Hitler was a Catholic. Hitler killed Jews. Therefore ALL Catholics kill Jews".

"Hitler loved dogs. Hitler killed Jews. Therefore ALL dog lovers kill Jews".

"9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia. Many people in Saudi Araba are Mooooooslim. Therefore ALL Moooooooslims fly planes into buildings".

"Republicans don't think Moooooooooooooooooooslims should be allowed to hold public office".
Sounds like YOU are ignoring the Constitution.

1. Islam is not a religion (see Post # 75) thus the "religious test" has no relevance.

2. Article 6, Section 2, part 1 of the Constitution bans supremacisms (Islam is the largest one in the world). It doesn't mention any exception for Islam. Thus, Islam is 100% in violation of the Constitution.

3. No one is witch hunting Islam. It is simply being defined as unconstitutional, by the Constitution and US laws.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. " (Article 6 Section 2)

Islam is indeed a religion.

If the person elected accepts that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, they serve. Very few Christians will say that the US Constitution stands above the Holy Bible. But they serve.

Besides, in order for the person to be there, they had to have won the majority of votes (or electoral votes). For you to try and say the person can't serve is ridiculous.
--------------------------- islamic religion practices and encourages the religious practice of 'taqiyah' or LYING as a way of furthering the Goal of expanding 'islam' over ALL the world making ALL the world an 'islamic caliphate' Winterborn .

It's always amusing that wankers whose sole interaction with Moooooooooslims has been a Google Search, want to not only attribute "lying" to them but lay it on like a blanket as well, because "they all look alike to me". Ironic rhetoric is ironical.
What is it about Islam that you admire?
That is raises the hackles of white conservative Christians.
Racist bigot.
Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war

we need to be tough but kind with Mulsims!
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
It would be my desire to boot out all members of political parties.
all America's allies want the US to take on China because they know we're the only ones that can.

that's the real threat, not Mumslims
----------------------------- thats YOUR opinion that you post in the post 217 that i just quoted . I say , let the 'chinese' have the 'euro wankers' minus 'canada' because ' canada' is so close to the USA but what good do the 'aussies' and 'new zealanders' and others like them do for the USA eh BBro . [Allies even need to be sent to a Collection agency to be made to pay their Protection money ] BBro .
Islam is indeed a religion.

If the person elected accepts that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, they serve. Very few Christians will say that the US Constitution stands above the Holy Bible. But they serve.

Besides, in order for the person to be there, they had to have won the majority of votes (or electoral votes). For you to try and say the person can't serve is ridiculous.
--------------------------- islamic religion practices and encourages the religious practice of 'taqiyah' or LYING as a way of furthering the Goal of expanding 'islam' over ALL the world making ALL the world an 'islamic caliphate' Winterborn .

It's always amusing that wankers whose sole interaction with Moooooooooslims has been a Google Search, want to not only attribute "lying" to them but lay it on like a blanket as well, because "they all look alike to me". Ironic rhetoric is ironical.
What is it about Islam that you admire?
That is raises the hackles of white conservative Christians.
Racist bigot.
Teller of fact and truth.
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